The children from the Alstertal

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Television series
Original title The children from the Alstertal
Logo die Kinder vom Alstertal.jpg
Country of production Germany
original language German
Year (s) 1998-2004
length 25 minutes
Episodes 52 in 4 seasons
genre Children's series
Director Monika Zinnenberg
idea Marlies Kerremans,
Jörn Schröder,
Horst Peter Lommerl
production Televersal , NDR
music Thomas Hettwer ,
Frederick Thoele
first broadcast
December 7, 1998 on KI.KA

Die Kinder vom Alstertal is a German children's series of the NDR , which was produced from 1998 to 2004 and comprises 52 episodes. The series shows some parallels to the 52-part children's series Neues vom Süderhof . The director was also Monika Zinnenberg .

About the Alstertal

It's like living in the country - and yet in the city: Gut Alstertal is a holiday farm for children and families in Hamburg's Alstertal . There is a subway nearby that leads to the center of Hamburg. In the immediate vicinity there are excursion destinations such as the North Sea , the beautiful swimming lake , the fish ponds , the museum village and the creepy moor .

Which was built Good Alstertal the family Clement and the family summer country: from two related families. They each have children who experience many adventures together on the show. In the course of time there have been new additions, including Rose, Kiki, Moritz, Dolly (shepherd dog) or Tarzan (parrot).

In fact, the series was only shot in a few external scenes in the real Alstertal ; the manors, on the other hand, are actually in Brock or, from the third season, in Wiedingen , both suburbs of Soltau .


Carla Sommerland

Carla is the mother of Timo and the adoptive mother of Tobias and Kiki. Her mother-in-law Ami owns the Alstertal estate and she mainly takes care of the horses on the farm. Her husband Karl died many years earlier. She has a relationship with Jan Kruse in the first half of the series. In the third season she moves to Hamburg, which is why she only has sporadic appearances.

Susanne "Susi" Clement

Susi and her husband Uwe have two girls, Hexe and Lisa. Her mother Ami owns the Alstertal estate. Her brother Karl died many years earlier. Since then, her sister-in-law Carla and her children have lived on the estate. Susi is mainly responsible for the finances. She is always very skeptical about changes and is easily irritable if she is not asked.

Uwe Clement

Uwe is Susi's husband and the father of Hexe and Lisa. He was a seaman and among other things learned on the Gorch Fock . He maintains good contacts with the Hamburg water police. His tasks on the farm are mainly field work and handicrafts. Uwe is the calm pole in the family. The children, whether his own or Carla's, can come to him at any time. Since his brother-in-law Karl died, he has taken on the role of father for Tobias and Timo and later also for Kiki. This is repeated later with Merle, Niklas, Rose and Moritz.

Timo Sommerland

Timo is 13 years old at the beginning of the series and therefore as old as his cousin Witch. His biggest hobby is canoeing on the Alster. His dog is called Oskar. He is the son of Carla and Karl and the brother of Tobias and Kiki and the cousin of Julia and Lisa. His role changes a lot in the series. He turns away from canoeing and music. He plays the keyboard and starts a band. In the middle of the series, he meets Britta. In the fourth season he lives with Carla in Hamburg and is therefore rarely seen in the series.

Julia "witch" Clement

Julia, called a witch, is 13 years old. She is in the same class, 7a, as her cousin Timo. Julia is a good rider, she initially plays hockey and does gymnastics throughout the series. Her favorite horse is called Justus. She lives in the same room as her sister Lisa, with whom there are often quarrels. She's a nut at math and she's afraid of thunderstorms. In the fourth season she flies to Spain for a year.

Lisa Clement

Lisa (12) is Witch's little sister and thus the third oldest of the children. She goes to the same high school as Timo, Hexe and Tobias. Britta, Timo's friend, goes to her class, 6b. Lisa's long-term boyfriend is called Sebastian, but she separates from him in episode 29. Lisa often takes over the work in the farm shop to supplement her pocket money. She is the only one of the "original" Alstertal children who is present throughout the series.

