Katrin Thoma

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Katrin Thoma (born August 7, 1990 ) is a German lightweight rower.

Katrin Thoma from the Frankfurt rowing society Germania 1869 won the bronze medal with the lightweight quadruple at the U23 World Championships in 2011 . In 2012 she entered the U23 world championships in the lightweight single , but only reached eleventh place. At the 2013 Summer Universiade, Thoma and Nora Wessel from Hanover won the silver medal in the lightweight double scull .

At the 2014 World Championships in the adult class, Katrin Thoma rowed together with Judith Anlauf , Wiebke Hein and Leonie Pieper to third place in the lightweight quadruple sculls. In 2015, the experienced Anja Noske and Lena Müller started together with Katrin Thoma and Leonie Pieper in the lightweight quadruple scull, the boat won the title at the world championships on Lac d'Aiguebelette. At the 2016 World Championships , Judith Anlauf returned to Pieper and Thoma in the foursome, which with Lena Reuss completed the silver medal behind the British selection.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Katrin Thoma wins silver at Universiade (accessed September 4, 2015)