List of geotopes in the Cham district

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This list contains the geotopes of the Upper Palatinate district of Cham in Bavaria . The list contains the official names and numbers of the Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) as well as their geographical location. This list may not be complete. Around 3,400 geotopes (as of March 2020) are recorded in the Bavarian geotope register. The LfU does not consider some geotopes suitable for publication on the Internet. For example, some objects are not safely accessible or may only be entered to a limited extent for other reasons.

Surname image Geotope ID Municipality / location Geological unit of space description Area m² / extension m geology Digestion type value Protection status comment
Former ESE quarry from Schellhof 372A001 Rötz
Naab Mountains The former quarry (now the road embankment ) lies in the border zone of the Neunburg granite against cordierite gneiss and a slightly lasered granite of the Oberviechtach type. The Neunburg granite pervades the two adjacent rocks with its passages. 2500
250 × 10
Type: Contact, Rock
Type: Granite, Gneiss
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Quarry at Blätterberg SE from Furth in the forest 372A003 Furth in the forest
High arch In the forest east of the hamlet of Blätterberg (at the southeast end of the Blätterberg) there are two abandoned (and heavily overgrown) outcrops in amphibolites of the shear zone of the Hohe Bogen. There are currently no fresh outcrops. The metabasites belong to the gabbro amphibolite mass of Neukirchen-Kdyne, which is part of the tectonic unit of the Tepla-Barrandium (Bohemikum). 3000
100 × 30
Type: Rock
Type: Amphibolite
Quarry inferior Natural park
Quarry at Daberg N von Ochsenweide 372A006 Furth in the forest
High arch The quarry on Daberg opens up parts of a large gabbro stock and gabbro apophyses (metagabbros with amphibolite hornrock clods) in the western and central section. Mica slate emerges in the east. The metabasites with their host rock belong to the gabbro amphibolite mass of Neukirchen-Kdyne, which is assigned to the tectonic unit of the Tepla-Barrandium (Bohemikum). 60000
300 × 200
Type: Rock
Type: Meta, Gabbro, Mica Slate, Amphibolite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area
Track section ENE from Seuchau 372A007 Furth in the forest
High arch Amphibolite is exposed in the railway cuts near Seuchau (east of the tunnel). This amphibolite belongs to the amphibolite (mylonite) unit of the shear zone of the Hohen Bogen at the edge of the gabbro amphibolite mass of Neukirchen-Kdyne. 200
20 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Amphibolite
embankment inferior Landscape protection area, nature park
Digestion E from Hindelmühle 372A008 Stamsried
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest The outcrops at the Hindelmühle show sharply flattened blastomylonitic gneisses, together with a light-colored granite, in which a lamprophyre tunnel is inserted. The outcrop is in the garden of a private house. 75
15 × 5
Type: Rock
Type: Blastomylonite
embankment significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Sand pit NW of Mitterkreith 372A010 Roding
Bodenwöhrer valley In the former sand pit, heavily weathered sandstones (whitish to yellow, crumbly quartz sandstone) are exposed. A distinctive, more solidified, often heavily iron-containing layer (border bank / transgression bank) shows numerous fossils that point to a marine environment (e.g. pierced mussel shells). Part of the pit has been recultivated, but the middle part currently still offers good exposure conditions. 1000
50 × 20
Type: Rock type, Layer sequence, Animal fossils
Type: Sand
Gravel pit / sand pit precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Quarry E von Strahlfeld 372A011 Stamsried
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest The quarry is located in the area of ​​the striking pile fault zone, which has been active several times in the history of the earth and here at the edge of the Bodenwoehrer depression separates the crystalline of the Upper Palatinate Forest from chalk sediments. Tectonized Moldanubian granites and gneisses are exposed in the quarry. The rocks, some of which are intensely red in color, are mostly badly weathered and brittle. In the quarry, a borehole was sunk to explore the pile fault, which has drilled Cretaceous sediments. 3500
70 × 50
Type: rock type, fault
type: granite, gneiss, mylonite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry on the NW of Cham vineyard 372A012 Cham
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest Katzberg granite, a fine-grain two-mica granite, was mined in the former quarry. In the granite there are clods of dietetic gneiss. In the area of ​​tectonic faults, the granite is blastomylonitic overprinted. The quarry is currently largely free of vegetation and allows a good view of the rock (the bottom of the quarry is meadow, sparse vegetation on the edges.) 9375
125 × 75
Type: Rock
Type: Granite
Quarry significant Natural park
Former sandstone quarry S von Oberkreith 372A013 Roding
Bodenwöhrer valley In the district of Cham there are generally very few outcrops in sandstone. The few occurrences, even if the outcrops are largely overgrown, are therefore important witnesses to the history of the earth (and the development of the Cretaceous sediments). In the Oberkreith area, the Cretaceous building sands have solidified to form a sandstone, which was previously extracted as Oberkreither factory sandstone. 8
4 × 2
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Gravel pit / sand pit significant Natural park
Former Blaubergsee quarry NW of Runding 372A014 Runding
Rear Bavarian Forest Granite has been mined in the area of ​​the Blauberg for more than a century. This former quarry opened up a coarse-grained granite, which is interspersed with younger fine-grained granite veins. However, the exposure conditions are no longer very good: a large part of the walls is no longer accessible because of the Blaubergsee, and the walls are mostly overgrown with lichen and algae, so the Blauberg granite is rarely seen fresh. 6250
125 × 50
Type: Rock
Type: Granite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Exposure to the rain between Chamerau and Göttling 372A015 Runding
Rear Bavarian Forest Along the railway line, gneisses are exposed on the steep slope embankment, which have been changed by the tectonic movements along the Rundiger shear zone. The old gneiss structure is interspersed discordantly with blastomylonites. The outcrops are accessible via a footpath that runs parallel to the railway on the southwest side of the railway tracks. 60
3 × 20
Type: Fault, Rock
Type: Blastomylonite
embankment significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Outcrops on the Schlossberg Runding 372A016 Runding
Rear Bavarian Forest Several small outcrops on the Schlossberg show blastomylonites from the Rundinger movement zone, which discordantly enforce the old gneiss structure. Accessible outcrops (albeit a bit overgrown and collapsed) can be found e.g. B. in the area of ​​the moat. 55
11 × 5
Type: Rock type, Fault
type: Blastomylonite
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural park
Former mining sites on the Kleinenzenrieder Pfahl 372A017 Rötz
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest In the forest near Kleinenzenried there are several pile quartz mining sites of the Kleinenzenried secondary pile - a fault and movement zone with vein quartz that runs more or less parallel to the fault zone of the Bavarian pile. The old dismantling walls are no longer accessible due to water accumulation, but the pile quartz is still visible in the heaps of heaps. 8750
175 × 50
Type: Rock
Type: Vein quartz
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Old Asbestos Schurf E from Rimbach 372A026 Rimbach
High arch Little can be seen of the former asbestos mining (and any outcrop). The ditch, which was still visible until recently, has almost disappeared due to dense vegetation and forest work (difficult to find). An open dump can only be found directly below on hiking trail no. 7, with serpentinite reading stones in the typical formation, with asbestos veins. The Serpenitint deposit marks the border between Moldanubian gneisses and the amphibolites of the Hohen Bogen. 64
16 × 4
Type: Minerals, Quarry / Pit, Dump
Type: Serpentinite
Schurf significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Former quarry N of Blasihof 372A031 Furth in the forest
High arch Today there is a lake in the bottom of the former granite quarry Blasihof. The former quarry area is now integrated into a wildlife park. 2500
100 × 25
Type: Rock
Type: Granite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry E von Lambach 372A035 Lam
Rear Bavarian Forest Osser quartzite and mica slate are exposed in the former quarry. In the crevices there are pebbles, in the structure relics of Ottrelith, Staurolite and Garnet can be found. The quarry has been reforested and has now largely overgrown - the exposure conditions are correspondingly poor. 450
