Gienger tribe list

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Coat of arms of the Gienger (Gaenger)

This is the root list of the Gienger (Giengen, Gaenger, Gänger) von Grienpichel (Grünbüchel, Grünbüchl, Grünbichl, Grienpichel), von Wolfseck (Wolfsegg) and von Rotteneck (Rottenegg) and their ancestors Löw (Löwen) von Giengen from the Ulm area . The Austrian line of this noble family, which is named after its fortress Grienpichel , today Schloss Grünbühel (municipality of Kilb ), was elevated to the Austrian baron status in 1608.

Note on years: Instead of "around 1250", the numbers are in italics: 1250 .

Stammliste Löw von Giengen (Gienger)

Coat of arms of the lions, Ulm patrician
Coat of arms of Heinrich Gienger, Ulm 1384

Leo Löw (* 1200 ), named 1265 as a citizen in Giengen an der Brenz (near Ulm ), whose son was

Leo Löw von Giengen senior (* 1225 Giengen; † after 1297), citizen of Giengen, named 1297
Heinrich Löw von Giengen I. (Heinrich Gienger I.) (* 1270 Giengen; † after 1305 Ulm), in 1286 Lew, the young man from Giengen, moved to Ulm, ancestor of the Löw (Löwen) von Giengen (Ulm patrician family)
A1. Heinrich Löw von Giengen II. (Heinrich Gienger II.) (* 1295 Giengen ?; † 1352 (before 1364) Ulm), judge in Ulm, named 1335 and 1352, ⚭ Catharina Roth (* 1300 Ulm, † before 1364),
B1. Peter Gienger I (von Giengen) (* 1300 Giengen; † before 1388 Ulm), citizen of Ulm 1354 ⚭ NN
C1. Peter Gienger II (von Giengen) (* 1340–1342 Ulm; † after 1404), citizen of Ulm (1369–1404), ⚭ Agnes Leschenbrant, daughter of Jakob Leschenbrant
D1. Hans (Johann) Gienger (* before 1385 Ulm; † before 1419 Ulm), citizen of Ulm, ⚭ N. Krafft von Dellmensingen (* before 1388; †)
F1. Petronilla Gienger (* 1390 Ulm; † after 1427), ⚭ Jakob Müller , known as Gienger (see Gienger tribe list below )
A2. Eitel Löw (Eustach) (* 1298 Giengen; † 1354 Giengen),
B1. Eitel Löw von Giengen (Itel Leow) (* 1315 Ulm; † October 16, 1385 Ulm), called 1360–1383, Richter 1367, acquired property in Donaurieden in 1360 , donated an altar in 1366, ⚭ Elsbeth Krafft von Dellmensingen (* 1345 ; † after 1407)
C1. Elisabeth Löw (* 1357 ; † after 1394), ⚭ Heinrich Besserer (* 1354 Ulm; † July 13, 1414 Ulm)
C2. Eitel Löw (* 1370 Ulm; † 1427 Ulm), councilor in Ulm, ⚭ Elisabeth Neidhart (* 1385 Ulm?)
D1. Mrs. N. Löw (* 1410 Ulm?), ⚭ Mr. N. Ott (* 1405 ; †),
F1. Magdalena Ott (* 1440 Ulm; † August 15, 1500 Ulm), ⚭ Hans (Johann) Gienger (* 1430 Ulm; † March 9, 1488 Ulm), (see below Gienger's master list, A2. )
D2. Georg (Jörg) Löw (* 1412 Ulm; †), ⚭ Ursula von Steinhausen (* 1415 Ulm)
F1. Anna Löw (* 1455 Ulm; †), ⚭ Jodokus Günzburger (* 1450 Ulm; † 1506 on Corpus Christi day Ulm)
G1. Magdalene Günzburger ⚭ Daniel Schleicher (* 1430 ; †)

The Löw von Giengen died out in 1619 in the male line. Since 1625 there were no more Giengers in Ulm.

Source: Information on, based on data from Hanno Trurnit.

Gienger tribe list

Coat of arms of the Gienger von Wolfseck

according to Wißgrill, scene of the land-based Lower Austrian nobility from the gentry and knighthood .., Volume 3, p. 318ff, supplemented by GEDBAS and rootsweb, Wolfgang Reinhard, Augsburger Eliten.

Jakob Müller , called Gienger (* before 1402 in Ulm; † 1457 ibid), citizen of Ulm 1440, hospital nurse 1451–1452, judge 1453, ⚭ I Petronella Gienger (* 1390 Ulm; † after 1427 Ulm), ⚭ II before 1440 Anna Würker (* around 1425?)

