U 189

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U 189
( previous / next - all submarines )
Type : IX C / 40
Field Post Number : M-49 106
Shipyard: Deschimag , Bremen
Construction contract: November 4th 1940
Build number: B 1035
Keel laying: September 12, 1941
Launch: May 1, 1942
Commissioning: August 15, 1942
  • August 15, 1942 to April 23, 1943
    Kptlt / Krvkpt Hellmut Kurrer
Calls: 1 company

no depressions

Whereabouts: Sunk on April 23, 1943 in the North Atlantic east of Cape Farvel .

U 189 was a German long-range submarine of the type IX C / 40 , which was used in World War II .


U 189 was commissioned on November 4, 1940 from the Bremen Deschimagwerft . The keel laying of the boat under the temporary designation "Neubau 1035" began on September 12, 1941, the launch took place eight months later, on May 1, 1942. The commissioning and handover to the Navy took place on August 15, 1942 under the Command of Lieutenant Hellmut Kurrer, former First Watch Officer on the torpedo boat T 6 and Lieutenant Heyses U 128 , took place. A pirate flag was used as a coat of arms on the tower , the crossbones of which were replaced by a 10.5 cm deck gun and a torpedo . From August 15th '42 to April '43 it was under the control of the 4th U-Flotilla stationed in Stettin as a training boat and was then transferred to the 2nd U-Flotilla in the occupied French Lorient as a front unit.

Use statistics

First and only venture

After U 189 left Kiel under the command of Kaleun Kurrer on April 3, '43 at 8:00 a.m., the port of Marviken in Norway was called immediately to replenish water and fuel and on April 5 at 8:20 a.m. reached. The boat then cast off the next morning at 7:20 a.m., but had to call at Egersund due to sea damage to the escort vehicles . U 189 finally left Egersund at 7:30 p.m. heading North Atlantic. The North Atlantic, the Denmark Strait and the areas around Iceland and Greenland were planned as areas of operation before it was supposed to call at its new home port of Lorient . However, on this 19-day voyage, Kaleun Kurrer failed to sink or damage an enemy unit.


On April 23, 1943, while the boat was on the surface, it was discovered by a British Liberator V bomber from Royal Air Force Squadron 120 and attacked with depth charges. In this hail of bombs, the boat with all 54 crew members was sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic forever. At about the same time, the sister boat U 191 under the command of Kapitänleutnant Helmut Fiehn was joined by the British destroyer HMS Hesperus (H57) and the British frigate HMS Clemantis (K.36) at position 56 ° 45 'N - 34 ° 25' W Hedgehogs destroyed. U 189 is at position 59 ° 50 'N - 34 ° 43' W in the former naval plan square AK 1424. Kurrer was posthumously promoted to corvette captain on April 1st with his seniority .

Web links


  • Rainer Busch, Hans-Joachim Röll: The submarine war 1939-1945. Volume 1: The German submarine commanders. ES Mittler und Sohn, Hamburg et al. 1996, ISBN 3-8132-0490-1 .
  • Rainer Busch, Hans-Joachim Röll: The submarine war 1939-1945. Volume 2: U-boat construction in German shipyards. ES Mittler und Sohn, Hamburg et al. 1997, ISBN 3-8132-0512-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Georg Högel: Emblems, coats of arms, Malings German submarines 1939-1945. 5th edition. Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-7822-1002-7 , p. 71.
  2. The coat of arms given in the book does not correspond to the coat of arms that can be seen on a photo of the boat.