15 × 30
Type: Rock
Type: Quartzite, Mica Slate
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Rock hump on the southern slope of Heiling N von Treitersberg 372A036 Forest
Regensburg Forest On the southern slope of Heilingholz there are numerous hardwoods and rock outcrops that lie in the giant contact breccia of crystal granite I and anatexite. 20
5 × 4
Type: contact, rocky dome, hardening
type: granite, anatexite
Rock slope / cliff significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Outcrops at Dachsbau E in Schweinsberg 372A037 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest In the area of ​​the Dachsbau site on the southwest side of the Schweinsberg there is wool sack-weathered and heavily buried crystal granite. The granite is so strongly decomposed over large areas that the decomposition can be directly excavated as sand with gravel components (feldspar large crystals). Large, rounded granite blocks (compact wool sacks) up to 10 m in length, where the crystal bond has not yet loosened, float in this decomposition. 2500
50 × 50
Type: Rock type, wool sack formation
Type: Granite, granite gravel
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry Heiderbügl E von Loibling 372A040 Roding
Regensburg Forest On the wall of the Heiderbügl quarry, a fine-grained quartz mica diorite vein can be seen, which has a fine-grained sage facies. This igneous vein intruded into anatectic paragneiss and coarse porphyry crystal granite 1. A younger granite also intruded the quartz mica diorite. Part of the quarry is backfilled with excavated earth, but there are still good outcrops. 1125
75 × 15
Type: Contact, Rock
Type: Quartz, Diorite, Granite, Gneiss
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
South slope of the Dechantberg SW of Trasching 372A041 Cell
Regensburg Forest The rock areas on the southern slope of the Dechantberg represent the type locality of crystal granite II (after G. Fischer 1959). It forms corridors up to 100 m wide that can form km-long trains. Along the path leading north is crystal granite I, to the east in the forest crystal granite II. 2
2 × 1
Type: Type locality
Type: Granite
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Sand pit on Ochsenberg NW of Kiesried 372A042 Cell
Regensburg Forest In the area of ​​the former sand pits (collapsed / overgrown) there is currently little to see. Granite gravel / granite substitute is only unlocked in the area of ​​a fresh extraction point. There used to be a beautiful outcrop in the autochthonous grus of Kristallgranit I with numerous large potash feldspars (Carlsbad twins) that could be easily collected. Pleistocene red loam was exposed above that, digging 2 m deep into the granite in weathering pockets. 160
20 × 8
Type: Rock type, Fossil soil
Type: Granite, granite gravel, clay
Gravel pit / sand pit significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Exposure at the Teufelsbuzn NE of Reichenbach 372A044 Walderbach
Regensburg Forest The former quarry in reddish granite on the northern edge of the Regental on the outskirts of Kienleiten in the area of ​​the protected Teufelsbuzn natural monument is quite overgrown. In addition to the quarry on the road towards Walderbach, there are further outcrops. 3300
110 × 30
Type: Rock
Type: Granite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Blocks in Schwarzhanselholz NW of Süssenbach 372A046 Forest
Regensburg Forest In this area, an approx. 1 km long and 200 to 300 m wide zone of gneiss breccia in the crystal granite I is formed. Gneiss blocks as high as a house and small clods with tectonic data that are twisted against each other float in the crystal granite I. The gneiss inclusions show no signs of dissolution or other contact phenomena. 80
10 × 8
Type: Rock, Boulder
Type: Granite, Gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former granite quarry E from Walderbach 372A047 Walderbach
Regensburg Forest In the long-abandoned quarry on the northern slope of the Regetal there is reddish colored crystal granite II, which appears here partly with, but partly without, feldspar large crystals. The granite shows a relatively close-knit structure of dividing surfaces. The exposed walls are difficult to access during the growing season. 1600
80 × 20
Type: Rock
Type: Granite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarries near Regenpeilstein 372A051 Roding
Regensburg Forest The large quarries near Regenpeilstein open up a red granite with rare potash feldspars. Under the influence of the pile faults, the granite here has already been severely damaged. 2000
200 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Granite
Quarry significant Natural park
Former Quarry at Ochsenberg NE of Zell 372A054 Cell
Regensburg Forest In this quarry, the relative age ratio of crystal granite I to quartz mica diorite and crystal granite II could be recognized particularly well. Today the outcrop situation in the long-abandoned quarry is bad, the rock walls are hardly accessible during the growing season. 800
80 × 10
Type: Contact, Rock
Type: Granite, Diorite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry E von Katzenrohrbach 372A055 Walderbach
Regensburg Forest The abandoned granite quarry is located on the southern steep bank of the rain. The former dismantling wall, which is now partially overgrown, drops very steeply (and is therefore difficult to access). At the foot of the wall, however, the rock is exposed to large fall blocks. 300
15 × 20
Type: Rock
Type: Granite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Quarry Himmelsleite N from Roßbach 372A056 Forest
Regensburg Forest Quartz mica diorite intruded into an older (anatectic) coarse-grained granite. Younger vein granite (crystal granite II) contains rounded diorite clods. There is now a lake in the former quarry. The exposed walls are no longer accessible with dry feet. 60000
400 × 150
Type: Contact, Rock
Type: Granite, Diorite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry near Holzmühl 372A057 Michelsneukirchen
Regensburg Forest The exposure shows the layers and folds in the anatectic modified cordierite gneiss and in the ribbon gneiss. Numerous calcium silicate lenses with attractive reaction zones are embedded in the ribbon gneisses. The quarry, which was abandoned for a long time, has now grown a little bit over, the exposure conditions are no longer very good. 125
25 × 5
Type: Type of rock, metamorphic structure
Type: Cordierite, Sillimanite, Gneiss
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry northwest of Obertrübenbach 372A059 Roding
Bodenwöhrer valley The break opens up the erosion discordance between crystalline basement and Upper Chalk strata. In a fine-grained granite, individual channels reach down to a depth of meters under the general support surface, which are filled with coarse debris made of crystalline components. Sandstones and marl (partly fossil-bearing) follow up. (Chalk layer sequence: equivalents to Regensburg green sandstone and Eibrunner marl - Reinhausen layers above). 250
50 × 5
Type: discordance, layer sequence, standard / reference profile, animal fossils
Type: sandstone, marl, granite
Quarry especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 75
Gneiss exposure E from Weigelsberg 372A060 Traitsching
Front Bavarian Forest The outcrop on the B 20 near Weigelsberg shows garnet-cordierite-sillimanite gneiss with aploid flames. The slope wall (possibly a former quarry wall?) Is quite overgrown and difficult to reach during the growing season. 9
3 × 3
Type: Rock
Type: Cordierite, Sillimanite, Gneiss
embankment significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry NW of Wilting 372A061 Traitsching
Front Bavarian Forest The former quarrying of dioritic rocks and pile quartz in the area of ​​a rocky knoll has been properly recultivated. There are still residual outcrops available (somewhat overgrown). 400
100 × 4
Type: Rock
Type: Diorite, Vein quartz
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Gneiss outcrop S from Neuhaus 372A062 Schorndorf
Front Bavarian Forest Coarse, homogenized granular gneisses with large potassium feldspar holoblasts are to be found next to them. 9
3 × 3
Type: Rock
Type: Gneiss
embankment significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry NW of Flammried 372A064 Zandt
Rear Bavarian Forest The area between the Rundiger shear zone in the north and the pile fault in the south is itself also intensely deformed and criss-crossed by numerous ductile shear zones. In the quarry there are monotonous paragneiss mylonites in which a metatectic layer separation is relictically preserved in parts. A clearly fibrous, fine-grain granite is (was) exposed in the hanging wall of the quarry. 500
50 × 10
Type: rock type, fault
type: gneiss, mylonite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Outcrop on the B 85 between Miltach and Agleiten 372A065 Miltach
