Wilhelm von Dresow

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Wilhelm Peter Gustav Georg Dresow , von Dresow since 1888 , (born February 5, 1829 in Rosenberg ; † May 15, 1895 in Potsdam ) was a Prussian infantry general .



Wilhelm was the son of the former Prussian lieutenant . D. Johann Georg Dresow (1794–1879) and his wife Wilhelmine Helene, née Leining († 1866).

Military career

After his upbringing in his parents' house, Dresow attended grammar school in Brieg . On October 1, 1847, he joined the 11th Infantry Regiment of the Prussian Army as a one-year volunteer and was released from the reserve after his service . Dresow then decided on a career as an officer and entered the army on October 15, 1849. He was employed as a junior officer in the 22nd Infantry Regiment and was promoted to second lieutenant by mid-October 1850 . From December 1, 1856 to August 7, 1859, Dresow was commanded as adjutant of the 1st Battalion in the 22nd Landwehr Regiment in Gliwice . In the meantime promoted to Prime Lieutenant at the end of May 1859 , he was transferred to the 3rd Upper Silesian Infantry Regiment (No. 62) in Ratibor on July 1, 1860 as a regimental adjutant . From June 22, 1861 to November 30, 1864, he was assigned to Neisse as adjutant of the 24th Infantry Brigade . Then Dresow took over as captain of the 3rd company of the 1st Upper Silesian Infantry Regiment No. 22 in Cosel , which he led in 1866 during the war against Austria in the battle of Königgrätz and the enclosure of Josefstadt .

In mid-June 1869, Dresow was transferred to the Grenadier Regiment "King Friedrich Wilhelm IV." (1st Pomeranian) No. 2 and commanded as adjutant of the 14th Division to Düsseldorf and shortly afterwards in October 1869 promoted to major . With the mobilization he came on the occasion of the war against France in mid-July 1870 as an adjutant to the high command of the 3rd Army . In this position he took part in the battles near Weissenburg , Wörth , Sedan and the siege of Paris . For his work, Dresow received both classes of the Iron Cross as well as the Commander of the Bavarian Order of Military Merit and the Commander of the Second Class of the Order of Frederick with Swords.

After the preliminary peace of Versailles , Dresow was appointed commander of the non-commissioned officer school in Jülich on March 20, 1871 under position à la suite of the grenadier regiment "King Friedrich Wilhelm IV." (1st Pomeranian) No. 2 . He was released from this post on April 16, 1874, aggregated to the Grenadier Regiment "King Friedrich Wilhelm IV." (1st Pomeranian) No. 2 and ordered to serve at the War Ministry for the purpose of acting as head of the clothing department. After his promotion to lieutenant colonel was appointed head of department and Dresow took place on January 2, 1875 become then on 18 October 1877 , Colonel . As such, he acted from November 12, 1878 to December 5, 1883 as commander of the Schleswig-Holstein Fusilier Regiment No. 86 in Flensburg . With his subsequent promotion to major general , he returned to Düsseldorf and became commander of the 28th Infantry Brigade . For his longstanding services , Emperor Friedrich III raised him . on May 3, 1888 into the hereditary Prussian nobility .

On July 7, 1888, Dresow was appointed lieutenant general commander of the 2nd division in Danzig . In the same capacity, he worked from March 24 to July 11, 1890 in the newly established 36th Division . He then was awarded the character as General of Infantry with the statutory board for disposition made. After his farewell, Kaiser Wilhelm II awarded him the Order of the Red Eagle First Class with Oak Leaves on October 18, 1893 .


Dresow had married Anna Cleinow (1842-1903) on July 21, 1862 in Oels . The marriage resulted in two sons, both of whom embarked on an officer career in the Prussian Army. Bernhard (* 1868) served as Colonel and Commander of the Landwehr Infantry Regiment No. 8 during the First World War , Friedrich Wilhelm (* 1870) as Lieutenant Colonel and Commander of the Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 70.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen houses. Justus Perthes , Gotha 1908, pp. 222-223.
  2. ^ A b Marcelli Janecki (Red.): Handbook of the Prussian nobility. Volume 1, ES Mittler & Sohn , Berlin 1892, p. 113 .
  3. German Officer Association (Ed.): Honor ranking list of the former German Army. ES Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1926, pp. 118, 124.