List of geotopes in the Eichstätt district

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This list contains the geotopes of the Upper Bavarian district of Eichstätt in Bavaria . The list contains the official names and numbers of the Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) as well as their geographical location. This list may not be complete. Around 3,400 geotopes (as of March 2020) are recorded in the Bavarian geotope register. The LfU does not consider some geotopes suitable for publication on the Internet. For example, some objects are not safely accessible or may only be entered to a limited extent for other reasons.

Surname image Geotope ID Municipality / location Geological unit of space description Area m² / extension m geology Digestion type value Protection status comment
Former quarry NW of Adelschlag 176A001 Adelschlag
Southern Franconian Alb Best outcrop in the pebble limestone of the Malm Zeta 3, at the base there is a thick reef rubble bank. The outcrop is strongly overgrown and partly covered by garbage deposits. 250
25 × 10
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Natural monument, nature park
Quarry S from the Schernfeld sports field Geotope near Schernfeld 01.jpg
176A003 Schernfeld
Southern Franconian Alb Here the Obereichstätter slate facies are exposed. In the upper area is the sharply separated hanging wall Krumme Lage. 5000
100 × 50
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Natural park
Former Wasserzell quarry on Frauenberg near Eichstätt 176A004 Eichstätt
Southern Franconian Alb The former quarry opens up the lower slate (Malm Zeta 2A) and above it the separating Krumme Lage. There are only residual digestions left. 20000
200 × 100
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Limestone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Former quarry on the Steigweg near Obereichstätt 176A006 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb The small quarry opened up the uppermost Malm Zeta 1 (marl slate with Dachhornstein layers), which is rarely opened. The remaining exposure area is only about 2 square meters. 100
20 × 5
Type: Rock
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Former quarries on Reisberg S von Böhmfeld 176A007 Böhmfeld
Southern Franconian Alb The quarries (Upper Bank Limes of Malm Zeta 3) are spread over 5 - 10 hectares. The Reisberg hiking trails are equipped with explanatory boards. 1000000
1000 × 1000
Type: Rock
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Former Arnsberg gravel pit 176A009 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb In the Arnsberg gravel pit, the oldest Pleistocene of the Altmühl-Danube is exposed. There are both North Franconian (Urmain) and Alpine pebbles. 200
20 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Gravel
Gravel pit / sand pit significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former sand pit W von Ensfeld 176A011 Mörnsheim
Riesalb In the sand pit near Ensfeld, colored clays, sands and boulders are exposed under pebble chalk. 15000
100 × 150
Type: Layer sequence
Type: sand, silica
Gravel pit / sand pit precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry N of Gaimersheim Geotope near Gaimersheim 01.jpg
176A013 Gaimersheim
Southern Franconian Alb Numerous tertiary fossils (vertebrate fauna) were found in the karst fillings of the Gaimersheim quarry. The area is covered by freshwater limestone. 40000
200 × 200
Type: Animal Fossils, Rock
Type: Clay, Dolomite Stone
Quarry precious Natural park
Former quarry SE from Schernfeld 176A015 Schernfeld
Southern Franconian Alb The Mörnsheim layers (Malm Zeta 3) are also exposed above the Solnhofen layers and the hanging Krummen Lage (Malm Zeta 2). The quarry is being used for garbage deposits. 2500
50 × 50
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Kalkschieferbruch E from Zandt Limestone quarry from Zandt 01.jpg
176A016 Denkendorf
Southern Franconian Alb The Zandt slate quarry is the most important outcrop of the plate limestone of the Schamhaupten tub, with typical bank. In the northwest corner, clay-filled karst crevices and a discordance are exposed. 50000
100 × 500
Type: Layer sequence, karst chimney, karst crevice, animal fossils
Type: Limestone
Quarry especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park
Leibrecht quarry on Arzberg W von Töging Arzberg 02.jpg
176A017 Beilngrie's
Southern Franconian Alb The quarry opens up the complete sequence of layers from the upper Malm Alpha via Malm Beta and Platynota marl to the Crussoliensis marl in the lowest layers of the Malm Delta. 40000
