Apuseni Nature Park

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Apuseni Nature Park
The Apuseni Nature Park near Gârda de Sus
The Apuseni Nature Park near Gârda de Sus
Apuseni Nature Park (Romania)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 46 ° 34 ′ 59 ″  N , 22 ° 48 ′ 7 ″  E
Location: Alba , Romania
Next city: Bihor County , Alba County and Cluj County
Founding: 1990
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The Apuseni Natural Park (also Natural Park Apuseni Mountains , Romanian Parcul Natural Apuseni ) is a protected area of IUCN category V in protected landscape in Apuseni Mountains , in western Romania . The nature park extends over an area of ​​75,784 hectares in the districts of Bihor , Alba and Cluj .


Padisch summit

The Apuseni Nature Park was founded on January 27, 1990 and declared a nature reserve in 2000. On October 8th, 2009 he received the European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) award for tourism and protected zone from the European Commission in Brussels .

The Apuseni Nature Park is located in the central-eastern part of the Romanian Western Carpathians. Characteristic for the Romanian Western Carpathians is the diversity of the karst landscape: deep gorges and high ridges made of limestone, bizarre cave and rocky landscapes, springs and rivers that cut their way through the limestone mountains. The highest peak is the 1848 m high Curcubata Mare .

The Apuseni Nature Park is divided into several nature reserves of floristic , faunistic , scenic , speleological or geological importance:

In the Alba district:

Scărișoara Cave , Coiba Mare Cave , Vârtop Ice Cave Hoanca Urzicarului , Cotețul Dobreştilor Spring , Mătişeşti Spring , Tăuzului Spring .

In Bihor County:

Avenul Borţigului , Valea Ponorului , Fâneaţa Izvoarelor Crişul Pietro , Groapa de la Bârsa , Groapa Ruginoasa , Cetatea-Rădesei Cave , Pietrele Boghii , Pietrele Galbenei , Poiana Florilor , PADI's Summit , Sighiştelului Valley , Galbenei Valley , Lumea pierdută , ice cave Focul Viu , Micula Cave , Ciur Izbuc Cave , Onceasa Dragon Cave , Săritoarea Bohodeiului , Deer Cave , Biserica Moțului Peak , Cârligați Peak .

In Cluj County:

Molhașul Mare de la Izbuc


The fauna of the Apuseni Natural Park is represented by mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians, some of which are on the red list of endangered species .

Mammals :

Red deer ( Cervus elaphus ), chamois ( Rupicapra rupicapra ), roe deer ( Capreolus capreolus ), brown bear ( Ursus arctos ), wolf ( Canis lupus ), wild boar ( Sus scrofa ), pied red fox ( Vulpes vulpes crucigera ), lynx ( Lynx ), wild cat ( Felis silvestris ), pine marten ( Martes martes ), otter ( Lutra lutra ), squirrel ( Sciurus vulgaris ), European polecat ( Mustela putorius ), ermine ( Mustela erminea ), brown-breasted hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus ), European mole ( Talpa europaea ), alpine shrew ( Sorex alpinus ), shrew ( Sorex Araneus ), water shrew ( Neomys fodiens ) Siebenschläfer ( Glis glis ), vole ( Microtus arvalis ) Barbastelle ( Barbastella barbastellus ), water bat ( Myotis daubentonii ) Zwergfledermaus ( Pipistrellus pipistrellus ), greater horseshoe bat ( Rhinolophus ferrumequinum ), brown long-eared ( Plecotus auritus );

Birds :

Auerhuhn ( Tetrao urogallus ), Golden Eagle ( Aquila chrysaetos ), grouse ( Tetrastes bonasia ) Schreiadler ( Aquila pomarina ), Raven ( Corvus Corax ) Goldcrests ( Regulus regulus ), blackbird ( Turdus rustica ), dipper ( Cinclus cinclus ), Schwarzspecht ( dryocopus Martius ), Dreizehenspecht ( Picoides tridactylus ), Red-footed ( Falco vespertinus ) Bachstelze ( Motacilla alba ), Gimpel ( Pyrrhula pyrrhula ) Misteldrossel ( Turdus viscivorus ), Stieglitz ( Carduelis carduelis ), Sperber ( Accipiter nisus ).

