Jehi kewod

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Jehi kewod ( Hebrew יְהִי כְבוֹד ה 'לעולם; dt. "The glory of God remains forever") is a Jewish prayer .


It is recited daily during the Psuke desimra before Aschrei . The sequence - Jehi kewod before Aschrei - is significant: Jehi kewod shows the external image of God as the omnipotent Master. The first half of the prayer describes God as the master of nature. The second half describes God as the master of history. Aschrei, however, symbolizes the inner relationship between God and man, in which God appears as a helper and comforter, whose goodness is always close to the worshiper.

The Ashkenazi version has 18 verses where the number 18 is significant. The name of God is mentioned 21 times in prayer, alluding to the 21 verses in Aschrei. The prayer consists of a series of verses recited during the Psuke desimra in the following order:

  • Psalm 104:31
  • Psalm 113: 2-4
  • Psalm 135:13
  • Psalm 103:19
  • 1st book of the chronicles: 16,31
  • Psalm 10.16
  • Psalm 92: 1
  • Exodus 15:18
  • Psalm 10.16
  • Psalm 33:10
  • Proverbs 19.21
  • Psalm 33:11
  • Psalm 33: 9
  • Psalm 132:13
  • Psalm 135: 4
  • Psalm 94:14
  • Psalm 78:38
  • Psalm 20.09
  • Psalm 46:12 (in Yemen).

Text, transliteration and translation

"יְהִי כְבוד ה 'לְעולָם. יִשמַח יְהוָה בְּמַעֲשיו “Jehi kewod Adonai le-olam. Jismach Adonai be-m'assaw. “The glory of God remains forever, may God enjoy his creatures.
יְהִי שֵׁם יְהוָה מְברָךְ. מֵעַתָּה וְעַד עולָם Jehi Shem Adonai Meworach. me'ata we-od olam. May the name of God be blessed from now to forever.
מִמִּזְרַח שֶׁמֶשׁ עַד מְבוֹאוֹ. מְהֻלָּל שֵׁם יְהוָה ' mi'misrach schemesch ad me-wo'o. mehulal shem adonai. From sunrise to sunset, the name of God is praised in praise of deeds;
רָם עַל כָּל גּויִם יְהוָה. עַל הַשָּׁמַיִם כְּבודו ram al kol go'im Adonai. Al ha-shamayim kewodo. God is high above all peoples; beyond the heavens is his glory.
יְהוָה שִׁמְךָ לְעולָם. יְהוָה זִכְרְךָ לְדור וָדור Adonai schimcha le-olam. Adonai sichrecha le-dor wa-dor. God, your name is forever, God, your memory for every gender.
יְהוָה בַּשָׁמַיִם הֵכִין כִּסְאו. וּמַלְכוּתו בַּכּל מָשָׁלָה Adonai ba-shamayim hechin kisso. U-malechto ba-kol maschalah. God, he established his throne in heaven, but his rule is over everything.
יְהִי כְבוד ה 'לְעולָם. יִשמַח יְהוָה בְּמַעֲשיו Jehi kewod Adonai le-olam. Jismach Adonai be-m'assaw. The glory of God remains forever, may God enjoy his creatures.
יִשמְחוּ הַשָּׁמַיִם וְתָגֵל הָאָרֶץ. וְיאמְרוּ בַגּויִם יְהוָה מָלָךְ Jismach ha-Shamayim turn ha-Aretz. We-amru ba-Goyim Adonai malach. The heavens rejoice, the earth rejoices loudly, and they say among the peoples: God has come to rule.
יְהוָה מֶלֶךְ. יְהוָה מָלָךְ. יְהוָה יִמְלךְ לְעולָם וָעֶד Adonai melech. Adonai malach. Adonai jimloch le-olam wa-ed. God is King, God was King, God will rule as King for all eternity.
יְהוָה מֶלֶךְ עולָם וָעֶד. אָבְדוּ גויִם מֵאַרְצו Adonai melech olam wa-ed. Awdu gojim ma'arezo. God is king at all times, even peoples are lost from his earth.
יְהוָה הֵפִיר עֲצַת גּויִם. הֵנִיא מַחְשְׁבות עַמִּים Adonai hefir azat goyim. heni machschewot amim. God has thwarted the plans of peoples, has failed the thoughts of nations.
רַבּות מַחֲשָׁבות בְּלֶב אִישׁ. וַעֲצַת יְהוָה הִיא תָקוּם Rabot machashavot be-lew ish. Wa'azat Adonai hi takum. Many thoughts are in the heart of man, but God's plan endures.
עֲצַת יְהוָה לְעולָם תַּעֲמוד. מַחְשְׁבות לִבּו לְדר וָדר Azat Adonai le-olam ta'amod. Makshevot libo le-Dor wa-Dor. God's plan exists for all the future, the thoughts of his heart become part of every generation.
כִּי הוּא אָמַר וַיֶּהִי. הוּא צִוָּה וַיַּעֲמד Ki hu amar: wa-jehi. Hu ziwa wa-ja'amad. For He spoke and it was; He also commanded and it stood still.
כִּי בָחַר יְהוָה בְּצִיּון. אִוָּהּ לְמושָׁב לו Ki bachar Adonai be-Zion. Iwa le-moshav lo. For Zion has chosen God, has chosen it to be his seat.
כִּי יַעֲקב בָּחַר לו יָהּ. יִשרָאֵל לִסְגֻלָּתו Ki Jaakob bachar lo Ja , Israel lisgulato. For Jacob has chosen God, Israel to be his property.
כִּי לא יִטּשׁ יְהוָה עַמּו. וְנַחֲלָתו לא יַעֲזב Ki lo jitas Adonai amo, we-nachalato lo ja'asaw. For God does not let his people go and does not forsake his inheritance.
וְהוּא רַחוּם יְכַפֵּר עָון וְלא יַשְׁחִית. we-hu rachum jechafer awon we-lo jaschchit. And He, merciful, atones sin and does not allow perdition
וְהִרְבָּה לְהָשִׁיב אַפּו. וְלא יָעִיר כָּל חֲמָתו. we-hirba le-hashiw afo. we-lo ja'ir kol chamato. repeatedly withdraws his anger and does not fully awaken his anger.
יְהוָה הושִׁיעָה. הַמֶּלֶךְ יַעֲנֵנוּ בְיום קָרְאֵנוּ." Adonai hoschia. ha-melech ja-anenu be-jom karenu. " God bestow salvation! It is the king who answers us on the day when we call. "
Source: Samson Raphael Hirsch : Sidur tefilot Yisrael, Israels Gebete, (סדור תפלות ישראל).


