Arkansas One Nuclear Power Plant

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Arkansas One Nuclear Power Plant
Arkansas One nuclear power plant from the air
Arkansas One nuclear power plant from the air
Arkansas One Nuclear Power Plant (Arkansas)
Arkansas One Nuclear Power Plant
Coordinates 35 ° 18 '34 "  N , 93 ° 13' 55"  W Coordinates: 35 ° 18 '34 "  N , 93 ° 13' 55"  W.
Country: United States
Owner: Entergy Corporation
Operator: Entergy Nuclear
Project start: 1967
Commercial operation: 19th December 1974

Active reactors (gross):

2 (1,920 MW)
Energy fed in since commissioning: 328,328 GWh
Was standing: March 17, 2008
The data source of the respective entries can be found in the documentation .

The Arkansas One nuclear power plant ( English Arkansas Nuclear One , ANO for short ) with two pressurized water reactors is located in Russellville in the US state of Arkansas . Block 1 was built by Babcock and Wilcox and Block 2 was built by Combustion Engineering .


The two reactors were built from 1968. Unit 1 went online on August 17, 1974 and Unit 2 on December 26, 1978.

Block 1

The reactor in Unit 1 is from Babcock & Wilcox . Lake Dardanelle is used for cooling.

The operating license granted for Unit 1 originally ran until May 19, 2014. An application made in 2000 to extend the operating license by 20 years was approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on June 20, 2001, so the license will run until May 19, 2014 . May 2034.

Block 2

The reactor in Unit 2 comes from Combustion Engineering . Block 2 has a cooling tower.

The operating license granted for Unit 2 originally ran until August 17, 2018. An application made in 2003 to extend the operating license by 20 years was approved by the NRC on June 30, 2005, so the license will run until August 17, 2038.


On March 31, 2013, there was a fatal accident due to the failure of a crane during the overhaul. As a result, the load on the crane, the generator of Unit 1, fell. One person was killed in the accident and eight others were injured. Both blocks went offline. According to the operator and the authorities, there was no danger to the public.

Block 2 went back online on April 29th.

On August 8th, Block 1 was fully online again.

On the morning of December 9, 2013, an explosion and extinguishing work were reported on the site of the nuclear power plant. A transformer in Block 2 caught fire. The relevant block was then switched off. The operating company classified the incident as an unusual event , which is equivalent to an incident below the INES scale.

In December 2016 it became known that Arkansas One was also affected by the Creusot Forge scandal over falsified certificates. Parts of the lid of the reactor pressure vessel come from the incriminated Areva subsidiary.

Data of the reactor blocks

The Arkansas One nuclear power plant has a total of two blocks :

Reactor block Reactor type net
start of building Network
of essential operation
switching off
Arkansas One-1 Pressurized water reactor 836 MW 880 MW December 06, 1968 08/17/1974 December 19, 1974 May 19, 2034 End of license
Arkansas One-2 Pressurized water reactor 998 MW 1040 MW December 06, 1968 December 26, 1978 03/26/1980 07/17/2038 End of license


  1. ^ Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 - License Renewal Application ( English ) Nuclear Regulatory Commission. February 13, 2007. Retrieved September 1, 2008.
  2. ^ Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 - License Renewal Application ( English ) Nuclear Regulatory Commission. February 13, 2007. Retrieved September 1, 2008.
  3. a b
  7. ( Memento of the original from June 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed December 12, 2013 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Report on , accessed on December 12, 2013
  10. Power Reactor Information System of the IAEA : "United States of America: Nuclear Power Reactors - Alphabetic" (English)

See also

Web links