List of Cardinal Priests of Santa Prassede

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The following cardinals were cardinal priests of Santa Prassede :

Individual evidence

  1. The source for the period up to 1138: Rudolf Hüls: Cardinals, Klerus, Kirchen Roms 1049–1130. Tübingen 1977, pp. 196-197. The exact dates for Benedictus are unknown.
  2. cf. Rudolf Hüls: Cardinals, clergy, churches of Rome 1049–1130. Tübingen 1977, p. 215 No. 13
  3. The source for the period 1130 to 1173: Johannes M. Brixius: The members of the Cardinal College from 1130-1181. Berlin 1912, p. 139
  4. cf. Philipp Jaffé : Regesta Pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVII , Vol. II, Leipzig 1888, p. 536
  5. The source for the period 1193 to 1245: Werner Maleczek, Papst und Kardinalskolleg from 1191 to 1216. Vienna 1984, pp. 73–76, 146–147, 154–162
  6. Source for the time of 1262: Titles: Natività di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo a Via Gallia - Ss. Quirico e Giulitta: S. Prassede. In: Salvador Miranda : The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. ( Florida International University website ), accessed December 5, 2016.