SAFIR automobiles

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Swiss automobile factory in Rheineck SAFIR (1906–1907)
SAFIR Automobile (1907–1910)
legal form
founding November 14, 1906
resolution 1910
Seat Zurich , Switzerland
management Anton Dufour and Jakob Schmidheiny
Branch Automobile manufacturer

SAFIR Automobile , previously a Swiss automobile factory in Rheineck SAFIR , was a Swiss manufacturer of automobiles and commercial vehicles .

Company history

Anton Dufour and Jakob Schmidheiny founded the company Schweizer Automobil Fabrik in Rheineck SAFIR for the production of automobiles on November 14, 1906 in Rheineck . The trade name was Safir , derived from S wiss A utomobil F abrik I n R Heineck. In 1907, the company was renamed SAFIR Automobile and moved to Zurich . In 1910 production ended after a few dozen copies had been made.



The 30 hp and 50 hp models were on offer . The drive was provided by a four-cylinder in - line engine that was mounted in the front of the vehicle and powered the rear axle via a cardan shaft. Special features were a directly translated upper gear of the transmission and the air starter of Saurer . The design-related top speed of the more powerful model was given as 97 km / h.

commercial vehicles

The company manufactured a number of trucks and buses . Rudolf Diesel , Hippolyt Saurer , Heinrich Dechamps and Gustave Seguin worked on a diesel engine for road vehicles.


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