Age of consent

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Ability to consent to heterosexual acts according to minimum age and state
  • 12 years
  • 13 years
  • 14 years
  • 15 years
  • 16 years
  • 17 years
  • 18 years
  • 19 years
  • 20 years
  • different in individual parts of the country
  • only in marriage
  • The age of consent is the age from which a person is legally regarded as capable of giving consent with regard to sexual acts. Sexual acts with persons below the age of consent will be prosecuted. The age of consent is culturally very different and can depend on a number of different factors (age, age difference, gender, marriage, dependency, etc.). People who have reached the age of consent are referred to as sexually mature .


    country Age limit Offense Age limit Offense
    Germany 14 years Child sexual abuse 16/18 years Sexual abuse of adolescents
    Austria 14 years Sexual abuse of minors 16/18 years Sexual abuse of adolescents
    Switzerland 16 years Sexual acts with children

    Exceptions have been made for each limit in the table, with the exception of the German 14-year limit (see below or corresponding article).


    The following table shows the definitions of the age groups:

    German age definitions up to 30th birthday
    term 0 1 2 3 4th 5 6th 7th 8th 9 10 11 12 13 14th 15th 16 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23 24 25th 26th 27 28 29
    infant Yes No
    small child part Yes part part No
    childhood No early middle late No
    child Yes part part No
    student No Yes part No
    teenager No Yes No
    Teenager No Yes part No
    Youth ( UN ) No part Yes part part No
    Youth ( shell ) No Yes No
    Age of consent Yes part part No
    Minor Yes No
    Child benefit Yes part part once No
    young person part Yes part part No
    teenager No Yes No
    young adult No Yes No
    of legal age No Yes
    criminal responsibility No formerly part Yes Yes
    legally competent No part part part part Yes
    FSK / USK 0 6th 12 16 18th


    The age of consent for sexual acts in Germany is at least 14 years, depending on the facts there are also the age limits 16 years and 18 years. The different age groups are also part of the general age groups in German law .

    In addition, a special feature of sexual criminal law is that the delimitation of the individually prohibited acts via the general clause of § 184g StGB is different depending on the offense.

    Age of consent 14 years

    With the exception of the special cases mentioned below, the age of consent in Germany according to Section 176 StGB is 14 years. Sexual acts with children under the age of 14 are generally prohibited in Germany as sexual abuse of children . Any offender who is at least 14 years old is criminally responsible in this regard; the attempt is punishable. In 2003 there were over 2,800 people convicted on the basis of Section 176 of the Criminal Code.

    Age of consent 16 years

    In addition to the provisions of Section 182 of the Criminal Code, Paragraphs 1 and 2 (predicament, remuneration) with regard to the age of consent, which also apply to victims under 16, sexual acts by adults over the age of 21 can and 15-year-old adolescents are punished in accordance with Section 182 (3) StGB if a legal representative of the adolescent files a criminal complaint and the court determines in criminal proceedings that the adult has a "lack of ability for sexual self-determination" to be established - for example with the help of an expert Has taken advantage of young people. The Federal Court of Justice ruled in 1996 that the mere reference to the age of the 14 or 15-year-old person is not sufficient to convict the adult accused. The individual ability or inability of the adolescent to sexual self-determination and, if necessary, the exploitation of the latter by the perpetrator must rather be checked in each individual case. The lack of the ability for sexual self-determination cannot be derived from the young person's sexual inexperience.

    Even the attempt to violate Section 182 (3) StGB is punishable. If the legal representatives of the juvenile do not file a criminal complaint, the public prosecutor's office can still initiate criminal proceedings in the event that there is a special public interest in the prosecution, e.g. B. because the adult already has a relevant criminal record.

