Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award / Best Director

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The Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award for Best Director is an annual award from the Kansas City Film Critics Circle . Steven Spielberg is the record holder in this category with six prizes. Peter Jackson won this award for all three films in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Award winners


year winner Movie
1966 Federico Fellini Julia and the ghosts
1967 Michelangelo Antonioni Blowup
1968 Stanley Kubrick 2001: A Space Odyssey
1969 John Schlesinger Midnight cowboy


year winner Movie
1970 Robert Altman MASH
1971 Sam Peckinpah Who sows violence
1972 Francis Ford Coppola The godfather I.
1973 Ingmar Bergman Screams and whispers
1974 Francis Ford Coppola The dialogue
The Godfather II
1975 Robert Altman Nashville
1976 Miloš Forman One flew over the cuckoo's nest
1977 Woody Allen The city neurotic
1978 Woody Allen Inner workings
1979 Robert Benton Kramer versus Kramer


year winner Movie
1980 Robert Redford A perfectly normal family
1981 Sidney Lumet Prince of the City
1982 Steven Spielberg ET - The Alien
1983 Philip Kaufman The stuff the heroes are made of
1984 David Lean Trip to India
1985 Steven Spielberg The colour purple
1986 Oliver Stone Platoon
1987 Steven Spielberg The realm of the sun
1988 Barry Levinson Rain Man
1989 Edward Zwick Glory


year winner Movie
1990 Martin Scorsese Goodfellas
1991 Jonathan Demme The silence of the Lambs
1992 Clint Eastwood Merciless
1993 Steven Spielberg Schindlers List
1994 Quentin Tarantino pulp Fiction
1995 Ron Howard Apollo 13
1996 Joel Coen Fargo
1997 James Cameron Titanic
1998 Steven Spielberg The soldier James Ryan
1999 Sam Mendes American Beauty


year winner Movie
2000 Steven Soderbergh Traffic - power of the cartel
2001 Peter Jackson The Lord of the Rings: The Companions
2002 Peter Jackson The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
2003 Peter Jackson The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2004 Martin Scorsese Aviator
2005 Steven Spielberg Munich
2006 Paul Greengrass United 93
2007 Paul Thomas Anderson There Will Be Blood
Julian Schnabel Butterfly and diving bell
2008 Darren Aronofsky The wrestler
2009 Kathryn Bigelow Deadly Command - The Hurt Locker


year winner Movie
2010 Christopher Nolan Inception
2011 Terrence Malick The Tree of Life
2012 Ang Lee Life of Pi: Shipwreck with Tiger
2013 Steve McQueen 12 years a slave
2013 Alfonso Cuarón Gravity
2014 Richard Linklater Boyhood
2015 George Miller Mad Max: Fury Road
