Building administration Hanover

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The 8-storey building block with the natural stone cladding on the front side, in the background the low central building with entrance hall and staircase, seen from Culemannsraße at Maschpark

The Hanover building administration , also known as the municipal building administration or the historical city ​​building office in the building authority building , is the municipal authority of the Lower Saxony state capital Hanover for buildings and other structures in the Hanover city area. In addition to the “Bürgerservice Bauen”, the office is also responsible for the issues of roads, bridges and traffic in Hanover, building regulations including monument protection, and urban renewal and housing. The Lord Mayor imputed Department VI of the municipality Hannover is headed by City Architect Uwe Bode man and can be found at the address Rudolf-Hillebrecht-Platz 1 west of New Town Hall south of Frederick Walls in the district center .


The baroque portal of the Garde du Corps barracks built in 1738 with the British coat of arms in the form before 1837, translocated in front of the official entrance
City planning officer Uwe Bodemann, here in 2014 during the citizens' consultation hour at the 2014 New Year's reception by Mayor Stefan Schostok

Citizen Service Building

With the Citizens' Service Bauen, all citizens have a central contact point for information and advice on all aspects of building in Hanover.

Department of Planning and Urban Development

The department of planning and urban development takes care of the "structural order and development as well as the design of the structural appearance of the city". He works out the basics and plans for urban development , draws up the land use plan and the development plans . The Geoinformation division develops the Hanover city map and provides the basis for future planning with geodata .

The tasks of the department also include building regulations including monument protection and urban renewal and housing .

Civil engineering department

The civil engineering department is responsible for the subjects of “roads, bridges and traffic” in Hanover. He coordinates civil engineering work in other departments and line administrations as well as the road traffic control, which was formerly subordinate to the regulatory office . This also includes traffic systems such as the city's urban parking guidance system "and the monitoring of parking ticket machines ".

History and description of the building

The former building authority building in the Maschpark east of the New Town Hall ;
Postcard no. 1053 of F. Karl miracle , light pressure to 1906
The head of the building department and co-initiator of the 1967 town attached tables Rudolf Christian friend the city table no. 1979 was 125 dedicated.
" Bicycle-friendly municipality 2010" board at the entrance to the municipal building administration

After the destruction of the early 20th century east of the New Town Hall and later destroyed by the air raids on Hanover in World War II , the building administration employees moved into the building management team , which also destroyed almost all of the maps of the city of Hanover and made it unusable after 1945 initially the provisional building of the Landschaftliche Brandkasse before they moved to the Wangenheimpalais in 1953 .

In the early post-war period , under Rudolf Hillebrecht, the planned new building for the municipal building administration and the location in the Maschpark were pushed through against "multiple resistance ". In the 1950s , from 1954 to 1955, according to plans by the architects Werner Dierschke , Fritz Eggeling and Alfred Müller-Hoeppe, an assembly with eight, three and four storeys was built from three staggered blocks, which, together with the Kestner Museum, lead into the Maschpark Form "open architectural spaces". The construction of the building was based on Frankiphael .

The square in front of the building administration was also built by 1955, at that time as part of Friedrichswall.

A low central building stretches across between higher two-tier office buildings, with a two-story staircase above the entrance hall. The higher building blocks are clad with natural stone at the front , while the window parapets are covered with ceramic . The arcades originally planned as a connection to the New Town Hall and the August Kestner Museum were never realized.

In front of the main entrance, the portal of the barracks of the Garde du Corps , which was built on Königsworther Platz at the time of the Electorate of Hanover in 1738 and later destroyed in the war, was placed. The translocated portal in the Baroque style still shows the British coat of arms in the form before 1837 due to the personal union between Great Britain and Hanover at the time .

In the year of the world exhibition Expo 2000 , the square in front of the building administration was renamed after Rudolf Hillebrecht, "who was city planning officer in Hanover from 1948 to 1975."

The building group, which is now a listed building, was the first major new municipal administration building after the war. In particular, because of the neighborhood of the older, historicizing “New” town hall, it is considered to be “a good example of the intention of urban planning under city planner Rudolf Hillebrecht”.

Because the building's natural stone cladding and its anchoring are extremely damaged, according to an expert report, the building has been fenced in and scaffolded since mid-2014. The rental costs for the scaffolding amount to € 73,000 per year.