    The provision is only "an extremely marginal forensic to meaning": there were in 2003 only 73 due to § 182 of the Criminal Code as amended by the 29th Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1994 convicted persons, in 1980 there were a total of 284 convictions under the previously applicable § 175 and § 182 a. F. This decline is not explained in the legal literature by saying that the number of sexual contacts between adults and young people has declined, but that such contacts are currently largely tolerated by society and legal guardians rarely file criminal complaints. Various studies assume that only every one hundredth to two hundredth sexual relationship between a person over the age of 21 and a person aged 14 to 15 leads to a complaint under Section 182 (3) StGB (as amended).

    Anyone who engages in sexual acts with an under 16-year-old adolescent is punished for sexual abuse of wards in accordance with Section 174 of the Criminal Code, if the adolescent was given up for upbringing, training or care, even if (unlike in the case of 16 - and 17-year-olds) no dependency relationship was exploited.

    Age of consent 18 years

    Sexual acts with adolescents between the ages of 16 and 17 are punished according to Section 174 of the Criminal Code if the offender is entrusted with the upbringing, training or care of the adolescent or is subordinate to an employment or employment relationship and the related dependency relationship was abused.

    According to the new version of § 182 StGB passed by the Bundestag on October 30, 2008 and came into force on November 5, 2008 , sexual acts with persons under the age of 18 are also punishable if one of the following conditions is met:

    • The sexual acts take place under the exploitation of a predicament (para. 1). Any offender who is at least 14 years old is criminally responsible here.
    • The sexual acts take place for a fee (para. 2). In this case, only an offender who is at least 18 years old is liable to prosecution.

    The trial of a violation of § 182 para. 4 of the Criminal Code is punishable.

    Age of consent 21 years (until November 28, 1973)

    Until the amendment to Section 175 of the Criminal Code on November 28, 1973, sexual acts by men over the age of 18 with men under the age of 21 were a criminal offense.

    Homosexuality (until 1994)

    Old federal states

    In the FRG until 1969 all homosexual acts between men were forbidden according to § 175 StGB and threatened with imprisonment, qualified cases (e.g. seduction of an under 21-year-old by an adult) in § 175a with prison.

    The 1st StrRG of June 25, 1969, shortly before the end of the grand coalition of Chancellor Kiesinger, reformed Section 175 by lifting the total ban and only the qualified cases (sex with an under 21-year-old, homosexual prostitution and the exploitation of a Service, employment or subordination) were retained, which had previously been regulated by Section 175a. The changes took effect on September 1, 1969. However, the change led to strange case groups: If both were over 21 (then age of majority ) or under 18 years of age, it was exempt from punishment. If one was over 21 and the other under 21, only the older one was punished. However, if both were between 18 and 21 years old, they were both liable to prosecution. The court was able to waive a penalty for under 21-year-olds, which defused the situation. On November 23, 1973, the Brandt II cabinet (a social-liberal coalition ) carried out a comprehensive reform of sexual criminal law . The corresponding section in the StGB was renamed from “Crimes and offenses against morality” to “Offenses against sexual self-determination”. Likewise, the concept of fornication has been replaced by that of “sexual acts”. In § 175 only sex with minors remained as a qualifying feature, whereby the so-called age of consent was lowered from 21 to 18 years.

    It was not until 1994 that sexual acts between men were made criminally equal to heterosexual acts.

    GDR and the new federal states

    In the GDR, § 175 and § 175a applied until the criminal law reform in 1968. From then on, § 151 of the Criminal Code (GDR) forbade homosexual acts between an adult and a young person of the same sex until 1988. When Section 151 was repealed, Section 149 was revised and then provided for a uniform age of consent for homosexual and heterosexual acts:

    Section 149. Sexual abuse of young people. (1) An adult who abuses an adolescent between fourteen and sixteen years of age, taking advantage of moral immaturity through gifts, promises of advantages or in a similar way, to engage in sexual intercourse with him or to carry out sexual intercourse-like acts, is sentenced to imprisonment for up to two years or with Sentenced to probation. (2) The prosecution expires after two years.
    In the new federal states, Section 149 of the German Criminal Code (GDR) continued to apply until 1994 on the basis of the Unification Treaty .

