List of cultural monuments in Frankenberg / Sa.

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The list of cultural monuments in Frankenberg / Sa. contains the cultural monuments in Frankenberg / Sa.

Outline Frankenberg

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .

Frankenberg / Sa.

image designation location Dating description ID
Frankenberg Neustadt monument protection area
Frankenberg Neustadt monument protection area (Map) Frankenberg Neustadt monument protection area 09247636

Historical city center Frankenberg monument protection area
Historical city center Frankenberg monument protection area (Map) Historical city center Frankenberg monument protection area 09245265

Viaduct Lützeltal;  Railway line Roßwein - Niederwiesa;  Striegistalbahn (railway viaduct over the Lützelbach)
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Viaduct Lützeltal; Railway line Roßwein - Niederwiesa; Striegistalbahn (railway viaduct over the Lützelbach) (Map) 1867/1868 Remarkable civil engineering made of ashlar and quarry stone masonry, in very good condition, of architectural and railway historical importance, also characterizing the landscape.

Narrow, two-track viaduct with an overhead carriageway, spans the Lützelbach on three slender arches, each flanked by three two-story arches in the sloping area, length 104.4 m, height 25.3 m, already listed as a monument on the GDR district list.

To the history of the route: Railway line Roßwein – Niederwiesa (route abbreviation RW), Saxon branch line, route from Roßwein through the Striegistal via Hainichen and Frankenberg to Niederwiesa, there connection to the main line Dresden – Werdau, in Roßwein connection to the railway line Borsdorf – Coswig, route construction between Niederwiesa u. Hainichen 1867–1869, operated by the Kgl. Saxon State Railways, 1874 commissioning of the section between Hainichen u. Roßwein, 1998 suspension of passenger traffic between Roßwein u. Hainichen, 2000 also freight traffic, since 2004 continued operation of the section between Niederwiesa u. Hainichen, on which the Lützeltal viaduct is located.


Memorial to the fallen of World War I, with a park-like border (Map) after 1918 Effective monument characterized by strict pathos, separated from the surrounding forest by a garden ground floor that was redesigned in the 1950s, of local historical and artistic importance.

Memorial to those who fell in the 1914–1918 war, sculptural stone block made of ashlar, sarcophagus and altar at the same time, inscriptions: “We find you dead in prayer” and “Earth passes, love consists”.


Residential house in closed development and corner location Altenhainer Strasse 2
re. 1823 Broadly based plastered building in an urban planning position, of importance in terms of building history.

Two-storey building, saddle roof with crooked hip, original facade structure, portal with keystone under straight, protruding lintel, partly old wooden windows, was wrongly listed under Chemnitzer Straße 23 until September 2007.


Residential building in closed development Altenhainer Strasse 7
1st half of the 19th century Plain, typical local house from the 1st half of the 19th century with largely preserved, original facade layout, historically important.

Two-storey plastered building with saddle roof, eaves, five-axis facade structure, arched portal with keystone.


Residential building in closed development Altenhainer Strasse 22
1st half of the 19th century Simple plastered building with largely original facade layout, typical for the suburban development on Altenhainer Straße, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey, eaves-standing construction, roof possibly renewed, slightly raised front garden.


Erich Viehweg School (school complex with several wings and a wall)
Erich Viehweg School (school complex with several wings and a wall) Altenhainer Strasse 34
around 1950 high-quality, traditionalist school administration building, typical of the architecture of the 1950s in the GDR, located in a prominent position opposite a street junction and single-storey classroom wings adjoining at the rear, the idea of ​​the pavilion school, of importance in terms of building history, social history and the appearance of the street.
  • Administration building: two-storey building with a gable roof, facing the street, base in quarry stone, this is optically taken up again in the adjoining walls, the ground floor is opened in arcades to the street, original windows, two roof pikes
  • Classroom wings: single-storey, elongated buildings, arranged parallel to one another, gable roof, offer the possibility of moving lessons outdoors.

Individual features of the cemetery Frankenberg: cemetery chapel, ten gravestones, burial ground for prisoners of war, figure of Christ and memorial stone for those killed in the Second World War (see also group 09244176, same address)
Individual features of the cemetery Frankenberg: cemetery chapel, ten gravestones, burial ground for prisoners of war, figure of Christ and memorial stone for those killed in the Second World War (see also group 09244176, same address) Altenhainer Strasse 58
1906 Cemetery chapel as an architecturally remarkable sacral building with a bell tower and burial rooms, of architectural and historical importance.
  • Chapel: Sophisticated chapel building in secessionist alienated style forms, high base made of rusticated ashlar masonry, above plaster and sandstone structure, porch porch with elevated tympanum between sloping? Corner pillars, on the left the bell tower, on the right the annex for the burial rooms, inside the hall adjoining the anteroom with a flat vaulted hall with glass pictures, in the rear niche altar with crucifix. The monument value of the chapel results from its architectural, architectural and urban historical significance.
  • Gravestones: The monument value of the graves results from their local history, personal history and artistic importance:
  1. Wenschuh grave, probably 1931, cut granite cube, above galvano flower bowl. The grave was probably initially erected as a hereditary burial for the factory owner Johann Wenschuh, who died in 1931. Grabfeld BB.
  2. Hereditary funeral of the Silbereisen family, urn grave around 1920, stone sarcophagus with stone urn. Grabfeld BB.
  3. Hereditary funeral of the Roßberg family (Rossberg), possibly created when the city councilor and book printer owner Carl Gottlob Rossberg died in 1871. Alongside other family members, the book printer owner Carl Friedrich Otto Roßberg was also buried here in 1884. Grave field with six plain white grave crosses with inscriptions and some lying grave slabs - earth burial. Grabfeld EE.
  4. Hereditary funeral of the Wilhelm Ernst Naumann family, who died in 1916, and his wife Hertha, who died in 1910. This means that the grave should have been laid out in 1910. Monumental grave wall with two inscription plaques, in front of it Galvanourne with Art Nouveau decoration. Grabfeld EE, main path.
  5. Hereditary funeral and memorial (?) Of the Schiebler family. Granite obelisk possibly from the end of the 19th century with gold-backed inscriptions for numerous family members: including Gustav and Friedrich Schiebler, Rosalie geb. Barthel (founded the Schiebler's widow and son company). Friedrich Gustav 1819–1903 (royal justice of the peace, city councilor and honorary citizen of Frankenberg), Gustav Oskar 1845–1928 (city councilor and member of the Saxon state parliament in Dresden), Rudolf (1880–1948) (city councilor and penultimate owner of the Schiebler family company), among others Grabfeld AA, Forecourt chapel.
  6. Tomb for pastor Ehmar and his wife Fan1ny Ehmar (dec. 1908). Tomb probably erected in 1908. Stone base with slightly larger than life plastic depicting an angel. Grabfeld AA, behind the chapel.
  7. Willi Lamprecht's tomb (died 1960). The grave complex is probably older and was probably erected around 1920. Roughly hewn stone block with mourners seated on it, electroplating slightly larger than life. The tomb is flanked by two low stone fences.
  8. Tomb of the medical council Dr. med. Max Birkner, honorary citizen of Frankenberg, died in 1945 and his wife and family members. Granite cross, in front of it a slightly larger than life stone sculpture depicting a mourner, grave field?
  9. Tomb of the master builder Heinrich Karl Köhler (deceased 1930) and the builder August Karl Köhler (deceased 1937). Stone with a smaller than life-size sculpture, depicting a mourner Grabfeld:?
  10. Nendel tomb around 1930. Plain stone with modern lettering in capital letters, crowning of the stone with a replica of a Greek cross, on which a small bas-relief depicting a kneeling mourner. Grabfeld LL.
  • Memorial stones and sculptures: The monument value results primarily from their local historical significance.
  1. Blessing Savior, larger-than-life sculpture, around 1900. Grabfeld E, chapel forecourt.
  2. Memorial stone for soldiers who fell in World War II. Probably an older tombstone with the inscription after 1945: “Over 100 soldiers from the Second World War rest here”. Grave field?
  3. Grave field with six gravestones for forced laborers who died in Frankenberg, originally more gravestones belonged to the complex (here, however, they were reburied back home). Plain tombstones surrounded by a low hedge.

Material entirety of the Frankenberg cemetery with the following individual monuments: cemetery chapel, ten grave monuments, burial ground for prisoners of war, figure of Christ and memorial stone for fallen soldiers of the Second World War (see individual monuments 09244175, same address) and park-like cemetery design (garden monument)
Material entirety of the Frankenberg cemetery with the following individual monuments: cemetery chapel, ten grave monuments, burial ground for prisoners of war, figure of Christ and memorial stone for fallen soldiers of the Second World War (see individual monuments 09244175, same address) and park-like cemetery design (garden monument) Altenhainer Strasse 58
1886 (cemetery, entrance marked 1889) of garden art, landscape design and local historical importance.

Created in 1886 (according to the city archives), in 1895 the cemetery was expanded to the south (parcel 214/2 of the Gunnersdorf district),

  • Structural assets:
    • Building:
      • Friedhofskapelle (see Obj. 09244175), today's administration building on Altenhainer Straße (parcel 1004/2) used to house the cemetery administrator's apartment.
    • Enclosure: wooden picket fence and cut hornbeam hedge to Altenhainer Straße and the southern border of the extension part.
    • Development:
      • Path system: paths with paved gutters and a water-bound ceiling, e.g. Partly badly damaged, forecourt to the cemetery chapel with granite pavement, central path axis from the entrance of the administration building on Altenhainer Straße running to the west, square-like extension to the first cross path, to the north and south of the axis from this extension arc-like main paths leading to the north-west Approach the central axis again and meet it at a common end point, arch-like cross paths, roundel-like design south of the cemetery chapel, main access path on the expansion area from Altenhainer Straße to the west.
      • Entrances: Main gate: simple two-winged cast-iron entrance gate with a single-winged gate for pedestrians on Altenhainer Straße, dated (1889), secondary entrance from Altenhainer Straße on the extension area.
  • Vegetation:
    • forest-like trees in the entire cemetery area.
    • Alleys and rows of trees: New planting of winter linden (Tilia cordata) line the square-like extension in the entrance area in the north and south (locations do not match the historical ones), two old trees still exist, avenue of winter linden (Tilia cordata) along the central one Path axis between the first and second cross path, avenue of winter lime trees (Tilia cordata) along the main path in the area of ​​the expansion area, row of red oaks (Quercus rubra) along the southern border of the cemetery (parcel 1004/1).
    • Hedges and bushes: cut hornbeam hedge as an enclosure hedge along Altenhainer Straße and the southern border of the cemetery.

Residential house in semi-open development Altenhainer Strasse 67
3rd quarter of the 19th century For the original appearance of the street, typical plastered building with structure, largely preserved in its original form, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey, eaves building with a gable roof, quarry stone plinth, very well preserved plaster skin with rustic ribbons, cornices and parapets, slate covering with six original roof houses, old wooden windows, simple back building in half-timbered construction, probably from the time of construction, back building is not under protection.


Garden shed
Garden shed At the dam
around 1900 small brick building, remarkable for its rich architectural design and its good state of preservation, of architectural significance.

Miniature architecture consisting of a single room with corner pilasters, round arches, stone elements and ornate wooden veranda, original wooden windows preserved.


Old pavement Am Graben 14 (near)
19th century Pavement stretches in front of number 14 to the end of the quarry stone wall at the end of the property, an important part of the street. 09243983

Memorial stone for Theodor Körner
Memorial stone for Theodor Körner Am Körnerplatz
1913 Obelisk with plaque with inscription: Theodor Körner poet and freedom fighter, 1791–1813, historically significant. 09244011

House in a corner
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House in a corner Am Körnerplatz 2
around 1790 Stately residential building with well-preserved half-timbered construction and original roof shape, of importance in terms of architectural history, urban planning and the street scene.

