List of office buildings in Hamburg

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Kontorhaus is a type of building that was designed and built as an office building for (trading) companies between 1886 and the Second World War . Most of the office buildings are in the northern German port cities. Due to the design, the room layout is flexible.


Many companies based in Hamburg were (and are) connected to the Port of Hamburg . Their administrative buildings were initially built close to the port: Brandstwiete , Baumwall , Rödingsmarkt .

Since there was not enough space, space was kept free for the construction of the office building during urban redevelopment of downtown Hamburg , initially east of the Inner Alster: Ferdinandstrasse , Ballindamm , Glockengießerwall .

Then the Kontorhausviertel was built in the south-east of Hamburg's old town .

In addition to the actual office buildings, the list also includes government office buildings in an architectural style similar to that of an office building.

Building list

image Surname Construction year address
Gerhofstrasse Adlerhof.jpg Adlerhof 1910, approx. Gerhofstrasse 2
HH-20110316-03-Michaelisbruecke-cor.jpg Admiralty Court 1889/90 Admiralitätstrasse 71-72
Hh-afrikahaus.jpg Africa House 1900/01 Great Reichenstrasse 27
Alte bankhalle.jpg Old banking hall 1903 Neß 1
Hamburg 2009 IMG 1842.JPG Old post 1847 Poststrasse
Ballindamm House 1.jpg Alster view 1899-1900 Ballindamm 1 / Glockengießerwall
Hh-alsterhaus-ballindamm.jpg Alsterhaus 1902/03 Ballindamm 13 / Ferdinandstrasse 32
829 wbs49 asiahaus.jpg Asia house 1906, 1909 Willy-Brandt-Strasse 49
Poststr 17 19.jpg Australhaus 1906 Poststrasse 17-19
Hamburg Adolphsplatz Mönkedamm Hamburger Sparkasse.jpg Hamburger Sparkasse 1907 Adolphsplatz 5
Alter wall 20-22.jpg Bank building 1900-02 Alter Wall 20–22
Deutsche bank alter wall.jpg Bank building 1883-88
1903 a. 1910
Old Wall 37
Bankhaus Warburg.jpg Warburg banking house 1912/13 Ferdinandstrasse 75 / Alstertor 4 / Raboisen 72–80
Barkhof.jpg Barkhof 1909/10 Mönckebergstrasse 8-12 / Spitalerstrasse 7-11
Poststr 21 23.jpg Barnbrock House 1906 Poststrasse 21/23
Hh-Bartholomayhaus.jpg Bartholomay House 1938/39 between Altstädter Straße, Steinstraße,
Springeltwiete and Johanniswall ( Kontorhausviertel )
Hh-bieberhaus.jpg Bieberhaus 1908-10 Heidi-Kabel-Platz 1
High bleach 21.jpg Bleichenhof 1896 High bleaching 21
Börsenburg.jpg Börsenburg 1908/09 Big Burstah 1 / Stock Exchange Bridge 2 a
Age wall 32.jpg Stock exchange house 1894/95
reconstruction in 1930
Old Wall 32
Brahmontor.jpg Brahms office 1903 + 1931 Johannes-Brahms-Platz,
(originally the house of the German National Sales Aid Association)
Brandenburgerhaus.jpg Brandenburgerhaus 1907-09 High bleaching 22
Hh-renaissance.jpg Broschek House 1925/26 Great bleaching / Heuberg
Raboisen 5 (Hamburg-Altstadt) .Portal.1.12146.ajb.jpg Bruges House (temporarily Eimbcke House) 1905 Raboisen 5
Bugenhagenhaus.jpg Bugenhagenhaus 1914 Bugenhagenstrasse 5
Bülowhaus.jpg Bülowhaus 1906/07 Schauenburgerstrasse 32 / Rathausstrasse 4
NW 73-75.jpg Mayor's House 1910, approx. New Wall 73–75
1779 burstahhof.jpg Burstahhof 1887/88 Large burstah 36-38
Chilehaus Point.jpg Chile house 1922-24 Pumps 6 / Burchardstraße 13 / Fischertwiete 1/2
Deichstr-29.jpg Columbia house 1905, approx. Deichstrasse 29
Hh-commeter.jpg Commeter house 1907/08 Bergstrasse 11 / Hermannstrasse
