Ottavio Dazzan

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Ottavio Dazzan (born January 2, 1958 in Quilmes , Argentina ) is a former Argentine - Italian track cyclist .

Athletic career

In 1975, Ottavio Dazzan became world champion in sprinting at the junior world championships held for the first time in Lausanne , while still an Argentinian. In the final he defeated the German Gerhard Scheller . The following year he went to Italy and accepted citizenship there. In 1980 he started the sprint at the Olympic Games in Moscow and finished eighth. Eight times he won national titles in keirin and sprint on the track in his new home country, and twice he was European sprint champion.

Dazzan was also successful at world championships: in 1983 in Zurich , Dazzan took third place; the following year he was two-time runner-up in Sprint and Keirin in Barcelona . In 1985 in Bassano del Grappa he was again vice world champion in the keirin and third in the sprint, in 1988 in Ghent again vice world champion in the keirin.

Ottavio Dazzan was notorious for his daring driving style, with which he repeatedly put his opponents and himself in danger.


  1. The European championships before the founding of the " European Cycling Union " (UEC) in 1995 are considered unofficial, since up to that point they were usually invitation races in which non-European riders could also take part.

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