Tobias Sommerland

Tobias (9) is Carla's adopted son. However, he only found out by chance. At first he was very interested in astronomy and his chicken Einstein. He is Kiki's caregiver and becomes her best friend. After the family moved to the new Gut Alstertal, he became interested in football and wanted to join the HSV and become a professional footballer. In the fourth season he moves to Carla in Hamburg and can no longer be seen in the series.

Kim-Vi summer land

Kim-Vi, called Kiki, is a Vietnamese girl that Carla brings with her from Thailand at the beginning of the show. Her parents died in a major fire. Kiki has a congenital heart defect, which is then corrected surgically so that she can start school. Kiki learns quickly and enjoys looking after the animals on the farm. She has not appeared in the series since she lived with Timo and Carla in Hamburg.


Amalie (Ami) is the mother of Susi and the late Karl. She owns the Alstertal estate. Her grandchildren are Timo, Tobias, Hexe, Lisa and Kiki. Ami loves horses and is usually very generous. She drives a BMW convertible.


The children from the Alstertal were and will be broadcast on public television , in the first and various third television programs. The first broadcast of the 52 episodes in KiKA took place between December 7, 1998 and September 17, 2004. Before that, a special ran on December 4, 1998: We are the children of the Alstertal - report on the shooting of the new series .


main actor

actor Role name Role description consequences
Marco Soumikh Timo Sommerland Son of Carla, brother of Tobias, cousin of Lisa and Hexe,
plays in a band, friend of Britta
1-33, 36-37, 41-43, 47, 51-52
Tim Küchler Tobias Sommerland Carla's adopted son, Timo's brother 1-34, 36-37, 39, 41-42
Katharina Wäschenbach Lisa Clement Sister of witch, cousin of Timo 1-42, 44-49, 52
Marleen Lohse Julia "witch" Clement Lisa's sister, Timo's cousin 1-31, 33-41, 47, 49-51
Thuy-Anh Cao Kim-Vi "Kiki" Cao / Sommerland Carla's adopted daughter, originally from Vietnam 1-34, 36
Simone Ritscher Carla Sommerland Widow of Carl, mother of Timo, 1-29, 31-34, 36, 42, 51
Kerstin Draeger Susanne "Susi" Clement Sister of Carl, mother of Lisa and the witch, wife of Uwe 1-36, 44-48, 50-52
Lennardt Kruger Uwe Clement Lisi's father and witch, Susi's husband 1-36, 38-48, 50, 52
Ursula Hinrichs Amalie "Ami" summer land Mother of Susi and Carl, grandma of Timo, Tobias, Lisa, Hexe and Kiki 1-28, 30, 33-35, 37-41, 43-44, 47-52
Niklas Pries Niklas Hartung Son of Claudia, brother of Merle 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12-13, 16-21,
23-30, 32-40, 42-52
Elisa Pries Merle Hartung Daughter of Claudia, sister of Niklas 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12-13, 16-21,
23-30, 32-52
Jan Hendrik Heinzmann Painted Minners Son of Carla's friend Rosa, is supposed to do an internship as a horse manager,
takes over the farm shop, moves into the trailer from Bienen-Bobby, a motorcyclist
16, 18, 19, 22, 24-45, 47, 48, 50-52
Féréba Koné Rose Reimer Merle's girlfriend from gymnastics, father works on an oil rig 34-40, 42-52
Alexander Loeffler Moritz Danert Former holiday child
stays on the estate as his mother travels a lot
35-40, 42-46, 49-52