Cremonhaus.jpg Cremonhaus 1905/06 Cremon 11-12
Hamburg.Gaensemarkt.Deutschlandhaus.wmt.jpg Germany House 1929 Dammtorstrasse 1 / Valentinskamp 91
Domhof.jpg Cathedral courtyard 1912/13 Mönckebergstrasse 18
Hh-jungfernst db.jpg Dresdner Bank 1896-99 Jungfernstieg 22
Pincerno - Dovenhof 1900.jpg Dovenhof 1885/86 Brandstwiete 1 (demolished in 1967)
Edmund House Katharinenstrasse 30 2016.jpg Edmund House 1909 Katharinenstrasse 30
Hh-elbhof.jpg Elbhof 1904/05 Steinhöft 9
Merck Hof   Ernst-Merck-Strasse 12-14
House Esplanade 6.jpg Esplanade construction 1912/13 Esplanade 6
Hamburg German Central Library for Economics 01.jpg former Esso house / former HWWA building 1937/38 New Jungfernstieg 21 / Esplanade
Hh-steinstr-front.jpg Tax office,
former Karstadt administration
1921-24 Steinstrasse 10
Schumacher goose market 1.jpg State Treasury
1918-26 Gänsemarkt 36 / Valentinskamp
1178 roedingsmarkt19.jpg Wing house 1908 Rödingsmarkt 19
Ferdinandstrasse 6.jpg Frenssenhaus 1908 Ferdinandstrasse 6
Hot air balloon project - Highflyer -IMG-1423.jpg Fruit yard 1910/11 Oberhafenstrasse 1
Besenbinderhof 52.jpg Administration building of the GEG,
large purchasing company of German consumer associations
1906/07 Besenbinderhof 52
Hh-Gesundheitsamt.jpg Health Department
State Building
1915-26 Besenbinderhof 41
Trade union building 2 Entire complex Besenbinderhof 2016.jpg Union house 1903-13 Besenbinderhof 56–66
Gänsemarkt 21-23, Girardet House.jpg Girardethaus 1896 Goose market 21–23
Hh-globushaus.jpg Globushof 1907/08 Consolation Bridge 2
NeuerWall.GörtzschesPalais.wmt.jpg Goertz Palace 1710/11 New Wall 86
1355 gotenhof.jpg Gotenhof 1926 Steckelhörn 12
Nw10.jpg Gutrufhaus 1914/15 New Wall 10
Hh-Hamburger Hof.jpg Hamburger Hof 1883
remodeling in 1917
Jungfernstieg 30
Kontorhaus hammaburg.jpg Hammaburg 1950 Spaldingstrasse 210 / Nordkanalstrasse 53
Moenckebergstrasse 5.jpg Hammonia house
formerly Caledonia house
1912/13 Mönckebergstrasse 5
Long series 29.jpg Handelshof 1913/14 Long row 29
Hh-handwerkskammer.jpg Chamber of Crafts,
former commercial building
1912-15 Holstenwall 12
Hansaburg bei den Mühren 91 2015.jpg Hansaburg 1907 At the mill 91
Kattrepelsbruecke 1.jpg Hanseatenhof 1921/22 Kattrepelsbrücke 1
House alstertor.jpg House Alstertor
formerly Heintzehof
1900 Alstertor 16 / Ferdinandstrasse 68
Hamburg House of Seafaring and High Bridge 2.jpg House of seafaring 1909/10 Deichstrasse 51 / Hohe Brücke
Schwan Apotheke Dammtorstr 27 2015.jpg House Golden Swan 1911/12 Dammtorstrasse 27
684 steinstr 23.jpg House Gülden Gerd 1924 (renovation) Steinstrasse 23
Ferdinandstrasse 67.jpg House harmony 1902 Ferdinandstrasse 67
Schauenburgerstrasse 15 (Hamburg-Altstadt) .2.12260.ajb.jpg House Newman I
1906 Schauenburgerstrasse 15
Schauenburgerstrasse 21 (Hamburg-Altstadt) .12261.ajb.jpg House Newman II
1911 Schauenburgerstrasse 21
Zippelhaus 3 2015.jpg House Rademacher 1890/91 Zippelhaus 3
Hh-hapag.jpg Hapag-Lloyd 1901-03
Ballindamm 25 / Ferdinandstrasse 56
1361 heine-haus.jpg Heine house 1903 Jungfernstieg 34
Poststr 25 27.jpg Henneberghaus 1907 Poststrasse 25-27
Bergstrasse 16.jpg Hermannshaus 1905
conversion 1924–26
Bergstrasse 16 / Hermannstrasse
Hesse newman house.jpg Hesse-Newmanhaus
former America House
1903 Ferdinandstrasse 25-27
Nw18.jpg Hildebrand House 1907/08 Neuer Wall 18
Hindenburghaus Hamburg.jpg Hindenburghaus 1909/10 Big Burstah 31
Hopfenburg.jpg Hopfenburg 1905 Hop Sack 19