Two-storey, eaves-standing house with half-timbered construction on the upper floor exposed during the most recent renovation (approx. 1992), arched portal with keystone, behind it the original door, next to it an older commemorative plaque (marked 1691), windows not replaced during renovation, roof with bat dormers retained.


Apartment building in half-open development
Apartment building in half-open development Am Körnerplatz 3
around 1900 high-quality facade design, historically important and effective in the urban development of the Körnerplatz.

Three-storey apartment building with a raised facade section, clear facade structure in brick, sandstone and plaster, historicizing, new windows, interior impaired by renovation.


Old boys' school (city archive, formerly the school and apartment of the cantor, later a residential building)
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Old boys' school (city archive, formerly the school and apartment of the cantor, later a residential building) Am Körnerplatz 5
around 1790 late baroque building with a Gothic core, urban development importance on the passage from the market to the town church, great historical importance as a former boys' school.

Two-storey, eaves-standing residential building with lateral half-hipped gable in an open half-timbered construction, portal with arch and entrance door replaced during the most recent renovation, as well as the double-profiled window frames. The buttresses on the gable side and the roof houses have also been added. Inside, numerous expansion details from the construction period, including Gothic pointed arches, groin vaults, barrel vaults (black kitchen). Built in 1517, school building in 1540, rebuilt in its current form in 1788 after the city fire with a three-storey roof structure, boys' school and cantor's apartment until 1870, then residential and commercial use, today city archive, refurbishment from 1992–1994.


Residential building in closed development Am Volkshaus 7
re. 1800 Well-preserved example of a simple suburban residential building from around 1800, historically important, in a prominent urban development location directly opposite the Max-Pezold-Straße confluence.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, facade with six axes, door with segmented arch and keystone, the windows on the ground floor may have been enlarged because the windows on the upper floor are smaller, four roof houses.


Residential building in closed development Am Volkshaus 8
re. 1800 characteristic suburban residential building from around 1800, which still largely shows its original condition, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, six-axis facade, disfiguring garage installation, door with segment arch and keystone, later cornice strips, three roof houses.


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Am Volkshaus 10
re. 1829 characteristic residential house in the suburbs with half-timbered upper floor, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, elaborately designed door frame with rosettes in the lintel, entablature with tooth cut, timber framing on the upper floor, disfiguring garage installation, window sizes have been changed.


Residential building in closed development Am Volkshaus 11
around 1830 Street-typical, simple residential building with the originally preserved facade division, presumably with a half-timbered upper floor, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, facade with five axes, presumably porphyry walls on windows and door, simple facade without special door design.


Residential building in closed development Am Volkshaus 12
around 1830 A street-typical, simple residential building with the original door design, has retained its actual character despite the redesign, presumably with a half-timbered upper floor, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey, eaves, facade was remodeled (approx. 1920), door design still original, later roof extension.


Old red color; Paradiesbettfabrik M. Steiner & Sohn AG (formerly) (former dye works and adjoining building) Auenweg 1
re. 1818 Architecturally significant, largely original, early commercial building with excellent details from the time it was built, significant in terms of building history, city history and technology history, and of great rarity.

Monument text: Typical complex of the time, originally a three-wing complex with a main building as well as two side wings connected to the rear, today still consisting of a two-story main building and a single-story side building. Main building on the ground floor made of quarry stone masonry, on the upper floor made of plastered half-timbering, above it on both sides with long pike provided, two arched portals with keystones are inscribed and dated with "R. 1818 ", southern portal with presumably original door, northern portal lined with brick and windows, original window openings on the ground floor with porphyry walls, on the upper floor with finely structured wooden surrounds, vaulted interiors (partly groin vaults) on the first floor, upper floor with wooden false ceiling, above Attic. Side building facing Zschopau directly adjoining the main building, made of quarry stone masonry with a hipped roof on one side, a more pronounced roof overhang on the courtyard side, under which the dyed goods were once hung to dry.

The "Old Red Color" was originally a Turkish red dyeing factory operated by the Frankenberger Weavers' Guild on the Lichtenauer Flur, which was relocated to the Neu-Lichtenauer Flur in the 18th century after Zschopau had been straightened out. “Red color” once referred to the entire area around the building, which was probably built in 1818 and is still preserved today, but the name was ultimately transferred to this. Operated as a dye works until 1847, around 1880 the plant became the property of the quilt and reform bed factory M. Steiner & Sohn, which was later to become the paradise bed factory (see individual monument 09244233), and has since been used as a residential building.

Today, not only the designation "Old Red Color" and the preserved roof overhangs on the side building refer to the dyeing process that was once carried out here as details relevant to the history of construction and technology, but also the location near the Zschopau, which uses the large amounts of water for dyeing and rinsing the yarns and Made woven goods available. As the last remaining dye works building from several dye works originally located in and around Frankenberg, the "old red color" is now a rarity. In 1747 there were three cotton dye works on Gunnersdorfer Flur alone. The dyeing trade was closely linked to the weaving industry, which was economically important for Frankenberg, and thus also established the importance of the plant in terms of urban history. (LfD / 2012).

Broad, two-storey structure, gable roof with a deeply drawn-down hip, quarry stone masonry on the ground floor, half-timbering on the upper floor, two arched portals with keystones, a presumably original door, wooden windows with porphyry walls (ground floor) and finely structured wooden surrounds (upper floor), elongated roof pike, vaulted interiors, Outbuilding with quarry stone masonry.


Subject entity Volkspark (garden monument) with the following individual monument: Memorial for the victims of fascism (see individual monument 09300411, same address)
Subject entity Volkspark (garden monument) with the following individual monument: Memorial for the victims of fascism (see individual monument 09300411, same address) August-Bebel-Strasse
after 1933 according to Max Kästner (Volkspark) Typical formal layout of the 1930s, well preserved in its rough structures, of urban, gardening and local historical importance.

Hose-like cut complex that extends from west to east within a residential area, bordered by residential buildings in the north and south.

Structural assets:

Access: Entrances: main entrance from August-Bebel-Strasse, secondary entrances from Melzerstrasse and at Volkshaus, path system: all paths with a water-bound ceiling, two parallel main paths from west to east, plaza-like area in the west by a rectangular water basin, cross connection with connection to the Memorial and memorial for the victims of fascism, further cross-connection in the middle of the complex with a central circular extension and retaining wall to the west, cross path in the east with a central path to the east from this to the development of the terrace area, above the terrace area semicircular square-like extension.

Retaining walls: Quarry stone walls and stairs made of red granite to overcome the height differences of the system.

Water elements: rectangular water basin in the west of the facility with originally three fountains.

Memorial: Memorial stone, probably made of red porphyry, to commemorate the dead: “Your death is our obligation”, memorial and memorial for the victims of fascism (see Obj. 09300411).


the areas between the two main paths were originally free of large trees, only to the north and south of the main paths were / are backdrop trees, formerly rich ornamental planting at the water basin, somewhat gappy grove of winter linden (Tilia cordata) as the eastern connection of the complex.

Other protected assets:

Visual relationships: View from the upper terrace in the east over the entire complex to the west.

Soil relief: terrain rising from west to east, strong terrain increase in the east of the facility, height difference overcome by retaining walls and stairs.

Disruptive factors:

Plantations of blue spruce (Picea glauca) and juniper (Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzeriana'), probably from the 50s or 60s of the 20th century, disturb the unobstructed view of the complex.


Individual monument belonging to the Volkspark as a whole: memorial for the victims of fascism (see also as a whole 09244223, same address) August-Bebel-Strasse
after 1945 historically significant. 09300411

Apartment house in a corner August-Bebel-Strasse 3
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style facade with a balanced, two-dimensional brick (red and yellow) and plaster structure without ornamentation, design analogous to number 13 on Humboldtstrasse, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

See also under Humboldtstrasse 13.


Apartment building in half-open development August-Bebel-Strasse 5
End of the 19th century Sparingly structured, Wilhelminian-style residential building, uniform design with the adjoining number 7, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Three-storey rental building, two-sided roof bay windows on the edge of the building, overmolded ground floor, upper storeys with red and orange brick facing, plaster decorations much better preserved than on the neighboring building.


Apartment building in open development August-Bebel-Strasse 6
End of the 19th century high-quality Wilhelminian-style building in a prominent corner location with fine quarry stone and plaster structure (original) and a high mansard roof that characterizes the intersection, based on French baroque models, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with a mansard roof, base in quarry stone, special emphasis on the corner area with balusters, pilasters with Corinthian capitals, console frieze, in the attic the windows are crowned by blown segment arches.


Apartment building in half-open development August-Bebel-Strasse 7
End of the 19th century Sparingly structured, Wilhelminian style residential building, uniform design with the adjoining number 5, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey rental building with a double-sided roof bay window on the edge of the building, the ground floor with built-in shop fittings, upper storeys with red brick facing, cornice strips and plastered window frames.


Apartment house in a corner August-Bebel-Strasse 9
around 1900 Sophisticated, Wilhelminian style apartment building, part of the uniform development at Winklerstraße 46–54, facade well preserved, of architectural and urban importance.

Three-storey building, the corner of which emphasizes a three-fold roof structure, pilaster structure spanning storeys, windows with arched gables, simplified facade on the ground floor, brick facing on the upper floors.


Hospital (former) (residential building in open development) August-Bebel-Strasse 20
around 1840 Plain, simple building, opened as the first hospital in the city in 1843, of local history.

Two-storey building, hipped roof.


Apartment building in closed development August-Bebel-Strasse 28
End of the 19th century high-quality tenement building with imaginatively designed window frames in historicizing shapes as well as yellow and red clinker brick surfaces, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey building with a mansard roof, two slightly protruding risalits on the sides with roof bay windows, symmetrical facade structure with eight axes, on the ground floor some old windows.


Factory owner's villa and garden Outer Chemnitzer Strasse 11
around 1910 mighty building with representative neoclassical facade design, of architectural significance.

Cubic building on a high base, two-storey, with a hipped roof, open staircase leads up to the entrance, flanked by Tuscan columns, Ionic pilasters structure the facade, over the middle section a gabled roof structure with thermal bath windows, side extensions, old wooden windows, largely preserved, villa garden with old trees (Auxiliary system).


Mill and access bridge Outer Chemnitzer Strasse 30
re. 1836 (previous building) historically significant building, rebuilt in the 1930s in a concise form, characterizing the landscape with its characteristic roof shape.

Four-storey structure, high mansard roof with crooked hips on both sides, porphyry porphyry portal from the 1930s with a protruding lintel on elongated consoles, well-designed access bridge to the mill area, also part of the reconstruction of 1935.


Eastern side building of a four-sided courtyard Outer Chemnitzer Strasse 55
last third of the 19th century architecturally remarkable building with rich visible half-timbered construction, in good condition, historically important.

Three-storey building, high-striving half-timbering on both upper floors, centrally arranged roof bay window with clock, old wooden windows, impaired by the stable porch.


Side building of a former four-sided courtyard Outer Chemnitzer Strasse 56
1st half of the 19th century Most of the original preserved building with visible half-timbered construction, valuable due to its prominent location on the edge of the road to Chemnitz, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building, gable roof with crooked hips (slate covering), ground floor made of quarry stone masonry, porphyry walls, upper floor presumably later, half-timbered with brick infill, very close-fitting stands with above-average storey height and window size, old wooden windows preserved.


villa Outer Freiberger Strasse 2
around 1870 Rich façade structure, rare for Frankenberg, in the form of a late round arch style, largely preserved in its original form, of architectural significance.

