Teutoburg Forest Association

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The Teutoburg Forest Association (TWV) was founded on June 25, 1902 as the Teutoburg Mountain Association in Bad Rothenfelde and is an association for hiking, homeland care, environmental and nature conservation in the Teutoburg Forest and its foreland. The area of ​​the association is determined by the topography and not by political borders. For example, the border to the Weser-Ems Wiehengebirgsverband runs through the middle of the Osnabrück district and the Herford district . The seat of the TWV is Bielefeld . He is entered in the register of associationsof the Bielefeld District Court (VR 1475). Since the TWV is an umbrella organization of 22 hiking, homeland and history associations, and 3 local associations bear the name TWV, the name was changed to Teutoburger-Wald-Verband e. V. The association is a member of the German Hiking Association.


The association was founded at the beginning of the 20th century as a counter-movement to the onset of industrialization and therefore sees one of its main tasks to make the beauty of nature tangible, but also to promote the image of man as such. His tasks therefore include promoting hiking as such, bringing people closer to one another and imparting or deepening knowledge about their closer and wider homeland . For this it is necessary to campaign for landscape, nature, environmental and animal protection as well as for the preservation of natural and cultural monuments and to maintain the local customs including language and songs. An important goal is to arouse the interest of young people in particular in fulfilling these tasks.

Main hiking trails

The European long-distance hiking trail E1North Sea - Lake Constance - Genoa ” runs through the area covered by the TWV , in the section Hameln - Sternberg Castle - Lemgo - Detmold - Hermannsdenkmal - Externsteine - Silbermühle - Velmerstot near Horn - Leopoldstal .

The TWV looks after the long-distance hiking trails Burgensteig , Cheruskerweg , Dingelstedtpfad , Emmerweg , Hansaweg , Hermannsweg , Wappenweg Bielefeld , Karl-Bachler-Weg , Lönspfad , Niedersachsenweg , Runenweg , Sachsenweg, Schau-ins-Land-Weg and Talweg.

There are three large regional circular routes in the care area, which can be counted among the main hiking trails due to their considerable length: Ahornweg , Eichenweg and Tecklenburger Land-Rundweg .


The Teutoburg Forest Association was awarded the Eichendorff badge in 2002.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.wanderindex.de/wanderverbaende/hauptverband/eichendorffplakette.html

Coordinates: 52 ° 1 '3.8 "  N , 8 ° 32' 26.8"  E