200 × 200
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Limestone, Marlstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 51
Abandoned quarry on western Arzberg 2018 Beilngries Quarry 01.jpg
176A018 Beilngrie's
Southern Franconian Alb A cross-section through the Oxford-Kimeridge profile is open. There is a shooting range at the foot of the cliff. 45000
450 × 100
Type: Layer sequence, Animal fossils
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Road access at Torleite W von Dollnstein 176A019 Dollnstein
Riesalb The profile shows a cross-section in the Malm Epsilon-Zeta border area. The approx. 20 cm thick marl layer with a reddish weathering color indicates the upper layer boundary of the Malm Epsilon. 4000
400 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Limestone
embankment precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarries on Hirschberg W von Beilngries 2018 Beilngries 01.jpg
176A020 Beilngrie's
Southern Franconian Alb The quarry at Hirschberg is characterized by its wealth of fossils. 40000
200 × 200
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Street exposure SE from Ensfeld 176A022 Mörnsheim
Riesalb The outcrop shows very thin-layer limestone from the Mörnsheim strata, which are very rich in (but poorly preserved) ammonites here. Corals have also been found here. To the south there is the transition to the massive facies. ATTENTION! DANGER FROM SLIPPING ROCK! 3000
300 × 10
Type: Rock, Animal Fossils
Type: Limestone
embankment precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Former Dolomite quarry NW of Böhmfeld 176A025 Hitzhofen
Southern Franconian Alb The small former dolomite quarry opens up a particularly porous variety of rock with holes in it. The weathering of the quarry wall made dolomite concretions visible in the rock. 100
20 × 5
Type: Type of rock, sedimentary structures
Type: Dolomite stone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former quarry SW of Petersbuch 176A027 Titting
Southern Franconian Alb The former quarry on Treuchtlinger marble was sunk down like a shaft. 400
20 × 20
Type: Rock, Quarry / Pit
Type: Limestone
Quarry significant Natural park
Former Kesseltal slab limestone quarry on the Solnhofener Berg 176A028 Mörnsheim
Riesalb The well-preserved high excavation wall opens up a profile through the upper Solnhofen layers with the hanging Krummen Lage and the overlying Mörnsheim layers. 7500
150 × 50
Type: Layer sequence, Animal fossils, Sedimentary structures
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious FFH area, bird sanctuary, nature park
Former Quarry at Speckberg W of the Speckmühle Geotope west of the Speckmühle.jpg
176A031 Nassenfels
Southern Franconian Alb In the lower part of the abandoned quarry, banked limestones are exposed, which merge into massive limestone at the top. A unique profile in the limestone of the Malm Zeta 3. 1000
50 × 20
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Collector quarry on the Blumenberg W of Eichstätt Collector quarry at Blumenberg 01.jpg
176A032 Eichstätt
Southern Franconian Alb The third skeleton of the ancient bird Archeopteryx was found here in 1877 and was sold to Berlin. This fraction has now been approved for private collectors by the city of Eichstätt. The debris is removed regularly. 6000
150 × 40
Type: Rock, Animal Fossils
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Natural park
Former quarry W von Ettling Quarry in Ettling.jpg
176A033 Pförring
Southern Franconian Alb The former quarry on the western outskirts of Ettling represents the best outcrop of the plate limestone of the Hartheimer Wanne. In the middle of the approximately 20 m high outcrop wall, an approximately 2 m thick crooked position can be seen. The layer thicknesses range from a few millimeters to a few decimeters. In the break, collectors are active. 4500
150 × 30
Type: Rock type, Sedimentary structures
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious no protected area
Digestion at water tank E from Breitenfurt 176A034 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb At the border between the lying limestone layers of the Malm Epsilon and the hanging limestone layers of the Geisental layers (Malm Zeta 1), the approx. 20 cm thick characteristic red layer is exposed. 75
15 × 5
Type: Layer sequence, standard / reference profile
Type: Limestone, marlstone
other information precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Chalk exposure in the Wellheimer Oberholz W of Wellheim 176A035 Wellheim
