Weiler Castle

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The Castle Weiler is a spätmanieristisches Castle in the hamlet , in the municipality Obersulm in the district of Heilbronn in the north of Baden-Württemberg .

Weiler Castle - from the north


Castle complex

Weiler Castle - front

The complex is the ancestral home of the barons of Weiler , the former local lords, who rebuilt the castle in the center of Weiler from 1588 onwards instead of a previous building as a moated castle . Her coat of arms dated 1590 is placed above the main portal in the east. The main building in the south, a northern extension with a small tower and two side wings in the west enclose an inner courtyard. The oldest component is probably the castle kitchen on the ground floor, in which the base of the residential tower of the previous building may have risen. The last resident of the family was Marie Luise Freifrau von Weiler, after whose death the ancestral castle was sold by the family who lived at Lichtenberg Castle .

Castle chestnut

Castle chestnut ⊙
Weilersche Rentamtei

The centuries-old horse chestnut in the castle park with a trunk circumference of over six meters is one of the largest and oldest of its kind in Germany. The tree veteran, designated as a natural monument and entered in the list of distinctive and old tree specimens, has an estimated age of 300–500 years, according to various sources. Its monumental, gnarled trunk branches out into several thick branches at a low height. Three of them, rising steeply upwards, form the high, candelabra-like crown. Two more go diagonally from the trunk. Several breakouts on the trunk are evidence of earlier, deep cross branches. A measurement in 2014 showed a circumference of 6.51 m and a height of the tree of 26 m.

Castle Park

The large palace park, newly laid out in the 19th century by the Stuttgart court gardener Johann Wilhelm Bosch (1782–1861), is bordered to the west of the building by the Nonnenbach coming from Lichtenstern , which flows into the Sulm tributary Schlierbach outside the village .

Castle chapel and Rentamtei

To the east of the castle grounds is the Weilers Protestant parish church, built as a castle chapel in 1399, and several outbuildings to the southeast, including the former Weilersche Rentamtei , an ornamental half-timbered building from 1559.


  • Julius Fekete : Art and cultural monuments in the city and district of Heilbronn. 2nd Edition. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-8062-1662-2 , p. 276.
  • Thomas Eschenweck: The six villages - houses and buildings . In: Obersulm. Six villages - one municipality . Obersulm municipality, Obersulm 1997, DNB  954883020 , p. 51-64 .

Individual evidence

  1. "Schlosskastanie in Weiler" in the tree register, at www.baumkunde.de
  2. ^ "Castle chestnut in Weiler" in "Monumentale Eichen" (other tree species) by Rainer Lippert, at www.monumentale-eichen.de

Web links

Commons : Schloss Weiler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 49 ° 7 '8.6 "  N , 9 ° 23" 43.4 "  E