Young Sheldon / Episode List

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This episode list contains all the episodes of the American comedy series Young Sheldon , sorted by their first broadcast in the USA . The television series currently comprises three seasons with 65 episodes.


Season Episodes U.S. First Air ( CBS ) DE - First broadcast ( Pro7  &  Pro7 FUN ) AT first broadcast ( ORF one ) CH first broadcast ( 3+ , 4+  &  TV25 )
Season premiere Season finale Period
01 22nd 25th September 2017 May 10, 2018 January 8 - November 12, 2018 January 8 - November 9, 2018/21. May 2020 A
02 22nd September 24, 2018 16th May 2019 January 7th - November 18th 2019 January 7th - October 29th, 2019
03 21st 26th September 2019 April 30, 2020 January 6 - August 26, 2020 since January 13, 2020 since January 2, 2020
A. The season finale aired 1.5 years later

season 1

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first publication (D / A / CH) Director script Spectator
1 1 Sheldon, Newton and Euclid pilot 25 Sep 2017 Jan. 8, 2018 Jon Favreau Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro 17.21 million
East Texas , 1989: Sheldon plays with his model railroad, proving Newton's First Law . At family dinners, he puts on gloves so that he doesn't have to make skin contact with his brother Georgie's hand during grace. Together with his twin sister Missy, he accompanies his mother to church. In the new school year he is in ninth grade with his older brother. His mother can persuade him not to wear a bow tie to school. Insisting on the school dress and hairstyle code, he insulted his class teacher and other teachers within a very short time. In the music room he demonstrates his perfect pitch on the piano. His brother freaks out during football training because of the competition with Sheldon. His father turns off an episode of Professor Proton to explain to Sheldon not to interfere in anyone else's affairs at school. Sheldon then holds his father's hand for the first time during grace.
2 2 Missiles, communists and no friends Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System Nov 2, 2017 Jan. 15, 2018 Michael Zinberg Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro 12.66 million
Sheldon's mother is worried about him because he doesn't have a single boyfriend. When he found out, he borrowed a book from the school library for his mother's sake that contained tips on how to find a friend. He initially applied this to his father and his tormentor Billy Sparks with moderate success. Later in school he doesn't succeed either. Missy advises him to talk to the people who would have previously borrowed the book, as they would also be looking for friends. However, it turns out that most of these people are his teachers, which is why Sheldon returns the book disappointed. He gets to know Tam, who is also looking for friends and shares a common interest in rockets with Sheldon. When Tam is invited to dinner by Sheldon's enthusiastic mother, he says that he is a refugee from the Vietnam War . The new friends later build a rocket together while the FBI visits the family as Sheldon tried to buy uranium for rocket propulsion in Canada .
3 3 Poker, god and trash cans Poker, Faith, and Eggs Nov 9, 2017 Jan. 22, 2018 Michael Zinberg Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
Idea: Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
12.39 million
When Sheldon's grandma Meemaw is supposed to take care of her grandchildren, she teaches Sheldon to bluff in poker. Later in church, Sheldon takes on the pastor because he prefers facts about faith. After the pastor denies evolution , Sheldon decides to get back at him. However, his father has a heart attack that evening , which is why his mother takes him to the hospital. Meemaw is supposed to take care of the children, but Georgie really wants to see his father. So he steals the sleeping Meemaw's car keys and drives to the hospital with Sheldon and Missy. There they meet Meemaw again, who has already noticed the disappearance of the three. After Sheldon prays to Blaise Pascal in a chapel in the hospital so that he can convey his wish for his father to be well, the doctors announce that George has only had a minor heart attack and will soon be well again. At the next service, Sheldon introduces the pastor with the creation story , whereupon his father simulates a heart attack so that the family can escape the uncomfortable situation.
4th 4th Sausages, comics and a therapist A Therapist, a Comic Book, and a Breakfast Sausage Nov 16, 2017 Jan. 29, 2018 Jaffar Mahmood Rob Ulin & Dave Bickel
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
11.83 million
When Sheldon choked on a sausage at breakfast and threatened to suffocate, his father rescued him with the Heimlich grip . At school he condemns Tam for reading a comic book and these are only for children, and begins to develop a fear of solid food. Meemaw then came up with the idea of ​​chopping his food in a blender. When Sheldon's mother took up this idea, but the situation did not improve after five weeks, she decided to go to a therapist with Sheldon. While his parents are talking to him, Sheldon finds X-Men comics in the waiting room and begins to read and become interested in them. After he wants to know how the stories go on, he leaves the practice alone and goes to a comic book store. There he can overcome his eating disorder with the help of the superheroes, but at home he finds that his parents called the police and reported him missing, whereupon he faces the situation.
5 5 Football, math and a boob A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader's Bosom 23 Nov 2017 Feb 5, 2018 Chris Koch Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
11.43 million
While the family is watching a football game on television, Sheldon explains to his father that a punt makes no statistical sense. Thanks to Sheldon's tactics, his father's team can win the next game. Because of this success, Meemaw is able to convince Sheldon to use statistics to make game predictions for her as she has started to do sports betting. His popularity at school is also growing with the success of the football team, but his obligations to his father and grandma mean he is beginning to neglect his homework. After he secretly sneaks up to a party with Tam one evening, he only gets a 2+ in the math test the next day. Disappointed in himself, he tells his mother everything, who then decides that Sheldon's father and Meemaw are no longer allowed to use him for their own purposes. When his grandmother tries to do this, he gives her false predictions, which means she will have to earn her betting debts in the casino.
6th 6th A patch, a modem, and a stomach ulcer A Patch, a Modem, and a Zantac Nov 30, 2017 Feb 12, 2018 Don Scardino Anthony Gioe & Nick Mandernach
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
12.11 million
After a lecture on NASA's space program , Sheldon proposed saving costs with reusable booster rockets . When he met with rejection, he threw himself into the calculations and started his career as a theoretical physicist. In order to be able to afford a computer, he tries over the phone to take out a second mortgage on his parents' house. After this fails, he tries to buy a modem for the school computer; his mother prevents this too. Sheldon develops a stomach ulcer and uses the doctor's modem to get information for his calculations, which he sends to NASA. When there is no answer, the family sets off for Houston. After presenting his calculations there, he is told that for technical reasons they cannot be implemented at the moment. Sheldon asks to be called when the time comes. Years later, however, Elon Musk secured Sheldon's calculations and uses them for his SpaceX program .
7th 7th Roast beef, voodoo, and New Orleans coffee A Brisket, Voodoo, and Cannonball Run 7th Dec 2017 19th Feb 2018 Mark Cendrowski Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
Idea: Nick Bakay
12.49 million
Sheldon's father George asks Sheldon's grandma for the recipe for smoked brisket. Instead, he only receives written rejections. Sheldon's parents argue about it. While Sheldon's mother is on a picnic with Sheldon, his grandma and Sheldon's sister Missy, George searches unsuccessfully for the roast beef recipe. Finally, Sheldon's grandma gives him the supposedly correct recipe, but sends him on a long and complicated search for the ingredients. When George can finally taste the homemade fake roast, he is pissed off at Sheldon's grandma. Sheldon finally remembers the secret recipe that his grandmother gave him when he was almost two years old and threatens to publish the recipe if the adults don't get along. Sheldon's grandma then finally accepts Sheldon's father completely as a son-in-law.
