Aleatico di Puglia

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Aleatico di Puglia are Italian dessert wines from the Apulia region (Italian: Puglia ). Since May 29, 1973, the wine-growing region has enjoyed the status of a Denominazione di origine controllata (DOC for short), the last modification of which was published on March 7, 2014.


The wine is made from the following grape varieties :

The aleatico grapes are partially rosinated, that is, subjected to a light " appassimento " on the vine or on a straw bed. Two types of wines are produced:

  • Aleatico di Puglia Dolce Naturale : a naturally sweet red wine
  • Aleatico di Puglia Liquoroso Dolce Naturale : a fortified wine

Wines that have been stored at the producer for at least three years (from March 1st of the year following the harvest) may carry the designation "Riserva".

Growing area

The approved vineyards are spread across all 258 municipalities of the metropolitan city of Bari and the provinces of Brindisi , Foggia , Lecce and Taranto . However, the actual core area of ​​production almost completely overlaps with the DOC Gioia del Colle and there are therefore considerations to limit the Aleatico di Puglia wine-growing area to this area. The wine is currently offered by only two winemakers.


According to the denomination (excerpt):

Aleatico di Puglia Dolce Naturale

  • Color: more or less intense garnet red with violet reflections - tends to orange with increasing ripeness
  • Smell: delicate aroma, characteristic, intense and ethereal with age
  • Taste: moderately sweet, full, velvety
  • Alcohol content: at least 13.0  % by volume , with a balance of at least 2.0% potential alcohol content
  • Acidity : at least 4.0 g / l
  • Dry extract: at least 22.0 g / l

Aleatico di Puglia Liquoroso Dolce Naturale

  • Color: more or less intense garnet red with violet reflections - tends to orange with increasing ripeness
  • Smell: delicate aroma, characteristic, intense and ethereal with age
  • Taste: sweet, full, warm, harmonious, pleasant
  • Alcohol content: at least 16.0  % by volume , with a remainder of at least 2.5% potential alcohol content
  • Acidity : at least 4.0 g / l
  • Dry extract: at least 22.0 g / l

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Provvedimenti generali relativi ai Disciplinari consolidati dei vini DOP e IGP italiani. (PDF) (Italian Ministry of Agriculture), November 27, 2017, accessed on July 23, 2018 (Italian, download page with all consolidated specifications of Italian DOP and IGP wines).
  2. Rudolph Steurer: The wines of Italy . Albert Müller, Rüschlikon-Zurich 1983, ISBN 3-275-00828-5 .
  3. Viticulture in figures 2017. (PDF) In: VQPRD d'Italia 2017., accessed on June 21, 2018 (Italian).


  • Burton Anderson: Italy's Wines 2004/05 . Hallwag, Gräfe and Unzer, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-7742-6365-5 .
  • Jacques Orhon: Le nouveau guide des vins d'Italie . Les editions de l'homme, Montreal 2007, ISBN 978-2-7619-2437-5 .