A1. [I] Martin Gienger (* 1420 ; † before 1499) citizen of Ulm, 1466 of the council; ⚭ N. Burger
B1. Clara Gienger (* before 1442 Ulm; † January 29, 1495 Ulm; ▭ Wengen abbey church ), lost grave inscription ⚭ Andreas Scheler (* 1420 Ulm; † March 27, 1483 Frankfurt am Main), received an imperial coat of arms in 1480.
A2. [I] Hans (Johann) Gienger (* 1430 Ulm; † March 9, 1488 ibid), in 1469 Hans Gienger was the richest from Ulm. ⚭ I Anna Burger (* 1433 Memmingen), three children; ⚭ II Barbara Hutz (Hätz) (* 1435 ), three children; ⚭ III Anna Sold (Söld) (* 1437 ; † before 1468), no children; ⚭ IV before 1469 Magdalena Ott (* 1440 Ulm; † August 15, 1500 ibid), To. v. N. Ottho von Memmingen and N. Troyerin (Defiant) fifteen children; survived childhood:
B1. [I] Anna (* 1470 Memmingen) ⚭ Anton Kramer (* 1465 Memmingen)
B2. [IV] Jacob (* 1471 Ulm; † 1506) merchant in Ulm, ⚭ Veronica Krafft von Dellmensingen (* 1470 ; † 1535 ) To. d. Mang Krafft v. D., Mayor of Ulm, and N. Neydhardt,
C1. Barbara (* 1499 ), ⚭ Eitel Eberhard I. Besserer von Talfingen (* 1499; † December 30, 1575), Mayor of Ulm, married Martha Langnauer for the second time, one son is Eitel Eberhard II. (See below)
C2. Peter ⚭ Rosina Sachs from Esslingen
C3. Anna ⚭ Felix Raminger zu Biberach
C4. to C8. Sons Mang, Jakob, Hans, Leonhard, Philipp
C9. up to C12. Daughters Veronika, Magdalena, Christina and Ursula
B3. [IV] Ursula (* 1472 Ulm; † 1533 ) ⚭ Mattheus Lupine (* 1470 Ulm; † 14 June 1540 ibid), merchant and judge, six sons, including the clergyman ( barefoot ) Sebald and three daughters.
B4. [IV] Hans Kosmas (* 1473 Ulm; † 1530 ) ⚭ Magdalena Kramer (* 1475 )
C1. Sebastian (* 1495 Ulm; † October 5, 1558), 1547 accepted into the Noble Society of the Golden Lion in Memmingen , ⚭ 1548 Margaretha Besserer (* 1509 Ulm; † 1583), widow of Hans III. Ehinger from Constance
C2. Christoph ⚭ Dorothea Günzburger, To. v. Heinrich Günzburger, nurse in Geißlingen,
C3. Andreas (Andre) ⚭ I Anna Kobolt, ⚭ II Anna Dätzl, ⚭ III N. Holzschuher, all from Nuremberg
C4. Damian ⚭ Barbara Betz from Überlingen
C5. Hans Kosman ⚭ 1560 Magdalena Holzschuher
C6. Magdalena (2) ⚭ Ambrosius Scherrich zu Biberach
C7. Anna ⚭ Blasius Haunold zu Kempten
C8. Margaretha ⚭ Ulrich Rottengatter of Nuremberg
C9. up to C12. Sebald, Kosmas 1 and Kosmas 2 and Magdalena 1
B5. [IV] Ernst Damian Gienger (Damian I.) (* 1475 Ulm; † June 8, 1556 Ulm) Accolade for his services in the Swabian Peasants' War by Emperor Ferdinand I. ⚭ I Ursula Schütz von Raittenau (* 1480 Memmingen; † 1523 Ulm) , ⚭ II Ursula Senfft (* 1482 ) To. v. Burkhart Senfft von Sulburg , bailiff von Nau, caretaker von Geislingen, ⚭ III Anna Maria Günzburger (* 1485 ), ⚭ IV Katharina Bräunlin / Preunler (* 1490 ). Ernst Damian had 16 children with Ursula Schütz.
C1. [I] Georg Gienger von Rotteneck (* 1497 Langenau ; † January 14, 1577 Lorch , Enns ; ▭ Enns), knight, firstborn son, Juris Doctor, ten years chancellor of the Constance monastery , secret court secretary Ferdinand II , vice-chancellor of the government in Innsbruck, archheart. Landvogt in Upper and Lower Swabia , Burgvogt zu Enns and Mauthausen, Hr zu Rotteneck ( Rottenegg ) and Ennseck , exchanged the Landvogtei of Swabia with the Burgvogtei, castle and rule Enns in 1550. Emperor Maximilian II granted him permission to rebuild the dilapidated old castle of the city of Enns on December 30, 1565, and Georg rebuilt Ennsegg Castle on it . Maximilian II confirmed to him on September 22nd, 1567 the lordship of Burg Enns and Mauthausen to enjoy for life. ⚭ May 23, 1528 in Augsburg Maria Magdalena von Ilsung (* 1505 Augsburg; † May 23, 1561, ▭ Schottenkirche in Vienna), To. v. Achilles Ilsung von Trazberg and Magdalena Stuntz. Georg is buried in the Minorite Church in Enns, where his epitaph was.