8th 8th Cape Canaveral, Schrödinger's cat and the lightning Cape Canaveral, Schrödinger's Cat, and Cyndi Lauper's Hair Dec 14, 2017 Feb. 26, 2018 Howie Deutch David Bickel
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
11.64 million
Sheldon's father drives Sheldon and Georgie to Cape Canaveral , Florida, to witness the launch of a space shuttle . On the way, Sheldon tells his father that he wants to become a scientist or - if he has to stay in Texas - a cattle baron. They also talk about Schrödinger's cat . Sheldon is sleeping in his father's bed at the motel because Georgie kicks him. The launch of the rocket was canceled due to a storm. Sheldon then explains thunder and lightning to his father. The grown-up Sheldon regrets never telling his father during his lifetime that it was the greatest outing for him he has ever been on.

The women spend their time in the beauty salon. Sheldon's mother accuses her mother of leaving her alone too often.

9 9 Spock, Kirk and a hernia Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia Dec 21, 2017 5th Mar 2018 Peter Lauer Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro 11.32 million
Sheldon watches an episode of Starship Enterprise with his grandmother . He identifies with Spock, whereas she tends towards Captain Kirk . Sheldon's father asks him to help his brother study for his math test. In return Sheldon gets a visit to the model train shop and - if Georgie passes the test - is allowed to choose something there. When Georgie shows no mathematical understanding, he accuses Sheldon of not being a good teacher. Sheldon reports on his synaesthetic impressions and has to admit his educational weakness. Georgie passes the test surprisingly with a good , but is convicted of spiking by Sheldon . Georgie prevents his brother from telling him off by pointing out how sad her parents are about the truth. After Sheldon told his grandma the truth, he had to admit that Kirk cheated on the Kobayashi Maru test too . From Georgie he learns the secret of a good lie: details. Sheldon then frees himself from physical education because of a " hernia " by forging a letter and his mother's signature. When this is revealed, he is confronted by his parents and has to make amends.
10 10 Dallas, green beans and an eagle feather An Eagle Feather, a String Bean, and an Eskimo Jan. 4, 2018 March 12 2018 Rebecca Asher Rob Ulin & David Bickel
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
14.70 million
Sheldon's principal suggests sending him on a scholarship to a private school for the gifted in Dallas, a three-hour drive away. Although Sheldon would have to stay with a host family on weekdays, he just wants to know if they have a dog. Sheldon is delighted with the tour of the new school. His family tries to come to terms with the situation, but his mother in particular can hardly come to terms with his absence. His sister thinks he will miss her. At the first dinner without Sheldon, his parents' memories of Sheldon's host parents are different. After ongoing discussions about whether this was the right decision, Sheldon's father finally brings him back in the middle of the night. Sheldon is happy about it and is greeted enthusiastically by his sister the next morning. The teachers at his old school have now come to terms with him.
11 11 Dungeons, Dragons, and Sunday School Demons, Sunday School, and Prime Numbers Jan. 11, 2018 19 Mar 2018 Howie Deutch Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Eric Kaplan
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
14.17 million
Sheldon plays Dungeons & Dragons with friends Billy Sparks and Tam Nguyen . His mother is bothered by the depiction of the devil in the game and worries about her son's soul. She talks about it with the fathers of Sheldon's friends. The pastor is also invited and suggests that Sheldon attend Sunday school. Sheldon initially refuses, but then reads the entire Bible and approaches the matter scientifically. He goes to the Baptist Sunday school with his sister and quotes scriptures. Now he also wants to get to know other religions and, when his mother objects, appeals to the religious freedom enshrined in the constitution . He asks different people about their beliefs. His mother assures him of her affection, no matter what his religion may be. In a dream Sheldon is on the verge of learning the ultimate truth of the universe from one and zero , but is woken up by his brother at that moment. He then founds his own religion, mathematology , and holds a question time with Billy Sparks as the only visitor.
12 12 A computer, a fight and a lot of beer A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer Jan. 18, 2018 26th Mar 2018 Richie Keen Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
13.33 million
Sheldon is excited about the home computer that is being sold on RadioShack , but can't convince his mother to buy it. His father suggests that Sheldon work for it. His grandma offers to advance the almost $ 1,000. This is rejected, and Sheldon's parents quarrel over their tense financial situation, to which Mr. Cooper's beer consumption also contributes. Sheldon's mother eventually moves in with Sheldon and Missy to live with grandma. Sheldon learns the truth about the feared separation from Georgie. The men who stayed at home are increasingly overwhelmed. Sheldon's mother finally buys him the computer. Attempts to discuss the separation problems with the communication program ELIZA remain fruitless. Sheldon's grandma urges her daughter to apologize. Sheldon's father gets ahead of her, pushed by Georgie. The family is moving back home completely, and the computer is very popular with everyone.
13 13 Sneeze, detention and be a real Texan A Sneeze, Detention and Sissy Spacek Feb. 1, 2018 9 Apr 2018 Howie Deutch Eric Kaplan & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
12.92 million
When Sheldon's teacher shows signs of the flu , he leaves the class against the instructions. He also fled from the secretariat of his school and from detention, which he had to attend, due to signs of flu in the people present, which is why he was expelled from school for a week. Georgie then takes advantage of Sheldon's illness at school to increase his popularity. Since Sheldon's parents have no other way out of his germ phobia, they decide to see a doctor. However, he can only explain to him that the flu is nothing bad and advises him to pay attention to hygiene. However, Sheldon builds a sterile room for himself in his garage and can only be persuaded by Meemaw to leave the garage through an appeal that all great Texan heroes would not have been afraid of a cold. He ended up having a high fever the next day.
14th 14th Key children, whiskey and two heroes Potato Salad, a Broomstick, and Dad's Whiskey 1st Mar 2018 Sep 11 2018 Howie Deutch Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Tara Hernandez 12.42 million
Sheldon's mother is offered a job as church secretary by the pastor. Actually, she would like to accept the job offer, but then Sheldon and Missy would be alone for a few hours in the afternoon, as Meemaw has no time and the money for a babysitter is missing. Ultimately, Sheldon's parents decide to test this situation on a trial basis. When the twins are alone for the first time, Meemaw wants to see them shortly before their appointment, but is mistaken for a burglar by their grandchildren and sprayed with a fire extinguisher. Sheldon later picks up a splinter, but after a while Missy is able to remove it. When Sheldon's mother, to whom the pastor has confessed his marital problems, comes home, she is worried that, in addition to the doctored Sheldon, she also finds the whiskey that the two had used to disinfect.
15th 15th Geology, emotions and the mysterious woman Dolomite, Apple Slices, and a Mystery Woman March 8 2018 Sep 18 2018 Mark Cendrowski Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
12.52 million
In the school library, Sheldon and Tam notice an eleventh grade girl who is borrowing a book on geostatistics . As it turns out, her name is Libby and she wants to become a geologist one day. Along with Sheldon she talks about the theory of evolution and continental drift and studied with him and Tam in a ravine after tektites . A little later, the three of them decide to go to Houston to see a film about space shuttles in the natural history museum . However, Sheldon's mother is not thrilled that Libby wants to drive her there alone, which is why Sheldon cleans the whole house out of frustration. In order to stop him, his mother agrees to take the trip on condition that she meets Libby beforehand. However, Sheldon realizes that Libby does not see him at eye level, but as a child, which hurts him deeply. His mother explains to him that there are other forms of maturity besides spiritual, but he still doesn't go with them.
16 16 Killer asteroids, rebellion and stage fright Killer Asteroids, Oklahoma, and a Frizzy Hair Machine 29 Mar 2018 25 Sep 2018 Howie Deutch Steven Molaro
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
11.91 million
When a science fair is held at Sheldon's school, he doesn't get first place for his research on asteroids . Disappointed with the school system, he contradicts his teachers and calls for rebellion in the school. When he finally renounces science, his mother takes him to the therapist again. He encourages him to try other things, and so Sheldon wants to become an actor from now on. To do this, he watches numerous films and reads books about acting. During the audition, he was able to convince the teacher of his talent that he got the female lead in the musical Annie . He can finally convince his initially skeptical parents of the cast. However, three weeks later, shortly before the performance, he gets stage fright , which is why his teacher ultimately has to impersonate the main role.