Two-storey structure with a protruding gable roof, plastered facades, segmental arched windows on the ground floor, double arched windows dominating the street view, and arched friezes on the upper floor.


villa Outer Freiberger Strasse 3
around 1900 Wilhelminian style residential building of remarkable architectural quality, impaired by a later porch, but in very good condition, of architectural significance.

Two-storey, multi-part structure, sophisticated facade structure in ashlar and red brick, richly decorated crack in the gable, the majority of the original windows have been preserved.


Garden house of a rental villa Outer Freiberger Strasse 4
around 1900 small, high-quality, largely original building, historically important.

Single-storey building, sweeping, gently sloping gable roof, wooden construction in yellow brick, filled in, arched windows (original), loggia with wooden lattice, ornate wooden details in the roof area.


Wettiner barracks: 12 barracks buildings and piers
Wettiner barracks: 12 barracks buildings and piers Outer Freiberger Strasse 30
around 1910 Extensive building complex with numerous, architecturally significant individual buildings, of architectural and local significance.

Buildings of the original complex in the style of reform architecture around 1900: mostly two-story buildings with hipped or mansard roofs, plastered facades with pilaster strips, segmented arched gables, additional buildings added in the 1930s and 1950s, such as a remarkable building with a two-story portico motif in porphyry, protected parts of the enclosure : pillars made of quarry stone. The following buildings are under monument protection: 001, 002, 003, 006, 011, 012, 015, 017, 020, 021, 023, 024.


Transformer house Outer Freiberger Strasse 39 a
around 1910 Sophisticated structure in the style of the reform architecture from around 1910, largely preserved in its original form, evidence of the electrification of the place, of significance in terms of technology history.

Small building on a square floor plan with a high gable roof, plaster structure with corner rustication, thermal bath windows and slate cladding in the gable, small roof turret with pyramid roof, dormers.


Forester's house and coach house Outer Hainichener Strasse 2
around 1900 high-quality Wilhelminian style complex in a good state of preservation, of importance in terms of building history and local history.

Two-storey building, eaves, projecting saddle roof with crooked hips, on the left side projecting, over-gabled structure, base clad with quarry stone, simple facade structure with brick cornices and porphyry garments, one window marked with deer antlers, attic house preserved, rear building also two-storey attached, with side building.


The old color (detached house with two side wings (formerly dye works)) Bachgasse 2
re. 1822 of particular architectural and historical value as a well-preserved three-wing residential building with numerous original details, of architectural and local significance.

Residential house with two side wings, monopitch roofs, simple facade, porphyry cladding on windows and doors, original entrance door, segmental arch portal with keystone (marked 1822 GFF), courtyard facades: on the upper floor half-timbered, above slate, with original small sliding windows, courtyard opens to the rear towards the Mühlbach.


Residential house in open development (included in later factory complex) Bachgasse 3
re. 1844 Large house, largely preserved in its original design, with a half-hipped roof, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building, crooked roof, eaves, eight-axis facade structure, demolition approved.


Residential house in half-open development and corner location
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Residential house in half-open development and corner location Baderberg 2
around 1790 Baroque building of urban value as a corner building of Markt and Baderberg, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a mansard hipped roof, modified roof design, shop fitting, cross vaults in the entrance area.


Residential building in closed development Baderberg 5
around 1790 Baroque original building with high-quality Wilhelminian style facade design, of architectural significance.

Three-story, eaves-standing building with a gable roof, one storey, two shops.


Residential house in closed development and two back buildings Baderberg 6
re. 1789 typical baroque house, vaults on the ground floor partially preserved, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey, eaves-standing house with mansard roof, roof bay with segmented arched gable, ornate arched portal with baroque door, side and rear buildings on the same number of floors, also with mansard roof, entire building impaired by renovation (1993).


Residential house in semi-open development with rear annex and outbuildings Baderberg 7
re. 1788 Of high architectural and historical value as a largely original Baroque residential building with ancillary buildings, particularly important is the staircase arching up to the second floor, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with a mansard hipped roof, two shop fittings, arched portal, keystone with emblem, baroque entrance door, cross vaults in the hallway and stairs to the inner courtyard, cross-storey window in the left annex building, rear extension around 1910 as a tenement house (demolished in 2014), right annex building shows half-timbered construction on the upper floor, too here partially broken off.


Residential house in open development Baderberg 9
around 1790 Baroque residential building of high urban significance at the meeting of the Mühlgraben with the Baderberg, of architectural significance.

Two-storey residential building with a hipped mansard roof, facade on the ground floor impaired by recent shop fittings, three-storey annex building with space-delimiting functions at the rear, front building renovated in accordance with listed buildings, annex building demolished in 2000 due to a problematic state of construction.


Facade of a former arable house in a corner Baderberg 10
around 1800 Remains of a baroque building with an important urban location on Baderberg.

Two-storey building with a mansard roof, wide entrance with a baroque door, two shop fittings from around 1900, overformed facade, finely crafted wooden windows on the upper floor, vaulted interior hallway, later staircase supported by four pillars each, inner courtyard with a wide arched opening, building was opened before 2014 except for the facades Badergasse / Baderberg demolished, the rear building demolished before 2014.


Facade and vault of a former residential building in closed development Baderberg 10
around 1800 Baroque structure, including cross vaults on the ground floor, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Facade later reshaped, cross vaults still present on the ground floor, segmental arch portal with keystone, rear building demolished before 2014.


Facade of a former residential building in closed development Baderberg 10
Mid 19th century Typical plaster facade of the time, of urban significance for the Baderberg.

Three-story building, gable roof, eaves, five-axis facade, modern shop fitting, courtyard facade completely disfigured by later interventions, rear building two-story, with half-timbering on the first floor - demolished before 2014.


Corner house with two outbuildings, the northern one with an upper arbor Baderberg 11
around 1790 Special architectural and historical significance due to one of the very few upper arbors in Frankenberg still preserved in its original state, urban development value due to the striking location at the meeting of two streets and the narrowing of the Baderberg.

Two-storey, nine-axis building with a mansard hipped roof, two later built-in shops, inside remains of vaults, an arched portal and cross-frame window to the courtyard, the upper arbor in the northern outbuilding, rear extension of the wing in the 2nd half of the 19th century, stone wall surrounding the courtyard.


House in corner position with side wing Baderberg 13
around 1800 Large baroque residential building in a prominent location, of importance in terms of building history and character of the town.

Two-storey, thirteen-axis building with a mansard hipped roof, three shop fittings, cross vaults in the entrance area, ancillary building heavily shaped, extension of the left wing with a steep gable roof, application for demolition available in 2004, but rejected.


Residential house with side wing in half-open development and corner location Baderberg 16
around 1870, essentially older Plastered construction in a prominent location in the street area, delimitation of the street to the Mühlbach, of architectural importance from an urban point of view.

Three-storey building, eaves, gable roof, facade remodeled in the Wilhelminian style, six-axis, in the hallway still cross vaults (one yoke), courtyard door: segment arch portal and keystone, facade facing the Mühlbach at the gable, side wing: on the gable marked 1916, two-storey, with saddle roof, baroque entrance door (possibly from moved to another location).


Residential building in closed development Badergasse 4
1787 Dendro Typical small town house from the end of the 18th century, on which the original facade structure can still be read, of urban development value for Badergasse as well as of architectural and urban development history.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, segment arch portal with keystone, segment arch window on the ground floor, later disfiguring garage installation, porphyry walls.


Residential house in semi-open development Badergasse 5
1st half of the 19th century Typical residential building of the 1st half of the century of architectural and urban value, as the Badergasse widens to a small square and the property is bordered by the Mühlbach.

Two-storey building with gable roof, eaves, overformed facade.


Residential house in open development Badergasse 6
1st half of the 19th century typical small house in its original form and facade structure, of importance in terms of building history.

Two-storey building with a crooked roof, eaves, simple facade on which the original structure can still be clearly read, cross-storey windows on the ground floor.


Residential house in semi-open development Badstrasse 3
around 1910 Sparingly structured facade with strict geometrical ornamentation, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a roof bay, pilaster strips, geometric ornamental shapes, block frieze, hipped mansard roof.


Residential house in open development Badstrasse 7
Early 20th century Well-proportioned building with a strictly balanced facade structure, of importance in terms of building history.

Two-storey building with a hipped roof, facade facing the street with a roof bay window and round gable, block frieze, central projectile with flat pilaster strips.


Frankenberg train station / Sa.  (Station building)
More pictures
Frankenberg train station / Sa. (Station building) Bahnhofstrasse 1
1869 Faithful to the original refurbished station type building with two gable-side and one eaves-side central building of importance in terms of traffic and local history.

Reception building type construction with wing construction, 2.5-story gable-side to the track and central building, single-story, eaves-side and wing construction, 2.5-story gable-side to the track. Station of the original branch line, which ran from Roßwein through the Striegisthal via Hainichen and Frankenberg to Niederwiesa. In 1867 construction began on the railway line between Niederwiesa and Hainichen. The railway line was opened as a branch of the main line between Chemnitz and Dresden by the Kgl. Saxon State Railways on March 1, 1869. The 17 km long section between Hainichen and Roßwein followed in 1874, built by the Hainichen-Roßweiner Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft founded in 1872. Route number 6620, see. RW, route length originally 37.49 km.


Residential house in semi-open development Bergstrasse 7
around 1830 simple but characteristic residential building of its time with largely original facade structure and original porphyry portal, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with a crooked roof, five-axis facade, porphyry portal with final entablature, porphyry window frames, two roof houses, located above the Heiste.


Residential building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 19
re. 1822 Typical building preserved in good condition, of architectural significance, of urban development significance for the east side of Chemnitzer Strasse.

Two-storey, six-axis, eaves-standing building with a steep gable roof, over-shaped facade, later shop fitting, finely profiled arched portal (porphyry walls) with keystone and original door, back and extension in open half-timbered construction.


Residential building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 27
after 1830 simple, plain residential building, on which the original facade division can still be clearly read, typical for the residential development of the lower Chemnitzer Straße, possibly the three floors are originally, historically and urbanistically important.

Three-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, five axes, door arranged in the central axis, later shop fittings on the ground floor, monument value was confirmed after an examination on July 20th, 2006.


Residential building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 29
after 1830 Typical Wilhelminian style facade with well-preserved plaster structure, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building, saddle roof, eaves, four-axis facade structure, Wilhelminian style plaster ornamentation, tooth frieze.


Residential building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 30
Early 19th century Typical house, preserved in good condition, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Simple, two-story, eaves-standing building with a steep gable roof, arched portal with keystone, old wooden door preserved, shop installation around 1900, facade slightly remodeled, inside hardly any original stock - hall no longer preserved, now part of the shop, all stairs renewed, no historical doors preserved , built after a fire around 1800. The rear building looks out onto Schuhmachergasse, installation of the passage and garage - the ground floor largely destroyed as a result, only part of the rooms on the upper floor preserved in their original condition, poor state of construction, house partially unused, deletion in 2007, further rear courtyard development from around 1900 - clinker buildings without monument value.


Residential building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 31
re. 1836 simple residential building typical of the development on Chemnitzer Strasse, of importance in terms of both building history and urban development.

Two-storey with a gable roof, eaves, entrance with basket arch, above entablature with keystone, six-axis facade, slightly changed on the ground floor, outbuilding with a steep gable roof, cross-frame windows, in poor structural condition - demolished before 2014.