D1. Achilles, died in his youth
D2. Maria Magdalena ⚭ Hans Jakob von Löbl zu Greinburg
D3. Konstanzia ⚭ Leonhard Bichler / Püchler von Weitteneck zu Loseneck, Hofkammerrat
D4. Ursula ⚭ 1556 Ferdinand Helfried von Meggau
D5. Justina ⚭ 1559 Hans von Prösing, Frhr zum Stein
D6. Katharina ⚭ Georg von Löbl zu Greinburg, brother of Hans Jakob
C2. [I] Damian II. (* 1502) world priest, enjoyed the Giengerian priesthood in Ulm.
C3. [I] Eitl Hans Gienger Eutl Johann I (Eitlhans, Eustach Hans) (* 1505 Langenau; † 1569 Monfort in the Rhine Valley) the third son, keeper of the Petersberg am Inn (= St. Petersberg Castle ), governor of Feldkirch, court war councilor , Land- and Feldzeugmeister in Tirol, ⚭ I Katharina von Gebersdorf, ⚭ II Katharina Fieger, To. v. Georg Fieger von Hirschberg, k. Councilor and salt minister in Hall. Damian III only. continued the sex in the male line.
D1. [I] Georg
D2. [I] Hans Jakob, canon and dean of Spital am Pyhrn Abbey
D3. [I] Damian III. ⚭ Maria von Taxis , To. v. Ferdinand von Taxis and Elisabeth Kastner
E1. Hans Jakob
E2. Hans Paul
E3. Ursula ⚭ February 26, 1612 Hans Christoph von Hertenberg (* 1592/1593; † September 2, 1613)
D4. [I] Barbara
D5. [II] Christoph
D6. [II] Eutl Johann II. (Eutl Hans)
D7. [II] Leonhard
D8. [II] Magdalena ⚭ Ernst von Stachelburg
D9. [II] Elisabeth
D10. [II] Anna ⚭ February 18, 1565 Sigismund Hager von Allentsteig , no children
D11. Ursula ⚭ 1562 Sigmund Michel von Altmannshausen, Hubmeister von Feldkirch
C4. [I] Jakob Gienger von Grienpichel (* August 9, 1510 Langenau; † November 29, 1578 Grünbichl), the fourth son, main line of the Gienger zu Grünbühel , Imperial District Administrator, 1554 to 1560 Vizedom in Upper Austria., Lower Austrian Court Chamber Councilor in Vienna , bought in 1552 from Kilian von Velderndorf Gut und Schloss Grünbühel, ancestor of all Giengers in Austria, ⚭ I Elisabetha von Haideck, no children, ⚭ II November 17, 1551 Barbara Kölnpöck (* 1506 ), To. d. edelvesten Niklas Kölnpöckh zu Salaberg and Martha Kornstock (Kernstock). (see below main line of Gienger zu Grünpichl )
C5. [I] Sebastian (* 1512; † 1541) the fifth son, perished by a stucco ball during the siege of the fortress oven
C6. [I] Anton (* August 28, 1513 Langenau; December 10, 1574 Vienna, ▭ St. Stephen's Cathedral) the sixth son, Emperor Ferdinand I. Hofkammerrat and court architect (court building director), ⚭ I July 12, 1543 Cäcilia von Hofmann from Steyer ( † November 7, 1557), widow of Wolfgang Troy, former city attorney at the Magistrate of Vienna, ⚭ II May 4, 1558 Maria von Grüenthal (* 1536; † December 4, 1570), To. v. Wolfgang von Grünthal zu Kremseck and Anna von Ennenkel , ⚭ III Anna von Saleß,
D1. [II] Anna, remained unmarried
D2. [II] Ursula ⚭ Christoph Kren from and to Abstorf
D3. [II] Katharina ⚭ Johann Baptist d. Ä. Weber zu Pisenberg, Imperial Councilor, Vice Chancellor
D4 ?. [II] last daughter († December 3, 1570),
C7. [I] Leonhard (Lienhart) (* December 25, 1514 Langenau; † November 27, 1588), the seventh son, councilor of Archduke Ferdinand in Tyrol, court penny master and chief chancellor, then chief steward of the Archduchess of Innsbruck, ⚭ I Katherina Hofer, ⚭ II Rosina Haidenreich from Bidenegg, To. of Erasmus Haidenreich, Chamber Master in Tyrol (see below), ⚭ III her sister Beningna Haidenreich von Bidenegg; no children