17th 17th Jiu-Jitsu, bubble wrap and the evil Bobbie Jiu-Jitsu, Bubble Wrap, and Yoo-Hoo April 5, 2018 Oct 2, 2018 Jaffar Mahmood Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
11.66 million
Since Sheldon is always afraid of the six-year-old neighbor's daughter Bobbie on the way home from the bus, he and Tam decide to learn the martial art Jiu Jitsu for self-defense. When this brings little success, however, Sheldon sees the last resort to go to school wrapped in bubble wrap . His mother can prevent this in time and tells Georgie to take care of Sheldon at school. The family finds out that Sheldon is afraid of the neighbor's daughter Bobbie. Then his parents talk to the girl's parents separately, but without much success. When Sheldon finally tells Missy to intimidate Bobbie and pays her to do it, the two girls spend an afternoon together.
18th 18th A mother, a son and a tornado A Mother, A Child, and a Blue Man's Backside Apr 12, 2018 Oct 8, 2018 Jaffar Mahmood David Bickel, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Teagan Wall
11.70 million
When Missy points out to her mother that Sheldon's comics are not suitable for children, she confiscates them all. Sheldon replies that she would then have to confiscate the Bible as well , since it also contains violence, adultery and much more. Since he also wants to be treated like an adult, he is now self-sufficient. When there is another argument with his mother, he decides that he wants to go to a distant college and eventually write an application for Harvard University . When his mother replies that sending an application costs a lot of money, he wants to work in an electronics store in order to earn money. However, after he was not accepted due to his age, he found a job at Meemaw. Since there is a tornado warning a little later , his mother takes him home again. Finally, the two reconciled the next morning after the neighborhood was devastated by the tornado.
19th 19th Meemaw, guacamole and the purple bike Gluons, guacamole, and the color purple April 19, 2018 Oct 8, 2018 Alex Reid Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Tara Hernandez 11.67 million
Since Sheldon is bored in high school, he plans to attend lectures on quantum chromodynamics in college. Since his parents don't have time to drive him to the university, which is an hour away, Meemaw takes over. There she befriends the older lecturer, whereupon they meet for a date after the lecture. While Sheldon is away, Missy asks Georgie to help her with her homework. Not wanting to be mistaken for stupid, he eventually does, which prevents her from making a mistake on the grammar test. The next day, the lecturer shows up on a date on a bicycle because he has never learned how to drive himself. Later he also gives Meemaw a bike in her favorite color after Sheldon tells him all about his grandma. While Meemaw later attends another class, thereby distracting the instructor, Sheldon reveals that he is bored even in college.
20th 20th A dog, a squirrel, and a fish named Fisch A Dog, A Squirrel, and a Fish Named Fish April 26, 2018 Oct 8, 2018 Jaffar Mahmood Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & David Bickel
Idea: Damir Konjicija, Dario Konjicija & Teagan Wall
11.51 million
While Sheldon proves that the acceleration of gravity is independent of the type of movement, the neighbor dog comes into the garage, which is why Sheldon, who is terrified of dogs, hides. When the dog appears in front of Sheldon's bed that night, his father takes him back to the neighbors, and an argument arises between the women of the families. Meemaw wants to settle this with the neighbor the next day, but this ends in a fight between the two. Finally, the pastor must end the dispute between the two parties. Sheldon has meanwhile decided to overcome his fear. To do this, he looks at Scooby-Doo and puppies in the pet store until he finally summons up all his courage and pats the neighbor dog. As a reward, Meemaw gives him an ornamental fish, which is accidentally killed by Sheldon's father.
21st 21st Dr. Sturgis, Meemaw, and the morning after Summer Sausage, a Pocket Poncho, and Tony Danza May 3, 2018 Oct 8, 2018 Alex Reid Chuck Lorre, Tara Hernandez & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Steven Molaro, Eric Kaplan & Stacey Pulwer
11.67 million
Sheldon invites the university lecturer, Dr. Sturgis, for dinner together, because he wants to bring him and Meemaw together. Meemaw explains to Sheldon, however, that it does not help her relationship with Dr. Sturgis was if he was always there, whereupon she arranged a two-person meeting with the lecturer. Sheldon's father, meanwhile, is disappointed that Dr. Sturgis Sheldon's only role model is, which is why his wife makes him spend more time with Missy. While he and Missy are eating in a posh restaurant and approaching each other, Dr. Sturgis for Meemaw, a Sichuan dish . Meemaw's question whether he would like to spend the night with her, he initially denies out of politeness, but later agrees. Meanwhile, Georgie is alone with his mother and confronts her with the fact, calculated by Sheldon, that as a devout Christian she apparently had premarital sex.
22nd 22nd Vanilla ice cream, gentlemen's visits and the blooming tulip Vanilla Ice Cream, Gentleman Callers, and a Dinette Set May 10, 2018 Oct 8, 2018 Jaffar Mahmood Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Eric Kaplan
Idea: Jeremy Howe, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
12.44 million
While Meemaw is having breakfast with John Sturgis, her ex-boyfriend Ira Rosenbloom calls and wants to meet her. She agrees to a meeting on the grounds that she just wants to have fun, but admits that she is with John after he tells her about his future plans. As a result, Ira decides to fight for Meemaw and then sends her new furniture. So John learns that someone else is after Meemaw. He decides to pay Ira a visit and settle the matter, the two men noting that they get along well. Meemaw, however, is not very happy that John spoke to Ira behind her back and Sheldon knew about it too. In order for the relationship to work, Meemaw, John and Sheldon finally draw up a contract in which they lay down basic rules.

season 2

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (A / CH) Director script Spectator
23 1 A refrigerator, lots of newspapers and training wheels A High-Pitched Buzz and Training Wheels Sep 24 2018 Jan. 7, 2019 Jaffar Mahmood David Bickel, Eric Kaplan & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
10.58 million
Sheldon finds out that he is very sensitive to noise , so he cannot fall asleep due to a high-frequency noise from the refrigerator and consequently stays at Meemaw's. The next day he decides to dismantle the kitchen utensil in order to get to the bottom of the origin of the clay. But since he doesn't know how to reassemble the refrigerator, his parents have to pay a technician. George passes the $ 200 bill to Sheldon and asks his son to gradually pay him back. For this reason, Sheldon gets a job delivering newspapers, for which he has to get up at five in the morning every day. After a short time, his new work had a strong influence on him: in all weathers, Sheldon had to ride his bike through the neighborhood, although he still had to learn to ride a bike with training wheels; in the morning he is often late at school; he drinks coffee to concentrate and takes the frustration over his exhaustion at the end of the day on his family. In order to be able to avoid these problems, he finally hires Billy Sparks, who delivers the newspapers in his place and earns the money for him.
24 2 The other child prodigy, his parents, and another beer A Rival Prodigy and Sir Isaac Neutron 27 Sep 2018 Jan. 7, 2019 Mark Cendrowski Damir Konjicija, Dario Konjicija & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & David Bickel
10.21 million
In addition to Sheldon, Dr. Sturgis also invited Paige, another gifted child who researches quantum chromodynamics , to his lectures. As it turns out, she is even more intelligent than Sheldon and thus becomes the professor's darling, which makes Sheldon jealous. But Mary also learns about the girl and sees her chance to establish contact with parents of another gifted child who understand her problems with Sheldon. Her son is not very enthusiastic about the idea of ​​meeting Paige again at first, but agrees after seeing on television how his role model, the actually callous Spock , surpassed himself. At the joint meeting it turns out for Mary and George that they have a lot in common with Paige's parents, although Paige is just as intelligent as Sheldon, but otherwise a completely normal girl. Both children also recognize their common views and interests at the same time.
