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Mirko , also Mirek , is a male given name of Slavic origin and occurs in almost all West and South Slavic languages. In the last few decades the name has also spread to non-Slavic areas. Like Miro, Mirko is a short form of Miroslav or Stanimir . Miroslav is made up of Mir (peace) and Slava (fame, honor).

The corresponding female first name for Mirko or Mirek is Mirka - the short form of Miroslava . The German first names Friedmar , Friedbert , Friedemann and Friedrich have a similar meaning.


  • Miroslav
  • Mirce
  • Mirci
  • Mirkoslaw
  • Miroljub

name day

  • 21 July
  • November 11th

Well-known namesake




Fictional people

See also