Residential house in half-open development and corner location Chemnitzer Strasse 32
Early 19th century distinctive residential building typical of the time with a steep roof, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey, six-axis, eaves-standing building, steep gable roof with crooked hip, overformed facade, later shop fitting, rear building on Leopoldstrasse with porphyry walls, cross-frame windows - demolished before 2014.


Apartment building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 36
End of the 19th century For the most part preserved in its original form, the high-quality Gründerzeit plaster structure of the facade is important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-story, eaves-standing building with symmetrical facade design, central decorative cartouche on the second floor.


Residential house in closed development with rear building Chemnitzer Strasse 37
around 1850 simple house, typical in its simplicity for the residential development of the lower Chemnitzer Straße, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, two dormers, inwardly placed entrance with basket arch, later shop installation.


Apartment building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 38
End of the 19th century Well-preserved, Wilhelminian-style plaster structure and further details from the period of construction, uniform overall effect with number 36, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-story, eaves-standing building, wide wooden door (courtyard entrance) from the time it was built.


Residential building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 39
around 1800 one of the oldest residential buildings in the street, of urban and architectural significance.

Two-storey, street facade massively plastered, entrance on the side and set back with stairs, high mansard roof with disfiguring dormer.


Residential building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 42
around 1850 Simple, street-typical residential building with street space-forming function, original facade design easily readable, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, five-axis, simple, original facade structure, window frames bevelled, monument value was confirmed after an examination on July 20th, 2006.


Apartment building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 43
1930 Part of the tenement row at Chemnitzer Strasse 43-47, condensed tenement building with clear facade structure, expressionistic design on the ground floor, especially the entrance areas in brick, of architectural and urban significance.

Four-storey building with a mansard roof, part of row 43–47, risalit-like accentuation of the entrance axis, balconies, high-quality, expressionistic design of the entrance in brick, building entrances of number 43 and 47 shaped analogously, middle entrance of house number 45 designed differently to emphasize the center.


Apartment building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 45
1930 Part of the tenement row Chemnitzer Straße 43-47, see also number 43, of architectural and urban significance.

Entrance designed differently than at numbers 43 and 47.


Apartment building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 47
1930 Part of the tenement row Chemnitzer Straße 43-47, see also number 43, of architectural and urban significance.

The same entrance design as for number 43.


Apartment building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 49
around 1910 Typical and well-preserved, economical facade decoration in plaster from around 1910.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building, five-axis facade structure, entrance door in the central axis, simple plaster ornamentation.


Apartment building in closed development Chemnitzer Strasse 60
End of the 19th century high-quality, late-historical facade with rich decor, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-story, eaves-standing building with a sophisticated facade design framed by porphyry pilasters, original plaster largely preserved, wooden windows.


Residential house in half-open development with rear courtyard development Chemnitzer Strasse 62
End of the 19th century demanding, largely preserved plaster structure of the street and side facade.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building with two raised façade sections crowned by Tympana, representative highlighting of the first floor by bay windows with storey-high columns, a cast-iron balcony adorns the side façade, rear courtyard development is uniform with the front building.


Paradise bed factory M. Steiner & Sohn (formerly); LISEMA (factory and administration building of the former paradise bed factory M. Steiner & Sohn AG) Chemnitzer Strasse 66
presumably 1893 (west wing) Large, sophisticatedly structured building on an angular floor plan in a dominant urban development location at the entrance to the urban area of ​​Frankenberg, of urban and industrial history as well as urban development importance.

Monument text: The former production site is limited to Äußere Chemnitzer Straße by the four-storey factory and administration building of the former Paradiesbettfabrik M. Steiner & Sohn AG, which was built in several construction phases from 1887 (previous building) to 1922 (final version) . The current wings of the building, erected in 1893 and 1899, respectively, enclosed an older factory and office building from 1887, which was replaced by a new central building in 1922. In the course of this measure, the brick shell parts of the building were given a uniform facade design, especially on the street side, which was visually matched to contemporary tastes by plastering and accented with a neo-classical, tower-like rotunda.

The east-facing facade extends over 14 axes and has large-format arched windows, belt cornices between the ground floor and first floor as well as the second and third floors, a cornice and above it a stepped gable that extends over the entire length of the facade and which formerly bore the company logo. A powerful vertical visual structure of the facade is achieved by pilasters that frame the individual window axes. The rear facade has a simpler design and is only structured by means of pilaster strips that span two floors, each separating two axes with large arched windows. This facade design still seems to be the original from 1893 or 1899, as a comparison with an older factory view shows. The north-western and slightly longer wing of the building is designed in the same way, as is the round tower protruding from the structure and terminating with a domed roof. In terms of construction, the brick building is equipped with wooden beam ceilings and in some cases with steel beams and cast-iron supports. The northwest wing has a cellar.

Company history: The Paradiesbettfabrik M. Steiner & Sohn AG, one of the largest industrial companies in Frankenberg between the two world wars, goes back to a knitting and trading business for hosiery founded in 1847 by Wittgensdorf stocking maker Ernst Moritz Steiner in Freiberger Straße, later on Baderberg in Frankenberg. After initially only selling its own wool products in the business, the production profile expanded steadily. The manufacture of fleece wool was soon started and a carding shop for cotton wool production was set up in the Frankenberger Neumühle. It was not until Steiner's son Ernst Ottomar, who had worked in his father's business since 1870, that he focused on the later world-famous manufacture of bedding. From 1875 onwards he initiated the production of quilts and began developing other products, such as new cover and filler materials or various foot and back cushions, which he began to market successfully as "bed reform" as part of the emerging health reform movement. The company gradually built up its own sales network and established branches in major cities such as Berlin, Chemnitz, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt a. M., Hamburg, Hanover, Cologne, Munich, Prague or Vienna. The direct distribution via the branches serving as sample and goods stores as well as the respectively integrated upholstery workshop and laundry sewing, in connection with the adopted advertising strategy, led to a great national, and soon also international, awareness of Steiner's goods as healthy, hygienic products. A rather large market share in comparison with rival companies caused the company and its production facilities to grow steadily. While the company initially only had two male and three female employees in the founding year of 1847, in 1872 there were already 60 male and 125 female employees and in 1897 90 male and 160 female employees. In 1880, Ottomar Steiner acquired a plot of land on Gunnersdorfer Flur - the former Friedrich'sche Bleiche with the neighboring Horn'schen factory building - and subsequently expanded it by purchasing subsequent plots, e.g. B. the calico factories Johannes Klein and Aldorf, and other buildings, such as the "Old Red Color", which has been used as a residential building since then (cf. individual monument document - Obj. 09243951). In 1887 a first own factory and office building was built directly on what was then Chemnitzer Straße. In the 1890s, further new buildings followed, which were necessary not only because of increasing sales figures, but also because of newly introduced product lines. The company, which has been trading as the Deutsche Reformbettfabrik M. Steiner & Sohn, KG since 1897 - a limited partnership under the management of Ottomar Steiner - started manufacturing steel and brass bed frames and wire mattresses in its newest production building in 1899. In addition to a large number of other (inter) national patents and utility models, the company registered the still valid word mark “Paradies” for bedding in 1903 (register number 60114). In 1906, the company, which still existed under the management of Ottomar Steiner, was renamed Paradiesbettfabrik M. Steiner & Sohn AG In an effort to combine as many production steps as possible in one's own company, the Frankenberg jersey weaving mill was taken over by August Schmidt in 1907 - the weaving mill was integrated into a building of the Paradiesbettfabrik - and the Lachmann'schen Satin weaving mill with an existing weaving mill, which is directly adjacent to the property, was the in-house manufacture of covers and jerseys for quilts. During the First World War, the company also produced field equipment, for example the so-called "Steiner tanks" - quilted and waterproof jackets and underwear. Furthermore, the construction of bedroom furniture was started during the war. The success of this new product line finally led to the acquisition of a furniture factory in Dessau in 1920. Although this was shut down and sold in 1927, the machine park was used to enlarge the furniture production in the Paradiesbettfabrik. Ottomar Steiner died in 1921, but the company had been run since 1916 by Steiner's son-in-law, the businessman Rudolf Nendel. In the following years, the Paradiesbettfabrik, currently the largest industrial enterprise in Frankenberg (cf. “A day of honor for domestic industry”, in: Frankenberger Tageblatt number 138 of June 16, 1923), reached its greatest expansion. For the 75th anniversary of the company in 1922, a total of 305 male and 295 female employees and other homeworkers of an unknown number were employed here. In addition, in 1922 a new building replaced the factory and office building erected in 1887 and now, together with two older, four-storey wings, formed a connected factory and administration building on an angular floor plan. This restored the structural integrity of the site, which had previously been built according to pragmatic aspects, and gave the company a more modern face. After the Second World War, the plant was dismantled, after which the city of Frankenberg received the production site from the responsible military commanders. After the expropriation in 1947, the Paradiesbettfabrik M. Steiner & Sohn AG relocated its business to West Germany and in 1965, along with its trademark rights to the word mark “Paradies”, was taken over by the former Kremer wadding and quilting factory in Neukirchen-Vluyn. This now bore the name Paradies GmbH Gebr. Kremer, since 1996 just Paradies GmbH. At the Frankenberg location, on the other hand, the bedding and furniture factory was continued as VEB Lisema (made up of the products loungers, armchairs, mattresses) until the turnaround and subsequently converted into Lisema Polstermöbel GmbH, which, however, went bankrupt in 1995. Since then, the majority of the original building stock has been demolished, and the factory and administration building is also empty after being temporarily used by a furniture store. (LfD / 2012).

Four-storey building, which is sharp-edged against the sloping street coming from Chemnitz, wide windows with segmental arches, beautiful, originally preserved wooden windows, powerful pilasters that combine the first and second floors, a cylinder in front of the building with a shingled dome marks the situation on Entrance to the city.

Information from R. Uhlig, registration of industrial monuments 1994: Lisema Polstermöbel GmbH (formerly Paradiesbett Steiner) founded in 1847


Villa Rau (factory owner's villa and remnants of the garden)
Villa Rau (factory owner's villa and remnants of the garden) Dammplatz 7
around 1905 Villa with rich, high-quality interior, architecturally and artistically important.

Two-storey plastered building, almost square floor plan, base made of porphyry polygonal masonry, half-timbered in the jamb area and on the gable, decorated floating gable, interior fittings: wooden gallery in the stairwell, doors with Art Nouveau ornamentation, decorated stove, typical mixture of historicism and Art Nouveau, endangered by long-term vacancy.


Apartment building in semi-open development and corner location Dr.-Bruno-Kochmann-Strasse 2
1920s Overall complex with numbers 4, 6 and 8, high-quality, sparingly structured traditionalist residential building, preserved in good condition, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Three-storey building with expanded mansard hipped roof, central roof structure, vertical plastered fields, original box windows preserved.


Apartment building in half-open development Dr.-Bruno-Kochmann-Strasse 4
1920s Sparingly structured, well-proportioned residential building, which with numbers 2, 6 and 8 forms an overall complex, typical for the traditionalist residential architecture of the 1920s, preserved in good condition, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with a central roof structure, expanded mansard roof with a crooked hip, the majority of the original box windows have been preserved.


Apartment building in closed development Dr.-Bruno-Kochmann-Strasse 6
1920s Sparingly structured, well-proportioned residential building, executed uniformly with numbers 2, 4 and 8, typical for traditionalist residential architecture of the 1920s, preserved in good condition, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with expanded mansard roof, central roof structure, arched portal, corner rustics, original box windows have been preserved.