Riesalb In the former quarry, the layers of Wellheim chalk with coarse and fine sand and overlying pebble chalk are exposed. Pronounced podsoles and pseudogleye can be found as soil formations. 6000
120 × 50
Type: Type of rock, type of layer sequence
: Limestone, sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Fossil Quarry NW of Pubes 176A036 Altmannstein
Southern Franconian Alb In the Schamhaupten fossil quarry, plate limestone of the Upper Malm was deposited in the so-called Schamhaupten tub. The material is relatively low in fossil fuels, manganese dendrites are common. The geology, mining, use, etc. of the lime are very well explained by a total of seven display boards. 2100
70 × 30
Type: animal fossils, rock type, layer sequence, quarry / pit
type: limestone
Quarry especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Imberg E quarry by Walting 176A037 Walting
Southern Franconian Alb The abandoned Imberg quarry has now been almost completely filled. A small part is obviously kept open by collectors as a dig. The almost fossilized Pfalzpainter Plattenkalk is open. 160
20 × 8
Type: Type of rock, sequence of layers, quarry / pit
type: Limestone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Quarries NE of Obereichstätt 2015 Blumenberg Quarry 03.jpg
176A038 Schernfeld
Southern Franconian Alb In the Schernfeld-Wegscheid-Obereichstätt area there are several active quarries in which the Lower Solnhofen layers are mined. In some cases, backfilling takes place gradually. A circular hiking trail (fossil trail) provides information on geology and paleontology. 3000000
2000 × 1500
Type: Rock type, Layer sequence, Animal fossils, Quarry / Pit
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Natural park
Fossil visitor quarry in Mühlheim 176A040 Mörnsheim
Riesalb The visitor quarry is located on the Schaudiberg southeast of Mühlheim. Plate limestone of the Mörnsheim Formation (Malm Zeta 3) is systematically mined layer by layer and examined for its fossil content. Numerous sensational finds have already been made, including new species. The quarry is also open to visitors every day from April to October. For an entrance fee, you can search for fossils here with a find guarantee. Further information on the Internet at There is a quarry educational trail with eight stations in the quarry area. 8000
100 × 80
Type: animal fossils, standard / reference profile, layer sequence, rock
type: limestone
Quarry especially valuable Natural park
Aufgel. Quarry E von Hitzhofen Geotope near Hitzhofen 01.jpg
176A041 Hitzhofen
Southern Franconian Alb It is the only quarry in Malm Zeta 3 (Mörnsheimer layers) in the municipality and one of the five most beautiful outcrops in the entire district. Alternating layers of limestone up to 30 cm in thickness and marly layers are open. The western part of the quarry lies in the municipality of Hitzhofen and has been abandoned - backfilling is prohibited by signs. In contrast, the eastern area (Gde. Böhmfeld) seems to be still in operation. 12000
120 × 100
Type: Rock
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Demlingen quarry N of Großmehring The Demlingen quarry.jpg
176G001 Großmehring
Southern Franconian Alb The large funnel-like break provided the material for building the fortress in Ingolstadt. Fossil-rich reef dolomites and reef rubble limestone of the Malm Zeta 3–4 are exposed. 60000
300 × 200
Type: Quarry / Pit, Animal Fossils, Rock
Type: Dolomite Stone, Limestone
Quarry precious Natural monument
Powder cave near Breitenfurt 176H001 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb Behind the cave entrance, two passages lead further, which meet again after a few meters. Significant prehistoric finds have been made during excavations. 10
5 × 2
Type: Karst Horizontal Cave
Type: Limestone
cave precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Arndthöhle near Attenzell 176H002 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb Concrete stairs can be used to comfortably descend into the spacious cave. 1000
100 × 10
Type: Karst shaft & horizontal cave
Type: Dolomite stone
cave significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Mammoth Cave E by Buchenhüll Image Mammoth Cave entrance.jpg
176H003 Eichstätt
Southern Franconian Alb After a few meters through the man-high horizontal entrance you reach a larger room, into which the shaft entrance opens from above. Numerous skeletons of large glacial mammals were stored here. Both entrances are closed with bars. 100
20 × 5
Type: Karst shaft & horizontal cave, Animal fossils
