Survivor (United States)

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Television broadcast
Original title Survivor
Country of production United States
original language English
Year (s) since 2000
length 43 minutes
Episodes 594 in 40 seasons
genre Reality
idea Charlie Parsons
production Charlie Parsons ,
Mark Burnett ,
Jeff Probst ,
David Burris
music Russ Landau
Moderation Jeff Probst
First broadcast May 31, 2000 (USA) on CBS

Survivor (literally survivor ) is an American reality - TV show . It is based on the 1997 Swedish series Expedition Robinson developed by Charlie Parsons and first aired on CBS on May 31, 2000 . It will be moderated by Jeff Probst , who is also a co-producer. Mark Burnett , David Burris and the show's creator Charlie Parsons are the other producers.


A group of people who didn't know each other personally before the show began is abandoned in a remote location. The candidates are divided into two or more tribes and have to take care of food, water, fire and shelter for their respective tribe themselves and without outside help.

Competitions are held at regular intervals where you can win a reward or immunity . In the first phase of the game, the tribes compete against each other in these competitions, whereby only the victorious tribe wins the reward or immunity. The latter is particularly important, because at the end of each episode a member of the losing tribe is elected by their own tribal colleagues from the game in the so-called Tribal Council . In a few cases, however, contestants had to leave the game for medical reasons after being injured or ill.

Since the eliminations continuously reduce the number of individuals remaining in the game, a merge occurs in the final phase and all candidates become a single tribe. The competitions will be held on an individual basis from this point on and only one person can then win a reward and / or immunity. In the end, there are two or three players left. These then have to face a jury consisting of the seven, eight or nine candidates who were eliminated last. This jury then selects the winner from the remaining people, who receives the title Sole Survivor and one million US dollars .

Info from the TV show in the USA

Places of seasons 1–16

There are now several variants of Survivor in different countries, but the US is by far the most successful. The first eleven seasons of the series were consistently among the top ten most watched TV shows. Survivor is considered the premier reality show in the United States because it was the first profitable show in the genre. The series has been nominated for several Emmy Awards and has also won several categories. Jeff Probst has won the award for Outstanding Reality Presenter category four times in a row since it was launched in 2008.

