List of cultural monuments in Zettlitz

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The list of cultural monuments in Zettlitz contains the cultural monuments of the Saxon community of Zettlitz that were recorded by the State Office for Monument Preservation of Saxony until September 2017 (excluding archaeological cultural monuments). The notes are to be observed.

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in the district of Central Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


image designation location Dating description ID
retaining wall At the church (below the church)
19th century Characteristic of the townscape, quarry stone wall made of porphyry and slate 08955537
Rectory (No. 3) and side building (No. 2) of a rectory At the church 2, 3
Around 1850 Solid residential building with a half-hipped roof, side building on the upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and local significance
  • Residential house: solid, plastered facade with corner ashlar, belt cornice and porphyry cladding, multiple profiled lintel with inscription and original door, hipped roof, Palladio motif in the gable, some 15-part windows still preserved. Inscription: “The Lord bless your exit and your entrance! My soul is in the Lord and my ministry is in the name of God. Jer. 49, 4. “, partially renovated.
  • Outbuildings: ground floor quarry stone masonry with porphyry walls, upper floor and gable half-timbered, half-hip roof, renovated
Zettlitz village church and cemetery (entity)
More pictures
Zettlitz village church and cemetery (entity) At the church 5
19th century Material entirety of the village church and cemetery in Zettlitz with the following individual monuments: Church with furnishings and a memorial for those who fell in the First World War (see obj. 08955535) as well as churchyard with enclosure as a whole; Structurally and historically important, churchyard with slate stone wall 09299958
Church with furnishings and a memorial to those who fell in the First World War (individual memorials for ID No. 09299958) At the church 5
1848 using older parts Individual features of the population of the village church and churchyard in Zettlitz (see also population list - Obj. 09299958); of importance in terms of building history and local history.
  • Hall church with high arched windows, entrance risalit with three arched positions in the east, indicated capitals, cranked cornice, square west tower (the lower three floors are still late Gothic) with dome and lantern. Inside: flat covered, double galleries, pulpit altar, carved altar at the end of the 15th century: Mary in the halo between John the Evangelist and Nicholas (?), In the wings more saints, back (painted): Adoration of the Kings.
  • War memorial porphyry, iron cross and inscription, volute crown.
Residential building Arnsdorfer Strasse 4
Around 1855 Upper floor half-timbered clad, part of a double dwelling house, historically important, eaves, porphyry walls, crooked hip roof 08955528
Residential building Arnsdorfer Strasse 6
Marked 1855 on the lintel Upper floor half-timbered clad, part of a double dwelling house, historically important, eaves, porphyry walls, crooked hip roof 08955527
Residential building Arnsdorfer Strasse 8
Around 1855 Upper floor half-timbered plastered, part of a double dwelling house, historically significant, eaves, porphyry walls, profiled lintel, half-hip roof 08955526
Residential building Arnsdorfer Strasse 10
Around 1855 Upper floor half-timbered, part of a double dwelling house, historically important, eaves, porphyry walls, crooked hip roof 08955525
Residential building Arnsdorfer Strasse 12
Marked with 1855 on the door frame Upper floor half-timbered, historically important, eaves, porphyry walls, half-hip roof 08955524
Eastern side building, southern side building with Kumthalle and western barn of a four-sided courtyard Arnsdorfer Strasse 15
Around 1855 All buildings in half-timbered construction, stately farm of architectural, socio-historical and economic significance.
  • Barn: half-timbered with jamb, crooked hip roof, roof pike
  • Barn: partly on the first floor half-timbered, three-bay kumthall on porphyry columns, upper floor half-timbered, roof house, dilapidated
  • Side building: Porphyry walls, profiled lintel, upper floor half-timbered, freight elevator, clad gable, until 2007 was erroneously under the Zettlitz district, parcel 11
Residential stable house, side building and barn of a small three-sided courtyard Ceesewitzer Strasse 6
Around 1800 Former blacksmiths, all buildings in half-timbered construction, largely authentically preserved courtyards, of architectural, social and economic significance, all buildings with a half-hip roof.
  • Stable house: porphyry walls, arched portal with keystone, upper floor half-timbered
  • Barn: half-timbered, side building: solid ground floor, upper floor half-timbered
Eastern side building as well as southern and southeastern barn of a four-sided courtyard, plus courtyard paving Zettlitzer Dorfstrasse 15, 17
Around 1850 Traditional half-timbered buildings of architectural and socio-historical value.
  • Barn: Half-timbered with bohemian boarded gates, gable slated, crooked hip roof with pike and three dormers, in the windows the symbols for faith, love and hope
  • small barn: half-timbered with jamb, gable slate
  • Side building: porphyry walls, upper floor half-timbered, freight elevator slate, gable decoratively clad with Methau slate, roof slate
Northern side building of a former three-sided courtyard Zettlitzer Hauptstrasse 7
1st half of the 19th century Building in half-timbered construction, with a large gate passage, historical value and of architectural importance.
  • Residential stable house: narrow, slightly deformed structure, porphyry walls, upper floor partly sturdy half-timbering with former wood connections of the headbands, some younger, ordinary half-timbering, tailcoat roof, wooden window frames, demolished in 2003, roof truss in Schwarzbach (1586 Dendro), parcel number 31/4
  • Northern side building with gate passage: 1/3 massive, 2/3 ground floor massive with porphyry walls, upper floor half-timbered, half-hipped roof with pike, parcel number 31/5, partially renovated
  • Eastern side building: Solid ground floor, partly brick, partly slate, porphyry walls, upper floor half-timbered, clad, crooked hip, dilapidated, parcel number 31/3, unrenovated, demolished in 2012/2013
Cottage property Zettlitzer Hauptstrasse 15
Around 1800 Part of the older village development, half-timbered construction, of architectural and socio-historical significance, clad gable, there also half-timbered (?) On the ground floor, otherwise upper floor half-timbered, street-side gable slated, tailcoat roof, porphyry garments 08955538


