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Licince (Slovakia)
Basic data
State : Slovakia
Kraj : Banskobystrický kraj
Okres : Revúca
Region : Gemer
Area : 18.277 km²
Residents : 799 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 44 inhabitants per km²
Height : 211  m nm
Postal code : 049 14
Telephone code : 0 58
Geographic location : 48 ° 32 '  N , 20 ° 18'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 32 '17 "  N , 20 ° 17' 54"  E
License plate : RA
Kód obce : 525901
Community type : local community
Administration (as of November 2018)
Mayor : Ladislav Miklóš
Address: Obecný úrad Licince
č. 40
049 14 Licince
Statistics information on

Licince (until 1927 Slovak "Licynec"; Hungarian Lice ) is a municipality in the middle of Slovakia with 799 inhabitants (December 31, 2019), which for Okres Revúca of, a circle kraj Banskobystrický heard, and in the traditional landscape Gemer lies .


The site of Licince

The village is located in the southwestern part of the Slovak Karst in the Muráň river valley . The center of the village is at an altitude of 211  m nm and is 11 kilometers from Jelšava and 23 kilometers from Revúca .

Neighboring municipalities are Šivetice and Hucín in the north, Gemerská Hôrka in the east, Meliata in the southeast, Gemerská Ves in the south, Leváre in the southwest and Držkovce in the west.



Licince was first mentioned in writing as Lincha in 1243 , when the village, which had previously belonged to the territory of Castle Gemer , was donated to the Bebek family in an administrative act. The Bebeks owned 39 portals in the village at one time . Because of wars and Ottoman attacks in the 16th and 17th centuries, the population fled, only during the reign of Franz Wesselényi did things turn. In 1828 there were 120 houses and 833 inhabitants who were employed as farmers, but also as miners, carters, charcoal burners and potters.

Until 1918, the place in Gemer and Kleinhont County belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary and then came to Czechoslovakia, or now Slovakia. 1938-45 he was again in Hungary because of the First Vienna Arbitration .


According to the 2011 census, Licince had 705 inhabitants, including 431 Slovaks , 214 Magyars , 49 Roma and one Czech . 10 residents gave no information on ethnicity .

613 residents committed to the Roman Catholic Church, 11 residents to the Evangelical Church AB, 10 residents to the Reformed Church, four residents to the Jehovah's Witnesses, two residents each to the Evangelical Methodist Church and the Orthodox Church and one resident to the Baptists. 43 residents had no denomination and 19 residents had no denomination.


Country castle
  • Roman Catholic Church of St. Nicholas in Classicist style from 1830
  • two one-story country castles in the classical style from the end of the 18th century

Individual evidence

  1. Results of the 2011 census (Slovak) ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Licince  - collection of images, videos and audio files