Holstenhof Kontorhaus Hamburg.jpg Holstenhof 1900/01 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse 79
Nw22.jpg Huebner house 1907/08 Neuer Wall 22 / Poststrasse 2-4
Hh-hulbehaus.jpg Hulbe house 1910/11 Mönckebergstrasse 21
Commercial building Hubertus (Hamburg-Altstadt) .1.ajb.jpg Burchard-Hof (formerly Hubertus House) 1931/2012 Steinstrasse 27 / Burchardstrasse 24
( Kontorhausviertel )
High bleach 17.jpg mortgage Bank 1896/97 High bleaching 17
Kl Johannisstrasse 9-11.jpg Johannishof 1895 Kleine Johannisstrasse 9/11
Gr Bleichen Kaisergalerie.jpg Kaisergalerie 1907-09 Great bleaching 23/27
Hh-zippelhaus.jpg Katharinenhof former freight house 1890/91 Zippelhaus 1–2
Hh-kaufmannshaus.jpg Merchant's House (Hamburg) 1906-07 Great bleaching 31
Hh-ferdinandstrasse.jpg Kirdorfhaus 1901-05 Ballindamm 17 / Kontorhaus Ferdinandstraße 38/40 after Emil Kirdorf
Nw44.jpg Kirsten House 1908 New Wall 44
Klockmannhaus Kirchenallee 2016.jpg Klockmannhaus 1925 (renovation) Kirchenallee 57/58
Hh-kloepperhausalt.jpg Klöpperhaus (old building) 1902-04 Rödingsmarkt 9
Hamburg.Klöpperhaus.wmt.jpg Klöpperhaus (new building) 1912-13 Mönckebergstrasse 3
Poststr 36.jpg Klopstockhaus 1908 Poststrasse 36
Klosterburg.jpg Monastery castle 1903/04 Glockengießerwall 1
Poststr 37 39.jpg Grain house 1904/05 Poststrasse 37-39
Age wall 10.jpg Office building 1909/10 Alter Wall 10
Age wall 12.jpg Office building 1908/09 Alter Wall 12
Ballindamm 14 15.jpg Office building 1900 Ballindamm 14-15
Stock exchange bridge 5-7.jpg Office building 1895 Stock Exchange Bridge 5–7
Cremon wooden bridge.jpg Kontorhaus,
built for the Hamburg South American Steamship Company
1890 Cremon 37 / wooden bridge
Deichstr36.jpg Office building 1896 Deichstrasse 36
House Deichstrasse 48-50.jpg Office building 1909/10 Deichstrasse 48
Ferdinandstrasse 34-36.jpg Office building 1900 Ferdinandstrasse 34-36
Gr Bäckerstr 4.jpg Office building 1899 Grosse Bäckerstrasse 4
Gr johannisstr 3.jpg Office building 1903 Grosse Johannisstrasse 3
House Gr johannisstr 11.jpg Office building 1906/07 Grosse Johannisstrasse 11
Gr johannisstr 17.jpg Office building 1896 Grosse Johannisstrasse 17
Big burstah 23.jpg Office building 1905/06 Big Burstah 23
1582 high bleaching 19.jpg Office building 1900, approx. High bleaching 19
Klichenstr 20.jpg Office building 1885 Kleine Reichenstrasse 20 / Schopenstehl 31
Nw32.jpg Office building 1910/11 New Wall 32
Nw37.jpg Office building 1903 New Wall 37
Nw55.jpg Office building 1906-09 Neuer Wall 55 / Adolphsbrücke 9–11
High bleach 28.jpg Office building 1905, approx. Poststrasse 53 / Hohe Bleichen 28
Rödingsmarkt 15.jpg Kontorhaus
1909/10 Rödingsmarkt 15
Fruechtnicht office building Montblanc.jpg Montblanc office building 1930/31 Shoulder blade 36
684 burchardstr 22.jpg Office building 1930 Steinstrasse 25 / Burchardstrasse 22
681 kontorhaus stubbenhuk.jpg Stubbenhuk office building 1923-25 Stubbenhuk 10
Hh-Laeisz-Haus1.jpg Laeiszhof 1897/98 Consolation Bridge
Hh-klingberg.jpg Former service building of the Hamburg rulers'
police department 14
1906-08 Klingberg 1st
Hh-leathererschuler.jpg Leather pupil 1928 Heidenkampsweg
Nw24.jpg Leopoldshof 1903 Neuer Wall 24 / Poststrasse 1-7
Lessing House (Hamburg) 2015.jpg Lessing House 1908/09 Goose Market 35
Hamburg Levantehaus entrance.jpg Levant house 1912/13 Mönckebergstrasse 7 / Bugenhagenstrasse
Lilienhof.jpg Lilienhof 1909/10 Lilienstraße 11