Supporting Actors - Adults

actor Role name Role description consequences
Sonia Farke Barbara "Babsi" Koehler works in the farm shop, was previously a nurse,
girlfriend of Markt-Henry, buys the horse Mistral and then gives up the farm shop
1-9, 11-13, 15-17, 19-21, 25
Thor W. Muller Market Henry Supplier for the farm shop, Babsi's friend 2, 6-9, 11-13
Reinhard Krökel Jan Kruse Biology teacher, (temporarily) friend of Carla 2-9, 12, 13, 16-19
Roswitha Timm Mrs. Winkler Customer in the farm shop and at the street stall (episode 48) 3, 4, 10, 17, 21, 38, 47-48
Edgar Bessen Bee Bobby (Mr. Valeitis) Timo helps him when he has a fit of weakness while boating,
moves his beehives to the estate,
leaves the estate to help rebuild his birthplace
3, 5, 7-9, 11, 12
Monika Haeckermann Mrs. Reger Math teacher 8, 19
Lutz Herkenrath Professor Speckmann Tobias' English teacher 9-11
Birgit Bockmann Claudia Hartung Old friend of Susi, mother of Merle and Niklas,
(ex) alcoholic, ex-husband Manfred lives in Munich
10, 26, 32-34, 36, 37, 39-44, 49
Karin Heine Mrs. Brunner customer 15, 16, 48, 51
Julia Demtroder Mrs. Schönfeld Diana's mother 26, 39, 43
Christian von Richthofen Dr. Wohlfeld Works in the planetarium, flies a glider 27, 33
Anne Moll Caroline Danert Moritz's mother, works for a major fashion magazine 35, 36, 41, 44
Ben Hecker Dr. Tanner vet 35, 47
Jasper Vogt Forester Förnbach 40, 45

Supporting actors - children

actor Role name Role description consequences
Cosima Alessa Grimm Hanna Bertels Friend of a witch who had a riding accident with her horse Justus 1, 7-11, 14, 19
Christian Dirksen Sebastian Seibold (temporarily) friend of Lisa 3-5, 8-9, 12-13, 20-21, 24, 28-29
Bjorn Vaughn David Player in the hockey club that witch is in love with 4-5, 12
Alina Eschke Henrike Classmate of Hexe and Timo, plays in Hexes hockey team, rides 4-5, 7-8, 12, 14
Jens Versemann Ulf Friend of Timo, guitarist in Timo's band
(temporarily) interested in witches
5, 8, 10-13, 17, 19, 20-23,
26-27, 31-33, 36-37, 41-42, 52
Anna Münchow Mia Play on Hexes hockey team 5, 12, 14
Louisa Herfert Britta Hansen
(in episode 11 Sandmann)
Friend of Timo 9, 11-13, 18, 21, 23-24, 28, 31, 37, 42
Jonas Reinsch Leon Leptin (temporarily) friend of witch, plays basketball, is committed to nature conservation 13 (as Karsten) , 22, 25
Jakob Wäschenbach Jacob Drummer in Timo's band 17, 20-21, 23, 26-27, 31-33, 36-37, 42, 52
Yasmin Büyüksapci Canan Wealthy classmate who tries to buy into Timo's band & the witch borrows money for a cell phone 23, 26, 31
Clara Paulina Witsch Diana Schönfeld Friend of Niklas, who takes riding lessons at Gut Alstertal 26, 32, 39, 43, 46
André Mechela Markus (at times) friend of Lisa, knows magic tricks 28-31, 38
Dennis Christian Jonas Kiki's friend, his uncle works in the elephant house at the Hagenbeck Zoo 28-30
Janina Uhse Vanessa Guest on the estate that Tobias is in love with 32, 41, 42
Leonard Boes Paul Friend of Moritz 44-45