25th 3 Faith crisis, octopus aliens and the perfect mother A Crisis of Faith and Octopus Aliens 4th Oct 2018 Jan. 14, 2019 Jaffar Mahmood Steven Molaro, Maria Ferrari & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre, David Bickel & Eric Kaplan
10.68 million
After the underage daughter of Mary's acquaintances dies in a car accident, she begins to wonder fundamental questions about the loss of her children, religion, and the afterlife. Pastor Jeff advises her to start a Bible study group, to transform her garden into a "garden of faith" and to intensify her prayers, which she also implements. Nevertheless, Mary falls into a crisis of faith, no longer goes to church and no longer says prayer before dinner. Noticing how bad his mother is, Sheldon is able to convince her to hold on to her beliefs using Maeutics , in which his questions are based on a scientific basis.
26th 4th Tax return, fish sauce and no longer a role model A Financial Secret and Fish Sauce Oct 11, 2018 Jan. 14, 2019 Jonathan Judge Steven Molaro, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
Idea: Chuck Lorre, David Bickel & Jeremy Howe
11.18 million
While Sheldon is filing his parents' tax return , he notices that a check for $ 300 is missing. His father does not want to tell him what the check was made out for, but asks him to keep this secret from Mary. As a result, Sheldon avoids his mother, which eventually leads to him staying at Tam's. There he talks the secret from his soul and draws the conclusion that his father should never have entrusted him with this. After Sheldon told his father that he was no longer a role model for him, George opened up the truth to his wife Sheldon: when Meemaw went to a bar with Georgie one evening and got drunk, her grandson had to drive her home. When the two were stopped by the police, they exchanged quickly the places that drunken Meemaw was arrested and George placed the deposit . Disappointed by the three, Mary orders that her husband and son have to live with Meemaw temporarily. The latter returns the favor for George betraying her and tells Mary that her husband once smuggled beer into the church, got drunk and then watered the church's own vegetable garden.
27 5 A study, a belt and monkeys for tea A Research Study and Czechoslovakian Wedding Pastries Oct 18, 2018 Jan. 21, 2019 Jew Weng Chuck Lorre, David Bickel & Eric Kaplan
Idea: Steven Molaro, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
11.00 million
Dr. Sturgis approaches George and Mary and tells them about a paid study in Houston to examine the different development of twins. Sheldon's father is able to convince his wife by arguing that they could save the money for their children's college education, while all he secretly wants to do is buy his own boat. In the discussions of the study, Sheldon can score points above all on scientific questions, while he cannot feel empathy . Missy, on the other hand, can empathize with other people and also helps to improve the external appearance of the person she is talking to, so that the two researchers get closer. During the conversation, however, it is also revealed that Missy feels left alone in the family, which is why Mary resolves to be more there for her daughter in the future.
28 6th An evening with Satan, Carl Sagan and the hot Veronica Seven Deadly Sins and a Small Carl Sagan Oct 25, 2018 Jan. 28, 2019 Chris Koch Chuck Lorre, Eric Kaplan & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Chuck Lorre, David Bickel & Jeremy Howe
10.96 million
Pastor Jeff hires Mary to design a "House of Torment" for Halloween to prevent visitors from sinning and to convert to the faith instead. To do this, she seeks out Sheldon's teacher Gene Lundy, an actor, and plans with him to implement the Seven Deadly Sins . But Lundy soon seizes the project, writes his own scripts and casts himself in the leading role of Satan . Meanwhile, Georgie asks Sheldon to introduce him to Veronica Duncan, who is coveted at the school and who gives Sheldon tutoring. While Sheldon, dressed as Carl Sagan , goes around the houses with Missy, Tam and Billy Sparks on Halloween , Georgie and Veronica get closer. But when they both visit the "House of Torment" designed by Lundy and Mary, Veronica realizes her sin in the Room of Lust and confesses to Mary's faith.
29 7th C-14, a raccoon and the Neanderthals Carbon Dating and a Stuffed Raccoon Nov 1, 2018 Feb 10, 2019 Rebecca Asher Steven Molaro, Eric Kaplan & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
11.07 million
Sheldon is driven by his father to a lecture on carbon fiber at the Natural Science Museum of Texas. There he meets Paige, who is also attending the lecture, but finds it boring. When Sheldon and Paige steal away and visit a closed exhibition about the Neanderthals , she revealed to him that she believed that their parents would get a divorce. This is also the experience of George, who in a café is waiting for Sheldon to talk to Paige's parents, who both reveal that their relationship is not going well. Meanwhile, Missy and Georgie Meemaw help sell their old stuff at a self-organized flea market. But it turns out for Sheldon's grandmother that she is still pretty attached to some of the objects of her deceased husband.
30th 8th The video princess, Aunt Emelda and the tire genius An 8-Bit Princess and a Flat Tire Genius Nov 8, 2018 17th Feb 2019 Jaffar Mahmood Steven Molaro, David Bickel & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
11.00 million
When Meemaw wins a game console and gives it to Sheldon, they both develop a little gambling addiction, whereby Sheldon himself comes up with solutions for individual levels in a dream , while Meemaw continues to play secretly behind Sheldon's back. Eventually it comes to the point that Meemaw frees Sheldon from school on the grounds that there is a family emergency, so that both of them can finally end the video game and free the 8-bit princess. Meanwhile, Georgie and his father had to drive their car due to a defect in Herschel's garage. When Georgie realizes that the problem is obviously with the thermostat , Herschel offers him a part-time job in the workshop. However, as this overlaps with his football training and Georgie finally decides to take the job, the good relationship with his father is temporarily broken.
31 9 Psychology, Oklahoma and the pseudo-Ferrari Family Dynamics and a Red Fiero Nov 15, 2018 Feb. 26, 2019 Alex Reid Chuck Lorre, Eric Kaplan & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steven Molaro, Maria Ferrari & Tara Hernandez
10.77 million
When Sheldon chooses psychology as an elective in tenth grade , Mr. Givens gives him the job of observing family dynamics over Thanksgiving . Sheldon finds out that his father has received a job offer from a university in Oklahoma and is now trying to convince the family to move there with him. However, Mary is not at all enthusiastic about the idea and therefore decides, together with Meemaw, to subliminally announce her rejection at the family dinner. When it comes to an argument, George leaves the house furiously, buys a sports car and then drives to his new workplace alone. Although he is very enthusiastic, he finally decides, in the interests of the family, to give up his plans to move.
32 10 Jokes, driving lessons and bazinga A Stunted Childhood and a Can of Fancy Mixed Nuts Dec 6, 2018 5th Mar 2019 Rebecca Asher Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Tara Hernandez 10.91 million
While Paige is staying with Missy, Sheldon is annoyed that she behaves like a normal ten year old despite her intellect. However, when she tells him that studies have shown that children who never had childhood would develop behavioral disorders as adults, Sheldon decides to have fun as a preventive measure. After he got sick while swinging, he discovered the "Bazinga" joke articles in the comic book store, which he tested on his family and so began to say "Bazinga" after every prank. Meanwhile, John wants to learn to drive, but with Meemaw as a teacher. After taking the theory test, the two finally admit to each other during a driving lesson that they love each other.