Rear Bavarian Forest The rock embankment created by blasting when the road was widened opens up various forms of gneiss. The various gneiss structures can be studied on the gneiss (e.g. foliation, folding and folds, partial mobilization, blastesis, etc.). In addition to tightly sloping gneiss, pearl gneisses and almost completely homogenized gneisses (migmatites) occur. The embankment currently offers optimal conditions for exposure (watch out for the traffic!). 1000
50 × 20
Type: Rock type, metamorphic structure
Type: Gneiss
embankment significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Quarry above the Agleite NW of Miltach 372A066 Miltach
Rear Bavarian Forest The break opens up massive cordierite gneiss, interspersed with T-shaped aplites, which laterally end in diffuse feldspatations of the gneiss. There are calcium silicate gneiss lentils, and blastomylonite on movement paths. 12
4 × 3
Type: Rock
Type: Cordierite, Sillimanite, Gneiss, Blastomylonite
Quarry inferior Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Quarry at Ziegelberg NW of Blaibach 372A067 Blaibach
Rear Bavarian Forest There are several abandoned (and overgrown) granite quarries on the southwest side of the Ziegelberg near Blaibach. It is a two-mica granite whose muscovites are light blond in color. Granite was mined here until the middle of the 20th century. Blaibach was known as a stone carving village. 2500
50 × 50
Type: Rock
Type: Granite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry between Ottmannszell and Eck 372A070 Arrach
Rear Bavarian Forest Biotite plagioclase gneisses and cordierite gneisses are exposed in small quarries. They show increasing mobilization towards the south and also the involvement of garnet metaaplites. The quarry, which was abandoned for a long time, is now largely overgrown, and the outcrop situation is pretty bad. 100
25 × 4
Type: Rock
Type: Gneiss
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry NW of Roßbach 372A077 Forest
Regensburg Forest Various types of quartz mica diorite were exposed in the former quarry (Großer Schwinger'scher Steinbruch). Various minerals have been found in aplites and pegmatites. The former quarry is now filled with groundwater, there are no more (accessible) outcrops. 35000
175 × 200
Type: Rock Type , Minerals, Contact
Type: Quartz, Diorite, Granite, Pegmatite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former granite quarry NE from Gumping Gumping-steinbr-wald-1.jpg
372A078 Forest
Regensburg Forest The quarry has flooded, the former dismantling walls are no longer accessible. Medium-grain granite with isolated orthoclase inserts, which was similar to crystal granite II, was exposed. Furthermore, grain gneiss, biotite-rich paragneiss, crystal granite I and diorite were found in the quarry. 56875
325 × 175
Type: Rock
Type: Granite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
The Riedhof SE stake 372A079 Miltach
Rear Bavarian Forest In the area of ​​the pile wood between the villages of Riedhof and Pfahl, the devil's wall of the pile emerges morphologically as the back of the hardship. The visible pile line with several wall-like quartz rocks is approx. 250 m long and about 20 m high at the steep drop. The outcrops show the pile quartz in its typical development as quartz breccia (multiphase quartz precipitates that have broken and healed again). 750
250 × 3
Type: rock type, hard rock
type: vein quartz
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
The Hanzinger stake 372A081 Cham
Rear Bavarian Forest South of Hanzing in the forest you come across the (untouched) quartz wall of the pile, which is morphologically noticeable here as a hardy. Several pits and pits in the vicinity testify to the former quartz mining. The largest mining site (a roughly 150 m long pit) is overgrown. 40
10 × 4
Type: rock type, hard rock
type: vein quartz
Rock slope / cliff significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Quarry at Altrandsberg NE pile 372A082 Miltach
Rear Bavarian Forest The former pit in the area of ​​the pile near Altrandsberg opens up pile quartz and pile slate. The rather extensive mining shows the pile quartz in its typical development as quartz breccia (multiphase quartz precipitation with tectonic shattering, which is healed again by quartz). The outcrops in the pit are largely overgrown, there are more outcrops at the access road. Uranium minerals were known from the area near Altrandsberg. 5000
100 × 50
Type: Minerals, Rock Type , Fault
Type: Vein quartz, ultramylonite
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Quarry at the playground NW of stilt houses Former  Quarry near Pfahlhäuser.jpg
372A083 Cham
Rear Bavarian Forest At the far end of the site there are remains of old mining sites, which show the pile quartz in relatively fresh cracking. To the north-west, the post is characterized by a distinctive hardened ridge (in TK 25: Devil's Wall). There are smaller rock faces with natural outcrops. The playground was designed with several blocks of different crystalline rocks (including the 'pole dragon'), but not from pole quartz! 60
10 × 6
Type: rock type, hard rock
type: vein quartz
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Former Quarry at Radling NW stake 372A084 Cham
Rear Bavarian Forest At Radling, the post protrudes prominently from the landscape as a hardened back. The quarrying of pile quartz was stopped in the quarry near Radling. What remained was a high, steep wall with a rubble slope. At the foot of the wall there is a small lake, the former dismantling wall is no longer accessible. Following the stake to the northwest you can reach other old mining sites. 22500
225 × 100
Type: rock type, hard rock
type: vein quartz
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Former Quarry in the pile wood NE of Wilting 372A085 Traitsching
Rear Bavarian Forest The quarrying of quartz created a bizarre relief in the pile wood near Wilting. The area is overgrown and partly inaccessible. 37500
750 × 50
Type: Rock
Type: Vein quartz
Quarry inferior Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Pile quartz pit SW of Ried a. Stake Pile quartz pit.jpg
372A086 Cham
Rear Bavarian Forest The former pile quartz pit is located in the pile hardening ridge, which is lined with pine trees, southeast of Thierlstein. The outcrop (somewhat overgrown and partially overturned) shows the quartz breccia typical of pile quartz, broken in many cases and cemented again with quartz. 2250
75 × 30
Type: rock type, hard rock
type: vein quartz
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Former Pile quartz pit W from Ried a. Stake Former  Quarry near Pfahlhäuser.jpg
372A087 Cham
Rear Bavarian Forest The former pile quartz pit is located in the pile hardened ridge, which is lined with pine trees, west of Ried am Pfahl. The outcrop (somewhat overgrown and partially overturned) shows the quartz breccia typical of pile quartz, broken in many cases and cemented again with quartz. 5000
100 × 50
Type: rock type, hard rock
type: vein quartz
Quarry inferior Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Former Quarry on the stake of the Schwärzenberg NW of Strahlfeld 372A089 Roding
Bodenwöhrer valley The old quarry in pile quartz at the foot of the castle on the Schwärzenberg is located in a thick wood and is difficult to access. The former excavation walls and dump material open up typical pile quartz (which is much easier to see on the castle rocks). 1000
50 × 20
Type: Rock type, Fault
type: Vein quartz
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
ENE quarry from Löwenbrunn 372A094 Stamsried
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest The quarry is located in the area of ​​a fault zone that was active in several phases. The most prominent rock exposed are quartz breccias, which (comparable to the vein quartz on the pile) were created through repeated movements and quartz supply. Quartz that had already crystallized out was broken, the cracks healed again with quartz. In addition, tectonated rocks of various forms (mylonitized gneiss, mylonites, blastomylonites) can be found. 1000
50 × 20
Type: Rock type, fault
type: Vein quartz, blastomylonite, mylonite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Rock outcrops at Cham train station ChamBahnhofGeotop 17.JPG
372A095 Cham
Rear Bavarian Forest The embankment parallel to the railroad tracks on the northeast side of the station opens up over a length of 100 m, light, fine-grain two-mica granite that has been changed by tectonic processes. The mylonitization is different, from a weak adjustment of the crystals to blastomylonites. Intermediate are mylonitized gneisses. Quartz precipitations occurred in the area of ​​interference. 200
100 × 2
Type: rock type, fault
type: granite, mylonite, blastomylonite
embankment significant Natural park
Rock outcrops on the Ständelberg NE of Lamberg 372A096 Neukirchen near the Holy Blood
