Bertel Haarder

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Bertel Haarder (2010)

Bertel Geismar Haarder (born September 7, 1944 in Rønshoved ( Ger . Randershof) in North Schleswig ) is a Danish politician of the Venstre party . Since October 8, 2016, Haarder has been the longest-serving minister in the Danish parliamentary history since 1901, with a total of 7853 days (more than 21.5 years).

Life and work

Haarder was born as the son of the headmaster in the Heimvolkshochschule in Randershof on the Flensburg Fjord, which still exists today . He was homeschooled up to seventh grade. He then moved to the Statsskole in Sonderburg , where he obtained the general university entrance qualification in 1964. After a year of education in the USA from 1964 to 1965, he began studying political science at Aarhus University, which he completed in 1970 with a thesis on " Grundtvig's concept of freedom". While still a student, he began working as a teacher at Askov Højskole , the first Danish folk high school founded by Grundtvig, and remained there until 1973. From 1971 to 1973 he also worked as a teacher at the teacher training college in Hadersleben . He then switched to the teacher training college in Aalborg as a permanent teacher , where he taught until 1975. With the beginning of his parliamentary career in 1975 Haarder gave up the teaching profession.

Haarder is with Birgitte, geb. Præstholm, married and has four children.

Political career

In his many years as a member of parliament and minister, Haarder has given impetus, especially in the field of school education. Under Poul Schlüter , from 1987 to 1993, Haarder had the entire field of education under himself for the only time in his career, i.e. schools (Ministry of Education) and universities (Ministry of Research). He used this in 1987 for a grammar school reform and in 1988 for the introduction of the bachelor's degree in Denmark. After eight years in the opposition, Haarder was appointed Minister of Integration by Anders Fogh Rasmussen after the change of government in 2001 . His task was to tighten asylum and immigration conditions in Denmark in order to comply with the demands of the right-wing populist Danish People's Party . This had agreed to support Fogh as head of government. In the second half of 2002, Haarder also organized the Danish EU Presidency as European Minister.

Haarder is considered a libertarian politician and a critic of trade unions and the Danish welfare state model. Most recently, he caused a sensation with the development of a canon, on the basis of which a Danish dominant culture can be established: Muslims have not integrated themselves as well in Denmark as Europeans or some Asians. Among other things because their patriarchal culture does not accept freedom of speech and does not allow women to work outside the home. "It is not racism if you understand the differences - it is stupid not to do it." What is meant are cultural differences. Haarder continues: "We are doing them [the Muslim migrants] a big favor if we speak clearly and openly about what kind of country they have come to here and what our fundamental values ​​are." He received criticism from his predecessor, among others in the Ministry of Culture, Marianne Jelved , who spoke of the “master mentality”.

Parliamentary career

After the Folketing election in 1977, which was actually catastrophic for his party, Bertel Haarder entered the Danish parliament for Venstre for the first time and remained a member of parliament there without interruption until 1999. From 1994 on, he was also a member of the European Parliament , initially in a double function , from which he left in 2001. After a four-year break in parliament, he returned to the Danish parliament after the Folketing elections in 2005 , to which he has belonged ever since.

Parliamentary posts

  • 2011 to 2015 member of the Folketing Presidium.
European Parliament
  • 1999 to 2001 deputy chairman of the ELDR parliamentary group
  • 1999 to 2001 foreign policy spokesman for the ELDR parliamentary group
  • 1997 to 1999 Deputy Chairman of the European Parliament

Ministerial post

  • 2015 to 2016 Minister for Culture and Church
  • 2010 to 2011 Minister of the Interior and Health
  • 2007 to 2010 Minister for Education and Nordic Cooperation
  • 2005 to 2007 Minister for Education and the Church
  • 2004 to 2005 Minister for Integration and Development
  • 2003 to 2004 Minister for Integration
  • 2001 to 2003 Minister for Integration and Europe
  • 1987 to 1993 Minister for Education and Research
  • 1982 to 1987 Minister for Education

Other posts and awards

From 2011 to 2015 Haarder was chairman of the Danish delegation to the Nordic Council . In 2011 he was President of the Nordic Council.

On April 25, 1989 he received the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany . In 2013 he was awarded the honorary award of the Berlingske Fund and in 2014 with the Icelandic Freedom Prize Jón Sigurðsson-prisen. In 2015, the Copenhagen Craftsmen Association honored him as an honorary craftsman .


In December 2010, Haarder involuntarily gained notoriety after losing his temper during a television interview with Danmarks Radio (DR): When the journalist asked the Health Minister questions to which the Minister of Health had no answer, Haarder cursed the reporter as an “asshole” and “stupid pig ". The public service DR then put the recording of the interview online in order to draw attention to the bad habit that Danish politicians only give interviews that have been agreed beforehand.


  • Den bløde kynisme - and selvbedraget i Tornerose-Danmark. Gyldendal, Copenhagen 1997.

Web links

Commons : Bertel Haarder  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bertel Haarder Sætter record i ministerdage . In: . ( [accessed October 12, 2016]).
  2. Interview with Bertel Haarder. Børnepanelet, accessed October 12, 2016 (Danish).
  3. Et sted i Bertel Haarders liv . In: . ( [accessed October 12, 2016]).
  4. Bertel Haarder's CV. (No longer available online.) Danish Ministry of Culture, archived from the original on October 13, 2016 ; Retrieved October 12, 2016 (Danish).
  5. a b c CV at Accessed October 12, 2016.
  6. a b Bertel Haarder | Gyldendal - The Danske store. In: Retrieved October 12, 2016 .
  7. In: “'I've Become a Racist': Migrant Wave Unleashes Danish Tensions Over Identity” , New York Times , Sept. 5, 2016.
  8. Harsh criticism of Haarder's Leitkultur Canon. (No longer available online.) Der Nordschleswiger, December 25, 2015, archived from the original on October 12, 2016 ; accessed on October 12, 2016 .
  9. ^ The Folketing Election 1977. In: Aarhus University, accessed October 12, 2016 (Danish).
  10. ↑ Office of the Federal President
  11. Danish minister freaks out on TV ( Memento from December 24, 2010 in the Internet Archive ). In: RP Online . December 22, 2010, accessed December 24, 2010 (German).
  12. Bertel Haarder raser mod journalist . In: Danmarks Radio . December 19, 2010, accessed December 24, 2010 (Danish).