    Legal situation from 1994 to 2008

    According to the version of Section 182 (1) StGB valid from June 11, 1994 to November 5, 2008 , the age of consent with regard to exploiting a predicament and granting remuneration was 16 years of age, and only those who were at least 18 years of age could make themselves a criminal offense Perpetrator. In the event that the lack of ability of a victim under 16 years of age to self-determine sexually was exploited by a perpetrator at least 21 years of age (Section 182 (2) StGB old version), the wording of the provision was identical to the wording of the current version (now as paragraph 3) . Attempting to violate any of the provisions of the paragraph was not punishable.

    On August 26, 2006, the Federal Cabinet decided to change a number of laws as part of the implementation of an EU directive for better protection of young people from sexual exploitation. Among other things, the change also affected the raising of the previous age of consent in accordance with Section 182 (1) StGB. According to the draft of the federal government, the age of consent should be raised from 16 to 18 years of age in cases of sexual acts for remuneration or taking advantage of a predicament. In Section 182 (1) StGB, the lower age limit of 18 years for the criminal liability of the offender should also be omitted. This would have meant that in the future a person from the age of 14 could be punished (criminal responsibility) if he or she engages in sexual acts with another person under the age of 18, exploiting a predicament or for payment. Attempts to violate Section 182 of the Criminal Code should also be made a criminal offense. The final deliberation in the Bundestag planned for April 27, 2007 was removed from the agenda, as the Bundesrat had proposed a further tightening of the regulation. According to this, sexual acts by at least 14 years old against under 18-year-olds should be punishable as abuse even if they do not take place for remuneration but for an “other” benefit. That would have meant that, for example, an investigation into sexual abuse could be initiated against a 14- to 17-year-old adolescent who had invited her boyfriend from the same age group to the cinema if it had been petting . This tightened draft was supported by the CDU / CSU and SPD parliamentary groups and was scheduled for a vote in the Bundestag on December 13, 2007. Youth associations, social scientists and the opposition parties FDP , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and Die Linke sharply criticized this criminalization of sexual acts among young people, known as the “petting paragraph”. The vote was taken off the agenda, a new formulation of the bill was passed by the Bundestag on October 30, 2008 and came into force on November 6, 2008. This version of § 182 StGB, which has been valid since then , also met with some criticism from opposition politicians. The legal policy spokesman for Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in the Bundestag, Jerzy Montag , described parts of the new regulations, such as the (allegedly) first introduced into German age-of-consent legislation that the perpetrator can be younger than the victim (e.g. if A 14-year-old who offers a 17-year-old shelter in his room with sexual intent can make himself liable to prosecution for “exploiting a predicament”) as “a considerable criminalization of consensual sexual contact between young people”.

    Statute of limitations

    In § 78 para. 3 of the Criminal Code, the limitation periods are regulated, ranging from a minimum limitation period of three up to thirty years. The length is linked to the maximum penalty with which the act is threatened. According to Section 78a of the Criminal Code, the limitation period begins “as soon as the act has ended”. Since June 30, 1994, Section 78b, Paragraph 1, No. 1 of the Criminal Code has been in force, which for certain crimes against sexual self-determination provided for a suspension of the statute of limitations "until the victim reaches the age of 18". With the Victims Rights Reform Act of July 29, 2009, which came into force on October 1, 2009, this provision was expanded to include certain acts of bodily harm. The rest was enforced by the “Law to Strengthen the Rights of Victims of Sexual Abuse” of June 26, 2013 with effect from June 30, 2013 until the age of 21 and by the 49th law amending the Criminal Code of January 21, 2015 with effect from January 27, 2015, extended to the age of 30. This rest regulation now applies to criminal offenses according to Sections 174 to 174c , 176 to 178 , 180 (3) , 182 , 225 , 226a and 237 of the Criminal Code. In individual cases, an act is only statute-barred after 50 years.


