The woman without a name

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Original title The woman without a name
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1927
length 214 (both parts together) minutes
Director Georg Jacoby
script Hans Brennert
production Georg Jacoby for Universal Pictures (Berlin)
music Willy Schmidt-Gentner
camera Emil Schünemann
Karl Vass

The woman without a name is a two-part, German sensation and adventure silent film from 1927 by Georg Jacoby with Elga Brink in the title role.


The American Violett Jeffry owns a badly performing sports newspaper and wants to get her paper back on its feet. So she came up with an advertising trick: Violett donates $ 1,000 to anyone who finds her during a three-month trip around the world and takes her to the nearest US consulate. Frank Milton, a smart and handsome journalist, works as an editor for the competing newspaper. He really wants to get this price and preferably also the woman he has been keeping an eye on for quite some time, along with that.

Frank follows Violet across the globe. Both travel destinations are Arizona , San Francisco , Honolulu , Japan and China . Violett and Frank have to endure numerous adventures on their adventurous paths, and the young man finally saves the boss from the competition from many a dangerous situation such as a dangerous snake temple. In the end he doesn't get the advertised $ 1,000, but Violet Jeffry as his future wife.

Production notes

The Woman Without a Name was filmed in the USA, Hawaii , East Asia and in the Berlin Efa studio from May 1926: Part 1 from May to November 1926, Part 2 from November 1926 to January 1927. The first part was six acts in 2720 Meters long and passed the film censorship on January 5, 1927. The premiere was on January 27, 1927. The second part had a length of 2637 meters on six acts. This part was censored on February 2nd, 1927 and premiered the day after. The Berlin premiere theaters were the Phoebus Palace and the Marble House . A youth ban was issued for both parts.

The film structures come from Hermann Warm and Franz Schroedter . Alfred Schirokauer had the artistic advice.

A large part of the cast is also involved in Jacoby's simultaneous productions Colonialskandal und Liebe im Rausch , which were also filmed in 1926 during Jacoby's film expedition to Southeast Asia (in Japan and China).


“The success of the film shows that the artistic collaboration of these happily excited globetrotters Georg Jacoby, Alfred Schirokauer, Georg Alexander and the other partners who were no less involved in the success are absolutely right. It has become a lovely film, uninhibitedly colorful with all the beauties and accidental adventures of travel; a funny, brisk thing, pleasantly stimulating in its motley, not least because of Georg Alexander's delightful, always very fine, dry irony. "

Paimann's film lists summed up: “The subject of this film, the main strength of which lies in the variety of expedition shots, strange and exotic buildings, is no more original than similar ones of its kind seen earlier. He lacks the dramatic increase, and often the somewhat thinly sown humor here. Finally there are some effective sensations. The direction is satisfactory from the point of view mentioned, as is the representation, the photography is very good. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gerhard Lamprecht : German Silent Films 1927–1931. Deutsche Kinemathek eV Berlin, p. 27. Entry “Colonial scandal”.
  2. The woman without a name ( Memento of the original from March 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Paimann's film lists. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /