Half mountains near Mertendorf

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Coordinates: 51 ° 7 '24 "  N , 11 ° 51' 38"  E

Relief map: Saxony-Anhalt
Half mountains near Mertendorf
View of the nature reserve

The half mountains near Mertendorf are a nature reserve in the municipalities of Mertendorf and Wethau in the Burgenland district in Saxony-Anhalt .

The nature reserve with the registration number NSG 0267 is approximately 51  hectares . The area is almost completely from the conservation area surrounded "Saale". The western area of ​​the nature reserve is largely part of the approximately 17 hectare FFH area of ​​the same name . It has been under protection since 2002 (date of regulation: May 21, 2002). The responsible lower nature conservation authority is the Burgenlandkreis.

The nature reserve is located southeast of Naumburg in the Saale-Unstrut-Triasland nature park . It places part of the south and west slopes and part of the half-mountain plateau under protection.

In the west of the nature reserve, a species-poor coppice grows on shell limestone of the lower shell limestone with hornbeam , pedunculate oak and common ash . A mesophilic sessile oak and hornbeam forest with winter linden follows on the plateau . In the herb layer you can find the Turkish lily and the high cowslip , the shrub layer is made up of woolly snowball , red dogwood , dog rose and single hawthorn . At the forest fringes settle u. a. Milkweed , sickle Hasenohr , Hain Wachtelweizen and Türkenbundlilie. There is an abandoned limestone quarry on the western slope of the Halbberg north of Mertendorf . Here falter English oak, field and mountain maple with purple Blue Gromwell , sickle Hasenohr, broadleaf weed laser and Straußblütiger Wucherblume in the herbaceous layer. The shrub layer is formed by woolly snowball and hawthorn. On the steepest sites on the upper slope and on the rubble heaps of the quarry, grass lily, pinnate, dry lawns with knotty grass lily , common clover , deer root and cranesbill edges and pioneering calc debris societies with narrow-leaved hollow teeth settle . The quarry floor is of tansy perennial corridors and sweet clover taken companies.

To the east, species-rich grassland areas with dry oat meadows and orchards with fruit plantations that are no longer in use, sloe rose bushes, elderberry and plum bushes connect . The oat grass meadow areas move as a characteristic species Meadow Sage , Common Quaking and Brachypodium pinnatum and silver thistle , pulsatilla vulgaris and Diptam . Strictly protected orchid species such as three-tooth orchid , purple orchid and fly orchid can also be found here. The grassland areas are partly used as hay meadows . This also serves the care and maintenance of the orchid and dry grass flora. Another area used as arable land is on the plateau of the half-mountain. It is included in the western part of the nature reserve. The open areas on the southern slope of the half-mountain are partially covered with bushes.

The arid biotopes of the nature reserve are the habitat of a species-rich insect fauna . Various noble butterflies and bluebirds as well as the changeable red ram make their home here. Furthermore, stag beetle , Erdbock and phaneroptera falcata find. Reptiles are represented by the fence and forest lizard . The near-natural forest areas are the habitat of dormouse and badger . The nature reserve also offers a habitat for various bird species , including goshawks , kestrels , wood pigeons , great spotted and small woodpeckers , golden hammer , oriole , nuthatch , tailed tit , treecreeper , chiffchaff and blackcap .

To the northeast of Mertendorf, the nature reserve borders the Naumburg – Teuchern railway line . The railway line crosses the nature reserve north of Rathewitz and west of Scheiplitz.

See also

Web links

Commons : Halbberge bei Mertendorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement, maintenance measures in the area of ​​protected biotopes , Heimatspiegel, Verbandsgemeinde Wethautal, August 8, 2012 (PDF file, 270 kB). Retrieved July 23, 2015.