Will judge

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Will Richter (born July 20, 1910 in Munich , † December 30, 1984 in Göttingen ) was a German classical philologist .


Richter spent his youth in Traunstein and attended high school in Speyer . After graduating from high school in 1929, he studied Classical Philology, German Philology and History at the Universities of Munich , Vienna and Innsbruck . Eduard Schwartz , Johannes Stroux and Heinrich Gomperz were among his teachers . In 1933 he passed the first state examination for teaching in Munich, and in 1934 the second at Munich's Maximilians-Gymnasium. He then worked as a scholarship holder of the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft at the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae , later as a teacher in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Amberg . During this time he wrote his doctoral thesis Lucius Annaeus Seneca : The Problem of Education in His Philosophy , with which he received his doctorate in 1939.

When the Second World War broke out in 1939, Richter was drafted as a soldier. In 1945 he became a prisoner of war, from which he was released in 1947 and went to Remscheid as a teacher . In 1953 he went to the Lessing-Gymnasium in Frankfurt am Main as headmaster . His career reached its climax when he was appointed to the University of Göttingen (1958). In the academic year 1964/65 he was dean of the Philosophical Faculty, representing it as a delegate at the Philosophical Faculty Conference from 1964 to 1970 and as chairman of the Faculty Conference from 1970 to 1973. After his retirement in 1975 (his successor on the chair was Ulrich Schindel ) Richter became a member of the founding senate of the University of Bayreuth , to which he belonged until his death. In addition, Richter held numerous honorary posts, including deputy chairman of the Göttingen examination office, chairman of the examination commission of the European Schools in Luxembourg and Brussels and from 1969 to 1970 chairman of the German Association of Classical Philology .


Richter worked in numerous areas of classical philology: he wrote a commentary on Virgil's Georgica , translated Horace and Columella and published critical editions of the works of Columella and Petrus de Crescentiis . He also wrote numerous articles for Pauly's Realencyclopadie of Classical Antiquity and Little Pauly .

In addition to a wide range of Latin literature, the subjects of his work also included Greek authors ( Homer , Sophocles , Musaios and Menander ). He dealt with various questions relating to ancient education and philosophy, the history of science, the social position of ancient literature, the history of transmission and impact, and text-critical, interpretative, dating and authoring issues.

In addition to his diverse research areas, Richter was the greatest expert in ancient agriculture of his time.


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