C8. [I] Cosmas (born April 23, 1516 Langenau; † August 26, 1592 Linz), the eighth son, main line of the Gienger zu Wolfseck , in 1541 in imperial military service, imperial council and upper thirty-something in Hungarian-Altenburg, from 1561 to about 1582 Vizedom in Austria ob der Enns, in 1566 he bought the estate and Veste Wolfsegg from the heirs of Johann Kurz von Senftenau, Emperor Rudolph II gave him this estate as a gift on March 16, 1582 for his special services. ⚭ I Ursula ERNST, no children, ⚭ II Katharina Haidenreich (*; † April 5, 1582), To. v. Erasmus Heidenreich von Bidenegg, Erzherz. Hofkammerrat zu Innsbruck, and Anna Zott von Pernegg, (see below main line of Gienger zu Wolfseck )
C9. [I] Wilhelm (* "third Sunday after Easter" 1519 Langenau; † 1586, ▭ Schottenkirche in Vienna in the cloister), the ninth son, regimental councilor in Innsbruck, then Emperor Maximilian II. Councilor and real chamberlain, caretaker and pledgee of the lordship and Bergveste Rettenberg in Tyrol, most recently captain and pledge holder of the Grenzvesten Hainburg ( retired ) and Rottenstein in Austria, ⚭ Rebecca Stöckl from Augsburg, no descent
C10. [I] Hans Georg (* 1520) the tenth son, Emperor Maximilian II. Captain of Pötschach, then caretaker or archheart. Housekeeper in Johannestahl (Bohemia), ⚭ I Anna Hofmann von Münichshofen, ⚭ II Katharina Scholtz To. v. Nicolai Scholtz von Sömmersdorf auf Prenklain , bailiff zu Königsberg, also no children
C11. [I] Bartholomä (* 1522 Langenau; † after 1572), the eleventh and youngest son, master of the Ranzenbach estate, VOWW, Emperor Maximilian II Oberstfalkenmeister in 1568, paid the personal tax for his estate in 1572, ⚭ I Barbara von Rabenhaupt, To. v. Nicolai Rabenhaupt zu Schultz and Ottenshaimb , knight, kais. Niederösterr. Hofkammerrat, ⚭ II Katharina Mayr, no children.
C12. [I] Maria died single
C13. [I] Ursula as nun Euphrosina, abbess in Dillingen
C14. [I] Anna ⚭ Konrad Rentz, bishop. Augsburg Chancellor
C15. [I] Katharina (around 1520 Langenau; † September 14, 1556 St. Peter in der Au ) ⚭ I Wolf von Edlsberg ( Edlasperg ), imperial handgrave in Austria, ⚭ II Hans Wucherer zu Drosendorf and Grub, imperial councilor and salt minister in Gmunden, ⚭ III Georg Seemann from Mangern to St. Peter in the Au, Imperial Council and Mautner to Ybbs on the Danube
B6. [IV] Margaretha (* 1480 ), ⚭ I Laux Ehinger (* 1470 ), eight sons and five daughters; ⚭ II Bernhard Besserer von Rohr (* 1471; † 1542), Mayor of Ulm, as his fourth wife. In 1529 he was at the Reichstag in Speyer.
B7. [IV] Eitel Hans (* 1488 ), Kramer in Ulm, ⚭ I Catharina Rottengatter (* 1505 ), ⚭ II February 12, 1571 Maria Ulstett (* 1548 )
C1. [I] Valentin (* 1520 ) ⚭ I 1540 Ottilie Wolffhart (Wolfhard) (* 1520 ), ⚭ II Anna Haunold from Kaufbeuren
D1. [I] Catharina (* 1547; † 1612), ⚭ Johann Kolöffel
C2. [I] Friedrich (* 1523 ; † 1573) ⚭ I Sara Stöcklin (* 1535 ) from Augsburg, To. v. Leonhard Stöcklin and Apollonia Wägelin, two daughters
C3. Eitel Hans ⚭ Barbara Schnurnägl from Hailprunn
C4. Magdalena ⚭ Alexander Martin von Wiernitz
C5. Jakob ⚭ Sara Wägelin
C6. up to C10. Sons Sebald, Ludwig, Sebastian, Hans, Hieronymus
C11. up to C15. Daughters Katharina 1, Margaretha, Veronika, Ursula and Katharina 2
B8. [IV] Sebald
B9. [IV] Sebastian
A3. [I] Jakob (* 1438 ), merchant in Ulm ⚭ Anna? stud
B1. Jeremias I (Hieronymus) (* 1473 ; † before December 1554), trader in Ulm and Augsburg, three marriages in Augsburg: ⚭ I March 6, 1498 Anna Langenmantel von Sparre (* 1473 ; † 1505 ), from Augsburg; ⚭ II Margaretha Ainkürn (* 1485 ; † 1554), ⚭ III January 11, 1531 Barbara Hörlin (* 1508 ). Descendants had civil professions in Augsburg