image designation location Dating description ID
Residential stable house Stöbniger Strasse 5
Around 1800 Upper floor and gable half-timbered, part of the local structure, of architectural significance, porphyry garments, tailcoat roof 08955518
Northern residential stable of a four-sided courtyard and piers Stöbniger Strasse 6
Marked 1865 on the lintel Upper floor half-timbered, typical of the landscape, historically important, porphyry garments, profiled lintel, gable of silvery slate, bakery, freight elevator, two pike, fencing of porphyry pillars, originally incorrectly recorded under number 4 08955517
Northern residential stable of a three-sided courtyard Stöbniger Strasse 23
2nd half of the 18th century Upper floor half-timbering with a special type of construction, of architectural significance, first floor slate masonry with porphyry walls, upper floor half-timbering with a very strong, partly profiled threshold, visible the former wooden connection of the uprights (leaf seats), striving, powerful half-timbering, gable slate, roof overhang 08955519


image designation location Dating description ID
Eastern stable house and western side building of a former four-sided courtyard Colditzer Strasse 4
1st half of the 19th century (stable house) Stable house upper floor half-timbered clad, side building upper floor half-timbered clad, hardly any changes in the building fabric, of architectural and economic significance, residential stable house with porphyry walls, profiled lintel, side building also porphyry walls 08955502
Residential stable house Geringswalder Strasse 11
2nd half of the 19th century Upper floor timber-framed boarded, historically important, typical of the landscape, two floors, small basement with quarry stone barrel, ground floor massive, windows partially enlarged, a window and front door with porphyry framing, original window sizes, a gable clay frame, a ruinous gable, roof truss with wooden nails, collar beam roof with simple Standing chair, mortised collar beams, flattened headbands on chair pillars, clay partition walls, original doors with box locks and fittings 08955489
Residential building Geringswalder Strasse 26
Mid 19th century Architecturally important, in the immediate vicinity of the church, characterizing the image, upper floor half-timbered on three sides, a gable clad, a massive window on the ground floor 08955493
Village church and cemetery Hermsdorf (material entirety) Geringswalder Strasse 42
18th century Material entirety of the village church and Hermsdorf cemetery with the following individual monuments: Church with furnishings and a memorial for those who fell in World War I (see Obj. 08955491) as well as churchyard with enclosure as a whole; Of local historical importance, quarry stone cemetery wall with two gates 09299962
Church with furnishings and a memorial to those who fell in World War I (individual memorials for ID No. 09299962) Geringswalder Strasse 42
Marked 1788 Individual features of the aggregate village church and Kirchhof Hermsdorf: (see also aggregate document - obj. 09299962); Baroque hall church with straight choir closure and roof turret, of architectural and local importance.