Apartment building in half-open development Dr.-Bruno-Kochmann-Strasse 8
1920s Sparingly structured, well-proportioned residential building, executed uniformly with numbers 2, 4 and 6, typical of the traditionalist residential architecture of the 1920s, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building, central roof structure, extended mansard roof, portal with protruding architrave, facade impaired by shop installation and new windows.


villa Dr.-Wilhelm-Külz-Strasse 5
1920s simple structure with an original facade design, echoes of the Heimat style, important in terms of building history.

Single-storey building with a high gable roof, some of which was extended later, entrance side with wooden slat cladding, clad in beaver tail in the gable area, original door with rich decorative motifs, veranda made of wood and glass behind the house.


villa Dr.-Wilhelm-Külz-Strasse 8
1911 Simply designed residential building with the character of a small country house, of architectural significance.

Single-storey building with an extended mansard roof, the gable looks out onto the street, bay-like porch on the ground floor, beaver tail covering, bat dormers.


Factory owner's villa Dr.-Wilhelm-Külz-Strasse 13
re. 1922-1923 Elaborately designed house with Ionic colossal half-column position, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building on a high plinth clad in embossed stone, steep hipped roof, plaster structure with rusticated corner, strong window frames and garland motifs, on the west side porch with two-storey blind column structure, bases of the columns clad in copper, in front of the entrance pilaster-supported porch.


Residential house with enclosure Dr.-Wilhelm-Külz-Strasse 21
1930s Simple, well-proportioned building, typical of traditionalist residential architecture around 1930, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a steep hipped roof, undivided plaster skin, wide windows, folding shutters, single-storey porch, beaver tail covering, bat dormers, unconventionally designed entrance area.


Lützelhöhe convalescent home (convalescent home and enclosure at the terrace garden) Dr.-Wilhelm-Külz-Strasse 51
around 1910 (convalescent home) Sophisticated structure with elements of the reform style from around 1910, concrete fencing in the form of a network of branches, of architectural and local significance.

Two-storey building with a mansard hipped roof, plastered structure, entrance flanked by Ionic half-columns, next to it a risalit that merges into a roof bay window, with rich ribbon decoration, eaves with tooth cut, fencing of the terrace garden above the convalescent home: steel reinforcement with concrete in a wooden structure (in the manner of a network of branches) with dating : 1930, with lights on one side.


Apartment building in closed development Fabrikstrasse 19
End of the 19th century Architectural-historical value due to the largely preserved original plaster with lavish Wilhelminian-style decoration, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with central roof bay window, original door, wooden windows. The plaster decoration shows how the entire development on Fabrikstrasse originally looked.


Apartment building in closed development and corner location Fabrikstrasse 30
End of the 19th century simple, well-structured rental building in an effective urban planning location, important in terms of building history.

Two-storey, corner-encompassing complex with two roof cores crowned by Tympana and small triangular dormer windows, porphyry walls with protruding sill and lintel, old wooden windows.


Residential house in half-open development and corner location Fabrikstrasse 31
Mid 19th century simple, well-preserved house construction in a prominent urban development situation, of importance in terms of building history.

Two-storey building, saddle roof with a crooked hip, porphyry garments, portal with protruding lintel, old wooden windows, roller shutter cladding from the Wilhelminian era.


Apartment building in closed development Feldstrasse 5
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style building with a well-proportioned, symmetrically constructed facade with well-preserved ornamentation, high-quality console stones and floral ornament fields below the windows, of importance from an architectural and urban point of view.

Three-storey building with a saddle roof, eaves, three dormers, five-axis facade structure, emphasis of the central axis through the entrance door and coupled twin windows with central pillars, ornament fields below the windows, "frieze" with rosettes, beautifully designed console stones with leaf ornamentation, woman's head above the entrance door.


Residential building in closed development Feldstrasse 6
Early 19th century Simple residential building, typical of the original development on Gartenstrasse and Feldstrasse, of significance in terms of urban development.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, door with beams above the lintel, the facade disfigured.


Heiste Feldstrasse 6; 7 (forward)
Beginning 19th century extends in front of house numbers 6 and 7, original quarry stone masonry, today plastered, important for defining the street scene. 09244005

Apartment house in a corner Feldstrasse 13
around 1910 Large apartment building in a prominent corner location (Feldstrasse / August-Bebel-Strasse) with rich and very sculptural historicizing ornamentation and echoes of Art Nouveau, important in terms of building history, urban planning and the street scene.

Three-storey building with a raised corner, roof bay window with echoes of Art Nouveau, elaborately designed entrance situation, imaginatively designed window frames, crenellated motifs below the windows, rural half-timbered motif, finely designed pilaster strips, in the rear area a round stair tower and wooden verandas.


Two apartment buildings in semi-open development and corner location Feldstrasse 14; 15
around 1935 simple, but very high-quality apartment buildings with an urban design effect, form the end of the street, oriels that characterize the street image (two-storey) to August-Bebel-Strasse, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building with a hipped roof, entrances are highlighted like a risalit with a curved gable end over the third storey, bay window facing August-Bebel-Strasse.


Residential house in semi-open development Freiberger Strasse 10
Beginning 19th century Of particular architectural and historical value, also very well preserved baroque residential building inside, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey, six-axis, eaves building with a mansard roof, cross-storey windows on the ground floor still preserved (April 1995), numerous cross-vaulted rooms on the ground floor, staircase and first floor.


Apartment building in open development
Apartment building in open development Freiberger Strasse 12
last third of the 19th century Simple, Wilhelminian-style rental building, striking situation on the border between the old town and the expansion area, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-story building with a mansard roof, cornices and window frames in porphyry, ornamentation through parapet panels and consoles, old wooden windows.


Sonneneck children's home (formerly) (residential building in open development as well as retaining wall, terracing and fencing)
Sonneneck children's home (formerly) (residential building in open development as well as retaining wall, terracing and fencing) Freiberger Strasse 14
1866, later reshaped Formerly a children's home, large, representative building with rich design elements such as arched roofs above the windows, eye-catching female bust capitals with a human face, surrounding floral frieze, terraced design of the front garden with quarry stone walls.

Three-storey building with hipped roof, projecting central projectile, pilasters, balustrades, frieze, imaginative window canopies, rear facade disturbed by extension.


Former utility building of the gas works, later cinema with equipment and cinema technology
Former utility building of the gas works, later cinema with equipment and cinema technology Freiberger Strasse 20
1869 (gas works farm building) Conversion of a gasworks building into a cinema by the operator of the 1st Frankenberg cinema "Welt-Theater" (formerly in Frankenberger Straße 55), the only Frankenberg cinema which, after being taken over by an association, is still very popular with the citizens of Frankenberg, which is why its great importance in terms of urban history as well as cultural history and technological history results.

In 1869 the building, which was later used as a cinema, was built as a farm building for the former Frankenberg gas works and used accordingly until 1926. The owner of the 1st Frankenberg cinema in Freiberger Straße 55, Mr. Erich Herrmann, acquired the former gas works' farm building in 1937 and had it converted into a modern cinema in line with the latest technology. It was given the name "World Theater", which the old cinema set up in a backyard had, which no longer met the requirements of a cinema. The renovation was based on designs by the architect and builder Karl Franke from Siegmar-Schöna near Chemnitz. The building was used as a cinema without interruption until 2000. After the vacancy, the “IG Welt-Theater Frankenberg e. V. “In 2009, the building was carefully renovated and the old cinema continued to operate as a studio cinema.

The architectural design of the building envelope was evidently retained when it was converted into a cinema. The plastered brick building consists of two transverse wings (head structures), which are connected by an eaves-standing structure. All parts of the building are completed by saddle roofs. The triangular gables of the head buildings with pilaster structure and regularly arranged rectangular windows are characteristic of the industrial building. Due to the location of the cinema hall there, the high rectangular windows arranged in pairs were added to the intermediate building.

Inside "... the building is divided into a cinema and foyer (today a café with dance floor) as well as some (on the mezzanine) ... functional rooms (tier, projector room, theater manager's office, etc.) ... In the foyer, parts of the interior design from the 1937 renovation have been preserved , namely the coffered ceiling and parts of the wall structure (with niches). In the cinema, three ceiling designs remained on top of each other: the original stucco ceiling from 1937, the ornamented suspended ceiling from 1957 and the coffered bast ceiling from 1976. In the area of ​​the stage, this interesting ceiling structure was partially exposed by the association in 2014 ('restoration window into the past' ). "(Langer, Falk-Uwe and Hanitzsch, Matthias)

The association also uses historical cinema technology, which it is constantly adding and restoring, which is also worthy of a monument. For the cultural life in the city of Frankenberg, the city's only cinema acquired immense importance, as other cultural events took place here in addition to ongoing cinema events. The current encouragement from the citizens of Frankenberg illustrates this impressively. The great significance of the old cinema in terms of urban history is derived from this. Added to this is its technical and cultural historical significance as one of the few surviving cinemas in Saxony with historical equipment and technology from the period from 1937 to around 1980 (LfD / 2014).

The above-mentioned building was designed in the structural basis in 1869 as a farm building for the then newly listed gas works of the city of Frankenberg and served its original purpose until it was closed in 1926. Erich Herrmann, who was the cinema operator of the "Welt-Theater" at a different location (Freiberger Straße 55), converted the property into a cinema building with 665 seats in 1937 and extensive structural measures. The architect of the renovation was Karl Franke, akadem. Architect + master builder from Siegmar-Schönau near Chemnitz. The architectural drawings can be found in the Frankenberg City Archives, files in Section A, number 204 L and 205 D, Volume IV. The film theater was used as a cinema without interruption until it was closed for economic reasons in 2000. After a period of dilapidation and the use of the hall as a storage facility, an association initiative ("IG Welt-Theater Frankenberg eV") started using it temporarily and culturally since 2009. The rectangular building with two laterally arranged risalits facing Freiberger Straße (main viewing side) has a steel roof support structure and was built using conventional brick construction. Symmetrically arranged coupling windows on the Freiberger Strasse side were obviously bricked up in 1937 to create the appropriate darkness for the newly acquired cinema. The back of the building (towards Parkstrasse) has several unevenly arranged additions.

On the room side, the building is divided into a cinema hall and foyer (today a café with dance floor) as well as some upper-storey functional rooms (tier, projector room, theater manager's office, etc.) Obviously, only the outer casing remained from the “pre-cinema era”. In the foyer, parts of the interior architecture from the renovation phase of 1937 have been preserved, namely the coffered ceiling and parts of the wall structure (with niches). In the cinema, three ceiling designs remained on top of each other: the original stucco ceiling from 1937, the ornamented suspended ceiling from 1957 and the coffered bast ceiling from 1976. In the area of ​​the stage, this interesting ceiling structure was partially exposed by the association in 2014 ("restoration window into the past" ). The restoration has been running since 2009 and is being pushed forward step by step by the association. The property is owned by the housing company WGF mb H. Frankenberg / Sa., The association has a lease agreement.

(Authors: Falk-Uwe Langer and Matthias Hanitzsch from the above-mentioned association.)


Rental villa Freiberger Strasse 25
around 1875 Wilhelminian-style building with a slightly protruding central projectile and a simple facade structure in plaster, of importance in terms of building history and local development.

Two-storey building, hipped roof, window roofing in the form of simple beams and triangular gables, toothed frieze below the roof, plaster already largely fallen off.


Apartment building in closed development Freiberger Strasse 27
last quarter of the 19th century Typical residential building in this part of Freiberger Straße with a simple, classicistic-looking facade structure in plaster and a triangular gable that characterizes the street scene, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, roof bay window with gable, Wilhelminian style plastered facade with largely classicistic design, facade with six window axes.


Apartment building in closed development Freiberger Strasse 32
last third of the 19th century Strikingly richly designed facade with classicist motifs, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, portal completely preserved in its original form, fluted pilasters, antique capitals, triangular roofs, cornice with tooth cut, console frieze below the roof.


