Police call 110: Another world

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title Another world
Country of production Germany
original language German
Real Film Berlin
on behalf of the rbb
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 332 ( List )
First broadcast December 23, 2012 on Das Erste
Director Nicolai Rohde
script Clemens Murath
production Heike Streich
music Stefan Will
camera Simon Schmejkal
cut Melanie Sagittarius

Another world is a German crime film by Nicolai Rohde from 2012. It is the 332nd episode in the film series Polizeiruf 110 . Chief Inspector Olga Lenski is back on duty after the birth of her child and her subsequent maternity leave. In her third case, she is assisted by Chief Master Horst Krause, who is investigating his 20th case. Both had to clarify the circumstances that led to the death of a young girl who was preceded by rape.


The corpse of the just 18-year-old Kristina Domke is discovered by the night watchman Bogdan Kuljakow in the junkyard he oversees. Kulyakov is staying illegally in Germany. Chief Inspector Olga Lenski and Chief Police Officer Horst Krause begin their investigations. The dead woman has a noticeable injury to her forehead. There is a stamp of the in-disco "Taxo" on her wrist. When Lenski asked Domke's parents, she found that they knew very little about their daughter's life. Even a questioning of Kristina's closest friend Hanna Löns does not help the inspector much for the time being. Since the “Taxo” makes video recordings of its guests, Lenski and Krause watch them. One is sure that ecstasy or some other drug is involved. Krause wants to know where something like this is going, Lenski's laconic answer: "To another world."

The next day, Hanna Löns wanted to know from her classmates Jan Gottsched and “Ditsche” Kummert what had happened the previous evening and when they last saw Kristina. She does not get a satisfactory answer. As we now know, Kristina Domke was mistreated and raped by two perpetrators. The trigger for her death was her severe head injury, in which a blood clot had formed. In addition, the young woman was two months pregnant. Even a survey that Lenski conducts in Kristina's class does not really advance the case.

Only when it is discovered that the young woman must have been brought there in a burnt-out Alfa Romeo found behind the junkyard does the matter move. The holder can be found on the basis of the still legible chassis number. It's Professor Henner Gottsched, Jan's father. The professor is surprised and says he was at a conference over the weekend. When he questions his son, Jan confesses that the car was stolen from him that fateful night. Lenski's suspicions against the two young men continue to grow. When Hanna Löns told her that Jan had given them a drug in the “Taxo” that they had thought was ecstasy, but that it must have been something else, since she only woke up hours later, the suspicion against Jan and Ditsche grows. Hanna's father is of the opinion that the pills were used to make the girls compliant. Lenski learned from Dennis Kuscinsky, another schoolmate of the young people, that he had observed the four of them having sexual intercourse in the disco separee, after which there was an argument and then they all drove away together. Records from the "Taxo" confirm his version of a dispute. Jan and Ditsche do not deny having had sexual intercourse with the girls, but they have nothing to do with their death. The cohabitation was consensual, they emphasize.

Not only Dennis feels threatened, Hanna is also sharply attacked by Ditsche, her father should withdraw the complaint against him and Jan, otherwise he would post the corresponding video on the Internet, which would show that they did not have to use violence.

It turns out that Bogdan Kulyakov couldn't have been telling the truth, he must have observed something that night. However, he creates difficulties and demands a naturalization certificate in order to testify. After Jan and Ditsche have been temporarily arrested, Jan's father, who is defending the boys, surprised not only the court but also Lenski at the trial date with the finding that Kulyakov had seen nothing at all that night because he had skipped his duty and never been to the junkyard. Jan and Ditsche are released from prison. Lenski tries to talk to Krause, together they go over everything again. Kristina's severe head injury may also have been caused by a collision accident, as the inspector told pathologist Dr. Stolte is confirmed. Did the young woman in the Alfa Romeo fled the boys and had an accident in the process? Did Jan and Ditsche follow her in a taxi?

While Andreas Löns watches Jan and Ditsche near the school, armed with a baseball bat, but is taken by surprise and badly beaten by Ditsche, Krause takes another look around the place where the Alfa Romeo had an accident and finds himself there Help his dog use a cell phone. At the same time, Lenski interviewed Dennis, who was secretly in love with Kristina and recorded all of her steps. On one of these videos, the inspector discovered Henner Gottsched with Kristina in a suspicious manner, to her astonishment. The cell phone found is used to determine who Kristina's last call was for.

Lenski drives to Henner Gottsched and confronts him with the fact that he was not absent for the entire weekend, as stated, but returned on Saturday evening. Kristina called him at 2:13 a.m. after she had an accident and asked for help. He is also the father of the child she was expecting. Gottsched pretends not to be aware of any guilt. When he came to her, her cycle had already collapsed. When Lenski stated that he simply had to call the ambulance, he replied, almost impassively, “yes”, that was a mistake. He is being led away. "Jan and his buddy Ditsche will have to answer for the rape," Lenski replied to Krause's question.


The film was shot from August 7th to September 5th, 2012 in Dallgow-Döberitz , Eberswalde and the surrounding area in Brandenburg . The film had the working title Double Game .

Soundtrack: Sexy and I know it - LMFAO and Sexyback - Justin Timberlake

In this episode, Chief Detective Olga Lenski returns from her baby break, which Maria Simon had also taken in real life.


Audience rating

When it was first broadcast, the film was followed by 6.63 million viewers, corresponding to a market share of 18.6%.


TV Spielfilm summed up its judgment in the sentence: "Want a lot, but entertaining just okay". One came up against the fact that topics such as “suppressed guilt, faults between the generations, hide loneliness and drug use” were only touched upon, “good intentions” were “unmistakable”, but “deeper insights” would not materialize. Only one point out of three possible was given for aspiration, action and excitement.

Rainer Tittelbach's ( tittelbach.tv ) verdict, on the other hand, was completely different: “Rohde's crime thriller is exciting and fluid, told in a sensual and emotional way. Despite the large number of characters, the film does not fray, but has a great sense of unity. The over-constructed crime plot, however, falls significantly. Conclusion: a very good, not a very good 'police call'! "

The television magazine Gong believed that the film was "strongly told". The thriller got four out of six possible points, which corresponds to the rating “good”. The television magazine Hörzu rated the police call as “successful”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Police call 110 - Another world at crew-united.com
  2. ^ Polizeiruf 110 - Another world for tatort fans
  3. a b Rainer Tittelbach: Police 110 - Another World Maria Simon, Herbert Knaup, Nicolai Rohde. Because they don't know what they're doing! at tittelbach.tv. Retrieved November 5, 2014.
  4. Polizeiruf 110: Another World In: Gong No. 44 of October 24, 2014, p. 87
  5. P olizeiruf 110: Another World In: Hörzu No. 44 of October 24, 2014, p. 94