    In Austria, the age of consent is 14 years. This is the age of majority ( Section 74 (1) 1 of the Austrian Criminal Code ). With regard to sexuality, this means that in principle all forms of sexual contact to which both agree are allowed as long as both have reached the age of 14, unless one of the persons involved is not mature enough for certain reasons, “To see the significance of the process or to act according to this insight” and the perpetrator takes advantage of this lack of maturity and his age-related superiority ( Section 207b (1) StGB). In this case, sexual acts with this person are punishable as long as they have not reached the age of 16. In any case, sexual acts that do not involve sexual intercourse (sexual acts that are equivalent to sexual intercourse) are not punishable if the age difference is not more than 4 years and the younger person is not younger than 12 years old ( Section 207 (4) StGB). Sexual intercourse is not punishable if the younger person is at least 13 years old and the partner is not more than 3 years older (age tolerance clause in Section 206 (4) StGB). For prostitution , the age of consent is 18 years, that is, the client of a prostitute under the age of 18 is liable to prosecution ( Section 207b (3) StGB).

    Homosexual acts

    In 2003, the age of consent for homosexual acts among men was finally lowered from 18 to 14 years after the European Court of Human Rights on January 9, 2003, classified the unequal treatment that had prevailed until then as a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights .


    In Switzerland, the age of consent is 16 years. A sexual act below this age threshold is not punishable if the age difference between the parties is not more than three years ( Art. 187 StGB ).

    Sexual acts are prohibited if a person under the age of 18 is dependent on an adult, i. H. if you z. B. Her / his student, apprentice / daughter or employee ( Art. 188 StGB). Since July 1, 2014, sexual acts with minors for remuneration or promises of remuneration have also been criminalized (in particular the exploitation of underage prostitutes), see Art. 196 StGB.

    Other countries


    In India, the age of consent was 16 years until June 1, 2012, and has been 18 years since then.


    In the Republic of Ireland , the age of consent is 17 years.


    The age of consent in Italy is 14 years.


    The Japanese Criminal Code ( 刑法 , Keihō ) provides in Section 176 for immoral acts against children under 13 years of imprisonment between 6 months and 10 years. Sexual acts against girls under the age of 13 are also punishable as a criminal offense of rape under Section 177 with a prison sentence of no less than 3 years.

    The Child Welfare Act ( 児 童福祉 法 , Jidō fukushihō ) prohibits "obscene acts" ( 淫行 , inkō ) on minors under 18 years of age in Section 34 (6 ). The great Senate of the Supreme Court found in 1985 that an “obscene act” does not exist if both parties are of the same age, nor if the adult is interested in a serious relationship (e.g. both are married to one another). The individual prefectures of Japan have each issued their own ordinances, which regulate further details of the law, what "obscene acts" are, as well as sentences that are limited to a maximum of two years imprisonment.

    The Japanese Civil Code ( 民法 , Minpō ) sets the minimum marriage age at 16 years for women and 18 for men.


    In 1999, Yemen lowered the age of consent for sexual activity from 15 years to the onset of puberty ; as a rule, they are nine years old. Marriage is possible from the age of ten.


    The age of consent in Croatia is 15 years. There is no criminal offense if the age difference between the sexual partners is less than three years.


    Sexual acts with anyone under the age of 12 are considered rape. Desecration of minors is prohibited, and there is no criminal offense if a sexual act is committed with a person over the age of 12 but under the age of 18, provided that the court considers the minor to be sexually adult . This depends on the circumstances. Various circumstances (e.g. use of force, dependency, minor under 9 years of age) can increase the sentence. From the perspective of Interpol, the age of consent is 18 years.


    Since January 1st, 2006, sexual acts on or with persons who have not reached the age of 14 have been punishable in all cases in Serbia .


    In Spain, the age of consent has been 16 since 2015. From 1999 to 2015 it was 13 years, before 1999 the age of consent was 12 years.


    In Russia , the general age of consent of 14 years has been in effect again since 2003 (Articles 134–135 of the Russian Criminal Code). From 1998 to 2003, the age of consent was set at 16 years. The Russian Criminal Code divides such offenses into three levels - sexual abuse of children under the age of 12 and of adolescents under 14 and under 16, respectively. Anyone who has reached the age of 18 is liable to prosecution.