Hamburg Messberghof.jpg Meßberghof
former Ballinhaus
1923/24 Meßberg 1 (Kontorhausviertel)
Hh-miramarhaus.jpg Miramar house 1921/22 Schopenstehl / Kattrepel
Mönckeberghaus.jpg Mönckeberghaus 1908/09 Gertrudenkirchhof 1 / Lilienstraße 36
Mohlenhof.jpg Mohlenhof 1928/29 Burchardstrasse 17 / Burchardplatz
Montanhof (Hamburg old town) .4.ajb.jpg Montanhof 1924-26 Niedernstrasse / Kattrepel 2
Ferdinandstrasse 5.jpg Neue Hamburger
former head office
1907-10 Ferdinandstrasse 5 / Brandsende / Raboisen
Zippelhaus 5 (Hamburg-Altstadt) .12411.ajb.jpg Former Nobelshof
Temporary: Seehaus
1894 Zippelhaus 5
Rö2 rödingsmarkt.jpg State Building Finance Directorate
1907-12 Rödingsmarkt 2
Hh-oberpostdirection.jpg Oberpostdirection,
state building
1883-87 Stephansplatz
Hamburg Former High School Authority 03.jpg former high school
state building
1911-13 Dammtorstrasse 25
Poststr 29 31.jpg Ottoburg 1907 Poststrasse 29-31
Nw72.jpg Paulsenhaus 1907/08 New Wall 72
Ballindamm 5.jpg House graft 1904/05 Ballindamm 5
NW26-28.jpg House Pinçon 1904/05 Neuer Wall 26–28
Hh-kontorhausviertel.jpg Post u. Telecommunication Office
State Building
1924-26 Niedernstrasse 10
Hh-grellhaus.jpg House Prediger
former House Glass
1911 Bergstrasse 7 / Mönckebergstrasse
Nw40.jpg House preacher 1908 New Wall 40
Hh-pressehaus.jpg Press house 1938 Spear location 1
Jungfernst prien haus.jpg Prien House 1935 Jungfernstieg 51
Mönckebergstrasse 11.jpg Rappolthaus 1911/12 Mönckebergstrasse 11
Hamburg.Rathaushörn.wmt.jpg Rathaushörn 1910/11 Mönckebergstrasse 22
Hh-rathausmarkthof.jpg Rathausmarkthof 1899 Kleine Johannisstrasse 4
Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg-01-2.jpg Former Reichsbank 1914-19 Alter Wall 2 (today Bucerius Kunst Forum )
Ferdinandstrasse 55-57 (Hamburg-Altstadt) .Schiffahrtshaus.ajb.jpg Shipping house 1909/10 Ferdinandstrasse 55-57
Scholvienhaus and Kontorhaus Alsterblick in Hamburg-Altstadt.jpg Scholvienhaus 1904/05 Glockengießerwall 26 / Ferdinandstrasse 2a
Schwan apotheke.jpg Swan pharmacy 1911/12 Dammtorstrasse 27
Seeburg Hamburg.jpg Seeburg 1908/09 Spitalerstraße 16
Hh moenckebergstr 27.jpg Seidenhaus Brandt 1912/13 Mönckebergstrasse 27
Spitalerstr semperhaus.jpg Semperhaus 1905/06 Spitalerstraße 10
Ballindamm 26.jpg Senator Hayn House 1908 Ballindamm 26
Hamburg - Alsterfleet inland port.jpg Sloman house 1908/09 Baumwall 3 / Steinhöft 11/17
Sprinkenhof Hamburg 1.jpg Sprinkenhof 1927-43 Burchardstrasse / Altstädter Strasse
Johanniswall (Kontorhausviertel)
Office building Gänsemarkt 44 Hamburg.jpg City bakery 1913 Goose Market 44
Hamburg.Stadthaus.wmt.jpg Townhouse
State Building
1814 Townhouse bridge
Hamburg.Stellahaus.wmt.jpg Stellahaus 1922 Rödingsmarkt 52
Poststr 14 16.jpg Arguing court 1908/09 Poststrasse 14-16
Südseehaus Hamburg 01.jpg South Sea House 1912 Mönckebergstraße 6, Lange Mühren and Spitalerstraße 6.
Hh-thaliahof.jpg Thaliahof 1921/22 Alstertor 1
Zippelhaus 4 (Hamburg-Altstadt) .ajb.jpg Transport house 1890/91 Zippelhaus 4
Hh-versmannhaus.jpg Versmannhaus 1910-12 Mönckebergstrasse / Bonehauertwiete
At the alster 59.jpg Formerly the Volksfürsorge insurance building 1930/31 An der Alster 57 - 63
The Le Royal Meridien Hotel has been located at An der Alster 57 since 2003 .
House Glockengießerwall 2.jpg Wallhof 1907/08 Glockengießerwall 2
Wattyhaus-HH 1993.jpg Watty House 1911 Spear location 6
Jungfernst wrangel haus.jpg Wrangel House 1913/14 Jungfernstieg 49