33 11 Math, Alf and two violets A Race of Superhumans and a Letter to Alf Jan. 3, 2019 March 12 2019 Jaffar Mahmood Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Eric Kaplan
Idea: Tara Hernandez, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
10.89 million
When Missy Sheldon asks to help her with the fractions , he realizes that with her he could create a modified human, the "Homo novus". For example, he borrows books from the school library about the teachings of Socrates , in which the theory is put forward that everyone already has all knowledge and one only has to get it out. Meanwhile, Georgie takes part in his mother's prayer hour, as Veronica is also present at this. When he later tells her that God had wanted them to spend more time together in his prayers, Georgie and Veronica attend the service together and are later baptized together. He then kisses Veronica, which ends with a violet and house arrest for him. Sheldon, who cuts the hair of her doll as a motivational aid due to the failure of his tactics towards Missy, also has a black eye.
34 12 Bellyache, Captain Ahab and a hole in the heart A Tummy Ache and a Whale of a Metaphor Jan. 10, 2019 19 Mar 2019 Mark Cendrowski Tara Hernandez, Jeremy Howe & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
12.05 million
Sheldon gets a stomach ache at school and hypothesizes in the hospital room that he has cholera . As the pain worsens, his parents drive him to the hospital, where doctors determine that his gallbladder needs to be removed. Although the operation is successful, he has to stay in the infirmary for a few days for observation, after which he begins to annoy his carers because he would much rather be at home. Another boy named Ricky is then moved to his room. At first not very enthusiastic, he starts to befriend him and learns that Ricky has heart problems. After Sheldon is released, he asks about Ricky, who has successfully survived the operation. George, plagued by not taking his son's pain seriously at first, then gives Sheldon a new telescope .
35 13 Nuclear power, lovesickness and dad's first crush A Nuclear Reactor and a Boy Called Lovey Jan. 17, 2019 27 Aug 2019 Chris Koch Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Eric Kaplan
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Tara Hernandez
11.46 million
When George tells his son that their electricity bill is way too high, Sheldon decides to produce his own electricity for consumption. Mr. Givens suggests fossil fuels , wind , hydropower, and solar power , but Sheldon expresses concerns about each method. Finally, his teacher brings him to the subject of nuclear power and so Sheldon asks Dr. Sturgis how he can get in larger quantities of radioactive material for his own nuclear reactor . Since Sheldon has neither unexploded atom bombs nor an X-ray machine, John comes up with the idea that Sheldon could extract americium 241 from smoke detectors. In this way, Sheldon arrives at a large number of broken smoke alarms and begins to extract the radioactive material, but notifies the authorities himself, who finally appear at his home with contamination suits and Geiger counters . Meanwhile, Georgie is lovesick because of Veronica because she is now firmly taken. In addition, John takes Meemaw to a meeting of scientists, where she can score with her half knowledge from Sheldon, but at the same time also the interest of Dr. Linkletter wakes up, who flirts with her and thus draws the anger of John.
36 14th Tommy, Jason and the schoolyard brawl David, Goliath and a Yoo-hoo from the Back 31st Jan 2019 3rd Sep 2019 Jaffar Mahmood Steven Molaro, Maria Ferrari & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Jeremy Howe & Stacey Pulwer
11.58 million
When Sheldon overhears Georgie being bullied by an older student, he confronts the thug, Tommy Clarkson. He explains that Georgie has messed with his girlfriend and that they actually become friends. From then on, Sheldon is respected and feared at school, and at home he can use Georgie Tommy as leverage to get his way. But when Sheldon takes on another school thug, Jason, he demands a fight with Tommy. In this Sheldon tries to support his new friend with a slingshot , but escapes and is ultimately locked in Jason’s locker . Meanwhile, Missy tells her mother that she would much rather have the casual meemaw as a parent, as Mary doesn't allow her to do her makeup. But Meemaw can demonstrate Missy Mary's love for her when she says that her daughter was also a rebel as a teenager, but when Missy was born she swore she would believe if her daughter survived the complications of childbirth.
37 15th The math emergency, the bedroom problem, and the veteran A Math Emergency and Perky Palms Feb. 7, 2019 Sep 10 2019 Jaffar Mahmood Tara Hernandez, Jeremy Howe & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
12.06 million
During a test on electromagnetism in a lecture by Dr. Sturgis, Sheldon only achieved 95% of the maximum number of points. Dr. Sturgis insists that only Maxwell's equations provide the correct solution, while Sheldon is of the opinion that other paths are also permissible. That's why he skips math classes at school in order to prove it in the library. At the same time, Mary takes over the duties of Pastor Jeff, who has a cold, and so first has to act as a marriage counselor for a newlywed couple with problems in the bedroom and then look after a widowed veteran on behalf of the church . In the evening Sheldon presents the proof of the correctness of his solution to Dr. Sturgis, but this calls him bullshit. He only reveals to Meemaw that he may have made a mistake and the next day he presents Sheldon with the corrected test with 100%. Sheldon is surprised that Dr. Sturgis has had the courage to admit his mistake and decides to do the same in the future.
38 16 The toast, communism and the flag A Loaf of Bread and a Grand Old Flag Feb. 21, 2019 17 Sep 2019 Alex Reid Tara Hernandez, Jeremy Howe & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Chuck Lorre & Steven Molaro
11.31 million
Sheldon finds out at school that his lunch break tastes different than usual. Since his mother swears that everything was prepared as usual, he and Tam examine the individual ingredients and find out that it is the toast. In a phone call between Sheldon and the manufacturer, he assures that the recipe has not changed, only that production has been accelerated. Against this reform, Sheldon collects signatures in front of a supermarket, but when a news channel interviews him and he suggests centralized control of the companies, he is portrayed in the media as a communist . As a result, the family has to contend with hostility and conflict: Mary gets into trouble in the church; George is almost fired by Principal Petersen; Georgie is only kept by Veronica, who has separated from her boyfriend again, and Tam is forbidden from contact with Sheldon by his mother. To end this situation, Sheldon and his father attend the news broadcast and assure them that they are not communists and would love their country.
39 17th Einstein, the violin, and a raise Albert Einstein and the Story of Another Mary 7th Mar 2019 Sep 24 2019 Beth McCarthy Miller Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Steve Holland
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Eric Kaplan
11.57 million
Since Sheldon's great role model, Albert Einstein , played the violin when formulating his theories , he too would like to approach the musical instrument. For example, he borrows a violin from school along with an instructional video cassette and practices at home, but the rest of the family members are not enthusiastic about the crooked notes. Sheldon thinks the problem is that he's not a Jew like Einstein, and for that reason tries to convert to Judaism . However, the rabbi responsible convinces him not to emulate his role models, but rather to go his own way, which is why he becomes an " atheist Baptist " again. At the same time, Mary is certain that she is pregnant again. A pregnancy test brings certainty and so she shares the good news with her husband in the evening. However, he does not know how he should finance the family in the future and finally asks Principal Petersen for a raise, which is granted to him. The next day, however, George learns from his wife that she has lost the baby.
40 18th The dream result, the test run and the fire department A Perfect Score and a Bunsen Burner Marshmallow 4th Apr 2019 Oct. 1, 2019 Chris Koch Steven Molaro, Eric Kaplan & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre, David Bickel & Tara Hernandez
10.50 million
Principal Petersen informs Sheldon that he has achieved full marks in the college pre-test and has therefore already called several universities to win Sheldon over. At first Mary is not thrilled that her son will soon no longer be able to live with her, but after a long discussion she lets herself go on a test run. Sheldon is supposed to spend one night with Dr. Sturgis, who lives directly at the university, move. At first he is thrilled that he enjoys more freedom with John than he does at home, but a chain of unfortunate circumstances finally breaks out in the apartment. As a result, Dr. Sturgis and Sheldon both that they were not meant to live together.