Small baroque hall church with straight end of the choir and roof turret. Characteristic of the porphyry walls of the arched windows and doors with keystones, profiled cornice, slate covering, hipped roof. With the Ladegast organ, the builder of which was born in the village. Gallery hall with pulpit altar, boxes with glass on the sides. Quarry stone cemetery wall with two gates, war memorial: obelisk on a base, with an iron cross as a crown, granite.

Southern pull-out house, eastern barn and northern side building of a four-sided courtyard as well as remains of the courtyard paving Ladegaststrasse 3
2nd half of the 19th century Extract house upper floor half-timbered, side building with half-timbered drapery, good example of little changed building fabric, of architectural and economic significance. Side building with porphyry walls and straight lintel, upper floor and gable half-timbered, half-hipped roof, roof pike, solid barn, jamb half-timbered, solid stable with three-bay Kumthalle on porphyry columns, porphyry walls 08955500
Memorial plaque for Friedrich Ladegast Ladegaststrasse 4
1997 Attached to the house where the organ builder Friedrich Ladegast (1818–1905) was born, of local historical importance 08955499
Residential stable house, archway and western barn of a two-sided courtyard Ladegaststrasse 10
1st half of the 19th century Significant in terms of building history and economic history.
  • Stable house: typical Saxon farmhouse, upper floor half-timbered, solid gable, porphyry walls, on the ground floor quarry stone masonry, flat arched archway: also quarry stone, keystone (porphyry) with horse motif
  • Barn: solid ground floor, upper floor half-timbered, boarded gable, hipped roof
Southern moving house, eastern stable barn and northern side building (with Kumthalle) of a four-sided courtyard Ladegaststrasse 15
Around 1800 Significant in terms of building history and economic history.
  • Pull-out house: with upper floor half-timbered, living area with high-striving framework and triple threshold
  • Stable barn: upper floor half-timbered, half-hip roof
  • Horse stable: with three-bay Kumthalle on porphyry columns, upper floor and roof house half-timbered
Eastern stable house, northern side building and two barns of a four-sided courtyard Ladegaststrasse 21
Around 1800 Very good preserved half-timbered ensemble, of importance in terms of building history, social history and economic history.
  • Stable house with porphyry walls, upper floor half-timbered, clad gable, crooked hip roof, roof pike
  • Stable barn also with porphyry walls, upper floor half-timbered, central pivot window, half-hip roof
  • opposite an older half-timbered barn with a massive gable and a half-hip roof
  • second large half-timbered barn with jamb, beaver tail covering
bridge Mühlental, at the Rinnmühle (No. 3)
Around 1850 Natural stone arch bridge (Porphyrtuff etc.), of importance in terms of building history and traffic history 08970830


