Jean Paul de Bruijn

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Jean Paul de Bruijn at the 2013 European Championships in Brandenburg / Havel

Jean Paul de Bruijn (born March 14, 1965 in Hulst ) is a Dutch carom player .


De Bruijn competes in both three-band and single- band tournaments.

His greatest successes to date are the 2007 world championship title and the 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 and 2007 European championship title . In the three cushion category, he was runner- up in 2005 .

He is also a multiple Dutch champion (8 times in the cover, 2 times in Cadre 47/2 and once in the all-around).

UMB lock 2019

In spring 2019 he signed a contract with the newly formed Professional Billiards Association (of Korea) PBA. Since the PBA is not a member of the Union Mondiale de Billard (UMB), players who take part in PBA tournaments are banned from participating in the tournament for one year, but no longer than three years. This ended his UMB season at the end of the 2018/19 season.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Markus Schönhoff: UMB officially publishes the locks. Kozoom , June 10, 2019, accessed September 1, 2019 .
  2. Markus Schönhoff: UMB is serious - locks are through! Kozoom, July 15, 2019, accessed September 1, 2019 .