Web links

Commons : Kontorhäuser in Hamburg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. (No. 34) Admiralty Court in: Gisela Schütte: Volume 1, Hamburg 1974, [151] -43, (Volume 1 online) .
  2. (No. 23) Burstahhof in: Gisela Schütte: Volume 1, Hamburg 1974, [93] -27, (Volume 1 online) .
  3. (No. 40) Cremon in: Gisela Schütte: Volume 1, Hamburg 1974, [185] -51 (Volume 1 online) .
  4. (No. 10) Dovenhof in: Gisela Schütte: Volume 1, Hamburg 1974, [39] -11, (Volume 1 online) .
  5. a b Ralf Lange: Das Hamburger Kontorhaus: Architecture, History, Monument , Dölling and Galitz Verlag, Munich - Hamburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-86218-067-7 , p. 219
  6. (No. 38) Zippelhaus 3 in: Gisela Schütte: Volume 1, Hamburg 1974, [171] -48, (Volume 1 online) .
  7. Portrait ( ( Memento of the original from June 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. (No. 39) Freight house in: Gisela Schütte: Volume 1, Hamburg 1974, [175] -49 (Volume 1 online) .
  9. (No. 11) Kleine Reichenstrasse in: Gisela Schütte: Volume 1, Hamburg 1974, [53] -14, (Volume 1 online) .
  10. (No. 37) Zippelhaus 4 in: Gisela Schütte: Volume 1, Hamburg 1974, [167] -47, (Volume 1 online) .