Type: Dolomite stone
cave significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Stone Age Cave N of Böhmfeld 176H004 Böhmfeld
Southern Franconian Alb The short, spacious cave has a horizontal and a shaft entrance. Numerous remains of Ice Age animals and humans have been found in the sediments on the cave floor. Both entrances are closed with bars. 150
30 × 5
Type: Karst shaft & horizontal cave, Animal fossils
Type: Dolomite stone
cave significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Grafsloch cave near Mörnsheim-Altendorf 176H005 Mörnsheim
Riesalb The cave, also known as the Stone Rosary, is only about 200 m northwest of the center of Mörnsheim-Altendorf. It was created around 20 million years ago through dissolution processes in the reef dolomite (sponge reefs of the Malm) in the area of ​​the Ur-Main. The small, spacious cave was already in the Paleolithic, here: before about 60,000 to 25,000 BC. BC, used by humans (Neanderthals). This was the result of excavation findings from 1924/25. Finds of predatory fauna from the Ice Age were also made. Sinter formation can only be found in inaccessible cave passages. The cave is on a marked hiking trail (Schäfchenweg nature discovery path), is easily accessible and secured by structural measures and is explained by an information board. The object is under special protection as a ground monument (monument no. D-1-7132-0080). 30
5 × 6
Type: Karst horizontal cave
Type: Dolomite stone
cave precious Soil monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Karst springs Almosmühle N von Pfünz Almosmühle in the Eichstätt district.jpg
176Q001 Walting
Southern Franconian Alb Interesting series of source outlets from crevices in the Malm Delta. Tracer tests have proven connections to ponordolines on the plateau. 48
12 × 4
Type: Narrow source, rock wall / slope, rock
type: Limestone, dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Karst spring Schambach in Schamhaupten Schambachursprung.JPG
176Q002 Altmannstein
Southern Franconian Alb The relatively even spring discharge is approx. 330 l / s. The outlets are distributed in a large spring pond on the southern edge of the valley. 3600
120 × 30
Type: Constriction Source
Type: Dolomite Stone, Limestone
no information precious Natural park
Karst spring Grüner Topf SE from Grösdorf Grüntopf.JPG
176Q003 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb The source outlet is collected. The green pot is connected to ponors between Gelbelsee and Irlahüll. 48
12 × 4
Type: Narrowing source, rock wall / slope
Type: Limestone, dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, nature park
Schutterquelle N of Wellheim Schutterquelle 02.jpg
176Q004 Wellheim
Southern Franconian Alb The rubble source was expanded and its drainage straightened. There are information boards on the surrounding hiking trail. 90
15 × 6
Type: Constriction Source
Type: Dolomite Stone, Limestone
no information significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Source pond W from Kösching Source pond Kösching.JPG
176Q005 Koesching
Southern Franconian Alb The source pot reaches a discharge of approx. 140 l / s. Several small sand volcanoes can be seen at the bottom. 400
20 × 20
Type: Reservoir
Type: Limestone, Sand
no information precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Karst spring Obereichstätt Hüttenbachquelle.JPG
176Q007 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb The source (partly in short tunnels) is located on the northern edge of the former quarry. With an average of approx. 700 l / s pouring, it is one of the most important karst springs in the southern Franconian Alb. The source is located within a fenced company premises. 80
10 × 8
Type: Constriction Source
Type: Limestone
no information precious Natural park
Karst spring Blaubrunnen W von Altdorf Blue fountain 03.jpg
176Q008 Titting
Southern Franconian Alb The average discharge of the karst spring is well over 100 l / s. Since it is a source from the Shallow Karst, the pouring fluctuates very strongly. 12
4 × 3
Type: Layer Source
Type: Limestone
no information significant Natural monument, nature park
Gailach spring in Mühlheim Gailach spring Monheimer-Alb.jpg
176Q009 Mörnsheim
Riesalb In Mühlheim the water of the Gailach comes to light again, which seeps away about 4 km above. The connection is proven by a marking experiment. Above the source there are thick-banked dolomites. 30
6 × 5
Type: Constriction Source
Type: Dolomite Stone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural park