Apartment building in closed development Freiberger Strasse 34
last third of the 19th century Street-typical tenement house in the upper part of Freiberger Strasse, simply structured facade with sparingly used classical elements, of architectural and urban importance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, roof bay window with triangular gable, five-axis facade, central axis highlighted by the entrance (with original door) and pilasters with triangular roofing over the window.


Residential building in closed development Freiberger Strasse 37
around 1870 characteristic of the upper part of Freiberger Straße with sparse Wilhelminian style decoration and a wide arched portal with original door, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, a bay window with a simple gable, a cornice with a tooth cut, four roof houses, passage to the courtyard, cross vaults (two yokes) in the stairwell, monument value was confirmed after an examination on July 20, 2006.


Wall, cellar and connecting passage Freiberger Strasse 40 (near)
19th century, possibly older Embankment wall and caves, of importance in terms of cultural history and the appearance of the streets.

Cave entrance walled up in 1996 without permission, the cavities behind it probably preserved.


Residential house with outbuildings Freiberger Strasse 42
around 1825 urban development significance within line number 41–47 due to largely original facade structure and building shape.

Two-storey, eaves-standing residential building with a steep pitched roof, built-in shop, adjoining side wing at the rear, the rear overmolded.


Residential house in semi-open development Freiberger Strasse 50
re. 1788 High-quality baroque complex with well-preserved vaults in the entrance area, as part of the closed development on the south side of Freiberger Straße, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey, seven-axis, eaves house with a mansard roof, arched portal, wide cross vaults in the hallway (good state of preservation), wall flanking the house to the left with a courtyard entrance, barn notable for its towering gable roof, exterior walls in brick, rear barn demolished before 2014.


Residential building in closed development Freiberger Strasse 51
around 1800 Baroque complex, preserved in good condition, of urban and architectural historical value.

Two-storey, seven-axis, eaves building with a mansard roof, loft expanded, arched portal, finely profiled wooden windows on the upper floor, cross vaults in the hallway and at the staircase, rear building in half-timbered construction from the time of construction, rear building demolished before 2014.


Residential house in half-open development with rear and auxiliary buildings Freiberger Strasse 52
around 1800 Of urban value for the street and in connection with house number 53, a typical residential building of its time with a well-preserved courtyard structure, of architectural significance.

Three-storey residential building with a hipped roof, in the rear part still a hipped mansard roof, on the ground floor still well-preserved windows from 1900, in the hallway a baroque door with fittings, arched portal with keystone, house number 52 and number 53 are designed similarly, with number 52 being more valuable.


Residential house in half-open development with ancillary building Freiberger Strasse 53
around 1800 of urban development value for the street and in connection with house number 52 typical residential building of its time with side building, of architectural significance.

Three-storey residential building with a hipped roof, the rear part still has a hipped mansard roof, a simple facade with a later shop installation around 1900, the rear facade has been heavily modified.


Residential building in closed development Freiberger Strasse 54
re. 1788 Buildings with valuable, preserved baroque equipment details such as door, staircase, cross vault, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey residential building with a gable roof, the façade facing the eaves severely impaired by the renovation, old arched portal with keystone (CGW 1788), cross-vaulted hallway, baroque staircase preserved, rear façade heavily reshaped, baroque door to the former courtyard.


Residential and commercial building in closed development Freiberger Strasse 55
around 1790 (after the city fire of 1788) Well-preserved plastered building with central gate entrance, of importance in terms of architectural and urban history.

Monument text: Presumably rebuilt around 1790 after the town fire of 1788, including an older cellar. The earliest documentary evidence for the front building is an entry from 1847 in the land and mortgage register of the city of Frankenberg. In 1849 the house including the garden belonging to it was in the possession of the grain wholesaler Johann Gottfried Hofmann, who was not the owner of the house. Most of the building was preserved during the construction period, with structural changes being made to the front building in 1890 and 1908. This includes the installation of a shop to the left of the gate passage, the conversion of the shop and the interior of the house as well as the removal of the framework on the upper floor of the courtyard side. The construction work from 1908 is related to a change of ownership in the previous year. The music dealer Carl Friedrich Metzler had owned the property since 1907, which now also included an extensive rear building that was partly used as a factory. For many years the current owners ran a music shop. For many years there was a dining room in the left half of the house.

The residential and commercial building is one of the more representative commercial buildings on Freiberger Strasse. The houses on this street, presumably of approximately the same size originally, were rebuilt after the city fire of 1788 in different sizes but with a relatively uniform design. The two-storey residential and commercial building at Freiberger Strasse 55 has two structurally modified shop windows on the ground floor. Approximately in the middle of the house there is a gate passage, which was probably expanded slightly in connection with a later factory use of the rear building, but today still has approximately the shape and proportions of the original gate passage. This is also evidenced by the gate border on the courtyard side from the construction period. The upper floor has been made massive. It has 10 window axes in a regular arrangement. All windows are framed by color-coded window sockets (possibly also garments). The house is completed by a gable roof with regularly arranged dormers with gable roofs. The courtyard side, as far as it is not covered by the backyard buildings, is similar, only more unadorned.

The house has a partial basement. The two basement barrels connected by a staircase come from different construction stages. The cellar barrel down the slope was probably built before the city fire of 1788, possibly even before the city fire of 1712, and thus forms a relic of the previous development. The basement is accessed via an installation in the gate passage (basement neck). The cellar door was right next to a door from the time the house was built, which provided access to the dining room that was formerly there. A connection between the dining room and cellars is therefore obvious. The old restaurant rooms were lost through later renovations, only the walls facing the street and the passage remained. In the right half of the house there was also a shop with an adjacent vault (storage room), a kitchen and a room. In 1908, when the shop was expanded, the rear building and the upper floor were also included. This situation has remained largely original to this day.

The gate passage remained in very good original condition. Doors, door portals made of Rochlitzer or Hilbersdorfer Porphyrtuff as well as remnants of the original paint (cobalt blue wall coloring and dark blue accompanying lines) belong to the building period.

The spatial structure on the upper floor is today largely as it was in 1879 (building files), despite structural changes.

The attic shows itself without any major disturbances in the condition of the construction time between 1788 and 1790. It concerns thereby a collar beam roof with cock beam and lying chair.

The monument value of the house results primarily from its urban and architectural significance.

The town's historical significance results from the fact that the house documents a section of the town's history (reconstruction after the great town fire of 1788), which shaped the townscape of Frankenberg. The lower section of Freiberger Straße belongs to the old town center of Frankenberg and thus to the oldest building stock in the city. Almost all buildings that existed at the beginning of the 18th century were badly damaged or destroyed by the two city fires in the 18th century and were rebuilt after 1788. The plaza situations and streets were retained. The residential building at Freiberger Str. 55 is proven to be one of the most original houses on Freiberger Strasse, which today still clearly show the appearance of the late 18th century.

The residential building at Freiberger Str. 55 in Frankenberg continues to be of architectural significance. It documents in an exemplary way the conception of construction at the time it was built. In addition to the facade design characteristic of the late 18th century, this also includes the floor plan and the structural design. It is a typical business and trading house in which residential and economic functions have been accommodated in a practical way under one roof. The monumental status is primarily a result of the authenticity of the building, its exemplary characteristics in construction and construction as well as its rarity as one of the few authentic town houses in the street (Freiberger Straße), which still today has the appearance of the development after the great city fire from 1788. (LfD / 2013 and 2014).

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, wide gate passage, preserved baroque door with fittings, courtyard development from the 2nd half of the 19th century, on the right side shop fitting from the end of the 19th century, left side with disfiguring new shop fitting.


Apartment building in half-open development in a corner, with demolition Freiberger Strasse 57
re. 1789 emerged as a remodeling of a baroque predecessor building, high-quality Wilhelminian style facade in good condition, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Large three-storey tenement house with a gable roof, eaves, windows from the time the facade was redesigned from 1894 facing the street, later shop fittings.


Residential house in semi-open development Freiberger Strasse 58
around 1800 of high urban value for Freiberger Straße, high-quality facade design of the first floor shop zone, of architectural significance.

Large two-storey residential building, hipped mansard roof, baroque cross vaults on the ground floor, very high quality shop fitting around 1900, cross vaults in the right shop were placed on iron pillars during the renovation.


Secret Annex Freiberger Strasse 59
around 1800 Local demolition from the time after the last city fire, significant in terms of building history.

Two-storey building with high mansard roof, quarry stone masonry in the base area, facade overformed at the beginning of the 20th century.


Residential building in closed development Freiberger Strasse 61
around 1800 of urban value, characteristic for the appearance of the Freiberger Strasse residential building.

Two-storey residential building with a mansard roof that was later expanded, eaves, overformed facade, later shop fitting, later rear courtyard development with side and rear buildings.


Residential building in closed development Freiberger Strasse 62
around 1800, later reshaped valuable for the Freiberger Straße as a typical small house in good condition, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey residential building with a mansard roof that was later expanded, eaves, arched portal with keystone, later shop installation, later rear courtyard development with side and rear buildings.


Residential building in closed development Friedrichstrasse 33
around 1910 Simple residential building with flat, well-proportioned plaster structure and roof gable that characterizes the street scene, of importance in terms of building history.

Two-storey building with a mansard roof, roof bay window with gable, simple, flat plaster structure, windows and doors originally preserved.


Residential building in closed development Gartenstrasse 37
around 1830 simple, small residential building, typical of the original appearance of Gartenstrasse, in a good state of preservation, of importance in terms of urban development.

Three-storey, eaves-standing house, facade overformed and raised, arched portal with keystone, original door, old wooden windows, two-storey on the back with a mansard roof.


Cellar and connecting passage Gartenstrasse 39 (near)
19th century, possibly older underground cave system with an entrance made of brick and quarry stone, of cultural and historical importance. 09244123

Residential house in semi-open development Gartenstrasse 40
re. 1837 simple, small residential building, typical of the original appearance of Gartenstrasse, last building on the contiguous line number 39–45 with its facade layout that has been preserved in its original form, of significance in terms of urban planning.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building, saddle roof changed, portal with tooth cut, door and window renewed, monument value was confirmed after an examination on July 20, 2006.


Six multi-family houses in open development (see also Thomas-Rockart-Straße 7, 9, 11, 13 - Obj. 09244214) Georg-Hager-Strasse 10; 12; 14; 16; 17; 19
around 1930 At the same time, a group of residential buildings of architectural and socio-historical importance.

Two-storey buildings with hipped roofs, eaves describe a curved arch above the staircase windows, base areas made of brick, emphasis of the central axes through the entrances, the elongated staircase windows and the cornice arches, the facility is largely impaired by renovation.


Apartment building in half-open development Gnauckstrasse 10
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style building with very rich, imaginative decorative shapes, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey, saddle roof, roof bay emphasizes the central axis, dormers, original plaster skin, window frames in red clinker, arched windows in the roof bay, original door and z. Some of the original windows, six-axis facade.


Apartment building in closed development Gnauckstrasse 11
End of the 19th century high-quality building with largely preserved, finely profiled, original plaster skin with square grooves on the ground floor, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey, gable roof, four-axis facade, cornice separating the two storeys, frieze.


Apartment building in semi-open development and corner location Gnauckstrasse 12
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian-style building with clinker brick and plaster decoration, tower-like elevation of the corner, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey building with a tower-like raised corner and roof core.


Residential stable house and enclosure wall
Residential stable house and enclosure wall Gunnersdorfer Straße 6 (in front)
re. 1832 Very remarkable, well-preserved building with numerous valuable exterior and interior details, historically important.