Fish :

Brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ), rainbow trout ( Salmo gairderi and S. irideus ), brown trout ( Truite fario ), roach ( Rutilus rutilus ), wolffish ( Cobitis taenia ), nose ( Chondrostoma nasus ), European grayling ( Thymallus thymallus ), chub ( Squalius thymallus ) cephalus ), minnow ( Phoxinus phoxinus ), barb ( Barbus barbus );

Reptiles and Amphibians :

Wall lizard ( Podarcis muralis ), forest lizard ( Zootoca vivipara ), adder ( Vipera berus ), slow worm ( Anguis fragilis ), Aesculapian snake ( Elaphe longissima ), smooth snake ( Coronella austriaca ), fire salamander ( Salamandra salamandra ).


The flora of the Apuseni Nature Park is represented by:

Conifers :

European silver fir ( Abies alba ), Norway spruce ( Picea abies ), larch ( Larix ), pine ( Pinus ), European yew ( Taxus baccata ), European larch ( Larix decidua ), Swiss stone pine ( Pinus cembra ).

Deciduous trees :

European beech ( Fagus sylvatica ), English oak ( Quercus robur ), sessile oak ( Quercus petraea ), ash ( Fraxinus ), Linden ( Tilia ), sycamore ( Acer pseudoplatanus ), hornbeam ( Carpinus betulus ), field maple ( Acer campestre ), hanging Birch ( Betula pendula ), sycamore elm ( Ulmus glabra ), horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ), bird cherry ( Cerasus avium ), real walnut ( Juglans regia ), rowanberry ( Sorbus aucuparia ), aspen ( Populus tremula ), willow ( Salix ) , Common willow ( Salix caprea ), black alder ( Alnus glutinosa ).

Shrubs :

Mountain pine ( Pinus mugo ), cornel cherry ( Cornus mas ), common hazel ( Corylus avellana ), blackberry ( Rubus fruticosus ), raspberry ( Rubus idaeus ), blueberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus ), common lilac ( Syringa vulgaris ).

Vascular plants :

Lady's Slipper ( Cypripedium calceolus ), Campanula alpina ( Campanula alpina ), fen orchid ( Lipari loeselii ) pedicularis ( Pedicularis comosa ), knapweed ( Centaurea kotschyana ), carnation ( Dianthus tenuifolius ) Sundew ( Drosera rotundifolia ), Steppe fennel ( Seseli rigidum ), Gentiana clusii ( Gentiana clusii ) helmet orchid ( orchis militaris ), angelica ( Angelica archangelica ), liverwort ( hepatica transsilvanica ), Lysimachia punctata ( Lysimachia punctata ), marsh Stendelwurz ( Epipactis palustris ), Ruprechtskraut ( Geranium robertianum ), Orange hawkweed ( Hieracium aurantiacum ), fountain liverwort ( Marchantia polymorpha ), Fritillaria ( Fritillaria montana ), onion Toothwort ( Dentaria bulbifera ), hogweed ( Heracleum palmatum ), Creeping Buttercup ( Ranunculus repens ), Anthyllis montana ( Anthyllis montana ), wood anemone ( Anemone nemorosa ), daffodil anemone ( Anemone narcissiflora ), Gl adioles ( Gladiolus imbricatus ).

Web links

Commons : Apuseni Natural Park  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Protected Areas of National Importance in Romania , Law No. 5 of March 6, 2000
  2. ^ Embassy of Romania ( Memento of February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), Western Carpathian Nature Park
  3. Bihor County Red List ( Memento from September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on February 9, 2014