Wellheim dry valley Wellheimer Trockental 01.jpg
176R001 Wellheim
Southern Franconian Alb Until about 200,000 years ago the Danube flowed through this valley and broke a meander on the Galgenberg. Then the Danube looked for a new bed, first briefly over the Schuttertal, then through today's Neuburg breakthrough valley. 7200000
9000 × 800
Type: dry valley, circular mountain / breakthrough mountain, rock tower / needle
Type: dolomite stone, limestone, gravel
Slope crack / rock wall especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 60
Jackdaw rock E from Konstein Jackdaw rock Konstein 03.jpg
176R005 Wellheim
Southern Franconian Alb At this point there are massive limestones of the Malm Delta-Zeta. In the area of ​​the Malm Epsilon, dolomite banks are interposed. The striking jackdaw rock is famous as a climbing rock. 12500
250 × 50
Type: Rock tower / needle
Type: Limestone, dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Burgstein E from Dollnstein Burgstein 01.jpg
176R006 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb The climbing rock made of mass limestone from the Malm Delta, located at a talcnick in the Altmühl, is well known throughout the world. It is strikingly thundered out of the surrounding dolomite rocks. At its foot you can partially recognize the rock-forming silicified plate sponges. Towards the top, ooid limestone developed, indicating that it was formed in shallow water. 90000
300 × 300
Type: Rock tower / needle, rock castle
Type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 3
Doline between Buch and Oberemmendorf 176R007 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb Felddoline with a long inlet ditch at the edge of a large shallow depression. 400
20 × 20
Type: sinkhole
Type: dolomite stone
no information significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Saufelsen SE from Unteremmendorf 176R008 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb Rock formations in the forest. 50
10 × 5
Type: Rock tower / needle
Type: Dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Langfelsen S of Unteremmendorf Langfelsen 01.jpg
176R009 Kinding
Southern Franconian Alb Rock group at the edge of the plateau in the Malm Delta. 100
20 × 5
Type: Rock wall / slope
Type: Dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall inferior Landscape protection area, nature park
St. Michälsberg S from Kipfenberg 176R010 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb A castle used to stand on the prominent dolomite rock spur. On the ascent from Kipfenberg you pass a small cave in which prehistoric finds were made. 10000
200 × 50
Type: rock castle, karst horizontal cave
Type: dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Ponordoline guard cell 176R011 Pollen field
Southern Franconian Alb At the edge of the dry valley there is a small rock wall of table-bank sponge limestone with silicified sponges. Below this, an inactive ponor cave opens up, which stretches to under a neighboring rocky sinkhole. Another small sinkhole is located in the middle of the dry valley. 1800
60 × 30
Type: sinkhole, karst shaft & horizontal cave, rock wall / slope
Type: limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Slopes of the Pfahlbuck N from Böhming Altmühltal Arnsberg 04.jpg
176R012 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb The stratified facies of the Weißjura Gamma are overlaid by reef dolomite. 3000
150 × 20
Type: Rock wall / slope
Type: Limestone, dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Mushroom W by Kinding 176R013 Kinding
Southern Franconian Alb The mushroom rock, made up of the dolomites with a flat bank, is a typical form of weathering. Today it is supported by concrete foundations. 60000
300 × 200
Type: Rock wall / slope
Type: Limestone, Marlstone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Hubertusfelsen W of Unteremmendorf Burgstall Hubertusfelsen03.JPG
176R014 Kinding
Southern Franconian Alb Dolomite rocks on the edge of the plateau. 100
20 × 5
Type: Rock wall / slope
Type: Dolomite stone
no information inferior Landscape protection area, nature park
Breakthrough mountain Arzberg E from Beilngries Beilngries - view from Hirschberg 007.JPG
176R015 Beilngrie's
Southern Franconian Alb The Arzberg is the largest breakthrough mountain in Europe. The breakthrough of the Sulz into the valley of the Altmühldonau probably took place during the Riss-Late Glacial or Riss-Würm-Interglacial. The Ottmaringer valley, through which the Main-Danube Canal runs today, fell dry. 2000000
2000 × 1000