Two-storey, gable-independent building, high saddle roof with crooked hips on both sides, access via the long side, numerous porphyry walls on the ground floor, portal with protruding roof on consoles and tooth cut, marked No. 4 Eichler 1832, wooden paneling on the upper floor, small wooden windows, inside vaults on pillars, at the house enclosure wall in quarry stone.


Residential stable house, side building and barn of a four-sided courtyard
Residential stable house, side building and barn of a four-sided courtyard Gunnersdorfer Strasse 8
18th century valuable, as it is rare and well-preserved half-timbered construction of the side building in the Frankenberg area, great uniformity of the overall system, which has hardly changed in its structures, of architectural and economic importance.

Side building: two-storey, elongated building with a slated gable roof, upper storey pressed half-timbered construction with large stud spacing, triple threshold with a ship throat, leafing, ground floor quarry stone, plastered, slightly overformed (garage entrance), low barn with high pitched roof (slate), original roof structure, residential stable: Two-storey with a particularly high gable roof, half-timbered outside replaced by stone, inside preserved, original roof truss, Wilhelminian-style windows.


North-east moving house of a former four-sided courtyard Gunnersdorfer Strasse 12
1793 according to information from the owner Upper floor half-timbered, with stable, pull-out apartment and hayloft, of architectural and socio-historical importance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, quarry stone in the front part of the building on the ground floor, porphyry walls, upper floor half-timbered with preserved clay filling, old wooden windows, rear part barn, wood paneling on both floors, barn of the yard and stable building no longer exist.


South-east barn, south-west side building and courtyard paving of a four-sided courtyard Gunnersdorfer Strasse 15
1st half of the 19th century Originally separate buildings, today connected across a corner, with open half-timbered construction, largely original, original paving in the courtyard, of architectural and economic importance.

Barn, gable roof, half-timbered, one gate in the middle, one on the left edge, side building, first floor quarry stone, upper floor half-timbered, porphyry walls, original clay infills on both buildings.


villa Hainichener Strasse 4
End of the 19th century high-quality, Wilhelminian-style residential building in a good state of preservation, particularly effective in terms of urban planning due to its elevated location in the visual axis of Schloßstraße, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a gently sloping hipped roof, facade structure in restrained Renaissance forms, central projection facing Hainichener Straße, above roof structure with biforium, wooden windows.


Manor of the city of Frankenberg (formerly) (manor house, remains of the garden and retaining wall)
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Manor of the city of Frankenberg (formerly) (manor house, remains of the garden and retaining wall) Hainichener Strasse 7
1553 Renaissance building of the former Frankenberg manor with an imposing, very steep, high pitched roof (four roof trusses), richly profiled renaissance garments, of importance in terms of building history, house history and local history.

Two-storey building with four attic floors, skylights in large panels with segmental arches, windows are not in the center of the panel, door portal with egg rod and braided band with circular ornament, niches in the door jambs, coat of arms above the lintel, remains of the garden with retaining wall facing Hainichener Straße.


Memorial to the members of the Arbeiter-Gym-Sportverein Frankenberg who fell in World War I. Hammertal 3b
around 1920 of local importance.

Simple memorial, large rectangular stone in the center, flanked by stepped wall elements.


Rental villa Hammertal 8
around 1900 Late historical residential building of remarkable quality, largely preserved in its original condition, of architectural significance.

Cubic structure with hipped roof, representative facade design with pointed window canopies, corner rustics and strongly profiled cornices, tooth cut on the eaves, corner loggia with Tuscan column, finely profiled wooden windows almost completely preserved.


Apartment building in semi-open development (double apartment building with No. 6)
Apartment building in semi-open development (double apartment building with No. 6) Hermann-Fischer-Strasse 4
around 1910 old location Gunnersdorf, high-quality facade design in the forms of a late historicism and a geometrizing Art Nouveau, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, laterally arranged roof bay window with curved gable, differentiated ornamental plaster structure with corner pilasters, horizontal bands and floral ornamented parapets, old wooden windows partially preserved.


Apartment building in half-open development (double apartment building with No. 4)
Apartment building in half-open development (double apartment building with No. 4) Hermann-Fischer-Strasse 6
around 1910 old location Gunnersdorf, high-quality facade design in the forms of a late historicism and a geometrizing Art Nouveau, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, laterally arranged roof bay window with curved gable, differentiated ornamental plaster structure with corner pilasters, horizontal bands and floral ornamented parapets, old wooden windows partially preserved.


Apartment building in closed development Hohe Strasse 29
around 1910 Clearly structured Wilhelminian style facade with Art Nouveau motifs, bay windows that characterize the street scene over two storeys in the central axis with pilasters and imaginative capitals, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building with a mansard roof, a bay window with a simple triangular gable and half-timbered motif, a facade with seven axes, a door in the central axis, above it a two-storey bay window with fluted pilasters and a roof.


Apartment building in half-open development Hohe Strasse 31
around 1910 Simple, well-proportioned rental building in the style of the reform architecture around 1910, in good condition, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Three-storey building with a mansard roof, the facade is structured by four loggias in the middle, above the roof structure, geometric decorative details, door, window and plaster original.


Apartment building in half-open development Hohe Strasse 35
around 1910 Uniformly designed with number 36, high-quality, historicizing facade design, largely preserved in its original form, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building with a gable roof, roof bay ends in the curved gable that the house has in common with number 36, plastered facade with decorative elements in bricks, original door, impairment due to renewed windows and plaster.


Apartment building in closed development Hohe Strasse 36
around 1910 Uniformly designed with number 35, high-quality, historicizing facade design, largely preserved in its original form, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building with a gable roof, roof bay ends in the curved gable that the house shares with number 35, plastered facade with decorative elements in bricks, strong window frames, front door and windows are original.


Apartment building in closed development Hohe Strasse 37
around 1910 simple building typical of the reform architecture around 1910 with valuable interior details, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey building with a mansard roof, a two-storey bay window above the centrally located entrance, a bay window with a wide gable above the left half of the facade, originally designed window canopies as the only decorative motif, impaired by renewed windows and roofing, remarkable decorative painting in the entrance area, front door and interior doors original.


Apartment house in a corner
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Apartment house in a corner Humboldtstrasse 1
End of the 19th century with shop, high-quality remodeling of a Wilhelminian-style rental building in an effective urban location, largely preserved in its original form, of significance in terms of building history.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building with corner bay windows spanning all storeys, effective, color-differentiated horizontal structure (green and ocher), in between porphyry walls and wooden windows of the early 19th century building, roof landscape rhythmically structured by roof bay windows, completely redesigned around 1930, damage to art theft and vandalism in the interior.


Tobacco factory (formerly) (apartment building in open development)
Tobacco factory (formerly) (apartment building in open development) Humboldtstrasse 1a
Last third of the 19th century Sparingly structured building with an important urban planning function as the northern boundary of the Körnerplatz, of architectural significance.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building on a high base, plastered facade with strict pilaster strips, porphyry walls, tympanum combines three axes on the left edge of the building into a frontispiece, next to the courtyard entrance framed by pilasters, courtyard development from the time of construction, rear building (formerly tobacco factory) demolished before 2011 according to ALK .


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Humboldtstrasse 6
1st quarter of the 19th century characteristic small residential building from the 1st quarter of the 19th century, important in terms of urban planning as part of the row of houses at Humboldtstrasse 2-7, which delimits Körnerplatz.

Two-storey, saddle roof, entrance with simple roofing, simple facade, changed on the ground floor.


Frankenberg primary school (school building)
Frankenberg primary school (school building) Humboldtstrasse 8
re. 1895 Remarkable, representatively designed building, significant in terms of urban planning as a prelude to the Wilhelminian style development on Humboldtstrasse, of architectural and local significance.

Three-storey building with a wide, slightly raised central projectile, over-shaped on the ground floor, portal flanked by two Tuscan columns, upper floor with orange-colored brick facings, richly profiled window frames and cornices in ashlar, Ionic pilasters frame the large windows of the auditorium on the second floor.


Apartment building in semi-open development and corner location Humboldtstrasse 9
End of the 19th century Late historical residential building with an elaborately designed facade, part of a uniformly designed overall complex (numbers 9–11), of significance in terms of building history and the street scene.

Two-storey building with a two-sided roof structure on the street corner, additionally emphasized by corner bay windows, rustic-style plaster structure on the ground floor, light yellow brick facing on the upper floors, window frames and cornices in different colored plaster, original windows preserved.


Friedenspark (park (garden monument)) Humboldtstrasse 9–15 (opposite)
1891 Typical Wilhelminian-style city park design, successful ensemble with the adjacent Wilhelminian-style buildings, of urban significance.

Former cemetery, converted into a park in 1891 by Otto Moosdorf from Lindenau near Leipzig

  • Structural assets:
    • Access: Path system: all paths with a water-bound ceiling, symmetrically structured path system with a roundabout in the center of the facility and curved paths, axis of symmetry from east to west.
    • Monument: formerly the victory monument in the center of the complex within the roundabout (see postcard collection).
  • Vegetation: old trees (not symmetrically arranged): including oak (Quercus robur), sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), linden (Tilia spec.), Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), beech (Fagus sylvatica) ), Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), rhododendrons.

Apartment building in closed development Humboldtstrasse 10
End of the 19th century Late historical residential building with an elaborately designed facade, part of a uniformly designed overall complex (numbers 9–11, "Hungerhäuser"), of significance in terms of building history and site development.

Three-storey building with a central facade bay window, above it a roof structure with a crowning tympanum, rustic plaster structure on the ground floor, light yellow brick facing on the upper floors, window frames and cornices in different colored plaster, original windows preserved.


Apartment building in half-open development Humboldtstrasse 11
End of the 19th century Late historical residential building with an elaborately designed facade, part of a uniformly designed overall complex (numbers 9–11, “Hungerhäuser”), of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey building with a two-sided, wide roof structure on the street corner, additionally emphasized by corner bay windows with a crowning loggia, horizontal plaster strips on the ground floor, light yellow brick facing on the upper floors, window frames and cornices in different colors in the plaster, original windows preserved.


Detached post office Humboldtstrasse 12
1878 Prestigiously designed Wilhelminian style building, street facade simplified, but the flanks and rear side have been preserved in their original state and are of importance in terms of building history and local history.

Two-storey building with expanded mansard roof, plastered facades on all sides, simplified towards the street, right section of the facade protruding like a risalit, structure in Renaissance forms, original windows largely preserved.


Apartment building in half-open development Humboldtstrasse 13
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style facade with a balanced, two-dimensional brick (red and yellow) and plaster structure without ornamentation, of architectural significance, of urban value, as it is designed in the same way as August-Bebel-Straße 3, both buildings frame numbers 14 and 15.

Three-storey building with a tower-like raised corner area, some with window roofs in the form of beams with small brackets (barely noticeable), two segmented arches above the windows in the raised component.


Apartment building in closed development Humboldtstrasse 14
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style facade in brick and plaster with a very richly designed left side of the facade, of urban value as it is analogous to, but a mirror image of, number 15 and forms a design unit with numbers 13–15 and August-Bebel-Straße 3, of architectural significance.

Three-storey building with roof bay and gable, cranked cornice, console stones, half-columns made of alternating fluted and smooth drums with ionizing capital, disfiguring changes in the roof area.


Apartment building in closed development Humboldtstrasse 15
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style facade in brick and plaster with a very richly designed right half of the facade, of urban value due to the analogous, but mirror-image design to number 14 and because it forms a design unit with numbers 13–15 and August-Bebel-Straße 3, architectural history significant.

