13th century BC Chr.
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13th century BC Chr. |
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11th century BC Chr. |

Queen Nefertari playing Senet
The 13th century BC Chr. Began v on January 1, 1300. And ended on December 31, 1201 BC. Chr.
Age / Epoch
- The Bronze Age in Central Europe covers the period from 2200 to 800 BC. The Middle Bronze Age lasted in Central Europe from about 1600 BC in absolute chronological terms. BC to 1300 BC Chr.
Events / developments

The lion gate
- In the 13th century BC The Aramaic Kingdom of Aram-Damascus was probably established in BC .
- In the 13th century BC A battle took place in the Tollensetal . The battle is the first known major armed conflict in the Northern European Bronze Age .
- around 1278 BC Chr. Was Pi-Ramesses the capital of Egypt.
- 1274 BC BC (according to short chronology ): Battle of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II at Kadesch against the Hittites ( Battle at Kadesch ).
- 1271 BC BC (according to short chronology): Pharaoh Ramses II. Conquers Dapur ( Battle of Dapur ).
- 1259 BC BC (according to short chronology): Peace treaty between Egypt and the Hittite Empire , is considered the oldest surviving peace treaty .
- Around 1250 BC The Israelites settled in Canaan .
- Around 1230 BC Chr .: First mention of the Asia Minor Kingdom of Izalla .
- Around 1225/23 BC Chr .: Tukulti-Ninurta I. conquers Babylon and plunders the temple of Marduk .
- Around 1208 BC BC the Egyptian pharaoh Merenptah defeated Libyan tribes and allied sea peoples in the Libyan War .
- Around 1208 BC Chr .: Israel is mentioned for the first time on the Merenptah stele (Israel stele).
- Around 1200 BC Chr .: First sea battle documented in writing : The Hittite great king Šuppiluliuma II. Fights at sea against ships of the "enemies of Alašija ".

Cult car from Peckatel (around 1300 BC)
- Around 1250 BC Chr .: The Egyptian Queen Nefertari plays the board game " Senet ". This scene is immortalized on her tomb.
- Around 1250 BC Chr .: The Lion Gate of Mycenae is built as the main gate of the Cyclopean curtain wall of the upper town.
- Around 1250 BC Chr .: The temple of Abu Simbel was built around this time.
Note: The years of government cannot be precisely determined in this century. Therefore, these are approximate estimates.
Pharaohs of Egypt

Head of the mummy Seti I.
- Haremhab (1319–1292 BC)
- Ramses I (1292-1290 BC / founder of the 19th dynasty )
- Seti I (1290-1279 BC)
- Ramses II (1279-1213 BC)
- Merenptah (1213–1204 BC)
- Seti II (1204–1198 BC)
- Amenmesse (1203–1200 BC / possibly anti-king)
Kings of Amurru
- Bentešina (1280–1275 BC and 1260–1230 BC)
- Šaušgamuwa (approx. 1230–1210 BC)
- Maḫḫaza (from approx. 1210 BC)
Kings of Assyria
- Ārik-dēn-ili (1307–1296 BC)
- Adad-nirari I (1295-1264 BC)
- Shalmaneser I (1263-1234 BC)
- Tukulti-Ninurta I (1233–1197 BC)
Kings of Babylonia
- Nazi Maruttaš (1307–1282 BC)
- Kadašman-Turgu (1281–1264 BC)
- Kadašman-Enlil II. (1263–1254 BC)
- Kudur-Enlil I (1254-1245 BC)
- Šagarakti-šuriaš (1245–1232 BC)
- Kaštiliaš IV. (1232-1225 BC)
- Tukulti-Ninurta I (1225-1224 BC)
- Enlil-nādin-šumi (1224–1223 BC)
- Kadašman-Ḫarbe II. (1223-1222 BC)
- Adad-šuma-iddina (1222–1216 BC)
- Adad-šuma-uṣur (1216–1186 BC)
Kings of china
Kings of Elam
- Napiriša-untaš (1276–1266 BC)
- Hallutuš-Inšušinak (1205–1185 BC)
Kings of the Hittite Empire
- Muršili II. (1318-1290 BC)
- Muwattalli II. (1290-1272 BC)
- Muršili III. (1272–1266 BC)
- Ḫattušili III. (1266–1236 BC)
- Tudḫaliya IV. (1236-1215 BC)
- Kurunta (possibly great king for a short time after civil war)
- Arnuwanda III. (1215–1214 BC)
- Šuppiluliuma II. (1214–1190 / 80 BC)
Kings of Ugarit
- Niqmepa (1313-1265 BC)
- Ammistamru II. (1265–1235 / 30 BC)
- Ibiranu (1235 / 30-1225 BC)
- Niqmaddu III. (1225–1215 BC)
- Ammurapi (1215–1194 / 88 BC)
- Alaksandu from Wilusa
- Tawagalawa (Etewoklewes), brother of the ruler of Aḫḫijawa in the middle of the 13th century BC. BC, as well as its predecessor or co-regent
- Moses (biblical)
- Late Harappan Culture (Late Bronze Age)

Territorial expansion of the late Harappan culture (Late Bronze Age), between 1900 and 1300 BC Chr.
Inventions and discoveries
- As early as 1250 BC The Egyptians knew how to make glass blocks from quartz sand and vegetable ash .
- As early as the 13th century BC The Hittites had the first iron weapons .
Web links
Commons : 13th century BC Chr. - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
- Map of the hypothetical migration routes in the Mediterranean in the period from 1250 to 1150 BC Chr. [1]
Individual evidence
- ↑ HISTORY OF DAMASCUS ( Memento of 15 March 2011 at the Internet Archive ). In: houseofdamascus.com . Retrieved February 18, 2012.
- ^ Massacre on the Tollense . In: Spiegel Online , September 23, 2009. Retrieved January 25, 2012.
- ↑ Archeology on the battlefield - With wooden clubs against bronze arrows . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , July 22, 2011. Retrieved January 25, 2012.
- ^ Sights of the Nile Delta ( Memento from January 20, 2016 in the Internet Archive ). In: deraegypter.info . Retrieved February 18, 2012.
- ↑ Martin Beck : Israel: Palestine: [with a large travel map]. Baedeker, 2008, ISBN 3-8297-1166-2 , p. 54
- ↑ Brigitte Beier: New Chronicle of World History. Wissenmedia Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3-577-14639-7 , p. 16
- ^ Elisabeth Zwick: Spiegel der Zeit - basic course in historical pedagogy. LIT Verlag Münster, 2004, ISBN 3-8258-8304-3 , p. 125
- ↑ Erich Zenger : Introduction to the Old Testament. W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 2008, ISBN 3-17-020695-8 , p. 599
- ↑ Tassilo Schmitt : From the end of success. Reflections on the fall of the Mycenaean palace civilization. In: Gustav Adolf Lehmann , Dorit Engster, Alexander Nuss (eds.): From the Bronze Age history to the modern reception of antiquities , Syngramma vol. 1, Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2012, p. 121f.
- ↑ Kersten Weise: Europe's oldest solar observatory . In: Welt Online , August 8, 2003. Retrieved February 18, 2012.
- ↑ Th. Rehren, E. Pusch: Science . Vol. 308, p. 1756.
- ↑ Propylaea History of Technology, Vol. 1, p. 44