The Hohenstaufen and Italy
Under the title Die Staufer and Italy , a transnational exhibition took place from September 19, 2010 to February 20, 2011 in the Reiss-Engelhorn Museum in Mannheim , which was dedicated to the most important European ruling family of the high Middle Ages , the Staufer dynasty . The exhibition was thematically linked to the Baden-Württemberg state exhibition, Die Zeit der Staufer , which was shown in Stuttgart in 1977 . Almost 237,000 visitors came to Die Staufer and Italy . This made it the most successful exhibition of the Reiss-Engelhorn museums and one of the ten most successful medieval exhibitions in Germany since 1977. After the exhibition, the communication concept of the Staufer exhibition was awarded the marketing prize of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region .
Honorary degrees and patrons
As a transnational project, the history show bore the honorary title of an exhibition in the states of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse . As patrons, the Prime Ministers of Baden-Württemberg ( Stefan Mappus ), Rhineland-Palatinate ( Kurt Beck ), and Hesse ( Volker Bouffier ) jointly awarded the exhibition their patronage .
Outstanding exhibits
The outstanding exhibits at the exhibition included the King Enthroned from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York , a stone sculpture from northern Italy from around 1230, as well as the so-called Staurothek from Cosenza , a magnificent reliquary of the cross from the court workshops in Palermo , the Kaiser Frederick II is said to have given the cathedral of Cosenza as a gift on the occasion of the consecration .

Staufer year 2010
On the occasion of the Mannheim Staufer exhibition, 41 southern German cities celebrated the Staufer Year 2010 together. The participating locations included the cathedral cities of Worms , Mainz and Speyer , the Reichsburg Trifels , the Hardenburg near Bad Dürkheim , the Guttenberg castle near Neckarmühlbach and the Starkenburg near Heppenheim as well the Kaiserpfalzen Bad Wimpfen , Gelnhausen , Kaiserslautern and Ingelheim . Several special exhibitions, concerts, theatrical productions, medieval festivals, readings, lecture series, guided tours and activities were organized. Scientific discoveries were made during the Staufer Year. Experts from the imperial palace in Ingelheim found a royal head from the Hohenstaufen era that is stylistically related to the famous enthroned king from New York, the main motif of the Mannheim exhibition.
Correspondence project Staufer region Rhein-Neckar
The Staufer exhibition was accompanied by an extensive supporting program in which, in addition to Mannheim, 23 historically significant places and sites participated. Under the title of the Rhine-Neckar Staufer Region , representatives of the historical places of remembrance in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, Bavaria and Alsace , Heidelberg , Steinsberg Castle near Sinsheim , Bad Wimpfen , Guttenberg Castle near Haßmersheim , Neckargemünd , Eberbach , Strahlenburg attended Schriesheim , Lorsch , Starkenburg near Heppenheim , Breuberg , Gelnhausen , Münzenberg , Landskron near Oppenheim , Mainz , Ingelheim , Worms , Hardenburg near Bad Dürkheim , Speyer , Reichsburg Trifels near Annweiler and Burg Fleckenstein near Lembach have merged before and during the exhibition to organize supporting program items in the Staufer year. Each of the locations emphasized its importance for the Staufer history and brought medieval history to life for the visitors with events. Nine of these places are on Castle Road . The Staufer Region Rhein-Neckar project was launched by the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museums and was coordinated in coordination with the General Directorate for Cultural Heritage Rhineland-Palatinate and the administration of the State Palaces and Gardens of Hesse .
The general director of the Reiss Engelhorn museums, Alfried Wieczorek , was in charge of the overall management of the Staufer exhibition, while medieval historians Bernd Schneidmüller and Stefan Weinfurter at Heidelberg University acted as scientific coordinators . Elisabeth Handle (scientific curator), Alexander Schubert (coordinator of the Staufer year), Irmgard Siede (project manager) and Verena Türck (scientific assistant) worked in the scientific exhibition office. Scientific partners of the exhibition were the General Director of the General Directorate for Cultural Heritage Rhineland-Palatinate, Thomas Metz, and the Director of the State Palaces and Gardens of Hesse, Karl Weber.
- Alfried Wieczorek, Alexander Schubert (Hrsg.): Exhibition and tourism. Balance of the exhibition of the states of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse . Mannheim 2011, ISBN 978-3-927774-41-4
- Alfried Wieczorek, Bernd Schneidmüller and Stefan Weinfurter (eds.): The Staufers and Italy. Three regions of innovation in medieval Europe . Vol. 1: Essays; Vol. 2: Objects. Catalog for the exhibition of the states of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse, Darmstadt 2010.
- Alfried Wieczorek (Ed.): Stauferregion Rhein-Neckar. Travel destinations for the exhibition of the states of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse The Staufer and Italy . Mannheim 2009, ISBN 978-3-927774-27-8
- Alexander Schubert: The Hohenstaufen and Italy. Three innovation regions in medieval Europe, exhibition of the states of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse . Edited by Alfried Wieczorek, Mannheim 2008, ISBN 978-3-927774-26-1
- Alexander Schubert: Italian way of life in Mannheim. A city walk on the occasion of the exhibition of the states of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse Die Staufer and Italy. Three innovation regions in medieval Europe, exhibition of the states of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse . Edited by Alfried Wieczorek, Mannheim 2009, ISBN 978-3-927774-28-5
- Eva-Maria Günther: Staufer time wanderlust . Edited by Alfried Wieczorek, Mannheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-79542405-3
Web links
- Exhibition 2010 The Hohenstaufen and Italy
- Interview on the Staufer year with Dr. Alexander Schubert
Individual evidence
- Jump up to the last minute , Mannheimer Morgen edition Rhein-Neckar February 21, 2011, p. 22
- ↑ Final spurt for the Staufer , Mannheimer Morgen February 15, 2011, p. 17
- ↑ Peter W. Ragge: Impressive museum marketing ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Mannheimer Morgen November 22, 2011, p. 20
- ^ "Southern Germany celebrates the Staufer Year" , September 15, 2010. Access date: November 15, 2018.
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