La Iruela

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La Iruela municipality
La Iruela - town view
La Iruela - town view
coat of arms Map of Spain
Coat of arms of La Iruela
La Iruela (Spain)
Finland road sign 311 (1994-2020) .svg
Basic data
Autonomous Community : Andalusia
Province : Jaén
Comarca : Sierra de Cazorla
Coordinates 37 ° 55 ′  N , 3 ° 0 ′  W Coordinates: 37 ° 55 ′  N , 3 ° 0 ′  W
Height : 950  msnm
Area : 123.97 km²
Residents : 1,899 (Jan 1, 2019)
Population density : 15.32 inhabitants / km²
Postal code : 23476
Municipality number  ( INE ): 23047
Website : La Iruela

La Iruela is a small mountain town and one consisting of the main town, two villages ( Burunchel and Arroyo Frío ) and several hamlets (aldeas) and individual farmsteads ( municipio ) with a total of 1,899 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2019) in the south of the province of Jaén in the autonomous region of Andalusia . The place is recognized as a conjunto histórico-artístico .


The place La Iruela is located on the western edge of the natural park Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas at an altitude of approx. 900 to 1000 m above sea level. d. M. The distance to the provincial capital Jaén is almost 130 km (driving distance) in a westerly direction; the city of Granada is just 175 km to the southwest. The climate in winter is temperate, while in summer it is warm to hot; the low amounts of precipitation (approx. 475 mm / year) fall - with the exception of the almost rainless summer months - distributed over the whole year.

Population development

year 1857 1900 1950 2000 2016
Residents 3,023 5.113 4,682 1,907 1,989

The significant population decline in the 20th century is essentially due to the mechanization of agriculture and the associated loss of jobs.


La Iruela is located in the east of the seemingly endless olive tree plantations of the Jaén province. In the past, cereals, vines, etc. were also planted for self-sufficiency ; Vegetables came from the house gardens. Livestock (sheep, goats, chickens) and forestry are also operated. Small traders, craftsmen and service companies of all kinds have settled in the village. There are also several holiday homes (casas rurales) .


Small finds from the Neolithic and Bronze Age were discovered in the municipality . The Romans operated ore mining here . The Visigoths and even the Moors probably did not get this far. After the end of the Caliphate of Cordoba (1031), the remote area became part of the Taifa Kingdom of Jaén . In 1231 the area was recaptured ( reconquista ) by the Christians under the leadership of the Archbishop of Toledo , Don Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada . From 1294 to 1378 La Iruela was just a hamlet (aldea) of the neighboring town of Cazorla . With the Alhambra Edict (1492) of the Catholic Kings began the expulsion of the Sephardic Jews ; in the years around 1610 the last Muslims ( moriscos ) were also expelled.


  • The medieval castle (castillo) , located on a rock spike, has neither Roman nor Moorish origins. The keep (torre del homenaje) and parts of the castle walls have been preserved. In the courtyard (patio de armas) there is a cistern (aljibe) . The former church dating from the 13th century, but largely renovated in the 16th century, is dedicated to St. Dominic of Silos , was set on fire and destroyed by the Napoleonic occupiers in 1810.
  • The Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción , which looks traditional but was built in the 1960s, is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary . The bell gable (espadaña) , which is half integrated into the facade, is interesting .
  • There are several wells (fuentes) in the village , whose elongated basins were also used as cattle troughs (abrevaderos) .
  • A wash house (lavadero) is on the outskirts.

See also

  • The neighboring town of Cazorla, which is also worth seeing, is only about three kilometers to the south-west.

Web links

Commons : La Iruela  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cifras oficiales de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal a 1 de enero . Population statistics from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (population update).
  2. La Iruela - Map with altitude information
  3. La Iruela - climate tables
  4. La Iruela - population development
  5. La Iruela - Economy etc.
  6. La Iruela - History
  7. La Iruela - History in Key Words
  8. La Iruela - Castillo
  9. La Iruela - parish church