List of important people in IT

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The computer science is a young, but very broad science whose development has been driven by unmanageable many people. The following list contains people who have been named in various sources as important for computer science.

Since computer science had the character of an auxiliary science in its beginnings, there are overlaps with comparable lists. Particularly noteworthy is the mathematics .

Surname year power
Franz Alt 1947 Co-founder of the Association for Computing Machinery ; Author of one of the first books on digital computers (1958)
Marc Andreessen 1992 Publication of the first multimedia WWW browser, Mosaic , which made the Internet accessible to normal users
John Atanasoff 1939 Atanasoff-Berry computer
Charles Babbage 1832/1837 Analytical Engine and Difference Engine
John W. Backus 1957 Development of Fortran , Backus-Naur form
Rudolf Bayer 1970 Development of the data structure B-tree , the basis of many databases and modern file systems
Andreas von Bechtolsheim 1982 Sun-1 , co-founder of Sun Microsystems
Alexander Graham Bell from approx. 1873 Pioneer of electrical information transmission
Tim Berners-Lee 1989 Thought leaders of the World Wide Web and the Semantic Web
Clifford Berry 1939 Atanasoff-Berry computer
Barry W. Boehm 1981 Cost analysis of large software projects ( e.g. invention of the COCOMO software cost calculation )
George Boole 1847 first mathematical logic
Karlheinz Brandenburg 1992 MP3 file format
Vannevar Bush 1945 Memex
Peter Chen 1976 Founder of Entity Relationship Modeling
Noam Chomsky 1956 Founder of the Chomsky hierarchy
Edgar F. Codd 1970 Preparatory work for relational databases
Stephen A. Cook 1971 P-NP problem
Fernando José Corbató 1962 Development of the first time-sharing system ( CTSS )
Seymour Cray 1964 Supercomputer designer
Ole-Johan Dahl 1961 Development (together with Kristen Nygaard ) of Simula , the first object-oriented programming language
Edsger W. Dijkstra 1968 Founder of structured programming
John Presper Eckert 1946 Co-designer of ENIAC
Douglas C. Engelbart 1963 Inventor of the computer mouse
Michael Fagan 1976 Introduction of code reviews / code inspections to improve software quality
Christiane Floyd 1975 Presentation of the first Maestro I development environment
Jay Wright Forrester 1944 Development of the "Multicoordinate Digital Information Storage Device" (forerunner of Random Access Memory )
Erich Gamma 1994 Design patterns ( Design Patterns ) Software
Wolfgang Giloi 1930 Research work on computer architecture
Kurt Gödel 1931 The impetus for the precise formulation of a concept of calculating
Marcel JE Golay 1949 Founder of the algebraic coding theory
Emanuel Goldberg 1931 Statistical engine (early search engine )
Charles F. Goldfarb 1969 Developers of the description language GML, from the SGML and XML emerged
James Gosling 1996 Inventor of Java , Gosling Emacs (1981)
John Guttag 1977 Breakthrough for abstract data types
Richard Hamming 1950 Founder of the algebraic coding theory
Ralph Hartley 1928 Shannon-Hartley law , co-founder of information theory
Tony Hoare 1969 Axiomatic verification of the correctness of computer programs ( Hoare calculus )
Herman Hollerith 1888 Introduction of punch cards in data processing
Grace Hopper 1952 Development of the compiler and the concept of the higher programming languages ​​(3GL) , implemented by her in FLOW-MATIC and COBOL
David A. Huffman 1952 Development of the Huffman coding , a lossless compression method.
Bill Joy 1976 C shell , vi
Alan Kay 1980 object oriented programing
Brian W. Kernighan 1978 Co-inventor of C
Alonzo Church 1936 Inventor of the lambda calculus , Church-Turing thesis
Donald E. Knuth 1968 and 1986 respectively Author of The Art of Computer Programming and developer of TeX
Lawrence Landweaver from approx. 1982 Initiative for the worldwide development of the Internet
Nikolaus Joachim Lehmann 1969 and 1967 respectively First lecture on computer engineering and introduction of the same as a full course in the GDR
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1679 first description of a calculating machine with binary number coding
JCR Licklider 1957-1966 Theoretical basics for computer networks / Arpanet / Internet, time sharing principle
Marvin Lee Minsky 1956 Founder of the term artificial intelligence
John William Mauchly 1946 Co-designer of ENIAC
Frieder Nake 1965 Computer art
John von Neumann 1944 and 1945 Founder of game theory and developer of a standardized computer architecture ( Von Neumann architecture )
Heinz Nixdorf 1967 Nixdorf 820
Harry Nyquist 1928 Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem , co-founder of information theory
Ada Lovelace 1843 First programmer, developed a computer program for calculating Bernoulli numbers for a machine by Charles Babbage that was never built long before the first computer
Ken Olsen 1970 Development of mini computers ( PDP-11 )
Pier Giorgio Perotto 1964 Inventor of the Olivetti Programma 101 , the world's first freely programmable desktop calculator, or personal computer.
Carl Adam Petri 1962 Inventor of the Petri nets for modeling distributed systems
Dennis Ritchie 1969 Development of Unix and C
Claude Shannon 1948 Founder of information theory
Richard Stallman 1985 Founder of the free software movement
Karl Steinbuch 1957 Formation of the term computer science in Germany, pioneer of German computer science , pioneer of cybernetics , founder of the artificial neural networks and inventor of the learning matrix
Ivan Sutherland 1963 Sketchpad , head-mounted display , algorithm by Cohen-Sutherland , pioneer of computer graphics
Bjarne Stroustrup 1979 Inventor of C ++
Andrew S. Tanenbaum 1987 Author of Minix
Ken Thompson 1969 Development of Unix
Ray Tomlinson 1971 Inventor of the email
Linus Torvalds 1991 Initiator of the Linux kernel
Alan Turing from approx. 1936 Important work on theoretical computer science and cryptography
To Wang 1986 Inventor of a component of the core memory
Mark Weiser 1991 Thought leaders of ubiquitous computing
Joseph Weizenbaum 1966 Publication of the "intelligent" ELIZA program
Adriaan van Wijngaarden 1968 Development of the two-stage grammar
Niklaus Wirth 1968 Development of structured and modularized programming languages
Heinz Zemanek 1955 Construction of the mail fan
Konrad Zuse 1938 Developer of the first computer
Corrado Boehm 1966 Böhm-Jacopini theorem

See also


  • Manfred Broy, Ernst Denert (Ed.): Pioneers and Their Contributions to Software Engineering . sd & m Conference on Software Pioneers, Bonn, June 28/29, 2001. Springer, Berlin June 2001 (special edition).
  • Manfred Broy: Software Pioneers . Ed .: Ernst Denert. Springer, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-540-43081-4 .

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