C1. [II] Hans I. (* 1514 ; † June 29, 1576 Augsburg), garment tailor ⚭ I Katharina Janisch, ⚭ II Katharina Fischer
D1. [I] Maria ⚭ 1557 Matthäus Stenglin
D2. [I] Jeremias II. (* 1549 , † February 15, 1625) ⚭ 1575 Ursula Waiblinger, ten children
D3. [I] David (* 1554 , † 1597) ⚭ 1580 Judith Waiblinger, a son
D4. Sabina ⚭ 1564 Georg White
C2. [II] Maria (* 1515 ; † February 12, 1601) ⚭ Andreas Scheler (connection to the Scheler family)
C3. [II] Felizitas ⚭ Wilhelm Barbarus
C4. [II] Afra ⚭ Konrad Baldenhofer
C5. [II] Margaretha ⚭ Georg Gruber
B2. Elisabeth ⚭ Ullrich Rockenburger
B3. Clara ⚭ Peter Ferber
B4. Anna ⚭ Dietrich Hurlowag
B5. Hans
B6. Zacharias
A4. [II] Daniel (* around 1442)
A5. [II] Matthäus I. (* 1444 Ulm; † 1510 ibid), ⚭ Ursula Hutz (* 1440 in Ulm; † 1535 ibid)
B1. Barbara (* 1460 ; December 7, 1508) ⚭ 1490 Simprecht Leins / Lins (* 1460 ; after 1546) merchant in Ulm, at least five children
Coat of arms of Marx Gienger, Ulm 1531
B2. Marcus (Marx) (* 1470 ) ⚭ Katharina Speidl von Hailprun (* 1475 ), ⚭ II? (with white grill)
C1. [I] Matthäus II. ⚭ Ursula Ungelter
D1. Markus , 1578 and 1580 miner administration under K. Rudolph II., 1585 and 1589 miner and forest master in Lower Austria, bought the Oberhöflein estate in 1589 , ⚭ Magdalena Wecherer, To. v. Johann Wecherer von Drasdorf and Katharina Gienger, wedding on February 1, 1579 in the castle of St. Peter in der Au (belonged to Mr. Seemann von Mangern), according to the Lower Austria equestrian register on August 1, 1625 recognized as a state member in the old equestrian order
E1. Hans Friedrich (Johann Friedrich) Gienger zu Oberhöflein († before 1621), since 1608 Frh., ⚭ 1600 Barbara Freiin von Concin
F1. Susanna
F2. Barbara
D2. Barbara ⚭ Eberhard Ungelter
C2. [I] Georg
C3. [I] Barbara
C4. [I] Katharina (* 1520 ), ⚭ Joachim Funk
C5. Ursula ⚭ Erasmus Rauchschnabel
B3. Laux ⚭ N. Renner, To. of the noble Johann Renner von Almadingen , Imperial Councilor and Colonel,
B4. Daughter N. ⚭ Sebald Rorer (Rohr)
A6. [II] Gabriel (* 1446 ) ⚭ I N. Bissinger, ⚭ II Margaretha Stamler
B1. [I] Balthasar († 1515 Milan) ⚭ I N. Starck from Biberach, ⚭ II Susanna Schmid from Bregenz
C1. [II] Sophia, nun in Dillingen
B2. [I] Daughter N. ⚭ Hans Speidel
C1. Daughter N. ⚭ Hans Raiser, carer in Gundelfingen
B3. [I] a son (priest)
B4. [I] a daughter
B5. [II] Kaspar Gienger zu Laugingen ⚭ Dorothea Reyser, To. des Matheis Reyser, Mayor of Laugingen
B6. [II] Lorenz / Laurenz Gienger zu Laugingen ⚭ I Anna Kalhart, ⚭ I Barbara Strigl
A7. [II] Hieronymus I. (* 1448 ; † 1514), ⚭ I N. Kymerler, no children, ⚭ II Katharina Lupine (* 1455 ),
B1. [II] Christoph (* 1490 Ulm; † 1554), businessman, hospital nurse ⚭ I 1532 Dorothea Günzburger (* 1505 ; † 1562), ⚭ II Barbara Lieber
C1. [I] Magdalena (* 1533 ), ⚭ I 1550 Paul von Furtenbach, City Administrator Feldkirch († October 30, 1589), at least one son, ⚭ II Philipp Besserer (* 1530 )
D1. [I] N. von Furtenbach (* 1550 )
D2. [II] Eitel Eberhard II. Besserer (* 1567 - † February 1626)
C2. [I] Anna (* 1533 ; † 1622)
B2. [II] Sebald ⚭ 1541 Veronika Hyrus (Heurus) from Constance, To. v. Paul Hyruss (gen. 1505) and Anna Steinbrecher
B3. [II] Margaretha ⚭ I Leonhard GEROLD from Knittelfeld, ⚭ II Martin Weickmann
B4. [II] Hieronymus II. ⚭ I Barbara Härler from Augsburg, widow of the noble Nikolaus Ziegler, Lord of Barr, Kais. Council and Vice Chancellor of St. Rom. Rich,
B5. [II] Ambrosi (us) ⚭ N. Lebzelter
B6. [II] Katharina ⚭ I Sebastian Gessler, Burgvogt von Geißlingen, ⚭ II Sigmund Stamler
A8. [II] Martin?
A9. [II] Veronica (* 1450 ) ⚭ Hans Hutz, several daughters
A10. [II] Andlin, a son (* 1452 )