Type: Umlauf- / breakthrough mountain
Type: Limestone, marlstone
no information especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park
Arnsberger Leite N from Arnsberg Arnsberger Leite 01.jpg
176R016 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb The Arnsberger Leite is an extensive steep slope with impressive rock exposures in the dolomite. The area is one of the most species-rich arid sites in the natural area of ​​the southern Franconian Alb with occurrences of extremely rare plant species and is therefore designated as a nature reserve. 450000
1500 × 300
Type: Rock wall / slope
Type: Dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Pliocene gravel terrace in Eichstätt 176R017 Eichstätt
Southern Franconian Alb Small outcrop of solidified Pliocene gravel. 20
10 × 2
Type: Terrace
Type: Conglomerate
no information precious Natural park
Torfelsen S from Unteremmendorf Peat Rock 02.jpg
176R018 Kinding
Southern Franconian Alb The natural bridge with a diameter of approx. 4 m was created when a cave collapsed. It lies in the continuation of a short dry valley. There are other small caves just to the west and east below the rock gate. 150
30 × 5
Type: Rock wall / slope
Type: Dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Maderfelsen NE of Dollnstein Maderfelsen Dollnstein.jpg
176R019 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb The rock formation stands on the outskirts of Dollnstein, where the confluence of the Ur-Danube and Ur-Altmühl was once located. 500
50 × 10
Type: Rock Tower / Needle
Type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Old Burgstein rock in Dollnstein Dollnstein - Burgberg.jpg
176R020 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb The rock is assigned to the Malm Delta and opens up layers of Treuchtlinger marble. The backs of the houses are built directly on the rocks, the ruins of a castle have been preserved on the summit. The former meander was cut off from the Altmühl. 1000
50 × 20
Type: Umlauf- / breakthrough mountain
Type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural park
Mühlfelsen N of the Bubenrother mill Altmühltal near Dollnstein 017.JPG
176R021 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb The rock hidden in the forest is crossed by a cave ruin. 600
30 × 20
Type: Rock tower / needle, Karst horizontal cave
Type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Old castle rock E of Aicha 176R022 Wellheim
Southern Franconian Alb The wide rock massif in the mass limestone is hidden in the forest. 15000
150 × 100
Type: Rock Castle
Type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Schloßberg in Wellheim with a rock gate Schloßberg Wellheim 01.jpg
176R023 Wellheim
Riesalb The Schloßberg in Wellheim, a reef that is worth seeing, has a ruined castle on the summit. Directly on the road there is a large rock gate with a view of the meander of the original Danube. 100000
500 × 200
Type: rock castle, karst halfway / natural bridge
Type: dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Kreuzelbergfelsen in Wellheim 176R024 Wellheim
Riesalb A Stations of the Cross with twelve stations and a chapel leads to the summit. 200
20 × 10
Type: Rock tower / needle
Type: Dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall significant FFH area, bird sanctuary, nature park
Finstereckfelsen N of Breitenfurt 176R026 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb Rock tower in the dolomite of the Malm Delta. 400
20 × 20
Type: Rock tower / needle
Type: Dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Kirchental NNW from Gungolding Church valley of Gungolding.jpg
176R027 Walting
Southern Franconian Alb On the characteristic juniper heather there are isolated rocks made of reef dolomite. 1000000
2000 × 500
Type: Dry valley
Type: Dolomite stone
Rock slope / cliff precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Arnsberg Castle Hill Arnsberg Castle 02.jpg
176R028 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb Impressive rock castle in the dolomitic Malm Delta on the edge of the plateau. 20000
200 × 100
Type: Felsburg
Type: Dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Rock group near Obereichstätt 176R029 Dollnstein
Southern Franconian Alb To the north and east of the village, the thick-banked to massive rocks of the middle Malm protrude as a striking group of rocks from the slope. 15000
300 × 50
Type: rock group, rock tower / needle
Type: dolomite stone, limestone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Dolomite rock E from Möckenlohe 176R030 Adelschlag