Season overview

Season Surname venue winner Losing finalists Distribution of votes Remarks
1 Survivor: Borneo Pulau Tiga , Kuala Penyu , Sabah , Malaysia Richard Hatch Kelly Wigglesworth 4-3 So far only season whose winner was announced on location and not on a later live show in the United States
2 Survivor: The Australian Outback Herbert River , Queensland , Australia Tina Wesson Colby Donaldson 4-3 First season in which a candidate had to be evacuated for medical reasons . The only season whose recording did not last 39, but 42 days.
3 Survivor: Africa Shaba National Reserve , Kenya Ethan Zohn Kim Johnson 5-2 First season in which the composition of the tribes was mixed up by the producers without notice
4th Survivor: Marquesas Nuku Hiva , Marquesas , French Polynesia Vecepia Towery Neleh Dennis 4-3 Due to an indissoluble tie at a tribal council, the candidate to be eliminated was determined by chance, which fans of the series saw controversially.
5 Survivor: Thailand Tarutao National Park , Satun , Thailand Brian Heidik Clay Jordan 4-3 First season with a "fake" union of tribes. For the first time, the candidates were offered the possibility of mutiny (change to the other tribe), but this has not yet been accepted by anyone.
6th Survivor: The Amazon Rio Negro , Amazon , Brazil Jenna Morasca Matthew von Ertfelda 6-1 For the first time, the tribes were divided according to gender . And for the first time a candidate gave up individual immunity gained. Jenna Morasca passed it on to Heidi Strobel.
7th Survivor: Pearl Islands Pearl Islands , Panama Sandra Diaz-Twine Lillian Morris 6-1 For the first time, a candidate gave up voluntarily for non-medical reasons (East Taylor). In the middle of the game, a tribe of outcasts was introduced, i.e. players who had already been removed from the game at this point. These had the chance to get back into the game via a competition. Lillian Morris, who finished second in the end, was one of those outcasts.
8th Survivor: All-Stars Amber Brkich (Survivor: The Australian Outback) Rob Mariano (Survivor: Marquesas) 4-3 First held with returnees from previous seasons. First season that started with 3 tribes. At the final, viewers had the opportunity to vote for their favorite candidate via televoting , who then received another million US dollars. Rupert Boneham (Survivor: Pearl Islands) won this election.
9 Survivor: Vanuatu - Islands of Fire Efate , Shefa , Vanuatu Chris Daugherty Twila Tanner 5-2 First season with an amputee candidate.
10 Survivor: Palau Koror , Palau Tom Westman Katie Gallagher 6-1 For the first time, the candidates were not divided into tribes right from the start. When that happened, there were two candidates left who left the game immediately. The Koror tribe then won every immunity competition and reduced the Ulong tribe to one person, who they eventually took over: Stephenie LaGrossa. Ibrehem Rehman was the first Muslim participant in Survivor. On January 19, 2010, Jennifer Lyon died of breast cancer. She is the first survivor to die. Introduction of the "island of exile".
11 Survivor: Guatemala - The Maya Empire Yaxha , Peten , Guatemala Danni Boatwright Stephenie LaGrossa (Survivor: Palau) 6-1 For the first time, new candidates and returnees competed in the same season. A Hidden Immunity Idol ( amulet hidden in the landscape that gives the finder individual immunity) was introduced and has appeared in every season since.
12 Survivor: Panama - Exile Island Pearl Islands, Panama Aras Baskauskas Danielle DiLorenzo 5-2 First season that started with 4 tribes.
13 Survivor: Cook Islands Aitutaki , Cook Islands Yul Kwon Ozzy Lusth Becky Lee 5-4-0 First season with three participants in the final tribal council. With two exceptions, this variant has since been retained for every season. The mutiny offer was accepted for the first time. Candice Woodcock and Jonathan Penner thereby left their tribe.
14th Survivor: Fiji Macuata , Vanua Levu , Fiji Earl Cole Cassandra Franklin Dre "Dreamz" stove 9-0-0 For the first time, the winner received all the votes of the jury at the final tribal council. So far the only season with an uneven number of participants (19).
15th Survivor: China Jiujiang , Jiangxi , China Todd Duke Courtney Yates Amanda Kimmel 4-2-1 Instead of the exile island, there were “ kidnappings ” of members of the opposing tribe. The abductees received information about the hiding place of the immunity amulet in the opposing camp. They had to share this information with at least one person from the kidnapping tribe. For the first time, three candidates received at least one vote at the final tribal council.
16 Survivor: Micronesia - Fans vs. Favorites Koror, Palau Parvati Shallow (Survivor: Cook Islands) Amanda Kimmel (Survivor: China) 5-3 A tribe of returnees competed against a tribe of fans of the series. The island of exile was reintroduced in a different form: two candidates had to go to the island of exile, one from each tribe.
17th Survivor: Gabon Estuaire , Gabon Robert "Bob" Crowley Susie Smith Jessica "Sugar" Kiper 4-3-0 The series was first filmed and broadcast in HD .
18th Survivor: Tocantins - The Brazilian Highlands Jalapão , Tocantins , Brazil James "JT" Thomas Jr. Stephen Fishbach 7-0 Two players (one from each tribe) were banished to the island of exile in each episode. But only one of them got a clue about the hiding place of the immunity amulet.
19th Survivor: Samoa Upolu , Samoa Natalie White Russell Hantz Mick Trimming 7-2-0 Instead of the island of exile, the tribe that won the reward competition chose a member of their own tribe. This did not take part in the reward, but spent the time up to the immunity competition as a "spy" with the opposing tribe. This person also received a clue about the hiding place of the immunity amulet.
20th Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Sandra Diaz-Twine (Survivor: Pearl Islands) Parvati Shallow (Survivor: Cook Islands and Survivor: Micronesia) Russell Hantz (Survivor: Samoa) 6-3-0 Sandra Diaz-Twine is the only two-time Survivor winner.
