Jonathan Hunt (politician, 1787)

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Jonathan Hunt (born August 12, 1787 in Vernon , Republic of Vermont , †  May 15, 1832 in Washington, DC ) was an American politician . Between 1827 and 1832 he represented the first constituency of the state of Vermont in the US House of Representatives . He belongs to the Vermont family Hunt .


Jonathan Hunt was born the son of the pioneer and land speculator Jonathan Hunt Sr. (1738-1808). The father was Lieutenant Governor of Vermont from 1794 to 1796 . The younger Hunt attended Dartmouth College in Hanover ( New Hampshire ) until 1807 . After a subsequent law degree and his admission as a lawyer, he began to work in Brattleboro in his new profession from 1812 . In 1821 he became the first President of Old Brattleboro Bank .

Hunt was elected to the Vermont House of Representatives in 1811, 1816, 1817, and 1824 . Politically, he was a supporter of President John Quincy Adams and an opponent of Andrew Jackson and his Democratic Party . Therefore, he joined the National Republican Party , a forerunner of the Whig Party . In 1826 he was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington in the first district of Vermont, where he succeeded William Czar Bradley on March 4, 1827 . After two re-elections, he could remain in Congress until his death on May 15, 1832 . Hunt was a lifelong friend of the future Secretary of State Daniel Webster .

Jonathan Hunt was married to Jane Maria Leavitt. The couple had three children, all of whom worked in the arts. The eldest son William (1824–1879) became a well-known painter, his brother Richard (1827–1895) was a successful architect and a third brother Leavitt (1831–1907) was a well-known photographer.

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