One night in May

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Original title One night in May
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1938
length 83, 88 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Georg Jacoby
script Willy Clever
production Eberhard Schmidt
music Peter Kreuder
Friedrich Schröder
camera Robert Baberske
cut Walter Fredersdorf

and Else Reval , Eduard Wenck , Walter Steinweg , Gustav Püttjer , Alfred Karen , Gerhard Dammann , Otto Sauter-Sarto , Käthe Jöken-König , Carl Iban

One Night in May is a German music film by Georg Jacoby with his wife Marika Rökk in the female lead. At her side, Viktor Staal took on the male lead.


Inge Fleming is known for having a fast-paced driving style, so it is not surprising that one day the police will withdraw your driver's license. In order to get the "rag" back, she is ordered to take part in a traffic education measure. In order not to be late for this test, Inge illegally used her own vehicle and promptly had an accident in Berlin. The injured party is called Waldemar Becker. Since she fears that she will be arrested for driving without a license, Inge is hit and missed, borrows 50 Reichsmarks from her maid Johanna for a train ticket and, in a panic, wants to flee to Paris. But she's too late even for that: Inge Fleming promptly misses the train. Instead, in the crowd at the train station, she meets a certain Willy Prinz, who seems to be very interested in her and doesn’t let himself get rid of when the hyper-nervous Inge shows him scratchy to negative. But since she cannot escape from the state power abroad, she finally lets herself into the attractive and charming stranger, who she believes is not only called a prince, but is even a genuine one.

Together they go on a bus excursion that takes them to the Wannsee , where a costume ball is being held on the eponymous night in May. For Inge, the shock is pretty big when she spots Waldemar Becker, who she has approached and who also wants to take part in the costume ball. Little does she know that Willy and Waldemar are old friends. Waldemar is currently walking on bare feet without permission, because the husband is here with a queen of hearts who is not his wife. Inge and Willy go to the other bank of the Wannsee to avoid any pending trouble. After a bath, Inge and Waldemar happen to meet again. Further entanglements follow, as a result of which Inge and Willy are separated from each other on the return trip by bus. Since Willy doesn't know Inge's name, he can't find her in Berlin either. Days later, chance brings the two young people together again in a hotel run by Inge's father and grandfather. Because Willy Prinz works there, who, to Inge's temporary disappointment, is not a real high-nobility, only as a waiter. Inge overcomes her arrogance as she realizes that Willy is a fine guy and they both come together.

Production notes

One Night in May was created from mid-May to June 1938 and was submitted to the censorship on September 13 and 26, 1938. The locations were Berlin and the Wannsee (exterior shots) and Babelsberg (studios in the UFA city). The world premiere took place on September 14, 1938 in Wiesbaden. The Berlin premiere was on October 11, 1938. The film was first broadcast on German television on June 13, 1982 on DFF 2. In 2001 the film was released on DVD.

A night in May only cost around 765,000 RM , was a considerable public success thanks to the theme song intoned by Marika Rökk and, after a private performance on Obersalzberg, was also very well received by Adolf Hitler .

Production group leader Eberhard Schmidt also took over production management. The film structures were created by Max Mellin and Erich Grave , while Walter Rühland provided the sound . The costumes were designed by Eleanor Techow, Gertrud Steckler and Annemarie Heise. Anthony Nellé put the dances on their feet.


Several songs were brought. The texts for this come from Hans Fritz Beckmann . Both composers Kreuder and Schröder also took over the musical arrangement:

  • "An island born of dreams"
  • "In the Café am Zoo" (sung by Peter Igelhoff )
  • "One night in May"
  • "Land in Sight"
  • "The world has never seen anything like that"


The Lexicon of International Films saw the film as a "conventional musical mix-up."

Cinema said: “The film thrives on the temperament of UFA diva Rökk and the charming music of Peter Kreuders. Conclusion: Dusty but not without momentum "

Individual evidence

  1. Deutsche Tonfilme, 9th year 1938. 077.38, p. 147, Berlin 1998
  2. ^ Boguslaw Drewniak: The German Film 1938-1945 . A complete overview. Düsseldorf 1987, p. 633 f.
  3. One night in May. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed June 9, 2019 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. Short review on

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