Episode roles

actor Role name Role description consequences
Jasmine Buterfas Sonia Pommerenke Water police 2, 9
Konstantin Graudus Holger Water police, old friend of Uwe
Erkki Hopf Emergency doctor Takes care of Bee Bobby 3
Timo Tessen Jens Timo's friend, with whom he paddles
Kevin Puritz Kevin Grandson of Bee Bobby
Burkhard Schmeerofen
(in the credits as Bur g performed hard)
Dr. Büscher
(in episode 48 in a different role)
School doctor examining Kiki 7th
Wolfgang Häntsch Prof. Block Heart specialist at Eppendorf Hospital, operates on Kiki 8th
Marek Erhardt Police officer Records missing persons for Tobias and Kiki 9
Tim Dominick Lee 2nd officer Find Tobias and Kiki on a ship
Ralph Obenhaupt Dock workers Meets Tobias and Kiki on the Elbe
Dolly dollars Mrs. Wesemann Works for customer Aeromeal - Food Company des Guts 10, 12
Fabian Harloff Buddy Known by Britta, who is the band Kids in Between cares 13
Renate Delfs Frida Market woman
Ilona Christina Schulz policewoman Checks wallet theft
Angela Hobrig Market stall customer Woman who claims to have been stolen from Timo
Kids in between Band in which Timo sings for a short time
(Timo's actor, Marco Soumikh, was a member of the real band KIB)
Isabella Grothe Mrs. Hahn Kiki's class teacher 14th
Heinz Lück Bernd Heitmann Horse breeder moving to the USA
Tobias Pippig Mario Crashkid, lives in a hut in the woods after an accident with a stolen car
Tobias naively tries to help him
Isabelle Carlson Woman boy Woman from the youth welfare office handling Kiki's adoption 17th
Hildegard Hötte policewoman Supervises the moped course where Timo drives into the police car 18th
Sven Mallon Farmer Asks Timo for help
Siegfried Fuchs ranger Encountered Timo on a motorcycle on a forest path
Wilfried Dziallas Hannes Hülps Answers to a personal ad for Carla 19th
Kristina Pauls Jana Older classmates, blackmail witch for stolen math work
Max Engelke
Herbert Tennigkeit Heribert Dülmen Answers to a personal ad for Carla 19 (as photo), 20
Cora Waschke Mona from Rinaldo Circus, performs with horse doll 20th
Rudiger Wolff Robby Quante Photographer doing a shoot with witch 21st
Robert Missler Bank employee handing Ami the profit saving check
Sandy Eick Sandy Classmate of witch who wants to apply for a photo story
Engin Akcelik Mr. Cemas Wants to buy Sally the horse 22nd
Peter Heinrich Brix Police officer Kruger Record Ami's complaint about the theft of their wallet 23
Edgar Hoppe Police officer
Hannelore Droege Saleswoman in the clothing store
Sarah Mesgarzadeh Sophie The owner of the shepherd dog Dinah
is run over in front of Niklas and Merle.
The German shepherd lives on the estate and is the mother of Merle's later dog Dolly.
24, 30
Van Phuong La Mr. Son Lived with Kiki in a refugee home in Thailand 27
Felix Beyerbach Soren Leader of a boys gang in Kiki's class 28
Marco Dabelstein Uli Member of Soeren's gang
Julian Methler Paddy Member of Soeren's gang
Joachim Richert Mr. Kluge buys the German shepherd puppy Dixie 30th
Franziska Dressel Franziska Friend of Sophie (p. 24)
Sascha Greve Jens Friend of Sophie (p. 24)
Sebastian Niebuhr Torsten Lisa's classmate wants to give her sailing lessons
Bo Hansen tries to teach Lisa sailing
Vincent Büsch Peter Markus' sailing partner
Ulli Lothmanns Director Dr. Seidel School director of Timo, Hexe and Lisa 31
Holger Umbreit Ahlers jun. Want to buy the south pastures of the estate to enlarge their golf course.
Mix bracken into the horse feed of the estate
Claus Fuchs Ahlers sen.
Ditte Peter Mrs. Schwarzer Former neighbor of Merle and Niklas
naturopath who gives Rose and Merle healing stones for the sick horses
Urs Affolter Photographer Max Makes Caroline Danert's shoot into country house fashion on the farm 36
Farina Jansen Assistant Ina Helps Caroline Danert's country-house fashion shoot on the farm
Eckart Dux Robert Ami's childhood friend, lives in Spain 37
Edie Samland Mrs. Bayer Pharmacist at Lisa's internship 38
Ursula Graeff Mrs. Busse Customer in the pharmacy
Nicole Unger Mrs. Busse's neighbor
Elke Aberle Dog trainer 40
Jan Fedder Tractor representative
Berenice Kockisch Mrs. Ohlendorf Dog breeder kidnapping Dolly
Susanne Walbaum Mrs. Anders Hofgast, Kevin's mother 42
Daniela Hüthmair Mrs. Holm Lara's mother
David Uhse Kevin Son of Mrs. Anders
Mara-Shirin Hetzmann Lara Guest child on the farm who has a riding accident
Albrecht C. Dennhardt Police officer Involved in defusing grenades in the stable 43
Gert Schaefer Demolitionist
Florian end Explosive Assistant
Olaf Bartels Mr. Bartels Shelter worker, pick up the runaway raccoon 45
Tom Muller Mr. Kunze Paul's father
Markus Stolberg Mr. Erdmann Niklas' chemistry teacher 46
Uli Wriedt Supplier Uli Delivers feed to the farm
Klaus Martin Servant Hermann Goes in search of Tarzan with Merle and Rose
Heidi cable Old lady
Lars Heitmann Taxi driver I
Lutz Herkenrath Taxi driver II
Juan Enrique Garcia Segado Manolo Julia's boyfriend during her student exchange in Spain 47
Franz Joseph Dieken Seller Set up a street stall to compete with the estate's shop 48
Burkhard Schmeer official The public order office convicts street stall operators for counterfeit organic products
Willi Lütjens Customer in the farm shop
Jazmin Maderycz Moritz 'class teacher
Christian Bruch photographer Photographed Moritz with his class on the first day of school
Johannes Langer Andreas Get to know Merle & Rose in Heide-Park Soltau 49
Andy Jobmann Holger
Marett Klahn Rebecca Lisa's riding student 52
Udo Jolly supplier Bring movie projector for the open house
Janina Thom customer
Singa Gätgens Reporter Alstertal Kurier (43)
Client Melanie (50, 51)
43, 50, 51
Thomas Krätzig Postman Thomas 19, 51