    In the legislation, homosexual and heterosexual acts are treated differently: Homosexual acts between persons of the male sex were generally illegal in the Soviet Union and in Russia until 1993 . Consensual same-sex sexual contacts between adults have been free of punishment since 1993 - however, different rules apply to consensual homosexual contacts in violation of the age of consent than to heterosexuals: the maximum penalty for consensual contact with a young person aged 14 or 15 is four years for heterosexuals, six years in the case of homosexual contacts (Article 134, paras. 1–2). If the age difference is less than four years, heterosexual contacts cannot be punished with prison, but homosexual contacts can.

    Since July 2013, when the federal law against so-called "homo propaganda" came into force, there has also been a legal conflict , since homosexual acts by an adult with a young person aged 16 and over are not punishable by any positive statements about homosexuality Persons of this age are punishable.

    In the case of consensual heterosexual contacts with persons below the age of consent, a court can also waive a penalty if the perpetrator violates Articles 134–135 for the first time, the victim has reached the age of 14 and the two have already entered into a marriage . ( Although the Russian Family Code generally only allows marrying from the age of 18, it also states that the minimum age at marriage may also be lowered if regional laws permit. In some regions of Russia, the legal minimum age for marriage has been increased to 16, 15 or 14 Years or even canceled, although a minor needs a marriage permit from the authorities in any case .) Since same-sex partnerships are not legally recognized in Russia, this exception rule cannot apply to homosexual contacts.

    United States

    See also: Teenage Sexual Abuse # United States of America

    In the US , the age of consent is a matter of state . In most American states, the age of consent is reached at the age of 16. Different regulations exist z. B. in Illinois , Missouri , Louisiana , Colorado , Nebraska , New Mexico , New York and Texas , where the age of consent is 17 years. The regulations are even stricter. In Arizona , Idaho , California , Florida , Delaware , Utah , North Dakota , Wyoming , Oregon , Tennessee , Virginia, and Wisconsin ; the age of consent in these states is 18 years. Sexual acts with persons who have not reached the age of consent are punishable in the USA as statutory rape (fornication with minors), but also under various other offenses. In New York State, for example, all sexual contact with and between persons under the age of 17 is prohibited without exception and is classified as a misdemeanor, felony or violent crime depending on the age difference. In some states, a distinction is made in the offense by gender, so apply in Idaho sexual contacts with female partners under 18 years without exception as rape ( rape ), it whereas there is no direct equivalent for sexual acts are with male minors.

    A few weeks below the age of consent is sufficient for a conviction. In some states there are exceptions if the people involved are linked by marriage or partnership, or if the ages of the people involved do not differ by more than a set number of years. The legal situation is very different from state to state. This is a problem for law enforcement agencies when the crime scene cannot be clearly identified.

    In the event of convictions, in addition to several years' imprisonment, there is a risk of losing the right to vote, public registration on the Internet as a sex offender, and rigid probation conditions ( ban on contact with young people, ban on apartments in a large area around schools, kindergartens and parks). This applies not only to convicted adults, but to the same extent also to young people who are convicted of fornication with other minors. The age of consent and, above all, the lifelong stigmatization of young lovers as sex criminals are controversial in the public debate in the USA. The sensational conviction of a 17-year-old schoolboy to ten years in prison for consensual oral sex with a 15-year-old led in 2006 to the introduction of a so-called "Romeo and Juliet clause" into the sexual law of the state of Georgia . According to this, 16- and 17-year-old youths who have engaged in sexual acts with 14- and 15-year-olds are no longer prosecuted in this state as criminals, but only as perpetrators of an administrative offense. The ruling against the 17-year-old was overturned by the Georgia Supreme Court ( Wilson v. State of Georgia case ) as grossly disproportionate.

    A peculiarity of the legal situation in the USA is the gap between the sometimes strict regulation of the age of consent and the regulation of the minimum age required for marriage , which in some cases ( Massachusetts ) is only twelve years under certain conditions.