image designation location Dating description ID
Muldentalbahn (aggregate) Talstrasse
1875 Objective aggregate component of the aggregate Muldentalbahn, sub-section Zettlitz, district Kralapp with the individual monument: passage railway keeper's house (see individual monument list - Obj. 09306157) as well as the aggregate parts: Railway bridge and railway bridge over the Lochmühlenbach, railway body, kilometering, signal systems (see also material list - Obj. 09306181); Material entity with all railway systems, including track systems with substructure and superstructure, route kilometers, telecommunication and signaling systems, railway stations including all functional buildings, guard houses, bridges and culverts in the communities of Glauchau, Stadt (district Glauchau, Kleinbernsdorf, Reinholdshain, Niederlungwitz), Limbach-Oberfrohna , Stadt (district of Wolkenburg-Kaufungen, Herrndorf, Uhlsdorf), Remse (OT Remse), Waldenburg (district of Niederwinkel, Oberwinkel, Waldenburg), Lunzenau, city (district of Lunzenau, Berthelsdorf, Cossen, Rochsburg, Göritzhain), Penig, Stadt (district Markersdorf, Penig, America, Arnsdorf, Thierbach, Zinnberg), Rochlitz, city (district Penna, Rochlitz, Zaßnitz), Seelitz (district Fischheim, Seelitz, Biesern, Steudten), Colditz (district Colditz, Lastau, Leisenau, Möseln, Sermuth, Zschetzsch), Grimma, Stadt (OT Großbothen), Zettlitz (district Kralapp) for the industrial development of the Mulden valley important and landscape-forming standard-gauge railway , economic history, railway history, landscape design and regional history of importance. Railway bridge: retaining walls, polygonal masonry, retaining walls and supports renewed (concrete), railing, passage of the farm road with original paving (no monument). 09306158
Railroad keeper's house with ancillary building, tracks and railway embankment (individual monuments to ID no. 09306158) Talstrasse
1875 Individual features in the aggregate Muldentalbahn (see aggregate constituent list - Obj. 09306158); at rail kilometer 43.4 of the Glauchau – Wurzen railway line (Muldentalbahn), largely preserved in its original form, significant for all essentially uniformly built stationkeepers' houses of the Muldentalbahn and the Saxon state railway, of railway and transport history. Single-storey gatekeeper house with jamb, gable-independent, plaster renewed, gable roof with Preolite covering, condition of preservation satisfactory. One-storey outbuilding, plastered railway embankment, broad and steeply sloping. 09306157
Northern residential stable of a former four-sided courtyard Talstrasse 3
1st half of the 18th century Upper floor half-timbered, construction type that is becoming rare, unique in the place, of architectural and house-historical importance, upper floor half-timbered with headbands and Wilder Mann figure, profiled threshold, roof overhang, barn also with crossed struts, brick and slate, barn demolished in 2013, scientifically documentary value 08955520
South-eastern side building of a three-sided courtyard Talstrasse 12
2nd half of the 18th century Half-timbered over both floors, of architectural and economic importance, half-timbered construction with large fields, headbands, narrow, high structures, porphyry walls 08955521


image designation location Dating description ID
Residential building Street of Youth 30
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor and gable half-timbered, clad all around, of architectural significance, local historical value, ground floor profiled porphyry walls, crooked hip and tailcoat roof 08955505
Residential stable house Street of Youth 32
Marked with 1877? on the lintel Upper floor half-timbered, clad all around, of architectural importance, local historical value, profiled porphyry walls on the ground floor, straight, profiled lintel, crooked hip roof 08955504
Northern residential stable house, eastern gatehouse with a former horse stable, southern side building and western barn of a closed four-sided courtyard Street of Youth 37
Marked 1839 Remarkable, well-preserved farm, all buildings with half-timbering on the upper floor and half-hipped roof, of architectural, economic and social historical importance.
  • Residential stable house with porphyry walls, arched portals with quarter bars and keystone, upper floor half-timbered, groin vault in the living and stable part, slate gable
  • Stable barn as well, upper floor half-timbered, roof pike
  • Barn framework with jamb, two roof pikes
  • Horse stable with passage, upper floor half-timbered, attached to it a small building with half-timbered jamb, headbands
West side building with gate passage, north side building with Kumthalle and east barn of a four-sided courtyard Straße der Jugend 43
2nd half of the 19th century Stately courtyard complex, of architectural, economic and social historical importance.
  • Side building with gate passage, upper floor half-timbered, gable slate, wooden arched portal with keystone, central pivot window, wooden staircase
  • Barn with three-bay Kumthalle, upper floor half-timbered, plastered, two roof houses, one with a bell tower and clock, Bohemian boarded gates
  • Solid barn, jamb half-timbered, plastered
Northern residential stable and southern barn of a three-sided courtyard Street of Youth 70
Marked 1827 on the keystone Typical landscape courtyard, of architectural, economic and social historical importance.
  • Stable house with profiled porphyry walls, arched portal with keystone, upper floor half-timbered, plastered
  • Barn half-timbered, mounted
Western stable house (no.73), northern residential stable house (no.72) and eastern side building (no.71) of a three-sided courtyard Straße der Jugend 71, 72, 73
2nd half of the 18th century All buildings with half-timbering on the upper floor, a good example of timber construction, of architectural, economic and socio-historical importance.
  • Number 64 (?): Older stately residential stable house with profiled porphyry walls, lined half-timbering with strong threshold, roof overhang, clad gable
  • Number 66 (?): Another stable house, ground floor porphyry walls, upper floor simple half-timbered
  • Number 65 (?): Stable barn, two more porphyry walls, upper floor half-timbered, center pivot window


