Ivan Yurievich Tatishchev

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Ivan Jurjewitsch Tatishchev ( Russian Иван Юрьевич Татищев ; * 1652 in Moscow , † 1730 in Novgorod ) was a Russian shipbuilding entrepreneur .


Tatishchev came from an old noble family . His father Yuri Stepanowitsch Tatishchev was accepted into the Moscow nobility in 1736 , served 1646–1647 in Livny and Belgorod in the regiment of Prince Nikita Ivanovich Odojewski , took part in the Lithuanian campaigns from 1654–1656 , served 1659–1660 in the regiment of Prince Alexei Nikititsch Trubezkoi and died in 1665.

Ivan Tatishchev entered military service at the age of 16. In 1673 he married Ustinja Ivanovna Nogina. During the Russo-Turkish War (1676–1681) he took part in the Chigirin campaign as a Moscow nobleman from 1678–1679 . During the Russo-Turkish War (1686-1700) he took part in 1687 in the first Crimean campaign.

In 1689 Tatishchev became a voivode in Kashin and then served in Rylsk as a lawyer in the regiment of the boyar Alexei Semjonowitsch Schein . In 1690 Tatishchev was appointed Seneschal . In 1692 he married Princess Evdokija Ivanovna Putyatina nee Anitschkowa for the second time. In February and March 1696 he watched over the coffin of Ivan V.

In the spring of 1698 Tatishchev was sent to the Novgorod voivode Pyotr Matwejewitsch Apraxin on the Swedish border. In Narva , Reval and Nyenschantz he recruited foreign shipwright for the shipyard in Azov on. In 1700 he took part in the Narva campaign , in the course of which Peter I stayed at Tatishchev's country seat Peleshok in Ujesd Gdow .

In 1701 Tatishchev received with Ukas Peter I. the order to build 600 barges for the transport of the troops with material and provisions on the rivers Volkhov and Luga to Narva. He organized the supply of timber and the construction of the barges and directed their use during the Narva campaign. At the shipyard on the Luga above Jamburg , barques, galleys , half- galleys , brigantines and other ships were built for the oar escadra of the Baltic fleet in the Northern War . In January 1702 Peter I commissioned Tatishchev to build a new shipyard on the Sjas or on the Pasha , and assigned 12 Novgorod nobles to him. To defend against enemy forces on Lake Ladoga , 6 warships with 18 cannons each were to be built. With this, Tatishchev founded the first two shipyards for the construction of warships for the Baltic fleet after careful examination of the geographic and water conditions in Olonez and Sjasstroi . Laid in May 1702 in the shipyard Sjasstroier the Dutch ship's carpenter Wouter Wouterson of Kol two Zweimast- frigates keel that had little seaworthy due to the poor quality of wood and 1705 as Brander perished. In December 1702 two more frigates were laid down, which took part in the Northern War. Tatishchev participated in the construction of the first ships, learned quickly from the foreign shipbuilders and then built various ships himself, first a two-masted pilot - Galiot , then two scampavejas ( Italian: scampa via) and other small ships and sloops .

In 1703 Tatishchev was appointed voivode and administrator of the government chamber in Novgorod and remained so until 1706. He continued the business of the Sasstroier shipyard and continued to lead shipbuilding at the shipyards at Luga and Volkhov. When the Admiralty was established in St. Petersburg , he was in charge of the supply of oak and other wood. 1706–1708 he examined the banks of the Neva and described the neighboring forests. As a sloop builder, he was part of the staff of the Admiralty. In 1708 he was involved in repelling the attack by the Swedes on St. Petersburg. In 1712 he supervised the construction of 50 scampavejas on Luga and Volkhov.

In 1721 Tatishchev was dismissed from service for health reasons. He lived in Novgorod and was buried in the city cemetery. From his second marriage he left behind the children Vasily Ivanovich (* 1698), Irina Ivanovna, who married Semjon Chwostow, and Agafja Ivanovna. Tatishchev's niece Feodosja Fyodorovna (1695-1740) married the diplomat Ivan Ivanovich Nepljujew .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Быховский И. А: Петровские корабелы . Судостроение, Leningrad 1982, p. 10, 27, 52-55 ( [1] accessed November 9, 2017).
  2. a b c d e f g h Татищев Иван Юрьевич . tape 20 , 1912, pp. 350–351, 363 ( [2] accessed November 9, 2017).
  3. Гдовские усадьбы и их обитатели (accessed November 9, 2017).
  4. Веселаго Ф. Ф .: Материалы для истории русского флота, Т. I . Типография Морского Министерства, St. Petersburg 1865, p. 3, 5–12, 24, 326, 377 ( [3] accessed November 9, 2017).
  5. Shirokorad AB : 200 лет парусного флота России. 1696-1891 . Вече, Moscow 2007, p. 64, 65, 67 ( [4] accessed on November 10, 2017 [PDF]).
  6. Rodovid: Иван Юрьевич Татищев р. 1652 ум. 1730 (accessed November 9, 2017).