Golden Globe Awards 1949

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The sixth Golden Globe Awards ceremony took place on March 19, 1949 . For the first time, there was a tie in the counting of votes, namely in the Best Film category

Award winners

Best movie

Der Schatz der Sierra Madre (The Treasure of the Sierra Madre) - Director: John Huston
Silent Lips (Johnny Belinda) - Director: Jean Negulesco

Best film to promote international understanding

The Drawn (The Search) - Director: Fred Zinnemann

Best director

John Huston - The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Best Actor

Laurence Olivier - Hamlet

Best main actress

Jane Wyman - Silent Lips (Johnny Belinda)

Best supporting actor

Walter Huston - The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

The best supporting actress

Ellen Corby - Mother's Secret (I Remember Mama)

Best young actor

Ivan Jandl - The Drawn (The Search)

Best script

Richard Schweizer - The Marked (The Search)

Best camera

Gabriel Figueroa - Mexican Romance (La Perla)

Best film score

Brian Easdale - The Red Shoes (The Red Shoes)

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