41 19th Election campaign, lies and a Yankee A Political Campaign and a Candy Land Cheater 25 Apr 2019 Oct 7, 2019 Jew Weng Steven Molaro, David Bickel & Steve Holland
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
10.46 million
During science class, Sheldon realizes the poor condition of all of the equipment. At dinner, however, his father talks about the football team having money back. For this reason Sheldon visits Principal Petersen the next day and asks him to reallocate the budget. Since he refuses his request, Sheldon decides to be elected as a student representative and thus to influence the school. He inquires of the mayor about suitable campaign strategies and as a result distributes election gifts to his classmates. However, his only opponent, the popular Nell Cavanaugh, begins to incite her fellow campaigner on posters with quotes from Sheldon out of context. During her final election speech, she only addresses Sheldon's rejection of the church and the football team. Sheldon, who actually wanted to win the election campaign with content, finally pulls out a slip of paper from Missy with information about Nell and reveals to the audience that his opponent was actually born in New York and is a fan of the New York Yankees . In this way he can get the student body on his side and win the student representative election.
42 20th A guest, an anniversary and a body swap A Proposal and a Popsicle Stick Cross 2nd May 2019 Oct 7, 2019 Jaffar Mahmood Steven Molaro, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre, David Bickel & Steve Holland
10.73 million
The Cooper family takes Veronica into their home for a few days because their home has problems with their mother's alcoholic boyfriend. When Georgie heard this news, he tidied up his room by himself and did personal hygiene. He senses the chance to finally get closer to Veronica, but she keeps her distance from him after she notices that she is developing feelings for him and instead does something with Missy. When one evening her mother's boyfriend is on the doorstep and wants to take her home again, George and Georgie defend her. Meanwhile, John Meemaw proposes marriage on her one-year anniversary, but Sheldon's grandmother refuses, not because she has no feelings for him, but because she wants to remain an independent woman. But when John, deeply offended, temporarily breaks off contact, she places an advertisement in the newspaper in which she confesses her love for him.
43 21st A broken heart, a crocodile monster and a policewoman A Broken Heart and a Crock Monster May 9, 2019 Oct 7, 2019 Alex Reid Steven Molaro, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
10.48 million
Since Sheldon's school is closed for a day to allow teachers to go about their administrative duties, Mary takes her son to work in the church. There he finds the donation book and is surprised that the donations keep falling. For this reason, he and Missy decide to collect money from church members. At the same time, Pastor Jeff Sheldon's mother reveals that his marriage is not going well. Thereupon Mary invites him to dinner with her, which through Georgie finally leads to Pastor Jeff staying at the Coopers and talking to them about his problems. The next day he asks Mary to accompany him to his home, where he doesn't want to talk to his wife alone. But all they find there is a farewell letter in which Jeff's wife breaks up with him. After running over a red light only a little later, Jeff meets a policewoman whom he is drawn to and who also seems to have her eye on him.
44 22nd Köttbullar, neutrinos and tai chi on the roof A Swedish Science Thing and the Equation for Toast 16th May 2019 Oct 7, 2019 Jaffar Mahmood Steven Molaro, Eric Kaplan & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Damir Konjicija & Dario Konjicija
13.60 million
Sheldon and Dr. Sturgis installed a shortwave receiver on the roof so that they could witness the award of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1990 live. Both also come to the point that John's big dream, winning this award, never came true, which makes the university professor a little bit depressed . Sheldon meanwhile invites the entire school over to listen to the radio broadcast with him, but no one appears. In addition, it is not Frederick Reines, whom he prefers, that wins for the discovery of the neutrino , but Henry Way Kendall , Jerome Isaac Friedman and Richard Edward Taylor for the detection of the quarks , which also gives him a bad mood.

season 3

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first publication (CH / D) Director script Spectator
45 1 Snow globes and money rain Quirky Eggheads and Texas Snow Globes 26 Sep 2019 Jan. 2, 2020 Jaffar Mahmood Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Maria Ferrari
Idea: Chuck Lorre , Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
8.24 million
46 2 The broom closet and the devil game A Broom Closet and Satan's Monopoly Board 3rd Oct 2019 Jan. 9, 2020 Alex Reid Tara Hernandez, Jeremy Howe & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Steve Holland
8.35 million
47 3 The young entrepreneur and the annoying admirer An Entrepreneurialist and a Swat on the Bottom Oct 10, 2019 Jan. 16, 2020 Mark Cendrowski Steven Molaro, Eric Kaplan & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steve Holland, Maria Ferrari & Connor Kilpatrick
7.63 million
48 4th Hobbits and the science break Hobbitses, Physicses and a Ball with Zip 17th Oct 2019 Jan. 23, 2020 Jaffar Mahmood Steve Holland, Maria Ferrari & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Steven Molaro, Eric Kaplan & Tara Hernandez
7.94 million
49 5 A pineapple and a male friendship A Pineapple and the Bosom of Male Friendship Oct. 24, 2019 Jan. 30, 2020 Alex Reid Steven Molaro, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steve Holland & Maria Ferrari
8.66 million
50 6th A beach umbrella and a baseball girl A Parasol and a Hell of an Arm Nov 7, 2019 Feb 6, 2020 Chris Koch Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Eric Kaplan & Jeremy Howe
8.83 million
51 7th Sore muscles for two and one hell of a limb Pongo Pygmaeus and a Culture that Encourages Spitting Nov 14, 2019 Feb 13, 2020 Jaffar Mahmood Maria Ferrari, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro & Steve Holland
9.05 million
52 8th The sin of greed and a toilet key The Sin of Greed and a Chimichanga from Chi-Chi's Nov 21, 2019 Feb 20, 2020 Chris Koch Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari & Jeremy Howe
8.38 million
53 9 Mixed feelings and an alien in the chicken coop A Party Invitation, Football Grapes and an Earth Chicken 5th Dec 2019 Feb. 27, 2020 Jaffar Mahmood Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Tara Hernandez
8.39 million
54 10 The pool monster and the great epidemic Teenager Soup and a Little Ball of Fib December 12, 2019 5th Mar 2020 Nikki Lorre Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari & Tara Hernandez
8.21 million
55 11 The chicken in the closet and the hasty bond of marriage A Live Chicken, a Fried Chicken and Holy Matrimony Jan. 9, 2020 March 12 2020 Alex Reid Maria Ferrari, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Yael Glouberman
7.57 million
56 12 Glitter powder and a hot drink Body Glitter and a Mall Safety Kit Jan. 16, 2020 19 Mar 2020 Lea Thompson Maria Ferrari, Tara Hernandez & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Eric Kaplan
8.88 million
57 13 Pork brain and fish on the grill Contracts, Rules and a Little Bit of Pig Brains Jan. 30, 2020 26th Mar 2020 Jaffar Mahmood Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Eric Kaplan & Maria Ferrari
8.64 million
58 14th The nasty form depth and the cross with the cross A slump, a cross and roadside gravel Feb 6, 2020 Apr 6, 2020 Howard Deutch Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Connor Kilpatrick
8.98 million
59 15th Naked in the hail and happy with a bald head A Boyfriend's Ex-Wife and a Good Luck Head Rub Feb 13, 2020 Aug 5, 2020 Jaffar Mahmood Maria Ferrari, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Eric Kaplan
