Ceahlau National Park

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Ceahlau National Park
Ceahlau National Park
Ceahlau National Park
Ceahlau National Park (Romania)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 46 ° 57 ′ 22 ″  N , 25 ° 56 ′ 20 ″  E
Location: Romania
Next city: Bicaz
Founding: 2000
Duruitoarea waterfall
Duruitoarea waterfall
Ceahlau National Park
Ceahlau National Park
i4 i6

The National Park Ceahlău (Romanian: Parcul Naţional Ceahlău ) is a protected area of IUCN category II in Ceahlău Mountains , in county Neamt , in northeastern Romania . The Ceahlău National Park extends over an area of ​​8,396 hectares and is home to a diverse flora and fauna .


The Ceahlău National Park was declared an IUCN Category II protected area in nature and landscape protection by Law No. 5 of March 5, 2000 . The Ceahlău National Park is a montane reserve with rock formations, forests, meadows and pastures in the Eastern Carpathians . It extends over an area of ​​8,396 hectares. Its most famous rock formations are: Panaghia, Detunatele, Clăile lui Miron, Piatra Lăcrimată, Dochia, Piatra cu Apa, Turnul lui Ghedeon.


trees and shrubs

The trees and shrubs of the Ceahlău National Park include:

European white fir ( Abies alba ), European larch ( Larix decidua ), Swiss stone pine ( Pinus cembra ), European yew ( Taxus baccata ), Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris ), mountain pine ( Pinus mugo ), Alpine juniper ( Juniperus sibirica ), Alpine Juniper ( Juniperus communis ), common beech ( Fagus sylvatica ), sessile oak ( Quercus petraea ), English oak ( Quercus robur ), hornbeam ( Carpinus betulus ), sycamore maple ( Acer pseudoplatanus ), Norway maple ( Acer platanoides ), winter linden ( Tilia cordata ), Common ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ), field maple ( Acer campestre ), silver birch ( Betula pendula ), Norway maple ( Acer platanoides ), two-colored willow ( Salix bicolor ), lavender willow ( Salix eleagnos ), green alder ( Alnus viridis ), Black alder ( Alnus glutinosa ), common hazel ( Corylus avellana ), single hawthorn ( Crataegus monogyna ), blueberry ( Vaccinum myrtillus ), black elder ( Sambucus nigra ), blackberry ( Rubus fruticosus ), raspberry ( Rubus idaeus ), dog rose ( Ros a canina ), lingonberry ( Vaccinium vitis-idaea ).

Herbaceous plants

The following herbaceous plants can be found in the Ceahlău National Park:

Arnica ( Arnica montana ), Artemisia ( Artemisia eriantha ), Dolomite yarrow ( Achillea oxyloba ), Blue aconite ( Aconitum Napellus ), Meier ( Asperula carpatica ), meadows bellflower ( Campanula patula ), cerastium ( Cerastium transsilvanicum ) Felsenblümchen ( Draba haynaldii , endemic ) Garofita de munte (Dianthus tenuifolius), White mountain Elke ( Dianthus spiculifolius ), sky Herold ( Eritrichium nanum ), meadow oats ( Helictotrichon decorum ), liverwort (Hepatica transsilvanica) Ausdauernder flax ( Linum perenne ) Oxlip ( Primula elatior ), Lice herbs ( Pedicularis baumgartenii ), bluegrass ( Poa rehmannii ), mountain houseleek ( Sempervivum montanum ), alpine bells ( Soldanella hungarica ), thymus comosus , shuttleworths cattail ( Typha shuttleworthii ), flax leaf ( Thesium kernerianum ).


The fauna of the Ceahlău National Park is very species-rich and represented by a large variety of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.


Red deer ( Cervus elaphus ), Reh ( capreolus capreolus ), chamois ( Rupicapra rupicapra ), wild cats ( Felis silvestris ), wild boar ( Sus scrofa ), red fox ( Vulpes vulpes crucigera ) Baummarder ( Martes martes ), weasels ( Mustela nivalis ), Caucasian Badger ( Meles meles ), hare ( Lepus europaeus ), European polecat ( Mustela putorius ), hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus ), tree sleeper ( Dryomys nitedula ), garden sleeper ( Eliomys quercinus ) Haselmaus ( Muscardinus avellanarius ), birch mouse ( Sicista betulina ), two-color bat ( Vespertilio murinus ), broad-winged bat ( Eptesicus serotinus ), pipistrelle bat ( Pipistrellus pipistrellus ), brown long-eared bat ( Plecotus auritus ).


Habicht ( Accipiter gentilis ), Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis ), Pipit ( Anthus spinoletta ), grouse ( Tetrao urogallus ), Schreiadler ( Aquila pomarina ), Raven ( Corvus Corax ), corncrake ( Crex crex ), dipper ( Cinclus cinclus ), thrush ( Monti saxatilis ), Alps Braunelle ( Prunella collaris ) Dreizehenspecht ( Pycoides tridactylus ) Haubenmeise ( Parus cristatus ) Heidelerche ( Lullula arborea ), peregrine ( Falco peregrinus ), willow Tit ( Parus montanus ), ring throttle ( Turdus torquatus ).

Reptiles and Amphibians:

Schlingnatter ( Coronella austriaca ), Zauneidechse ( Lacerta agilis ), dice snake ( Natrix tessellata ) blindworm ( Anguis fragilis ), viper ( Vipera berus ), toad ( Bufo viridis ), frog ( Rana temporaria ), toad ( Bufo bufo ), Bergmolch ( Triturus alpestris ).

Touristic attractions

The tourist lenses in the immediate vicinity of the national park include:

  • The wooden church "Sf. Voievozi" in Bistricioara , 18th century
  • The monastery in Durau , 19th century
  • The building ensemble of the former hermitage Hangu (the church "Pogorârea Sf. Duh", the ruins of the former princely palace "Palatul Cnejilor") in Ceahlău , 17. – 19. century
  • The ensemble of buildings of the former hermitage "Sf. Ana" (wooden church and bell tower) in Ceahlău, 18. – 19. century
  • The wooden church "Înălțarea Sf. Cruci" in Telec , 18th century
  • The wooden church "Sfântul Dumitru" in Bicazu Ardelean , from 1829
  • The former village theater "Ion Calinderu" (now a museum) in Bicaz (1908–1912)
  • The nature reserves: the caves “Peştera Munticelu” and “Peştera Toşorog”, the lake “Izvorul Muntelui”, the waterfall “Duruitoarea” and the lily meadow “Polița cu Crini”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. adz.ro , Ceahlău, most famous mountain of the Vltava
  2. a b c ceahlaupark.ro ( Memento from December 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), Flora
  3. a b c d ceahlaupark.ro ( Memento from December 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), Fauna