High arch The small rocky knoll in the forest opens up clearly schisty amphibolites (garnet hornblendite) of the high arch near the border to the Moldanubic. Light-colored mobiles, which consist largely of plagioclase, trace a fold in the dm area. Although the rocks are often heavily mossed, the rock and structure are usually easy to see. The quickest way to reach the outcrops is from the Schicherhofweg (field path between Lamberg and Schicherhof). 150
15 × 10
Type: Rock type, Metamorphic structure
Type: Amphibolite
Rock slope / cliff significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Serpentinite outcrop on Schicherhofweg E from Lamberg 372A097 Neukirchen near the Holy Blood
High arch South of the Schicherhofweg between Lamberg and Schicherhof, a small rock cliff opens up severely schisted serpentinite. The rocks, which are light when weathered, are very dark when freshly broken. The foliation is almost vertical. The serpentinite occurrence marks the eastern limit of the gabbro amphibolite mass to the rocks of the Moldanubic. Since serpentinites (ultrabasites) are tectonically very mobile, their occurrence is often tied to tectonic nappes, as is the case here. 5
5 × 1
Type: Type of rock, fault, metamorphic structure
Type: Serpentinite
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Road exposure at the melting bar at Oberschmelz 372A098 Lam
Rear Bavarian Forest The small outcrop on the embankment at the Schmelzerriegel shows closely-grained garnet-bearing mica schist. Mica-rich layers alternate with quartz lenses and quartz knuckles arranged in layers (quartz segregations). The mica schists contain andalusite. 8
8 × 1
Type: Rock
Type: Mica Slate
embankment precious Natural park
Lindtach WNW quarry from Strahlfeld 372A101 Roding
Bodenwöhrer valley The quarry cannot be seen from the road (free for agriculture and forestry). It is partly overgrown. In some places the walls of the quarry, which are up to 10 m high, are still easily accessible. The beige-brown sandstone (formerly: Upper Plant Sandstone, now: Roding Formation, Freihöls Subformation) is mostly medium-grained with rounded quartz grains in the mm range. However, there are always very coarse-grained layers with larger quartz pebbles and, more rarely, very fine-grained layers. The quarry was in operation until 1957. The church in Neubäu was probably built from this, as it was only built at the beginning of the 20th century and at that time this quarry was the only larger one in the area. 4000
200 × 20
Type: rock type, sediment structures, quarry / pit
type: sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Gold soap works in Krammaholz 372G001 Schonthal
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest The Tannenbach in Krammaholz north of Niederpremeischl is accompanied by traces of former gold mining. The extremely restless morphology of this pit field with hollow forms (pings, elongated trenches, remains of a canal) and hills (individual soap mounds, ridges) indicates the brisk mining activity. In the Middle Ages, attempts were made here to wash soap gold - i.e. gold on a secondary deposit - out of the gravel. 60000
300 × 200
Type: Soap laundry, Pinge / nfeld
Type: Biotite, gneiss
no information precious Soil monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry at Hinterhelmhof 372G002 Neukirchen near the Holy Blood
Rear Bavarian Forest The former quarry just south of the Czech border opens up a dark and light flamed limestone marble. The quarry is largely overgrown, but there are still residual outcrops and fall blocks. Lime used to be a sought-after raw material in the generally lime-poor area of ​​the Bavarian and Upper Palatinate Forest, among other things for the production of quicklime. 100
10 × 10
Type: Quarry / Pit
Type: Marble
Quarry significant Nature park, protected landscape area
Former quarry at the lime kiln NW of Rimbach 372G004 Arnschwang
Rear Bavarian Forest In the now overgrown and collapsed quarry, lime marble, lime silicate rock, granite and gneiss were exposed. The current exposure situation is very bad, but the rocks can be found as reading stones. The entrances to a former large underground lime marble quarry were filled in, there is only one ventilation shaft. In the very lime-poor area, marble was a sought-after raw material. For a long time lime was mined and quicklime was produced in the lime kiln. 300
30 × 10
Type: quarry / pit, type of rock, type of layer sequence
: calcium silicate rock, marble, granite
Quarry precious Nature park, protected landscape area
Lime kiln NE tunnel 372G005 Arnschwang
Rear Bavarian Forest Latticed gallery (bat protection) of an underground limestone marble quarry. Marble and lime silicate stone are exposed at the entrance. In the generally lime-poor area of ​​the Bavarian and Upper Palatinate Forest, marble was a sought-after raw material. The few deposits were mined over centuries and processed into quicklime (see the place name Kalkofen). 20
10 × 2
Type: tunnel, layer sequence
type: lime silicate rock, marble, granite
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Nature park, protected landscape area
Former asbestos tunnel (asbestos hole) in the Aignwald E of Rimbach 372G006 Rimbach
High arch Chrysotile asbestos mineralization can be found in serpentinite lenses over a length of approx. 7.5 km on the southern slope of the Hohen Bogen. Today the deposit is of no interest for mining because of the low asbestos content (2–6%) and short fibers. The main and secondary tunnels have a total length of 200 m. In the Aignwald, in addition to the closed tunnel, a drained shaft about 100 m to the east and a pinge 30 m to the west, each with dump areas, testify to the former mining. 2000
200 × 10
Type: tunnel, rock type, mineral
type: serpentinite
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Nature park, landscape protection area, FFH area
Fürstenzeche Buchet show mine near Lam 372G010 Lam
Rear Bavarian Forest The mining of lead, copper and silver began in the Fürstenzeche in 1463 and lasted until 1732. From 1925 to 1962 fluorspar was extracted in two phases. The age of the mineralized quartz fluorspar veins is dated to about 240 million years, the veins are the same age as the pile and the Nabburg fluorspar district. Today part of the former mine site serves as a visitor mine and a healing gallery. 1500
50 × 30
Type: tunnels, minerals, rock
type: pegmatite
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Nature park, protected landscape area
Mining relics on the Schwarzeck SW of Lohberg 372G011 Lohberg
Rear Bavarian Forest In the area of ​​the Schwarzeck, a pegmatite emerges in the gneiss rock. In the former tunnel, rose quartz was extracted for the glass industry, and feldspar was also extracted from 1930. In the vicinity of the closed tunnel there is a short test tunnel in pegmatite (including exposure of writing granite) and a large water-filled shaft (secured by grids) in addition to dump areas. 9
3 × 3
Type: tunnels, minerals, rock
type: gneiss, pegmatite
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Former quartz quarry in the Stanzenwald NE von Eck 372G012 Arrach
Rear Bavarian Forest The underground mining of the Stanzen quartz mine near Eck is an example of a zonal pegmatite in gneiss. In the center of the pegmatite (wall and ceiling of the gallery) you can see huge crystals of potassium feldspar in quartz. Also nicely open-minded: typical large to giant-grained pegmatite, graphical intergrowths of quartz and feldspar (font granite), contact zone with the gneiss. In addition to the tunnel, other former mining sites (pinge, ditch) and heaps testify to the earlier quartz mining. 1500
50 × 30
Type: tunnel, rock type, minerals, contact
type: pegmatite, vein mineralization , gneiss
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Nature park, protected landscape area
Erdstall Schrazelloch at the Rabmühle 372G013 Stamsried
Naab Mountains The Schrazelloch near Rabmühle is probably the best preserved earth stable in the district. The winding and branched corridor system with alternating corridors and chambers at different altitudes (differences a few dm) has a length of about 35 m. The tunnels are cut directly into mica schist (with shallow sloping foliation), and there are often traces of sawing on the tunnel walls. Only the entrance area is bricked (entrance closed). 70
35 × 2
Type: rock cellar, tunnel
type: gneiss
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Natural monument, ground monument, landscape protection area
Schrazelloch SW from Sinzendorf 372G014 Waldmünchen
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest In the biotite gneiss rock on the Bletschen mountain directly north of the summit of the church, a small shaft about 1.5 m deep with a short passage opens. Nothing is known about the function and origin of the (presumably artificial) hole. However, the rock corridor in no way resembles the Erdststall (Schrazellöchern) in the district. This Schrazel cave can be reached via a small path that branches off from the forest nature trail. 3
3 × 1
Type: rock cellar, tunnel, eruption / weathering cave
Type: biotite, gneiss
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Erdstall in Wulfing 372G015 Cham