Additions from GEDBAS and

Main list of the Gienger von Grünpichl

Jakob Gienger von Grienpichel (Grünbühel) (born August 9, 1510 - † November 29, 1578) the fourth son, main line of the Gienger zu Grünbühel, imperial Mautner in Ybbs, court penny and kitchen master of the younger Archduke Karl and Ferdinand, imperial district administrator , 1554 to 1560 Vizedom in Austria ob der Enns, last nö Hofkammerrat in Vienna, bought in 1552 from Kilian von Velderndorf Gut and Schloss Grünbühel , in 1565 and 1568 royally. Administrator of the Bergkammer zu Neusohl in the Hungarian mining towns, ancestor of all Giengers in Austria, ⚭ I Elisabetha von Haideck, no children, ⚭ II November 17, 1551 Barbara Kölnpöck (* 1506 ), To. d. edelvesten Niklas Kölnpöckh zu Salaberg and Martha Kornstock (Kernstock).

A1. [II] Barbara ⚭ September 25, 1569 Wolfgang Fazi zu Niederabstorf, court servant Archhg. Charles
A2. [II] Petronilla ⚭ February 1, 1573 Ferdinand von Concin zu Peerwart and Weißenbach an der Pielach
A3. [II] Apollonia ⚭ January 11, 1572 Johann Balthasar Caplan zu Lustenfelden, Imperial Forester in the Land above the Enns
A4. [II] Eva ⚭ I April 24, 1575 Christoph Lampl von Fronspurg, ⚭ II Johann Kaspar Pirckhamer, nö. Regimental Council
A5. [II] Niklas Gienger zu Grünbühel (* December 2, 1556; † beginning of 1636), baron, lord of the lordships of Grünbühel, Rabenstein an der Pielach , Altenhofen and Ranzenbach (Gem. Kilb), 1621 and 1624 ordinance. nö equestrian status, on May 1, 1608 Niklas and his cousin Johann Friedrich with their descent from Emperor Rudolph II were raised to the baron status. Only after confirmation of this diploma by Emperor Ferdinand II on May 5, 1635, Niklas and Ferdinand Friedrich Freiherren von Gienger were accepted into the Upper Austrian gentry on June 30 of the same year. ⚭ I 1579 Anna Maria von Särenthein , no children, ⚭ II February 8, 1587 Maria Freiin von Windischgrätz , To. v. Pankratz Frhr v. W. and Margaretha Ungnad von Weißenwolff , ⚭ III October 15, 1599 Elisabetha Frn von Prank, To. v. Friedrich Frhr von Prank zu Hof and Christina Küttenfelder,
B1. [II] Johann Adam († 1626) G. von and zu Grünbühel, Hainburg and Waasen, then Freiherr, 1624 ordinance. nö. Ritterstands, ⚭ Anna Maria von Maming, To. v. Konstantin M. zu Kirchberg an der Pielach and Maria Salome von Lagelberg,
C1. Georg Adam Frhr Gienger von Grünbühel, ⚭ around 1656 Katharina Freiin von Windischgrätz, To. v. Wolf Niklas Frhr v. W. and Maria Sauer von Kossiack (see Kosiack, Genealogie ),
D1. Maria Anna, died young
D2. Katharina, died young
C2. Maximilian Jakob (called before 1640), died single
C3. Rudolf Ernst, died young
C4. Maria Jacobea
C5. Maria Elisabetha
C6. Barbara
C7. Margaretha ⚭ Frhr von Wellewart
B2. [II] Ferdinand Pankraz Frhr von Gienger zu Grünbühel, Rabenstein and Ranzenbach, Imperial Truchsess and nö District Administrator, ⚭ I December 29, 1613 Maria Salome Kölnpöck, To. v. Nemrod Kölnpöckh zu Salaberg, Ottsdorf, Niederwallsee and Salome von Sinzendorf (see wedding of Maria Kölnpöck and Ferdinand Gienger zum Grienpichel ), ⚭ II January 7th 1631 Elisabetha Strasser, To. of Wolfgang Strasser zu Gleiß,
C1. [I] Ferdinand Sigismund († some years after 1651), ⚭ Eva Engelburg Geyer von Geyersberg (B., To. of Albrecht Geyer. Ferdinand had to sell all goods due to large debts, most recently on July 1, 1651 the headquarters in Grünbühel with the bailiwick of Kilb to Johanna Ruess von Ruessenstein, died a few years later
B3. [II] Benedict died unmarried
B4. [II] Maria Salome ⚭ Günther Frhr von Herberstein zu Neuberg
B5. [III] Johann Jakob , ⚭ I Maria Magdalena Freiin von Ratschin, To. v. Georg Friedrich v. R. (from Bohemia) and Magdalena von Wiellinger, four children, ⚭ II Elisabetha Katharina von Maming, To. v. Salomon v. M. zu Kirchberg and Polyxena Geyer von Osterburg (B., No children
C1. [I] Johann Paul Jakob Frhr v. G. on Grünbühel, Mr. zu Senfteneck (Senftenegg) and Jaidtendorf , Emperor Leopold I. real. Chamberlain, nö Regimentsrat, Hofkammerrat, bought Gut and Schloss Senfteneck from Barbara Salome Freiin von Galler in 1662, sold on to Johann Heinrich von Buel after a few years, bought in 1669 from merchant heirs Herrschaft Jaidtendorf, 1685 sold to Maximilian von Salla, ⚭ 21 January 1662 Sophia Freiin von Auersperg , To. v. Weikard Frhr v. A. to Purgstall and Anna Gesima von Sesimowa-Austi,
D1. Wolf Adam Frhr G. auf Grünbühel, was invited to pay homage on November 8, 1712, ⚭ August 23, 1690 Anna Margaretha von Kraftenburg, no descendants
D2. Johann Franz Frhr von Gienger, ⚭ Maria Claudia von Gienger zu Schauenstein (Tyrolean-Swabian line)
E1. Maria Anna, accepted into the monastery of the English Misses in St. Pölten in 1736
E2. Maria Eleonora died young
E3. Johann Franz Frhr von G., 20 Nov. 1738, mentioned (accepted?) In the knight academy of the Lower Austrian landscape in Vienna, entered chur-bavaria. Court and state services, ⚭ N. Frn Schrenk von Notzing ?, some children?
F1. Joseph Frhr von Gienger was accepted as a noble boy at the court in Munich in 1769. But nobody of this sex is left in Austria!
D4. Maria Elisabetha ⚭ Franz Adam Frhr Schrenck von Notzing , churfürstl. Bavarian Chamberlain
D5. Maria Sidonia ⚭ Karl Josef von Gabelkoven
D6. Amalia Wilhelmia ⚭ Johann Markus Frhr Puz von Adlersthurn
D7. Eva Margaretha ⚭ February 12, 1696 Johann Friedrich Frhr von Rehlingen
D8. Octavia Johanna died single
C2. [I] Rebecca Regina ⚭ 1662 Ferdinand Gf von Zinzendorf and Pottendorf, Lord of Alten-Lembach (= Altlengbach?) And Donaudorf
C3. [I] Anna Elisabetha ⚭ Georg Volkhard Frhr von Eck and Hungersbach
C4. [I] Katharina Anna ⚭ Johann Ernst Frhr of Concin
B6. [III] Eleonora Magdalena ⚭ Johann Paul Frhr von Wollzüge
B7. [III] Elisabetha Katharina ⚭ Johann Wilhelm Gf von Zinzendorf and Pottendorf, Lord of Karlsbach, Aichhof and Karlstetten

Tribe list of the Gienger von Wolfseck

Cosmas Gienger von Wolfseck (also zu Wolfseck; * Jubilate 1516; † August 26, 1592 in Linz) the eighth son, ancestor of the main line of the Gienger zu Wolfseck, 1541 in kaiserl. Military service, Imperial Councilor and upper thirties of Hungarian Altenburg , from 1561 to around 1582 Vice Cathedral in Austria above the Enns, in 1566 he bought the Wolfsegg estate and Veste from the heirs of Johann Kurz von Senftenau. Emperor Rudolph II gave him this rule on March 16, 1582 for his special services as a property. ⚭ I Ursula ERNST, no children, ⚭ II Katharina Haidenreich († April 5, 1582), To. v. Erasmus Heidenreich von Bidenegg, Erzherz. Hofkammerrat zu Innsbruck, and Anna Zott von Pernegg,