image designation location Dating description ID
Southern side building and western drive-through barn of a four-sided courtyard and courtyard paving Am Teich 4
Marked with 1838 on the lintel Side building upper floor half-timbered, drive-through barn upper floor half-timbered plastered, significant for the local structure, of architectural, social and economic significance.
  • Barn porphyry walls, straight, profiled lintels, upper floor plastered half-timbering
  • Drive-through barn, upper floor half-timbered, plastered, Bohemian boarded gate, with courtyard paving
West side building with gate passage and archway, south side building with Kumthalle and east barn of a four-sided courtyard Am Teich 6
Marked 1869 Stately courtyard, of architectural, social and economic importance, an important part of the townscape. All the buildings are massive with porphyry walls, a gable roof, a stable barn with a four-bay kumthall on porphyry columns and a straight, profiled lintel with the inscription "Goldammer 1869". Between the barn and gatehouse archway. 08955511
Residential stable house and barn of a Hakenhof Am Teich 8
Mid 19th century Upper floor and gable half-timbered, small barn also wooden architecture, of architectural and economic importance, typical landscape construction 08955530
Northeast residential stable and western barn of a four-sided courtyard Am Teich 11
Marked 1840 on the door frame (residential stable house) Stable house on the upper floor half-timbered structure, massive drive-through barn, of architectural and economic importance, hipped roof, roof pike, hay elevator, porphyry walls on the ground floor, drive-through barn with two large gates, jam-windows with porphyry walls 08955513
Southern side building of a three-sided courtyard Am Teich 12
1st half of the 18th century Upper floor half-timbered, construction type that is becoming rare, oldest house in town, of architectural and socio-historical importance, arched portal (porphyry) with keystone, upper floor half-timbered from two construction phases: one part with headband and short struts, the other part common construction, roof overhang 08955514
Residential building Am Teich 13
2nd half of the 19th century Residential building located in the center of the village, indispensable for the village image, historically important, residential building with cupped and half-hipped roof, upper floor at least two sides of timber framing, boarded gable triangle 08955516
Southern gatehouse, western side building with extension and northern barn of a four-sided courtyard Am Teich 18
Marked 1827 (stable barn) All buildings on the upper floor are half-timbered, an important part of the local structure, of architectural, social and economic importance, characterizing the local image.
  • Torhaus upper floor half-timbered, porphyry walls, profiled lintel and original door, on the street side at the gate keystone with plowing farmers
  • Stable barn with arched portals, keystone, walls made of Hilmsdorf slate, upper floor half-timbered
  • Barn with barrel-vaulted stable, jamb, half-timbered structure, hipped roof with roof pike

Deletions from the list of monuments

Deletions from the list of monuments (Hermsdorf)

image designation location Dating description ID
Cottage Geringswalder Strasse 21
1675 Dendro Tore off. Upper floor half-timbered with an increasingly rare and very old type of construction, of great architectural and house-historical importance, upper floor half-timbered with headbands, Thuringian ladder motif, slider, a gable clad, ship throat, former wooden connection visible on the threshold. 08955494


  • This list is not suitable for deriving binding statements on the monument status of an object. As far as a legally binding determination of the listed property of an object is desired, the owner can apply to the responsible lower monument protection authority for a notice.
  • The official list of cultural monuments is never closed. It is permanently changed through clarifications, new additions or deletions. A transfer of such changes to this list is not guaranteed at the moment.
  • The monument quality of an object does not depend on its entry in this or the official list. Objects that are not listed can also be monuments.
  • Basically, the property of a monument extends to the substance and appearance as a whole, including the interior. Deviating applies if only parts are expressly protected (e.g. the facade).


Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Zettlitz  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files