List of geotopes in Fürth

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This list contains a geotope in the Middle Franconian city ​​of Fürth in Bavaria . The list contains the official names and numbers of the Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) as well as their geographical location. This list may not be complete. Around 3,400 geotopes (as of March 2020) are recorded in the Bavarian geotope register. The LfU does not consider some geotopes suitable for publication on the Internet. For example, some objects are not safely accessible or may only be entered to a limited extent for other reasons.

Surname image Geotope ID Municipality / location Geological unit of space description Area m² / extension m geology Digestion type value Protection status comment
Former Quarries in the Fürth city forest W of Fürth Fürth quarry 05.jpg
563A001 Fürth
Sandstone Keuper Region The Lower Burgsandstein is developed in the still available outcrops in the Nuremberg facies. This consists of medium to coarse-grained sandstones, some of which are only slightly resistant to weathering. The sometimes very thick sandstone banks show oblique layers and show signs of cutting. 10000
100 × 100
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Data source: Bavarian State Office for the Environment,, Geotoprecherche (accessed on September 16, 2017)

Web links

Commons : Geotopes in Fürth  - collection of images, videos and audio files