Southern Franconian Alb The reef dolomite rock protrudes from the otherwise flat meadow. 4
2 × 2
Type: Crag
Type: Dolomite stone
Rock slope / cliff significant Natural park
Rock castle with cave ruins at the Wielandshöfen Wielandshöfe (2) .JPG
176R031 Wellheim
Riesalb A massive rock castle protrudes from the forest slope west of the Wielandshöfe, which is criss-crossed by a spacious and branched cave ruin. 1500
50 × 30
Type: rock castle, karst horizontal cave
Type: dolomite stone
Rock slope / cliff significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Rock group N of Aicha Aicha rock group 01.jpg
176R032 Wellheim
Southern Franconian Alb Several striking rock towers protrude from the former collision slope of the Altmühl-Danube. At the western end of the rock group there is a short cave in which prehistoric finds were made. 15000
300 × 50
Type: rock group, rock tower / needle, rock castle, karst halfway / natural bridge
Type: limestone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Galgenberg near Wellheim Galgenberg 02.jpg
176R033 Wellheim
Southern Franconian Alb As a circulating mountain, the Galgenberg is reminiscent of the erosive power of the Rissis Age Altmühl-Danube. It is mainly made up of reef dolomites, in the southeast there is an outcrop of limestone from the Malm Epsilon. 210000
700 × 300
Type: Umlauf- / breakthrough mountain , dry valley
Type: Dolomite stone, limestone
Rock slope / cliff precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Ponordoline Bolusgrube SE from Adelschlag 176R034 Adelschlag
Southern Franconian Alb The wooded Ponordoline has a pronounced inlet ditch in the tertiary surface layers. In the area of ​​the Schluckloch there is dolomite, into which the water has cut like a gorge. 300
30 × 10
Type: Ponor
Type: Dolomite stone, clay
Sinkhole / sinkhole significant Natural park
Ponordoline NW of Hofstetten 176R035 Hitzhofen
Southern Franconian Alb The large Ponordoline has a pronounced inlet ditch. At the edge of the sinkhole gravel is exposed, which was probably deposited by a precursor of the Danube in the Pleistocene. 600
40 × 15
Type: sinkhole, ponor, rock
type: dolomite stone, gravel
Sinkhole / sinkhole significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Ponordoline SE from Schelldorf 176R037 Stammham
Southern Franconian Alb A strikingly steep and deep blind valley ends in this ponordoline. 2000
100 × 20
Type: sinkhole
Type: limestone
no information significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Rock group in the Groppenhofener Leite N of Ried Groppenhofener Leite 01.jpg
176R038 Dollnstein
Riesalb In several places massive rock castles and rock towers protrude from the slope of the Wellheimer dry valley. In the eastern part of the rock there are also cave ruins. 30000
600 × 50
Type: rock group, rock castle, rock tower / needle, karst halfway / natural bridge
Type: dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Felddoline N from Langensallach 176R039 Schernfeld
Southern Franconian Alb The steep and deep sinkhole is located in a large hollow in the terrain, on the slope of which limestone limestone of the Upper Malms is in places. 8000
100 × 80
Type: sinkhole
Type: limestone
Sinkhole / sinkhole precious Natural monument, nature park
Uvala in Fuchsschlag N of Schönau 176R040 Schernfeld
Southern Franconian Alb The triangular uvala was created by joining more than a dozen neighboring sinkholes. 15000
150 × 100
Type: Uvala, sinkhole
Type: Dolomite stone
no information precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Ponordoline on Wittmeßberg NE of Wellheim 176R041 Adelschlag
Southern Franconian Alb At the bottom of the very large and steep sinkhole there is access to a short shaft cave, which is in great danger of falling. 1800
60 × 30
Type: sinkhole, karst shaft cave
Type: Limestone
cave significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Ponordoline SW from Denkendorf 176R042 Denkendorf
Southern Franconian Alb The strikingly large Ponordoline has a steep, valley-like inlet ditch. Sections in the loam, some several meters deep, demonstrate the dynamic development in this property, which has a strong inflow during floods. 9000
300 × 30
Type: Ponor
Type: Limestone
no information precious Natural park
Karst tub Kessel NE from Kipfenberg 176R043 Kipfenberg
Southern Franconian Alb Very large karst hollow form with partly steep edges and numerous sinkholes on the otherwise flat ground. Larger than the largest sinkholes, but smaller than the neighboring karst basins of Buch and Gelbelsee. 200000
