List of dishes in Friuli Venezia Giulia

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The list of courts in Friuli-Venezia Giulia serves to include the Italian state courts of ordinary and special jurisdiction in the autonomous region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia . Until further notice, only places of jurisdiction are given.

Ordinary jurisdiction

Appeal Court Subordinate (regional) courts Courts of justice
Trieste Gorizia Gorizia
Pordenone Pordenone , Portogruaro
Trieste Trieste
Udine Gemona del Friuli , Pontebba , Tolmezzo , Udine
Juvenile Court of Trieste
Criminal Enforcement Court Trieste (Enforcement agencies in Trieste and Udine)

An appeal jury will be set up at the appellate court , and jury courts at the regional courts. Court of Appeal there is an Attorney General's Office , in district courts and juvenile courts public prosecutors .

At the Trieste Court of Appeal and the Trieste Regional Court, there are chambers for corporate, copyright and commercial matters.

Special dishes

See also

Web links