Front Bavarian Forest The earth stable is carved into weathered granite, traces of processing are still clearly preserved. 15
5 × 3
Type: rock cellar, gallery
type: granite gravel
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Soil monument, nature park
Erdstall in Hochbrunn 372G016 Roding
Front Bavarian Forest The entrance to the Erdstall (Schrazelloch) is on the southwest corner of the easternmost residential building in Hochbrunn (entrance closed by a steel plate). This earth stable, the corridors of which also extend under the house built in 1922, was discovered much later by accident. Private property - do not visit without the consent of the owner! 20
10 × 2
Type: rock cellar, tunnel
type: gneiss
Tunnel / gallery / shaft significant Soil monument, nature park, landscape protection area
Silver mine Kühberg SE from Lixenried 372G025 Furth in the forest
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest At the point where an abandoned silver mine is marked in old maps, there is now a row of pines that merges down the slope into the cut in the terrain of a former tunnel access. A mouth hole is no longer visible. The dump left by mining is large. The period and purpose of the mining are in the dark. A mining attempt on sulphide ores can be assumed. 10000
100 × 100
Type: Stollen, Schurf
Type: Mica schist
Schurf significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Old Schanze gold soap factory near Diepoltsried 372G026 Rötz
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest In the forest to the east of Diepoltsried, an elongated field of pits where gold soap washes from the Middle Ages to the early modern period begins. It winds 1.7 km through the forest to the Steinbach. The Hübel and Gräben - with height differences of up to 6 m (!) - do not follow the current stream, but an older valley with quartz gravel. The quartz gravel comes directly from a quartz dike in the immediate vicinity. In the area around Rötz, Oberviechtach and Schönsee we now know numerous such pit fields that testify to the brisk gold panning attempts - however, the yield was probably never really profitable. 76500
1700 × 45
Type: Soap Laundry, Schurf
Type: Gravel, Sand
no information precious Soil monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Räuber-Heigl-Höhle SE from Reitberg Raeuber-heigl-hoehle.jpg
372H001 Bad Kötzting
Rear Bavarian Forest The cover cave, created by tearing up mountains and falling rocks, is well hidden approx. 50 m below the summit cross of the Kreuzfelsen near the hiking trail. A narrow entrance leads to a larger room, which narrows to a loophole at the back, which leads to the outside again. The various metamorphic structural elements of the gneiss can be seen particularly well on the rock walls in and around the cave. 50
10 × 5
Type: Covered Cave
Type: Cordierite, Sillimanite, Gneiss
cave significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Hirschbrunnen NW of Roding 372Q001 Roding
Bodenwöhrer valley The source of the Hirschbrunnenbach is in the Rodinger Forest. Morphologically, the deer fountain consists of a classic spring niche with a swamp area and a small spring pond at the beginning of the stream. Water abstraction from the area has already led to a decline in the discharge and to the temporary drying up of the springs. The springs are at risk as an increase in water abstraction is planned. 2500
50 × 50
Type: Constriction Source
Type: Quartz Sandstone
no information significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Ecklwies and Helferstein ESE rock group from Alletswind 372R001 Cell
Regensburg Forest To the north of the Lobenstein ruins at the foot of the Schlossberg there are several large, rounded granite rocks in the meadow. These wool sack weathered blocks were peeled out of the granite gravel and exposed in the course of the Pleistocene. Presumably they were partially relocated by floor tiles. 18400
230 × 80
Type: rock group, wool sack formation, hardness
Type: granite
block precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Dachsbau rock group on the Mantelberg 372R002 Cell
Regensburg Forest Rock group of large granite blocks weathered by wool sack on the north face of the Mantelberg. The weathering and separation into individual blocks have resulted in narrow alleys and passages between the high granite boulders. 200
20 × 10
Type: rock group, wool sack formation
Type: granite
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, nature park
Dreiwappen-Felsen NW of Furth im Wald 372R003 Furth in the forest
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest The three-coat of arms rock directly on the German-Czech border consists of garnet gneiss. Until 1628 the rock excavation was the border point between Bavaria, Bohemia and the Duchy of Palatinate. The three state coats of arms were previously cut into a beech tree, in 1766 when the border was marked between Churbayern and Bohemia, they were carved into the stone rock. 1500
50 × 30
Type: rocky dome
Type: biotite, plagioclase, gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Fischerbuxn ENE rock group from Kragenried 372R004 Cell
Regensburg Forest Granite rocks weathered like wool sacks 2000
80 × 25
Type: wool sack formation, rock group
Type: granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
The stake at Thierlstein Thierlstein.jpg
372R005 Cham
Rear Bavarian Forest The castle of Thierlstein was built on a massive hard quartz pile. The light pile quartz was included in the foundations of the building, in the castle garden the pile is in several small rock groups. Since the castle is privately owned and the area is fenced, the outcrops are not accessible. 200
20 × 10
Type: hardness, fault, rock
type: Vein quartz
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural park
Härtlings back W from Ried a. Stake 372R006 Schorndorf
Rear Bavarian Forest To the south of Ried am Pfahl, the large fault zone of the pile emerges as a distinctive hard ridge. In the area, which is largely overgrown with pine trees, there are several former quartz mining sites on the north side. In the upper area, the pile quartz is partly naturally exposed on rock walls and boulders (with weathering crusts), partly artificially on pits and small mining sites. 10000
500 × 20
Type: Hard rock, rock wall / slope, fault, rock
type: Vein quartz
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Summit of Haidstein W von Liebenstein 372R007 Chamerau
Rear Bavarian Forest At the summit of the Haidstein there is a striking gneiss rock with a steep drop to the west. Biotite-plagioclase-layer gneiss is open and reveals numerous typical metamorphic structural elements: metatectic banding or fluttering, quartz lenses and creases, folds and folds. In the vicinity of the summit there are numerous other rock sections made of metatectic gneiss. 100000
500 × 200
Type: rocky dome, type of rock, metamorphic structure
Type: biotite, plagioclase, gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Ossersattel Rock ridge on the Ossersattel.jpg
372R009 Lam
Rear Bavarian Forest The prominent rock ridge on the Ossersattel consists of so-called Osser quartzite, which is heavily folded here. In addition to mica slate, quartzites are widespread in the area of ​​the Künischer Mountains, but especially in the Osser area. Quartzites are metamorphic rocks that emerged from sediments that were very rich in quartz sand (quartz sandstones) and consist largely of quartz. 200
20 × 10
Type: rocky dome, hard rock,
type of rock : quartzite
Rock slope / cliff precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Big Osser Velký Ostrý - vrchol.JPG
372R010 Lohberg
Rear Bavarian Forest In the area of ​​the Künischen Mountains, the rocks show a somewhat lower degree of metamorphism than in the rest of the Bavarian Forest. Instead of the highly metamorphic gneisses and migmatites, mica slate dominates here. The summit rocks of the Großer Osser consist of quartz-rich, heavily folded mica schists, which in places contain numerous garnets (up to 4 mm in diameter). 15000
300 × 50
Type: rocky dome, hard rock,
type of rock : mica schist, quartzite
Rock slope / cliff precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 59
Little Osser Kleiner Osser.JPG
372R011 Lohberg
Rear Bavarian Forest The rocky summit structure of the Kleiner Osser consists of quartz-rich, heavily folded mica schists. The cliffs and the numerous large blocks are the result of increased physical weathering and erosion under the periglacial climatic conditions of recent geological history. From the summit of the Kleiner Osser, which is in front of the main ridge of the Künischer Mountains, you have an excellent view of the landscape of the Lamer Winkel. 2000
100 × 20
Type: rock wall / slope, hard rock, rock
type: mica schist
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape component, landscape protection area
Falkenstein Castle Hill Burgberg Falkenstein-.JPG