500 × 400
Type: Polje, Dolinenfeld
Type: Dolomite stone
Sinkhole / sinkhole precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Row of sinkholes N of Gelbelsee 176R044 Denkendorf
Southern Franconian Alb For almost two kilometers there are dolines after dolines, some with rock outcrops, in the W and E with large ponordolines. 190000
1900 × 100
Type: Dolinenfeld, Ponor
Type: Dolomite stone
Sinkhole / sinkhole precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Doline with shaft in the Schernfeld forest 176R045 Schernfeld
Southern Franconian Alb At the edge of the very large, but flat sinkhole, there is a smaller, steep sinkhole, at the bottom of which there is access to a narrow shaft cave. 15000
150 × 100
Type: sinkhole, karst shaft cave
Type: Limestone
cave precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Sandstone rocks N of the Sächenfartmühle 176R046 Nassenfels
Southern Franconian Alb A chalk-sandstone rock was left standing in a former mining site. This shows bizarre, holey weathered forms. 20
5 × 4
Type: rock group, rock type, relict rock
type: sandstone
Rock slope / cliff precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Sandstone rocks at Hohenstein 176R047 Nassenfels
Southern Franconian Alb Beautiful large coarse sandstone rock with interesting weathering forms. A few more sandstone blocks in the area. 20
5 × 4
Type: Rock Tower / Needle
Type: Sandstone
Rock slope / cliff precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Pfünzer rocks 176R048 Walting
Southern Franconian Alb Striking rock group in the dolomite (Malm Delta) at the confluence of a dry valley in the Altmühltal above the village of Pfünz. 1000
50 × 20
Type: Group of rocks
Type: Dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Rocks on Speckberg W of the Speckmühle 176R049 Nassenfels
Southern Franconian Alb Rock slope in thick banked to massive reef rubble limestone of Malm Zeta 3. This rock is only exposed here in this quality. 200
20 × 10
Type: rock wall / slope, rock
type: limestone
Rock slope / cliff precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Felskanzeln V by Hagenacker 176R050 Schernfeld
Southern Franconian Alb To the north of Hagenacker, there are several rock pulpits on a rocky slope of the Urmain. The massive dolomites of the Malm Delta in the lower part of the rocks are overlaid in a pagoda-like manner by the thin, flat-banked dolomites of the Malm Epsilon. 10000
200 × 50
Type: rock wall / slope, sequence of layers, impact slope
Type: dolomite stone, limestone
Rock slope / cliff significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Doline NW of Hofstetten 176R051 Hitzhofen
Southern Franconian Alb One of the largest sinkholes in the district is located northwest of Hofstetten. Its formation can be traced back to erosion processes in the reef dolomite of the Upper Jura. Due to the flanks that slide down again and again and the particular growth form of the trees standing there, a persistent lowering of the ground cannot be ruled out. 4875
75 × 65
Type: sinkhole
Type: dolomite stone
Sinkhole / sinkhole precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Ponordoline NW of Oberzell 176R052 Hitzhofen
Southern Franconian Alb At the edge of the forest northwest of Oberzell there is an active ponor in the reef dolomite. It is fed by a side ditch. The funnel-shaped inlet is separated in the upper third by a massive wall, whereby the upper pictures 1 and 2). Almost 100 m west of the Ponordoline there is another, apparently active sinkhole in the high forest (the area has been converted into a water reservoir (Figures 3 and 4). A presumed sinkhole field, as mentioned in the landscape management concept, could not (anymore?) Be determined in spring 2016 . 108
18 × 6
Type: Ponor
Type: Dolomite stone
Sinkhole / sinkhole precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Schmiedfelsen near Mörnsheim 176R057 Mörnsheim
Riesalb The striking, almost free-standing, approximately 15 m high sponge reef stump (reef dolomite of the Malm) is located directly behind the Maxbergweg 1 property in Mörnsheim. It is surrounded by dry / poor grass and is therefore particularly impressive. 25
5 × 5
Type: Rock tower / needle
Type: Dolomite stone
Slope crack / rock wall significant FFH area, bird sanctuary, nature park

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Data source: Bavarian State Office for the Environment,, Geotoprecherche (accessed on September 16, 2017)

Web links

Commons : Geotopes in the Eichstätt district  - collection of images, videos and audio files