8.89 million
60 16 Mister Spock and the fear of flying Pasadena Feb 20, 2020 Aug 12, 2020 Jaffar Mahmood Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Tara Hernandez
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Maria Ferrari & Jeremy Howe
9.11 million
61 17th An academic crime and baseball with Barbie An Academic Crime and a More Romantic Taco Bell 5th Mar 2020 Aug 12, 2020 Melissa Joan Hart Tara Hernandez, Jeremy Howe & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Maria Ferrari
8.55 million
62 18th Bruised ribs and injured egos A Couple Bruised Ribs and a Cereal Box Ghost Detector March 12 2020 19 Aug 2020 Chris Koch Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Maria Ferrari
Idea: Chuck Lorre, Eric Kaplan & Connor Kilpatrick
8.88 million
63 19th New neighbors and butterflies in your stomach A House for Sale and Serious Woman Stuff Apr 2, 2020 19 Aug 2020 Alex Reid Eric Kaplan, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Maria Ferrari
10.06 million
64 20th The baby tooth and the god of knowledge A Baby Tooth and the Egyptian God of Knowledge April 16, 2020 - Jaffar Mahmood Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Connor Kilpatrick
Idea: Eric Kaplan, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
9.57 million
65 21st Rolling sausages and flying eggs A Secret Letter and a Lowly Disc of Processed Meat Apr 30, 2020 - Alex Reid Maria Ferrari, Tara Hernandez & Jeremy Howe
Idea: Steven Molaro, Steve Holland & Connor Kilpatrick
10.14 million

Audience ratings

EA date ProSieben A ORF one source
Germany Austria
Spectator B Market share C Spectator B Market share C Spectator B Market share C
from 3 years 14–49 years from 3 years 14–49 years from 12 years 12–49 years from 12 years
season 1
01 01 Jan. 8, 2018 3.53 million 2.76 million 10.6% 25.7% 292 thousand 230 thousand 15.7% 163 thousand 8th %
02 02 Jan. 15, 2018 2.89 million 2.18 million 8.4% 19.3% 273 thousand 215 thousand 14.9% 71 thousand 4%
03 03 Jan. 22, 2018 2.42 million 1.92 million 7.3% 19.3% 275 thousand 188 thousand 14.6% 61 thousand 3%
04th 04th Jan. 29, 2018 2.55 million 2.00 million 7.3% <? <8.4% 18.1% 261 thousand 197 thousand 15.1% 120 thousand 7%
05 05 Feb 5, 2018 2.21 million 1.74 million 6.7% 16.8% 225 thousand 177 thousand 13.8% 130 thousand 7%
06th 06th Feb 12, 2018 2.46 million 1.81 million 7.1% 16.3% 220 thousand 160 thousand 11.7% 113 Th. 6%
07th 07th 19th Feb 2018 2.46 million 1.89 million 7.2% 16.7% 255 thousand 202 thousand 14.9% 87 thousand 4%
08th 08th Feb. 26, 2018 2.23 million 1.73 million 6.4% 15.1% 229 thousand 178 thousand 12.8% 108 thousand 6%
09 09 5th March 2018 2.41 million 1.85 million 7.2% 16.9% 200 thousand 167 thousand 12.1% 141 thousand 7%
10 10 March 12, 2018 2.34 million 1.77 million 6.9% 16.1% 248 thousand 202 thousand 15.5% 110 thousand 6%
11 11 19th March 2018 2.24 million 1.77 million 6.6% 15.6% 240 thousand 186 thousand 14.3% 104 thousand 5%
12 12 March 26, 2018 2.61 million 2.01 million 7.8% 18.9% 225 thousand 170 thousand 14.1% 76 thousand 5%
13 13 April 9, 2018 D
September 10, 2018
2.05 million 1.54 million 6.9% 16.6% 141 thousand 121 thousand 10.9% 100 thousand 7%
14th 14th 17 Sep 2018 1.74 million ? <1.36 million 5.8% ≤? <6.2% 13.3% 183 Th. 144 thousand 12.9% 68 thousand 6%
15th 15th Sep 24 2018 1.92 million 1.43 million 6.2% 14.7% 224 thousand 182 thousand 15.1% 81 thousand 5%
16 16 Oct. 1, 2018 1.90 million 1.36 million <? <1.43 million 6.2% 14.3% 179 Th. 146 thousand 13.1% 75 thousand 4%
17th 17th Oct 8, 2018 1.83 million 1.36 million 5.9% 14.0% 200 thousand 158 thousand 13.7% 88 thousand 6%
18th 18th Oct 15, 2018 1.70 million ? <1.36 million ? <5.9% 13.1% 208 thousand 165 thousand 13.6% 107 thousand 6%
19th 19th Oct. 22, 2018 1.77 million 1.36 million <? <1.45 million ? <5.9% 13.6% 230 thousand 190 thousand 15.3% 79 thousand 5%
20th 20th Oct 29, 2018 1.87 million 1.45 million 5.9% 14.6% 182 thousand 149 thousand 12.6% 99 thousand 5%
21st 21st Nov 5, 2018 1.89 million 1.55 million 6.0% 15.0% 197 thousand 146 thousand 12.2% 89 thousand 5%
22nd 22nd Nov 12, 2018 2.02 million 1.56 million 6.3% 15.0% 210 thousand 162 thousand 13.4% 94 thousand 5%
B. Printed in bold : Highest available audience rating in this category. Italic bold print : Lowest available audience rating in this category.
C. In bold : highest market share value available in this category. Italic bold print : lowest available market share value in this category.
D. Only on ORF one.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Young Sheldon: Season One Ratings . In: . May 11, 2018. Retrieved August 25, 2018.
  2. Young Sheldon: Season Two Ratings . In: . May 17, 2019. Retrieved September 25, 2018.
  3. ^ Young Sheldon: Season Three Ratings . In: . May 1, 2020. Accessed May 4, 2020.

Quota evidence

  1. ^ Fabian Riedner: Quota check: "Young Sheldon". In : . November 14, 2018, accessed November 22, 2018 .
  2. Alexander Krei: "Young Sheldon" has a dream start at ProSieben. , January 9, 2018, accessed on January 9, 2018 .
  3. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on January 9, 2018 ; accessed on January 9, 2018 .
  4. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, January 9, 2018, archived from the original on January 9, 2018 ; accessed on January 9, 2018 .
  5. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Teletest Working Group , January 9, 2018, archived from the original on January 9, 2018 ; accessed on January 9, 2018 .
  6. Sidney Schering: "Young Sheldon" broke in on MONDAY, but there is still no reason to worry. , January 18, 2018, accessed January 19, 2018 .
  7. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on January 19, 2018 ; accessed on January 19, 2018 .
  8. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, January 17, 2018, archived from the original on January 19, 2018 ; accessed on January 19, 2018 .
  9. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 5 weekly. (No longer available online.) In: Teletest Working Group, January 17, 2018, archived from the original on January 21, 2018 ; accessed on January 21, 2018 .
  10. Timo Nöthling: From outstanding to very good: “Young Sheldon” continues to lose viewers. , January 23, 2018, accessed on January 23, 2018 .
  11. Timo Niemeier / Uwe Mantel: ARD / ZDF a little weaker, RTL / ProSieben stronger than expected. , February 6, 2018, accessed on February 7, 2018 .
  12. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on January 23, 2018 ; accessed on January 23, 2018 .
  13. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, January 23, 2018, archived from the original on January 23, 2018 ; accessed on January 23, 2018 .
  14. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, January 23, 2018, archived from the original on January 23, 2018 ; accessed on January 23, 2018 .
  15. Timo Niemeier: "Undercover Boss" returns with very good ratings. , January 30, 2018, accessed January 30, 2018 .
  16. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on January 30, 2018 ; accessed on January 30, 2018 .
  17. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, January 30, 2018, archived from the original on January 30, 2018 ; accessed on January 30, 2018 .
  18. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Teletest Working Group, January 30, 2018, archived from the original on January 30, 2018 ; accessed on January 30, 2018 .
  19. Timo Nöthling: Super Bowl & Comedies make ProSieben happy. , February 6, 2018, accessed on February 7, 2018 .
  20. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on February 7, 2018 ; accessed on February 7, 2018 .
  21. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, February 6, 2018, archived from the original on February 6, 2018 ; accessed on February 6, 2018 .
  22. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, February 6, 2018, archived from the original on February 6, 2018 ; accessed on February 6, 2018 .