    Since July 11, 2013, the age of consent in Vatican City has been 18 years, regardless of gender and sexual orientation. Consensual sexual acts on adolescents within the marriage are not criminal offenses.

    The Vatican did not previously have its own age of consent legislation. In the law on legal sources (Legge sulle fonti del diritto) of October 1, 2008 (in force since January 1, 2009), the canon law , which did not contain any sexual criminal law, was specified as the first legal source and reference point for interpretation . Other main sources were the laws, decrees, regulations and international agreements issued by the Vatican State (Art. 1). If regulations were needed for areas that are not taken into account in the legal sources, then Italian laws and legal decrees were used as a subsidiary , partly to current versions, partly to versions frozen at a certain point in time. For criminal law, Art. 7 (Norme penali) , Para. 1 of the Law on Legal Sources of 2008 was relevant. This stated that with the restrictions of Art. 3 (takeovers must not contradict the commandments or canon law) the Italian code ( Codice Penale , CP) as with the law No. II of June 7, 1929, also named law on legal sources with all previous Vatican changes (not the Italian changes). At that time, according to Art. 4, the Italian penal code from 1889 was adopted in the frozen version of June 8, 1929. In 1969, Art. 4 was changed and the deadline was brought forward to December 31, 1924. There were a few other changes that were not relevant to sex criminal law.

    Thus, the age of consent valid in Italy in 1929/1924 was 12 years in Vatican City and 15 years for dependent relationships.

    In practice, the following two additional circumstances came to bear: The Vatican can send people who have committed criminal offenses on its territory, regardless of whether they are arrested there by the gendarmerie of the pontificate or by auxiliary troops of the Italian police, for trial to Italy, which obliges them to take over and then has to apply Vatican law. The criminal law applicable there only applies in the event of a previous escape to Italian territory.

    The Catholic Church condemns sexual intercourse outside of marriage and sets the minimum age for marriage according to the Codex Iuris Canonici for men at 16 years and for women at 14 years, whereby the local bishops' conferences can adjust this amount upwards.

