Golden Globe Awards 1957

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The 14th Golden Globe Awards ceremony took place on February 28, 1957 .

Award winners and nominations

(films with more than one nomination are listed)
N = nomination; S = victory
Movie N S.
The little tea house 6th 0
Baby Doll - Do not desire the other woman 5 1
The king and me 4th 2
The rainmaker 4th 1
Vincent van Gogh - A life of passion 4th 1
war and peace 4th 0
In 80 days around the world 3 2
Alluring temptation 3 0
Anastasia 2 1
Bad seeds 2 1
Bus stop 2 0
The woman in the golden Cadillac 2 0
Giants 2 0

Best film - drama

In 80 days around the world (Around the World in Eighty Days) - Director: Michael Anderson

Best Film - Musical / Comedy

The King and I (The King and I) - Director: Walter Lang

Best film to promote international understanding

The Angel with the Bloody Wings (Battle Hymn) - Director: Douglas Sirk

Best director

Elia Kazan - Baby Doll - Do not desire the other woman (Baby Doll)

Best Actor - Drama

Kirk Douglas - Vincent van Gogh - A Life in Passion (Lust for Life)

Best Actress - Drama

Ingrid Bergman - Anastasia

Best Actor - Musical / Comedy

Cantinflas - In 80 days around the world (Around the World in Eighty Days)

Best Actress - Musical / Comedy

Deborah Kerr - The King and I (The King and I)

Best supporting actor

Earl Holliman - The Rainmaker (The Rainmaker)

The best supporting actress

Eileen Heckart - Bad Seed (The Bad Seed)

Best newcomer of the year

John Kerr
Paul Newman
Anthony Perkins

Best newcomer of the year

Carroll Baker
Jayne Mansfield
Natalie Wood

Best English-Language Foreign Film

Richard III , UK - Director: Laurence Olivier

Best foreign language film

The girl in black (To koritsi me ta mavra) , Greece - Director: Michael Cacoyannis
The white reindeer (Valkoinen peura) , Finland - Director: Erik Blomberg
War and Peace (War and Peace) , Italy - Director: King Vidor
Taiyō to bara , Japan - Director: Keisuke Kinoshita
Vor Sunset , Germany - Director: Gottfried Reinhardt

Best foreign newcomer of the year

Jacques Bergerac - France

Best foreign newcomer of the year

Taina Elg - Finland

Best TV Show

Matinee Theater
Mickey Mouse Club
Playhouse 90
This Is Your Life

Cecil B. DeMille Award

Mervyn LeRoy

Special Achievement Award

Edwin Schallert for promoting the film industry.
Elizabeth Taylor for the consistent performance of
Dimitri Tiomkin for his film music

Henrietta Award (world star male)

James Dean

Henrietta Award (world star female)

Kim Novak

Hollywood Citizenship Award

Ronald Reagan

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