21st Survivor: Nicaragua San Juan del Sur , Rivas , Nicaragua Judd "Fabio" Birza Chase Rice Matthew "Sash" Lenahan 5-4-0 The Medallion of Power gave the tribe who owned it an advantage in the immunity contest. But after it has actually been used, it moves to the opposing tribe.
22nd Survivor: Redemption Island Rob Mariano (Survivor: Marquesas, Survivor: All-Stars and Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains) Phillip Sheppard Natalie Tenerelli 8-1-0 Redemption Island (German: 'Island of Rehabilitation ') was introduced. Rob Mariano made his fourth appearance at Survivor and won.
23 Survivor: South Pacific Upolu, Samoa Sophie Clarke Benjamin "Coach" Wade (Survivor: Tocantins and Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains) Albert Destrade 6-3-0 For the first time, a candidate (Ozzy Lusth) was elected three times within a season because he was able to return to the game twice via the successful competition on Redemption Island.
24 Survivor: One World Kimberly Spradlin Sabrina Thompson Chelsea Meissner 7-2-0 For the first time, two tribes lived in the same camp from the beginning. For the first time, an entire tribe gave up the immunity they had won without consideration. For the first time, five women formed the "Final Five", the five last remaining candidates in the game.
25th Survivor: Philippines Caramoan , Camarines Sur , Philippines Denise Stapley Michael Skupin Lisa Whelchel 6-1-1 Three candidates from previous seasons who had to leave the game for medical reasons returned:
  • Michael Skupin (Survivor: Australia - 2nd season)
  • Jonathan Penner (Survivor: Cook Islands - Season 13 and Survivor: Micronesia - Season 16)
  • Russell Swan (Survivor: Samoa - Season 19)
26th Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites John Cochran (Survivor: South Pacific) Dawn Meehan (Survivor: South Pacific) Sherri Biethman 8-0-0 A tribe of returnees competed against a tribe of fans of the series. This is the second time a season has been run in this format. Before that, the 16th season (Survivor: Micronesia - Fans vs. Favorites) followed this concept. Erik Reichenbach was a "fan" in this 16th season and is now a "Favorite" in the 26th.
27 Survivor: Blood vs. Water Palaui , Cagayan , Philippines Tyson Apostol (Survivor: Tocantins and Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains) Monica Culpepper (Survivor: One World) Gervase Patterson (Survivor: Borneo) 7-1-0 A tribe with candidates from previous seasons competes against a tribe with relatives of these returnees.
28 Survivor: Cagayan Tony Vlachos Yung "Woo" Hwang 8-1 There was a special Hidden Immunity Idol that, unlike the normal idol, could be used AFTER reading out the votes.
29 Survivor: San Juan del Sur San Juan del Sur , Rivas , Nicaragua Natalie Anderson Jaclyn Schultz Missy Payne 5-2-1 The concept of "Blood vs. Water" is repeated, so there are nine pairs of relatives. However, there are 18 new candidates.
30th Survivor: Worlds Apart Mike Holloway Carolyn Rivera Want Sims 6-1-1 Three tribes compete against each other, which are separated according to socio-economic status: White Collar (employees), Blue Collar (workers) and No Collar (free thinkers).
31 Survivor: Cambodia Koh Rong , Cambodia Jeremy Collins (Survivor: San Juan del Sur) Spencer Bledsoe (Survivor: Cagayan) Tasha Fox (Survivor: Cagayan) 10-0-0 There were 20 players who had already played once but did not win. The 20 were previously selected from 30 players by audience voting.
32 Survivor: Kaôh Rōng Michele Fitzgerald Aubry Bracco Tai Trang 5-2-0 As in season 28, the players were divided according to the personality traits "Brains", "Brawn", "Beauty".
33 Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X Mamanuca Islands , Fiji Adam Klein Hannah Shapiro Ken McNickle 10-0-0 The 20 players were divided into the categories "Millennials" and "Generation X" according to age.
34 Survivor: Game Changers Sarah Lacina (Survivor: Cagayan) Brad Culpepper (Survivor: Blood vs. Water) Troy "Troyzan" Robertson (Survivor: One World) 7-3-0 There are 20 players who have already played once and have made a significant difference to the game.
35 Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers Ben Driebergen Chrissy Hofbeck Ryan Ulrich 5-2-1 There are 18 players who were divided according to their calling into "Heroes", "Healers" and "Hustlers".
36 Survivor: Ghost Island Wendell Holland Domenick Abbate Laurel Johnson 6-5-0 On one island, "Ghost Island", players can search for talismans that led to errors in previous seasons.
37 Survivor: David vs. Goliath Nick Wilson Mike White Angelina Keeley 7-3-0 There are 20 players who were classified according to their résumés as "David" s or "Goliath" s.
38 Survivor: Edge of Extinction Chris Underwood Gavin Whitson Julie Rosenberg 9-4-0 Selected players could leave the game after their selection or move to the "Edge of Extinction", where they can return to the game at 2 points. This enabled players who had been eliminated before the merge to determine the winner.
39 Survivor: Island of the Idols Tommy Sheehan Dean Kowalski Noura Salman 8-2-0 The previous winners Sandra Diaz-Twine and Rob Mariano return as mentors on the "Island of the Idols", but do not take part in the game.
40 Survivor: Winners at War Tony Vlachos (Survivor: Cagayan and Survivor: Game Changers) Natalie Anderson (Survivor: San Juan Del Sur) Michele Fitzgerald (Survivor: Kaôh Rōng) 12-4-0 Twenty previous winners competed against each other for $ 2 million in prize money. Tony Vlachos has been named Survivor's second two-time winner.

Individual evidence

  1. Tom Shales: Best of the decade: Television . In: Washington Post , December 27, 2009. Retrieved March 15, 2012. 
  2. ^ Robert Bianco: The decade in television: Cable, the Internet become players . In: USA Today , December 29, 2009. Retrieved March 15, 2012. 
  3. ^ Tim Goodman: Decade in review: Television . In: San Francisco Chronicle , January 1, 2010. Retrieved March 15, 2012. 
  4. Jeff Probst: Marquesas . In: Entertainment Weekly . February 7, 2005. Retrieved March 28, 2012.