A1. [II] Ursula († after 1610 or 1619?) Lady-in-waiting of the widowed queen in Poland Katharina , b. Archduchess of Austria
A2. [II] Katharina (* February 16, 1556; † 1594) ⚭ 1592 Leonhard Dillherr, Imperial Councilor
A3. [II] Anna Maria (born September 8, 1562) ⚭ Nov. 26, 1600 Tristant Schrenk von Notzing, treasurer of the elector of Cologne, prince-bishop of Liège, chief and curator of Waidhofen an der Ybbs
A4. [II] Susanna (born November 27, 1566) lady-in-waiting of Archduchess Anna , wed queen in Poland and Sweden, ⚭ 1596 at her court Jakob Sczepański, Castellan zu Mirachowo
A5. [II] Elisabetha, died in youth
A6. [II] Maria Magdalena (* July 21, 1570; † Hall i. T.) lived and died in the royal fräuleinstift in Hall in Tirol
A7. [II] Sophia, died in youth
A8. [II] Christina, died in youth
A9. [II] Hans Karl the Elder, (* before 1557) died in his youth
A10. [II] Hans Adam (Johann Adam) Gienger zu Wolfseck and Rotteneck (born November 19, 1558; † April 3, 1623 Wolfseck, ▭ Linz) 1585 assessor of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce in Speyer, Imperial Council, 1590 to 1621 Vice-Cathedral in Upper Austria ., ⚭ November 26, 1590 in Innsbruck Maria Magdalena Füeger (Fieger) († 1627), To. v. Georg Füeger zu Hirschberg, Archduke Ferdinand in Tyrol first court chamber councilor, and Elisabeth Weitmoser zu Winkl. Except for Mathias, the sons died before their father, with Hans Adam this line in the male line became extinct .
B1. Georg Cosmas (* and † 1592)
B2. Elisabeth (a) (* 1594) ⚭ I April 11, 1616 Veit Mathias Spindler von Hoffegg, ⚭ II 1628 Wolf Jakob Strauss von Haderstorf, Truchsess Archduke Maximilians, ⚭ III Georg Friederich Speidl
B3. Matthias (* February 25, 1595; † after 1623), resisted all attempts at raising children, was disinherited by his father
B4. Hans Adam
B5. Karl
B6. Franz
B7. Susanna
B8. Christina
B9. Katharina was dressed in 1614 in the monastery of St. Klara in Vienna
B10. Anna Christina
B11. Ursula (* December 21, 1598 Hoheneck; † February 4, 1663) ⚭ April 12, 1622 Johann Georg Pfliegl (Pflügl vom Goldenstein), churbayr. Hofkammerrat and then Vice Cathedral in Upper Austria
Coat of arms of JK Gienger von Wolfseck
A11. [II] Hans Georg (born April 19, 1561; † 1592 in the Netherlands) 1576 noble boy of the Cardinal of Madruzzo , Prince-Bishop of Trident (Trient), then Truchess of Archduke Mathias , served as a volunteer among the royal family. Spanish troops in the Netherlands, was slain there in 1592
A12. [II] Hans Sigismund, died in youth
A13. [II] Hans Christoph, died in youth
A14. [II] Hans Wilhelm, died in youth
A15. [II] Hans Jakob, died in youth
A16. [II] Hans Karl the Younger (* December 30, 1567; † August 17, 1605) became a priest and canon of Passau in 1593


  • Gabriel Bucelin (Bucelinus) : Germania topo-chrono-stemmato-graphica sacra et prophana .., Volume III, 1 ONB
  • Johann Georg Adam von Hoheneck : “ The praiseworthy gentlemen estates Deß Ertz-Herzogthumb Austria whether the Ennß, as: prelates, gentlemen, knights, and cities or genealogical and historical description, of the same arrival, founding, building and fortification , Wapen, shield, and helmets, your monasteries, lordships, castles, and cities ”Volume 1, Passau 1727, pp. 182–194 digitized
  • Franz Karl Wißgrill , Karl von Odelga: scene of the rural Lower Austrian nobility from the lordship and knighthood of the XI. Century, except for the present time , Volume 3, Vienna 1800, pp. 317–327.
  • Otto von Alberti : Wurttemberg Nobility and Wappenbuch, 4th issue "Felber - Hailfingen" , Stuttgart 1892, pp. 226–227.
  • Ludwig Witting: A handwritten source for the genealogy of the Barons von Gienger . (With a plate), in Adler, Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft, Jahrbuch der kk heraldischen Gesellschaft Adler, Volume IV, Vienna 1894, pp. 185–207
  • Ludwig Heinrich Krickl: 212 family tables of noble families from which spiritual dignitaries of the Diocese of Passau have sprung with the inclusion of the spiritual dignitaries of other dioceses , Vilshofen a. Danube: Missionskloster OSB Schweiklberg 1924, p. 110 GenWiki
  • Franz Wilflingseder : Pictures from the everyday life of the nobility of Linz and Enns in the 16th and 17th centuries. In: Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz 1964. Linz 1965, online (PDF) in the forum, especially pp. 427–435.
  • Wolfgang Reinhard (Ed.): Augsburg Elites of the 16th Century: Prosopography of Economic and Political Leadership Groups 1500–1620 , Berlin 1996, esp. Pp. 182–190
  • Albrecht Rieber: Hans Gienger and his family . In: From the archive and library. Studies from Ulm and Upper Swabia; Max Huber on his 65th birthday, Ed. Alice Rössler, Weißenborn, Ulm 1969, pp. 92–113.

Web links

  • Emperors and courts. Personal database of courtiers of the Austrian Habsburgs, ed. by Mark Hengerer and Gerhard Schön, start page

Abbreviations and explanation


text means or
1848/50 1848 OR 1850
1848-50 FROM 1848 TO 1850 between 1848 and 1850
1848? questionable or unsure
1848 around 1848
Hanns (Hans) italic original, today's spelling in brackets
Hans / Hanns different spellings equivalent variants
(Hanns) further spelling variant

Abbreviations and symbols

* born R. Knight Lower Austria, nope Austria under the Enns, -isch
~ baptized Mr Mr Upper Austria, Upper Austria Austria whether the Enns, -isch
Marriage, wedding Mr Baron Ktn, ktn Carinthia, Carinthian
% Divorce, divorced Frn Baroness, baroness Stmk, stmk Steiermark, Styrian
died Gf Count Tir, tir Tyrol, Tyrolean
X like Gfn countess Slb, slb Salzburg, salzburger
buried in Booh, booh Bohemia, bohemian
gene. called Ordinance Decreed (of the landscape) More, more Moravia, Moravian
rel church wedding Ordinance Ri. Ordinance of the knighthood Krn, krn Krain, krainer
civ civil marriage Ordinance Mr. Ordinance of the gentry Ung, ung Hungary, Hungarian
To. v. daughter of Hptm Captain hereditary erbländisch