The following personalities worked in the "Building Department" or the Hanover City Building Authority:

Fonts (selection)

  • Paul Siedentopf : The structural development of the city of Hanover from 1800 to 1930 in 10 plans with an explanatory text. Researched and edited by Paul Siedentopf ,
    • Part [1] (text): Lecture given on October 20, 1931 in the Geographical Society of Hanover , 29 pages, autographical typewriter, Hanover: [Stadtbauamt], 1931
    • Part [2]: 21 sheets of maps, Hanover: [Stadtbauamt], 1931
  • In the Hannover City 2020 + series , ed. from the state capital Hanover, Department of Planning and Urban Development, Building Department, in cooperation with the press and public relations in the Mayor's Office, published among others:
    • The concept , editing: Hanne Lahde-Fiedler, texts from the state capital Hanover and Machleit + Partner, Büro für Städtebau, Berlin (Juliane Schonauer, Benjamin Wille), February 2011

See also

Web links

Commons : Baudezernat (Hannover)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Helmut Knocke , Hugo Thielen : Rudolf-Hillebrecht-Platz 1 , in Dirk Böttcher , Klaus Mlynek (ed.): Hannover. Kunst- und Kultur-Lexikon , new edition, 4th, updated and expanded edition, zu Klampen, Springe 2007, ISBN 978-3-934920-53-8 , p. 77
  2. Compare the information and cross-references in the catalog of the German National Library
  3. ^ Waldemar R. Röhrbein : 1955 , in: Hannover Chronik , pp. 238–241; here: p. 240; Preview over google books
  4. a b c d e Landeshauptstadt Hannover / Baudezernat / Dezernat VI der Landeshauptstadt on the page in the version of February 2, 2015, last accessed on November 16, 2017
  5. a b c d Helmut Zimmermann : Hanover's street names - changes since 1997 , in: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , New Series Volume 54 (2000), pp. 177–189, here: p. 187; Preview over google books
  6. ^ Karl Fricke (author), Rudolf Hillebrecht (preface): Surveys , in ders .: The urban map system in Hanover. Development and status from 1860 to 1971 , ed. from the city surveying office of the state capital Hanover, Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung und Verlag, 1973, Vol. 1: Text (also Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , New Series Vol. 27, ISBN 978-3-7752-5115-0 and ISBN 3-7752-5115-4 , P. 21f)
  7. top v . : Kubald lights - a term in Georg Barke , Wilhelm Hatopp ( edit .): New building in Hanover: builders, architects, building trade, construction industry report on planning and execution of the construction years 1948 to 1954 (= monographs of Building , Volume 23), Vol. 1, ed. from the press office of the capital Hanover in cooperation with the municipal building management, Stuttgart: Aweg Verlag Max Kurz, 1955, [in the business section without page number]
  8. Andreas Schinkel: Building Policy / Monument Protection at Any Price? The renovation of the municipal building authority is expected to cost up to 45 million euros - as much as the regional building and the Sprengel annex combined. The opposition thinks that the listed building is nonsense, even Rot-Grün has doubts , article on the page of the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (HAZ) from January 22, 2015, updated on January 25, 2015, last accessed on November 16, 2017
  9. Haus und Grund: Members' magazine Haus und Grund . Ed .: House and Ground. No. 03/2018 . Hanover March 1, 2018, p. 14 .
  10. Compare, for example, the photo documentation from 2012 at Wikimedia Commons
  11. ^ A b c d Friedrich Lindau : Hanover. Reconstruction and destruction. The city in dealing with its architectural history identity, 2nd, revised edition, Hanover: Schlütersche Verlag und Druckerei, 2001, ISBN 3-87706-607-0 , passim ; Preview over google books
  12. Günther Kokkelink , Monika Lemke-Kokkelink : Architecture in Northern Germany. Architecture and handicrafts of the Hanover School 1850–1900. Schlueter, Hannover 1998, ISBN 3-87706-538-4 , p. 574
  13. Michael B. Berger: Mourning for Dieter Eisfeld / urban planner and author died, article in the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (HAZ) on February 21, 2018, p. 24

Coordinates: 52 ° 22 ′ 3.5 ″  N , 9 ° 44 ′ 6.8 ″  E