    Web links

    Individual evidence

    1. In the state of Bavaria , vocational school is compulsory up to the age of 21; see BayEUG , Art. 39 .
    2. Child benefit is currently granted for disabled children in Germany without any age limit.
    3. BGH decision 1 StR 481/95 decision of January 23, 1996
    4. File number BGH 5 StR 6/08 of April 16, 2008 (pages 1 and 3; PDF; 9 kB)
    5. ^ A b c Thomas Stephan: Sexual abuse of young people (§ 182 StGB). Tectum-Verlag, Marburg 2002, ISBN 3-8288-8433-4 , p. 28
    6. Thomas Stephan: Sexual abuse of young people (§ 182 StGB). Tectum-Verlag, Marburg 2002, ISBN 3-8288-8433-4 , p. 28 f.
    7. New version of § 182 StGB with effect from November 5, 2008
    8. More protection against sexual abuse of children and adolescents . ( Memento from November 12, 2006 in the Internet Archive ), accessed September 25, 2006
    9. (PDF) accessed June 29, 2007.
    10. ( Memento from July 17, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF) accessed June 29, 2007.
    11. Accessed February 21, 2008.
    12. Accessed February 21, 2008.
    13. ^ It was not until the juvenile court law of 1923/53 that criminal responsibility and “sexual maturity” were placed on the same birthday; beforehand, children could be prosecuted for fornication with children, not to mention sanctions outside the criminal justice system.
    14. ( memento from October 11, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) accessed July 7, 2011
    15. European Court of Human Rights: Judgment on Az 45330/99 , January 9, 2003 ( Memento of March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
    16. India prohibits teenagers from having sex . Mirror online
    17. Japanese Criminal Code, Section 22: Crimes of Immorality, Fornication and Double Marriage ( Memento of November 21, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), ( English translation of the 2007 version ( Memento of November 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ), German translation of the original version of 1907: digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3Dstrafgesetzbuch00bagoog~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3Dn42~doppelseiten%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D )
    18. Japanese Child Welfare Act, Section 8: Miscellaneous ( Memento of December 21, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
    19. Masahide Hoshi: 16 歳 と 結婚 し た 高橋 ジ ョ ー ジ さ ん が 「淫行」 に な ら な か っ た 理由 . In: シ ェ ア し た く な る 法律 相 談 所 . January 20, 2015, accessed December 12, 2015 (Japanese).
    20. 都 道 府 県 青少年 保護 育成 条例 集 (平 成 20 年 12 月 1 日 現在) (overview of the youth protection ordinances of the individual prefectures, as of December 1, 2008). Cabinet Office , December 1, 2008, accessed December 12, 2015 (Japanese).
    21. 8-year-old girl asks for divorce in court . ( Memento from December 12, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) In: Yemen Times (English)
    22. Kazneni zakon, članak 158
    23. Code_amended_2010_en.pdf CRIMINAL CODE CHAPTER 9, 10th June, 1854 - last amended III of 2004  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
    24. ( Memento from August 21, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
    28. ( Memento from September 4, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
    29. ( Memento from July 14, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
    30. Worldwide ages of consent . Statutory rape in the English language Wikipedia
    31. ^ Idaho Code Ann. § 18-6101
    32. ^ Richard A. Posner, Katharine B. Silbaugh: A Guide to America's Sex Laws . Ed .: Richard A. Posner, Katharine B. Silbaugh. University of Chicago Press, 1996, ISBN 978-0-226-67564-0 ( Google Books page 50 ).
    33. Consequences of a conviction for fornication with minors ;
    34. Discussion forum and reports from ABC station ;
    35. United States Too early for Romeo and Juliet ( Memento of May 19, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Accessed December 14, 2008
    36. ^ Marriage Laws of the Fifty States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico
    37. ^ Pontifical Commission for the State of the Vatican City : Law No. VIII, Supplementary Norms on Criminal Law Matters, July 11, 2013
    38. No. LXXI Law on Legal Sources (German translation) of October 1, 2008 in a selection of laws of the Vatican State. German translation of the original Italian texts ( memento of October 30, 2012 in the Internet Archive ),
    39. No. LXXI Legge sulle fonti del diritto ,
    40. [...] il Codice penale italiano recepito con la legge 7 giugno 1929, n. II, come modificato ed integrato dalle leggi vaticane.
    41. Art. 4 [old version, takeover of the Criminal Code] Art. 3 [General information on the takeover] Legge sulle fonti del diritto, N.II., June 7, 1929.
      Art. 3: In the areas mentioned in Article I. Legal sources [Codex iuris canonici & laws enacted by the Pope] were not included, found, subsidiary and as long as no separate laws of the Vatican City regulate the subject, the laws enacted by the Kingdom of Italy up to the entry into force of this law , together with their general regulations and the local regulations of the province and governorate of Rome [e.g. building law]; they are listed in the following articles, where the respective adaptations and restrictions are indicated ; It was always assumed that the aforementioned laws and regulations did not contradict the precepts of divine law, the general principles of canon law and the provisions of the treaty and concordat between the Holy See and the Kingdom of Italy on February 11th Completed in 1929, and ultimately provided that they prove applicable to the realities of the Vatican City.
      Art. 4: With the reservations mentioned in the previous article, the current Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Italy was applied in the Vatican City , together with the laws that were
      enacted until the entry into force of this law , which amended and supplemented it, and the associated regulations. [... offenses against the life or the integrity of regents, heads of state and prime ministers ... offenses against the life or the integrity of the Pope ...]
    42. Art. 39 Legge che modifica la legislazione penale e la legislazione processuale penale, NL of June 21, 1969.
      Art. 4 of the Legge sulle fonti del diritto 1929 was amended.
    43. Art. 22 Trattato fra la Santa Sede e l'Italia 1929
    44. CIC Can. 1083