Individual evidence

  1. see the Löw family on the website of the city of Ulm ( memento of the original from July 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. on the Müller later Gienger see link website of the city of Ulm ( Memento of the original from July 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. see A. Rieber, The beginnings of the Scheler in Ulm.
  4. Gabriel Bucelin: Germania topo-chrono-stemmato-graphica sacra et prophana .., Volume III, 1: p433. ONB
  7. on the Augsburg patrician family Ilsung s. Wilhelm Vogt:  Ilsung . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 14, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1881, pp. 33-35.
  9. see Josef Kraft: structural redesign of the "Altmontfort" castle around 1570. in research and communications on the history of Tyrol and Vorarlberg, 12.1915 ; Pp. 243-261, esp. 248
  10. Johann Jakob Gienger was dean of the Spital am Pyhrn Abbey from 1570, where he zealously promoted the Counter Reformation. limited preview
  11. ^ Ferdinand ⚭ 1557 Elisabeth
  12. ^ Descendants of Guntram "der Reiche" Graf im Breisgau, according to
  13. Portrait around 1610, link to . The four-part coat of arms shows the hoe in black and white and a gray one? Tower on black mountain on red.
  14. according to "The Hager family from Allentsteig (Lower Austria)" on
  18. Death shield in the parish church Landeck, in The inscriptions of the political districts Imst, Landeck and Reutte , total. u. edit v. Werner Köfler and Romedio Schmitz-Esser (The German Inscriptions 82nd Volume, Vienna Series 7th Volume, Part 1) Vienna 2013, cat. No. 210, [1]
  19. he had three wives, see Werner Köfler and Romedio Schmitz-Esser, The inscriptions of the political districts of Imst, Landeck and Reutte
  23. Genealogy on
  24. ^ Trial of Hieronymus Gienger and Mathäus Lupine, citizens of Ulm, against Kaspar Brögel, citizens of Gmünd, Landesarchiv BW
  25. ^ 1. Marriage of Veronica with Rochi Montpratt de Spiegelberg; Bucellin, Volume 2.2 ONB
  26. Jacob GIENGER . Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved November 5, 2019.
  27. South German patricians . Archived from the original on March 18, 2016. Retrieved November 5, 2019.
  28. Apolonia married on January 11, 1572 according to the note in the church registers, see the monthly newspaper of the Kais. Kings Heraldic Society "Adler", Volume IV, Vienna 1897, p. 228 link to
  29. 1636-1640 letters in the Landesarchiv BW , receipt from 23 Nov. 1639 LA BW
  30. ^ Entry about Senftenegg II on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  31. Marriage on August 23, 1690 in the parish church of Vösendorf according to the parish registers, see excerpt: “... Dominus Wolfgangus Gienger liber Baro et comes palatinus fil (ius) leg (itimus) Illustris Domini Pauli Jacobi Giengers paronis et comitis palatini et generosa Domina Sophiae comittissae from Auersperg: cum generosa Herula Constantia Margaritha Ludomilla Baronissa à Graffenberg filia leg (itima) generosi Dm (Domini) Dm Joannis Reimundi à Graffenberg: et uxoris Maria Regina baronissae à Sunnau? ... "
  32. The Rehlingen on Salzburg wiki
  33. lived around 1600 with her brother Hans Karl (Johann Carl), canon in Passau. On April 25, 1610 godmother in Passau [2] , also on July 8, 1619 (p. 70) - but her niece, daughter of Hans Adam could also be link
  34. MMWiszowaty, Kartuskie mauzoleum (O XVII-wiecznej kaplicy Szczepańskich herbu Dołęga w Kartuzach) ( Memento of the original from July 1, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on: , accessed on May 21, 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  35. ^ Franz Wilflingseder: Pictures from everyday life ..., Chapter: From the life of a good-for-nothing, pp. 427-435
  36. according to the baptismal register of St. Stephan in Passau wikisource link on August 17, 1605
  37. in Krick, 212 family tables…, p. 110, still stands: “urk. 1583, ordin. 1598, curator. "


  1. probably Ludwig Krafft's sister Anna Elisabeth
  2. Bucelin provides other information, see the Gienger family list: Hans (Johann) A2.
  3. Helferichten von Meckhau zue Creutzen , Truchsess from Archduke Karl (according to the Adler). The son Leonhard Helfried von Meggau comes from the second marriage of Ferdinand Helfried von Meggau to Susanna von Harrach .
  4. Rottenberg according to Hoheneck
  5. Niclas Scholtz von Symesdorff auf Prenclau amptmans zu Kungsperg is in the eagle
  6. Niclas Rabenhaupt from Suche ze Ottensheim ... Lower Austria canzler is in the eagle
  7. in Matthäus, Markus, Marx there are strong differences in the references. At Wißgrill, Hans Friedrich is a son of Marcus / Marx and his second wife Magdalena Wecherer, but this cannot be right in terms of timing.
  8. Wißgrill relates the information to his grandfather B2. Marcus (Marx), according to the life data and the other information, however, D1. Markus more likely
  9. at Wißgrill is E. Ungelter with C2. Barbara (would be the aunt) married
  10. According to Wißgrill, Jakob Gienger-Müller had six sons with Anna Würker, according to GEDBAS there are only five