season 1

  • 01: Hey, Kiki
  • 02: Three are one too many
  • 03: Off on vacation
  • 04: The first kiss
  • 05: Broken dreams
  • 06: My Darling from the Internet
  • 07: Kiki is not allowed to learn to read
  • 08: Party fever
  • 09: A ship to the Far East
  • 10: Gift and Sweets
  • 11: A night full of ghosts
  • 12: potato fire
  • 13: Timo reaches for the stars

season 2

  • 14: The braces
  • 15: The outlier
  • 16: Easter lamb with rosemary
  • 17: Kiki looks through
  • 18: Timo's excursion
  • 19: A witch in a tight spot
  • 20: All because of Mona
  • 21: Witch is discovered
  • 22: April, April
  • 23: Boys and Girls
  • 24: Walpurgis Night
  • 25: Who will save Mistral?
  • 26: With a bow and arrow

season 3

  • 27: Visit from the past
  • 28: Jungle night with Kiki
  • 29: Tobias on the ball
  • 30: who loves whom?
  • 31: The grease bug
  • 32: Tobias got it
  • 33: Niklas takes off
  • 34: Commitment to Rose
  • 35: Wrong spell
  • 36: Moritz knows what he wants
  • 37: The treasure map
  • 38: Lisa in need
  • 39: All men’s business

Season 4

  • 40: Friendship in danger
  • 41: Always stay cool
  • 42: Storm-free booth
  • 43: Large scale operation in the hen house
  • 44: Mother's Day again
  • 45: On the trail of the perpetrator
  • 46: The big bang
  • 47: Greetings from Barcelona
  • 48: A case for Merle and Rose
  • 49: Moritz and the dolphins
  • 50: The diary thief
  • 51: The casting
  • 52: The movie

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Life rages on the organic estate. Hamburger Abendblatt, December 7, 1998, accessed on May 26, 2015 .
  3. The Menkenhof