372R012 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest There are numerous rock clearances around the Falkenstein Castle Hill. Various striking rock formations with wool sack weathering and rock lanes on the north side (rock garden - NSG) have been given their own names. In the outcrops near Falkenstein, granular gneisses (largely homogenized gneisses (Diatexite), in the border zone between nebulitic gneisses and granite) are developed in the transition to crystal granite 1. In the literature they are treated partly as granite, partly as gneiss. 250000
500 × 500
Type: Härtling, rock group, type of rock, cover cave
Type: granite
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, nature park
Granite rock group on the Mantelberg near Haag 372R013 Cell
Regensburg Forest Group of mattress-like weathered granite rocks. In this area on the Mantelberg, the horizontal cleft is pronounced and relatively narrow. The effect of weathering along the dividing surfaces creates the impression of a mattress stack. 100
20 × 5
Type: wool sack formation, rocky dome
Type: granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
The White Rock W of Blaibach 372R014 Miltach
Rear Bavarian Forest The White Rock at the southeastern end of the Großer Roßberg is a strikingly bright summit cliff made of granite weathered by wool sack. The rocks consist of a light, medium-grain two-mica granite. 1000
50 × 20
Type: Ridge
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Kreuzfelsen at Kaitersberg E Bad Kötzting 372R015 Hohenwarth
Rear Bavarian Forest The Kreuzfelsen forms the westernmost summit of the Kaitersberg range with an excellent view to the south and west. The gneiss summit cliffs sloping steeply to the south are easy to climb from the north side. The metatectic gneisses with gently sloping foliation are heavily folded. A smooth rock face on the path below the summit offers a particularly beautiful outcrop. 400
40 × 10
Type: rock wall / slope
Type: cordierite, sillimanite, gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Rauchröhren rock group SW of Arrach Smoke tubes -. JPG
372R016 Bad Kötzting
Rear Bavarian Forest The ridge area of ​​the Kaitersberg in the area of ​​the Steinbühler Gesenkes and the Hohen Stein is unusually rugged and rocky for the low mountain range of the Bavarian Forest (and therefore also a popular climbing area). The rock ensemble of the Rauchröhren consists of several gneiss rock towers that were split by tearing apart mountains. In the area of ​​these rock towers, various metamorphic structural elements (banding, folding, quartz lenses, etc.) of the metatectic gneiss are nicely exposed. 9000
300 × 30
Type: rock wall / slope, rock tower / needle, type of rock, metamorphic structure
Type: cordierite, sillimanite, gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural monument, landscape component, landscape protection area
Summit of the Großer Riedelstein from Arrach Summit rock d.  Riedelstein.JPG
372R017 Arrach
Rear Bavarian Forest The Große Riedelstein (1132 m) is the highest peak in the Kaitersberg area. The summit itself consists of a steep S-sloping rock cliff made of typical metatectic (partially melted) gneiss, which are widespread along the entire Arber-Kaitersberg-Zug. Characteristic is the fibrous banding with light areas made of quartz and feldspar, which have already been mobilized, and the dark, non-melted areas made of biotite, cordierite and sillimanite. 60000
300 × 200
Type: rock wall / slope
Type: cordierite, sillimanite, gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape component, landscape protection area
Hindenburg pulpit NE by Brennes Telescope on the Hindenburgkanzel.jpg
372R018 Lohberg
Rear Bavarian Forest The rock tower consists of sillimanite-rich mica slate to mica gneiss with plagioclase, biotite and sillimanite as the main mixture. The metamorphic structures such as foliation or layering, folding and quartz segregation (quartz lenses) are clearly visible on the smooth fissures of the rock tower. The observation tower offers a beautiful view over the Lamer Winkel. 400
20 × 20
Type: rock wall / slope
Type: mica schist, biotite, sillimanite, gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Small Arbersee Kleiner Arbersee - direct view from the Großer Arber.JPG
372R019 Lohberg
Rear Bavarian Forest The Kleine Arbersee with its 3 floating islands is one of the attractions of the Arberg region. It was once dammed and lowered to transport wood. The cirque was the starting point of the Pleistocene glaciation, downstream the retreat stages of the glaciation can be observed. 27500
550 × 50
Type: Kar
Type: Moraine
no information precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
The Hörndl S from Lohberg 372R020 Lohberg
Rear Bavarian Forest In the area of ​​the summit region there are several rock exemptions and rock cliffs made of folded gneiss. The whole area is quite overgrown, the exposure situation accordingly moderate. 20000
200 × 100
Type: rock wall / slope, rock
type: biotite, plagioclase, gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Granite rock group SSW from Luckstein 372R021 Forest
Regensburg Forest Rock exposure in crystal granite (porphyry structure: even-grained base material with large feldspar crystal fragments) made of large blocks and rocks weathered by wool sack. Somewhat hidden (overgrown) south of the summit there is a large oval granite block with only a very small contact surface. It gives the impression of tipping over at any moment. 20
5 × 4
Type: wool sack formation, rocky dome
Type: granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Burgberg Schwärzenberg NW from Strahlfeld Schwaerzenburg.JPG
372R022 Roding
Bodenwöhrer valley The castle was built on the stake quartz rock of the Schwärzenberg, which stands out as a hardship. Numerous outcrops show the whitish to reddish quartz breccia of the pile quartz rock. 9
3 × 3
Type: rock wall / slope, hard rock, fault, rock
type: vein quartz
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, nature park
Granite rocks on the municipality mountain SW of Schergendorf 372R023 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest In the summit area of ​​the municipality mountain there is a granite summit cliff weathered by wool sacks, which looks as if it will soon fall apart. The fissures between the individual fissured bodies are very much widened, part of the cliff has already sagged. At the top of the rock is a bowl-like depression (sacrificial stone). 64
8 × 8
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Stone wall on the Schwarzwihrberg NW of Rötz 372R024 Rötz
Naab Mountains The granite rocks form a ridge sloping on both sides of the stone wall on the Schwarzwihrberg, over which a hiking trail leads. In places the rock ridge looks like a stone wall. Sometimes the wall, weathered like a wool sack, drops steeply up to 20 m. 9000
300 × 30
Type: wool sack formation, rock wall / slope
Type: granite
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Schlossberg Schwarzenburg NW from Bauhof 372R025 Rötz
Naab Mountains Parts of the castle complex stand on granite rocks. Other rock formations (protected as natural monuments) surround the castle ruins. It is granite from the Neunburg granite massif, weathered by wool sacks. 200
20 × 10
Type: Rock Wall / Slope
Type: Granite
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Drachenfels in Treffelstein TreffelsteinDrachenturmfels1.JPG
372R026 Treffelstein
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest The Drachenburg of Treffelstein is built on the Drachenfels. 140
20 × 7
Type: rock wall / slope
Type: biotite, plagioclase, gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, nature park
Granite cliff on Ronberg NE of Ettmannsdorf 372R027 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest A granite cliff protruding from the slope forms the small rocky pre-summit of the Ronberg with its steep rock faces. 400
20 × 20
Type: Crag, wool sack formation
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape component, landscape protection area
Schwammerlstein SSW from Woppmannsdorf 372R028 Michelsneukirchen
Regensburg Forest Two large, seemingly loosely stacked granite blocks in typical wool sack weathering form the mushroom stone. The group of rocks, protected as a natural monument, can be reached from hiking trail 95 (sign). 12
4 × 4
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape component, landscape protection area
Klammerfels SE from Herzogau 372R029 Waldmünchen
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest Several gneiss cliffs emerge along the ridge of Klammer-Felsen. At the southwestern foot of the Klammerfelsen and between Klammerfelsen and Hoher Stein, digging points and pinging points indicate a former mining activity. Presumably there are traces of degradation from quartz extraction for the glass industry (mining of small quartz veins). 25000
500 × 50
Type: rock wall / slope, pinge field
Type: biotite, plagioclase, gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Einsiedlerfels SE from Pucher WaldmuenchenPucherEinsiedlerfels 02.JPG
372R030 Waldmünchen
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest The Einsiedlerfels is a rock that has been weathered all around and made of intensely folded gneiss. Located in a wooded area, however, the striking rock tower does not appear in the terrain. 136