  23. Sidney Schering: “Young Sheldon” is increasing its overall audience. , February 13, 2018, accessed on February 13, 2018 .
  24. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on February 13, 2018 ; accessed on February 13, 2018 .
  25. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, February 13, 2018, archived from the original on February 13, 2018 ; accessed on February 13, 2018 .
  26. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, February 13, 2018, archived from the original on February 13, 2018 ; accessed on February 13, 2018 .
  27. Sidney Schering: Hui: "Young Sheldon" is growing. , February 20, 2018, accessed on February 20, 2018 .
  28. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on February 20, 2018 ; accessed on February 20, 2018 .
  29. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, February 20, 2018, archived from the original on February 20, 2018 ; accessed on February 20, 2018 .
  30. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, February 20, 2018, archived from the original on February 20, 2018 ; accessed on February 20, 2018 .
  31. Sidney Schering: Primetime Check: Monday, February 26, , February 27, 2018, accessed on February 27, 2018 .
  32. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on February 27, 2018 ; accessed on February 27, 2018 .
  33. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, February 27, 2018, archived from the original on February 27, 2018 ; accessed on February 27, 2018 .
  34. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, February 27, 2018, archived from the original on February 27, 2018 ; accessed on February 27, 2018 .
  35. Sidney Schering: Primetime check: Monday, March 5, , March 6, 2018, accessed on March 6, 2018 .
  36. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on March 6, 2018 ; accessed on March 6, 2018 .
  37. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, March 6, 2018, archived from the original on March 6, 2018 ; accessed on March 6, 2018 .
  38. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, March 6, 2018, archived from the original on March 6, 2018 ; accessed on March 6, 2018 .
  39. Sidney Schering: "Late Night Berlin": Quota start made to measure. , March 13, 2018, accessed on March 14, 2018 .
  40. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on March 14, 2018 ; accessed on March 14, 2018 .
  41. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, March 13, 2018, archived from the original on March 13, 2018 ; accessed on March 14, 2018 .
  42. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, March 13, 2018, archived from the original on March 13, 2018 ; accessed on March 14, 2018 .
  43. Sidney Schering: “Late Night Berlin” gives in, stays on average. , March 20, 2018, accessed on March 20, 2018 .
  44. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on March 20, 2018 ; accessed on March 20, 2018 .
  45. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, March 20, 2018, archived from the original on March 20, 2018 ; accessed on March 20, 2018 .
  46. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, March 20, 2018, archived from the original on March 20, 2018 ; accessed on March 20, 2018 .
  47. Sidney Schering: With Schulz and Mädel: Upswing for “Late Night Berlin”. , March 27, 2018, accessed on March 27, 2018 .
  48. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on March 27, 2018 ; accessed on March 27, 2018 .
  49. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, March 27, 2018, archived from the original on March 27, 2018 ; accessed on March 27, 2018 .
  50. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, March 27, 2018, archived from the original on March 27, 2018 ; accessed on March 27, 2018 .
  51. Sidney Schering: Primetime Check: Monday, September 10, , September 11, 2018, accessed on September 11, 2018 .
  52. Timo Niemeier: Double Sheldon increases ProSieben ratings. , September 11, 2018, accessed on September 11, 2018 .
  53. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on September 11, 2018 ; accessed on September 11, 2018 .
  54. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, April 10, 2018, archived from the original on April 10, 2018 ; accessed on April 10, 2018 .
  55. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, September 11, 2018, archived from the original on September 11, 2018 ; accessed on September 11, 2018 .
  56. Alexander Krei: Low for "Young Sheldon", Klaas returns with two digits. , September 18, 2018, accessed on September 20, 2018 .
  57. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on September 20, 2018 ; accessed on September 20, 2018 .
  58. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, September 18, 2018, archived from the original on September 18, 2018 ; accessed on September 18, 2018 .
  59. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, September 25, 2018, archived from the original on September 18, 2018 ; accessed on September 18, 2018 .
  60. Timo Nöthling: “Big Bang” and “Sheldon” are improving, “Late Night Berlin” is back in single digits. , September 25, 2018, accessed on September 15, 2018 .
  61. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on September 25, 2018 ; accessed on September 25, 2018 .
  62. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, September 25, 2018, archived from the original on September 25, 2018 ; accessed on September 25, 2018 .
  63. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, September 25, 2018, archived from the original on September 25, 2018 ; accessed on September 25, 2018 .
  64. Sidney Schering: Primetime check: Monday, October 1, , October 2, 2018, accessed on October 16, 2018 .
  65. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on October 16, 2018 ; accessed on October 16, 2018 .
  66. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, October 2, 2018, archived from the original on October 2, 2018 ; accessed on October 2, 2018 .
  67. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, October 2, 2018, archived from the original on October 2, 2018 ; accessed on October 2, 2018 .
  68. Sidney Schering: “Late Night Berlin” surprises with the best ratings for months. , October 9, 2018, accessed October 16, 2018 .
  69. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on October 16, 2018 ; accessed on October 16, 2018 .
  70. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, October 9, 2018, archived from the original on October 9, 2018 ; accessed on October 9, 2018 .
  71. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, October 9, 2018, archived from the original on October 9, 2018 ; accessed on October 9, 2018 .
  72. Alexander Krei: "Bauer sucht Frau" with the strongest season start since 2014. , October 16, 2018, accessed on October 16, 2018 .
  73. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on October 16, 2018 ; accessed on October 16, 2018 .
  74. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, October 16, 2018, archived from the original on October 16, 2018 ; accessed on October 16, 2018 .
  75. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, October 16, 2018, archived from the original on October 16, 2018 ; accessed on October 16, 2018 .
  76. Timo Niemeier: "Bauer sucht Frau" continues to be very strong, "Extra" benefits. , October 23, 2018, accessed on October 23, 2018 .
  77. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on October 23, 2018 ; accessed on October 23, 2018 .
  78. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, October 23, 2018, archived from the original on October 23, 2018 ; accessed on October 23, 2018 .
  79. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, October 23, 2018, archived from the original on October 23, 2018 ; accessed on October 23, 2018 .
  80. ^ Sidney Schering: "Late Night Berlin" rollercoaster ride continues. , October 30, 2018, accessed October 30, 2018 .
  81. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on October 30, 2018 ; accessed on October 30, 2018 .
  82. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, October 30, 2018, archived from the original on October 30, 2018 ; accessed on October 30, 2018 .
  83. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, October 30, 2018, archived from the original on October 30, 2018 ; accessed on October 30, 2018 .
  84. Fabian Riedner: Shortly before the final: "The Big Bang Theory" only at normal level. , November 6, 2018, accessed on November 6, 2018 .
  85. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on November 6, 2018 ; accessed on November 6, 2018 .
  86. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, November 6, 2018, archived from the original on November 6, 2018 ; accessed on November 6, 2018 .
  87. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Working group Teletest, November 6, 2018, archived from the original on November 6, 2018 ; accessed on November 6, 2018 .
  88. Timo Nöthling: “The Big Bang Theory” turns up, “Late Night Berlin” gives in. , November 13, 2018, accessed on November 13, 2018 .
  89. ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4: Reach. (No longer available online.) In: ProSiebenSat.1 PULS 4, archived from the original on November 13, 2018 ; accessed on November 13, 2018 .
  90. Media research ORF. (No longer available online.) In: Medienforschung ORF, November 13, 2018, archived from the original on November 13, 2018 ; accessed on November 13, 2018 .
  91. Working group TELETEST (AGTT) - TV hit list TOP 3 yesterday. (No longer available online.) In: Teletest Working Group, November 13, 2018, archived from the original on November 13, 2018 ; accessed on November 13, 2018 .