  • Ismar Elbogen : The Jewish worship service in its historical development. Fock, Leipzig 1913 ( digitized ); Frankfurt / M. 2nd edition 1924 ( digitized UB Frankfurt ); 3rd edition 1931 (reprint Olms, Hildesheim et al. 1995), p. 85f (also available at Google Books ).
  • Elie Munk: The World of Prayer: Commentary and Translation of the Siddur. Philipp Feldheim, New York 1961-1963, OCLC 2303867 , pp. 33, 93, 94, 95.
  • Abraham Zebi Idelsohn: Jewish liturgy and its development. Schocken Books, New York 1967, OCLC 174509 , p. 82.
  • Hayim Halevy Donin: To pray as a Jew. A guide to the prayer book and the synagogue service. Basic Books, New York 1980, OCLC 6278819 , p. 173.
  • Raw B. Posen: The Shabbos Regulations. Hilchos Shabbos. Morascha, Basel 2005, OCLC 694996857 , S. 78 (also visible on Google Books ): "On weekdays follows here יְהִי כְבוֹד ." And S. 54 (also visible "To: Google Books) שַׁבָּת וְיוֹם טוֹב is here יְהִי כְבוֹד switched . "
  • Albert Gerhards, Clemens Leonhard: Jewish and Christian liturgy and worship: new insights into its history and interaction. Brill (Boston), Leiden 2007, OCLC 647961491 , p. 75.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Samson Raphael Hirsch : Sidur tefilot Yisrael, Israels Gebete, ( סדור תפלות ישראל). I. Kauffmann, Frankfurt a. M. 1921, OCLC 18389019 , p. 79.