17 × 8
Type: rocky dome
Type: biotite, cordierite, gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Rocks near Katzbach WaldmuenchenKatzbachFelsen 19.jpg
372R031 Waldmünchen
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest In the area of ​​the railway bridge in Katzbach there is a large rock made of garnet-bearing metatectic gneiss. The exposure shows various metamorphic structural elements such as B. a distinctive banding due to partial mobilization (metatexis), quartz lenses and folds. The red garnet crystals here reach a diameter of up to one centimeter. 225
15 × 15
Type: rock wall / slope, metamorphic structure, rock
type: cordierite, sillimanite, gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, nature park
Hoher Stein SE from Herzogau 372R032 Gleißenberg
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest Several small gneiss rock cliffs emerge in the summit area of ​​the Hohe Stein. Such rock exposures on peaks and ridges are a typical landscape element for the stony Upper Palatinate Forest. 100
10 × 10
Type: rock wall / slope
Type: biotite, plagioclase, gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Rock foundation in Waldmünchen WaldmünchenPfarrgasse6 Geotope 1.JPG
372R033 Waldmünchen
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest The house at Pfarrgasse 6 is built on this little gneiss rock. The rock outcrop at the foot of the house wall in Pfarrgasse is currently largely covered by ground cover plants, but the gneiss can be seen on the other side of the house from another outcrop. 9
3 × 3
Type: rocky dome
Type: biotite, plagioclase, gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural park
Schindbühl NE from Lixenried 372R034 Furth in the forest
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest At the wooded Schindbühl (or Schindbichl) one encounters a loose stream of small blocks and several striking larger (up to house-sized) rocks made of gneiss. On the weathered surfaces of the blocks, the gneiss structure is partially visible: foliation, folds, quartz lenses, etc. (carved out by weathering). 20000
200 × 100
Type: rock group, block stream
Type: biotite, plagioclase, gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Sacrificial stone W from Süssenbach 372R035 Forest
Regensburg Forest There is a trough-shaped depression in sack-shaped granite blocks. According to the story, it is a Germanic sacrificial site. A natural development cannot be ruled out. 48
6 × 8
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape component, landscape protection area
Granite rocks at the northern summit of the Lauberberg NW of Falkenstein 372R036 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest The summit area of ​​the Lauberberg is made up of large, wool sack-weathered summit cliffs made of crystal granite with strikingly large feldspar ridges. Viewed from the west, the rock ensemble reveals extensive, onion-skinned segregation areas. Directly at the summit, a bowl stone forms a small water bowl. 1200
60 × 20
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Granite rocks at the southern summit of the Lauberberg NW of Falkenstein 372R037 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest In the summit area in the southern part of the Lauberberg, large blocks of granite rock weathered by wool sack and a striking granite rock cliff emerge that drops more than 10 m steeply. A stream of large granite spheres connects to the south. 400
20 × 20
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Teufelsstein SE from Breitenbach 372R038 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest Large granite boulder, which has trough-shaped weathering forms. The block is in the area of ​​a private house between the house and garage on private property. 24
6 × 4
Type: Boulder, Wool Sack Formation
Type: Granite
block precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Hohe Wacht NW of Marienstein 372R039 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest In the area of ​​the hill near Marienstein there are several particularly large, rounded granite blocks made of crystal granite, which were created during the weathering of wool sacks that is typical of granite and which were exposed in recent geological history. The Marienstein Church is built directly onto the large granite block of the Hohe Wacht. There is a hatch under the overhanging wall. 32
8 × 4
Type: Boulder
Type: Granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Pig's head NW of Marienstein 372R040 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest In the area of ​​the hill near Marienstein there are several particularly large, rounded granite blocks that were created during the weathering of wool sacks that is typical of granite and that have been exposed in recent geological history. The pig's head is a granite rock tower with an overhang on one side. The striking rock tower is located directly on the marked hiking trail on the slope northwest of the church. 56
8 × 7
Type: Rock Tower / Needle
Type: Granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Giant table NW by Marienstein 372R041 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest In the area of ​​the hill near Marienstein there are several particularly large, rounded granite blocks that were created during the weathering of wool sacks that is typical of granite and that have been exposed in recent geological history. The so-called giant table is a large boulder that rests on two smaller ones. A small passage has been created underneath. 40
8 × 5
Type: Boulder, Wool Sack Formation
Type: Granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Large ski jump at Falkenstein Castle Hill 372R042 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest The Große Schanze (or Schanzl) is a rock formation in the NSG Felsengarten Burgberg Falkenstein. The large rock tower, weathered by wool sacks, is accessed by a bridge. 48
8 × 6
Type: Rock wall / slope
Type: Gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Nature reserve, nature park
Frogmouth on Falkenstein Castle Hill Frogmouth-.JPG
372R044 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest The Froschmaul is a large boulder with an overhang in the area of ​​the rock garden on the Falkenstein castle hill. As a result of the wool sack weathering, the strikingly rounded rock shapes were created. The resemblance to a frog's mouth is created by deeply re-weathered horizontal dividing surfaces and the overhang. 150
10 × 15
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff inferior Nature reserve, nature park
Hohler Stein on Burgberg NW of Falkenstein Hollow Stone -. JPG
372R045 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest The Hohle Stein is located in the nature reserve on Burgberg Falkenstein. A covered cave was created under wool-sack-like granite blocks by sliding out a rock segment. 150
15 × 10
Type: wool sack formation, cover cavity
Type: granite
Slope crack / rock wall significant Nature reserve, nature park
Klause am Burgberg NW of Falkenstein 372R046 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest The Klause, a rock spur with typical wool sack weathering, is located in the nature reserve on Burgberg Falkenstein. 50
10 × 5
Type: rocky dome, wool sack formation
Type: Gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Nature reserve, nature park
Stone alley on Burgberg NW of Falkenstein 372R047 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest The Steinerne Gässchen is a rock formation in the nature reserve on Burgberg Falkenstein. The granite rock, weathered by wool sack, is split along a cleft surface due to weathering and slope movement. The hiking trail leads through the alley that has been created. 375
25 × 15
Type: Rock Wall / Slope
Type: Granite
Slope crack / rock wall significant Nature reserve, nature park
Pericardial alley on Burgberg NW of Falkenstein Pericardium Alley.JPG
372R048 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest The rock formation Herzpaketgässchen is located in the nature reserve on Burgberg Falkenstein. Between large granite blocks weathered by wool sacks, a narrow alley was created as a passage. 28
7 × 4
Type: Crag, wool sack formation
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Nature reserve, nature park
Granite rock E from Schergendorf 372R049 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest Beautiful rock ensemble consisting of granite rocks (coarse-grained crystal granite) that are partially weathered to the height of a house. The rocks form distinctive overhangs and cover caves in places. A rock shows shell formation on the top. 200
20 × 10
Type: Rock wall / slope, wool sack formation
Type: Granite
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Heiligenkammer am Mantelberg SSW from Antersberg 372R051 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest The ND Heiligenkammer is a large group of granite blocks weathered by wool sack. The coarse-grained crystal granite is fissured to a relatively large extent here, so that very large fissured bodies (rounded granite blocks) have formed during the weathering. At the lower end of the rock group, a granite block is superimposed on others in such a way that a cover cave has been created. The approach to the ND is somewhat unclear: the hiking trail 119/120 ends approx. 100 m before the rocks. Turn left at the end of the road! 80
10 × 8
Type: Ridge, wool sack formation, cover cave
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Granite rocks NW of Süssenbach 372R052 Forest
Regensburg Forest Group of wool sack-like granite blocks. 20
5 × 4
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Wasserstein NW from Zwiglhof 372R053 Forest
Regensburg Forest Large, wool-sack-like granite block with a trough-shaped, water-filled hollow shape on the top. 800
40 × 20
Type: Carts / Fields, Wool Sack Formation
Type: Granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Granite rocks at Wasserstein W von Neuhofen 372R054 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest Rock summit made of granite blocks weathered by wool sack. 750
75 × 10
Type: Ridge
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Granite rocks at Sattelstein E from Süssenbach 372R055 Forest
Regensburg Forest Rocky mountain top made of crystal granite with a small block current. The rocks show the rounded shapes of wool sack weathering that are typical for granite weathering. Despite the heavy weathering, the large feldspar ridges of the crystal granite are clearly visible in the boulders. 3750
75 × 50
Type: Ridge, Block Stream
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Pfaffenstein SE from Hochgart 372R056 Reichenbach
Regensburg Forest The impressive summit section of the Pfaffenstein consists of a granite dome weathered by wool sacks with several huge round wool sacks. In the wider area there are numerous other beautiful granite rocks weathered by wool sacks. The summit, a particularly beautiful example of granite weathering, is protected as a natural monument. The summit is accessible via hiking trail no.48. 625
25 × 25
Type: Dome, Boulder
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Teufelsbuzn rock face with Kienleiten SE cave 372R057 Walderbach
Regensburg Forest Rock spur made of reddish crystal granite with steep walls on the northern steep bank of the Regen on the outskirts of Kienleiten. 1500
150 × 10
Type: rock wall / slope, eruption / weathering cave
Type: granite
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Granite blocks SW from Eidengrub 372R058 Michelsneukirchen
Regensburg Forest Rock group made of granite blocks weathered by wool sacks in a wooded area west of Dörfling. The granite blocks consist of coarse-grained granite with large feldspar large crystals (crystal granite). This type of granite is very widespread in the region and forms numerous groups of wool sack weathered blocks and summits. 50
10 × 5
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Weizstube in the Zellerbach SW of Beucherling 372R061 Cell
Regensburg Forest The stream covers a short distance of about 10 meters in altitude on a small step in the terrain (granite barrier). In this area, blocks of wool sack weathered over a length of approx. 50 meters have been washed away from the granite gravel material originally surrounding them and form a block flow or a small sea of ​​blocks here. 50
10 × 5
Type: Block Sea, Wool Sack Formation
Type: Granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Noah's Ark SSE by Hammühle 372R062 Cell
Regensburg Forest In the forest above the Weizstube block stream there is a rock formation that (very remotely) resembles a ship and is called Noah's Ark. A large round granite block (wool sack block) rests on an even larger round granite rock. 75
15 × 5
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Tannenfels SW of Zell 372R063 Cell
Regensburg Forest In the area of ​​the Tannenfels there are several small groups of wool sack weathered granite rocks (overgrown, unspectacular). The exact location of the group protected as ND is somewhat unclear. 200
20 × 10
Type: Rock Wall / Slope
Type: Granite
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Granite blocks near Hetzenbach 372R064 Cell
Regensburg Forest In the vicinity of the church, both in the meadow area and in the forest, there are numerous round, wool-sack-weathered granite blocks made of crystal granite (loose block stream). 16875
225 × 75
Type: Block Sea, Wool Sack Formation
Type: Granite
block precious Natural monument, nature park
Granite rocks on the Geiselberg NE of Zell 372R065 Cell
Regensburg Forest The summit of the Geiselberg consists of a summit cliff made of crystal granite with the typical rounded shapes of wool sack weathering. To the north, a loose block field joins the cliff. 100
20 × 5
Type: Crag, wool sack formation
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Granite blocks NE from Mattenzell 372R066 Falkenstein
Regensburg Forest Unspectacular rock group made of granite blocks weathered by wool sack. Heavily mossy and largely overgrown. 40
8 × 5
Type: Wool Sacking
Type: Granite
Rock slope / cliff inferior Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Summit rocks on the Eckstein (high arch) ENE from Rimbach 372R067 Rimbach
High arch In the area of ​​the summit of the Ecksteine ​​the amphibolite mylonites of the Hohen Bogen are exposed on the rock walls (danger of falling!). Numerous structural elements such as B. Observe folding and changing characteristics of the mylonitization. The typical appearance as well as the various forms of amphibolite with different degrees of deformation (foliation) and different feldspar proportions can already be recognized by the numerous reading stones on the hiking trails. 300
15 × 20
Type: rock wall / slope, type of rock, metamorphic structure
Type: amphibolite, mylonite
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Block stream at the Hohen Bogen NE of Rimbach 372R068 Rimbach
High arch Above the road from the Diensthütte to the Burgstall lies this block flow, which consists of amphibolite blocks of fist size up to about 1.5 m in diameter. Block flows and block seas can be found in the Bavarian Forest, especially in the high altitudes. They were formed under periglacial climatic conditions during the Pleistocene. Large rocks were blown up and broken up by frost blasting. Floor tiling contributed to the relocation of the blocks. 3200
80 × 40
Type: Block Stream
Type: Amphibolite
block precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Gneiss rocks NW of Altenschneeberg AltenschneebergGneisfelsen 02.JPG
372R069 Tiefenbach
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest To the north of the television tower, a series of gneiss rock ribs form the ridge of the mountain. Due to the foliage, the slope slopes gently to the east, while the rocks to the west form steep cliffs. Although the rocks are heavily overgrown with moss and lichen, the rock is therefore often not easily recognizable, but the weathering has clearly carved out the metamorphic structural elements: layer construction, folds in the cm to dm range, quartz crooks and lenses <1 cm to 30 cm in thickness. 2500
100 × 25
Type: rock wall / slope, type of rock, metamorphic structure,
type: gneiss
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, water protection area
Sea of ​​blocks in the NSG Hölle NW of Postfelden Nature reserve Hölle, Upper Palatinate.JPG
372R070 Rettenbach
Regensburg Forest Along the Höllbach, which overcomes a relatively steep gradient of around 40 meters in altitude over a short distance, there is an impressive sea of ​​blocks with blocks up to 5 m in diameter. The rounding of the blocks was not caused by the river, but the result of weathering: granite rocks weathered by wool sacks were broken down into individual wool sacks in the Pleistocene. The granite gravel was washed away, the blocks more or less remained in place. 7000
350 × 20
Type: Block sea, block flow, wool sack formation
Type: Granite, Migmatite
block precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Rock ensemble at the bear cave NE of Rackelsdorf 372R071 Pemfling
Upper Upper Palatinate Forest The rock group with a steep rock castle and numerous large boulders consists of garnet-bearing cordierite gneiss, which is partly very well exposed here and shows many metamorphic structural elements. The red garnet crystals are clearly visible. In the area of ​​the rock ensemble there are numerous crevices and cover caves. The bear cave itself is an approx. 5 m long spacious cave under a large boulder on which two more rests. 5000
100 × 50
Type: rock group, rock type, rock castle
type: cordierite, sillimanite, gneiss
Rock slope / cliff precious Landscape protection area, nature park

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Data source: Bavarian State Office for the Environment,, Geotoprecherche (accessed on September 16, 2017)

Web links

Commons : Geotopes in Landkreis Cham  - Collection of images, videos and audio files