Three-storey, roof bay window with gable, cranked cornice, console stones, half-columns with alternating fluted and smooth drums and ionizing capital, roof area not yet changed.


Villa with rear extensions Humboldtstrasse 17
End of the 19th century Richly structured, high-quality building in the form of the neo-renaissance, largely preserved in its original form, of importance in terms of building history and local development.

Two-storey structure with a strongly protruding middle section, which in turn is characterized by a three-storey central projection, differentiated plaster structure with richly decorated parapet fields and cornices, entrance via two-storey loggia attached to the side, old wooden windows.


Rental villa Humboldtstrasse 18
around 1910 facade Simple Wilhelminian style construction, representative redesign of the facade, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building with sparse plaster structure, corner rustication, raised street facade in the middle section, frontispiece with Ionic pilasters spanning storeys, above segment arched gables, old wooden windows.


villa Humboldtstrasse 19
End of the 19th century representative, Wilhelminian-style residential building with high-quality plaster structure, of importance in terms of building history and site development.

Two-story building with a gently sloping hipped roof, symmetrically designed street and side facade, central section highlighted by framing pilasters, rich cornice decoration, impaired by new windows, small two-story coach house with half-timbered elements (Max-Pezold-Straße 13, deleted in 2007, insufficient monument value available).


Residential house in half-open development with fencing Humboldtstrasse 22
End of the 19th century Structural unit with Humboldtstrasse 23, building with a Wilhelminian style plastered facade in a prominent corner location with two roof gables that characterize the street scene, of importance in terms of building history and local development.

Two-storey building with a roof bay each facing Humboldtstrasse and Meltzerstrasse, on the ground floor a simple pilaster structure, on the first floor ornamented window frames, risalit-like accentuation of the middle part of both street facades, window frames there designed very diversely with brackets, tooth cut, capital, roofing, plaster skin no longer completely present.


Residential house in half-open development and enclosure Humboldtstrasse 23
End of the 19th century Structural unit with Humboldtstraße 22, building with a Wilhelminian style facade and roof gable that characterizes the street scene, of importance in terms of building history and local development.

Design of the facade as in Humboldtstrasse 22, but already affected by the renovation.


Rental villa Humboldtstrasse 24
End of the 19th century Typical residential building for the development of Humboldtstrasse with differentiated, largely preserved, historicizing plaster structure, of importance in terms of building history and local development.

Two-storey building with a mansard roof, central projectile, richly designed window frames, main view severely impaired by new windows and painting.


villa Humboldtstrasse 25
around 1910 Architecturally valuable residential building with rich facade structure, of importance in terms of building history and site development.

Single-storey building with extended mansard roof, main view accentuated by a raised, strongly protruding central projection, pilasters spanning storeys, frontispiece with richly decorated tympanum, original windows preserved, original garden fence still present on the east side, behind the house remise.


Residential house in open development and corner location, with side wing Humboldtstrasse 27
End of the 19th century Remarkable Wilhelminian style residential building with a differentiated, well-preserved plaster structure, of importance in terms of building history and local development.

Two-storey building with a hipped roof, central axis highlighted by a roof bay window with five round arches, impaired by the later installation of a shop, eastern flank with a sculpture in a niche (female figure without head), western flank with a gabled portal and sayings.


villa Humboldtstrasse 29
End of the 19th century simply structured, Wilhelminian style villa construction, typical for the development on Humboldtstrasse, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a flat hipped roof, simple facade structure with corner rustication, porphyry walls and protruding window roofs, the left section of the facade protruding like a risalit, the majority of the original windows have been preserved.


Residential house in open development Humboldtstrasse 30
last quarter of the 19th century high-quality, restrained plastered facade with the suggestion of a central projection and structuring motifs such as block ashlar in the corner areas, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-story building, profiled window frames, window canopies, consoles, entrance porch with wooden upper floor, gable roof, eaves.


Villa and coach house as well as fencing Humboldtstrasse 34
End of the 19th century Remarkable overall architectural complex, cautiously designed in neo-renaissance forms, largely preserved in its original form, of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey, multi-part building with gently sloping, wide gable roofs, economical plaster structure with rustic strips, tight cornices and window frames, a veranda on Tuscan columns facing the garden, a coach house with steeper, partially hipped gable roofs, wooden cracks in the gables.


Apartment building in closed development and corner location
Apartment building in closed development and corner location Humboldtstrasse 35
re. 1899 with shop, architecturally demanding facade design of late historicism, of importance in terms of building history and site development.

Three-storey building, a cubic structure, raised like a tower, emphasizes the corner location, rich architectural decoration in brick, sandstone and plaster in Renaissance forms, finely profiled original windows, three-dimensionally decorated window frames.


Apartment building in closed development and corner location
Apartment building in closed development and corner location Humboldtstrasse 36
1898 with shops, high-quality facade design, prominent urban development location at the entrance to Humboldtstrasse, significant in terms of building history and development.

Three-storey tenement building, essentially from the Wilhelminian era, facade redesigned (Architect: Wilhelm Sievers, Dresden) In the entrance area, stucco ceiling, Wilhelminian style staircase.


Apartment building in semi-open development and corner location Julius-Schwartze-Strasse 1
End of the 19th century Simply structured Wilhelminian style building with an imaginative, distinctive corner bay, which is supported by two caryatids and, with its steep, pointed hipped roof, has a character that characterizes the street scene.

Two-storey building, between the ground floor and first floor surrounding cornice, two roof bay windows with simple gables, coupled twin windows, original, finely designed little roof houses.


Residential building in closed development Kirchgasse 3
End of 18th century The only, largely preserved building on the west side of the Kirchgasse, high-quality shop fitting around 1930, historically important.

Two-storey, eaves-standing residential building with a mansard roof, on the ground floor formed by installing a shop (cladding in green ceramic plates and the name “Friedrich Teichmann”).


Fire station in half-open development
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Fire station in half-open development Kirchgasse 6
1913 according to the building file high-quality construction with urban historical significance.

Two-storey structure with a mansard hipped roof and a crowning turret, three garage entrances on the ground floor, the facade is heavily shaped.


Rectory (former) (detached house)
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Rectory (former) (detached house) Kirchgasse 7
Mid 19th century simple building of local historical importance as a rectory and the oldest savings bank building in Frankenberg.

Two-storey, symmetrically structured structure with a gable roof, facade structure from the construction period largely preserved, entrance changed after 1945, historic iron door inside.


Residential house in closed development with an adjoining building at the rear Kirchgasse 9
End of 18th century with shop, urban significance in the street of Kirchgasse, architectural and historical value due to the preserved, contemporary outbuilding in connection with Kirchgasse 10.

Two-storey, eaves-standing house with a mansard roof, changed entrance, shop fitting from the 1930s, two-storey outbuilding based on the courtyard of the neighboring house (number 10).


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Kirchgasse 10
2nd half of the 18th century of scientific value as an originally preserved baroque house as well as of urban development importance in the street of Kirchgasse.

Two-storey, eaves-standing house with a mansard roof (changed), arched portal with keystone, baroque door leaves and fittings, the interior is simple, the original facade structure and roof structure have been preserved, the adjoining outbuilding to the rear demolished in 1996.


Residential house in closed development and rear building Kirchgasse 12
re. 1788 urban significance as part of the eastern roadside development on Kirchgasse.

Two-storey, eaves-standing house with a mansard roof, arched portal, in the keystone the year and emblem window frames with finely worked capitals, historical side wing.


Residential building in closed development Kirchgasse 13
End of 18th century with later shop installation, as the final building of the street, of urban significance.

Two-storey, eaves-standing house with mansard roof, arched portal, original courtyard situation only recognizable as a structure.


Pavement Kirchplatz
19th century historical pavement stretches around the church of St. Aegidien and is of importance for the street scene. 09244158

Ev.  Stadtkirche St. Aegidien (church (with furnishings))
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Ev. Stadtkirche St. Aegidien (church (with furnishings)) Kirchplatz 1
1739-1741 High-ranking baroque building, renovated from 1874–1895, church tower of particular value for the entire cityscape, of importance in terms of building history, art history and shaping the townscape.

The town church St. Aegidien is a new building from 1741. A first previous building is mentioned as early as 1373. The patronage of St. Aegidius is not guaranteed. The patronage presumably dates from the settlement period. After the city fire in 1450, the city church was also rebuilt. In 1739 it had to be demolished because it was in disrepair. Johann Gottlieb Ohndorff was in charge of the new building. Buildings in Freiberg, Gahlenz, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Chemnitz and Zschopau have been preserved from this busy Freiberg councilor to this day.

The hall of the church has galleries. The base of the tower was built after 1499, the upper part was restored after the fire in 1793/94. Far-reaching renovations of the interior of the church took place in 1844, 1875 and 1894/95. During these construction measures, the Ohndorff spatial impression was destroyed. The organ on the west side of the ship was made by the company Kreuzbach u. Son from Borna built. The church stalls, the sandstone altar and the baptismal font were made in the 19th century. The designs for the organ front, altar and baptism were provided by Prof. Arnold from Dresden. In 1894 the painters Emil Schulze and Adolf Morgenstern from Dresden undertook the painterly renovation of the interior under the advice of Prof. Hermann from Dresden. The pulpit, built by Fritzsche, a cabinet maker from Niederbobritz, is based on designs by Prof. Hermann. The altarpiece from 1895 was also created by Prof. Karl Gottlob Schönherr, a Dresden artist who also created the designs for the colored glass windows. The current appearance of the interior is shaped by the interventions of the Semperschüler Ch. F. Arnold and the high quality painting from 1894. "The pieces of equipment happily complement the room composition, so that the interior is an excellent example of the creative drive from the 2nd half of the 19th century." The church and the furnishings are therefore of great artistic, architectural and local significance. (LfD / 2012). Source or quote: Statement on a draft leaflet. District art center Karl-Marx-Stadt (later Chemnitz) 1988.

High hall building with a circumferential, two-storey gallery, interrupted solely by the organ (moved to the entrance side in 1875) and by the square room above the altar that extends up to the ceiling, with prayer rooms attached to the north side, equipment (pulpit, baptismal font, altar) predominantly later 19th century, a chalice (end of the 14th century), chandelier (1699), brass grave slab in the tower hall, silver crucifix on the altar (1711), tower contains remains of the previous building, upper part rebuilt after a fire in 1794.


Cellar and connecting passage Klingbach 21
19th century, possibly older Höhler entrance in house number 21, bricked up entrance to a Höhler system, of cultural and historical importance.

Entrance completely bricked up, the former opening can hardly be made out in the wall connection, according to the owner of the house there are further entrances to the corridor system in the wall, which runs from house number 21 in the direction of Schloßstraße.


House in a corner Leopoldstrasse 1
Early 19th century Typical residential building in an important urban planning position at the transition to the development along Chemnitzer Strasse, of architectural significance.

Simple, two-storey house, gable roof with a crooked hip, overformed facade, shop installation, later roof houses.


Apartment building in closed development Lerchenstrasse 13
around 1910 Typical Wilhelminian style tenement house with artistically shaped gable and window frames, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with gable roof, eaves, roof bay window.


Five multi-family houses in a row of houses Lerchenstrasse 20; 22; 24; 26; 28
re. 1938 traditionalist residential buildings, house entrances are optically highlighted by relief-like plaster ornamentation in floral and figurative forms, of importance in terms of urban planning.

Two-storey buildings with hipped roof, saddle roof hipped at the head of the row, eaves, loft extensions, wide roof houses, slate roofing, house entrances with ornamentation, simple design, facades in rough plaster over brick plinths, portals framed by decorative ribbons in late expressionist shapes, above decorative cartouches putti, grapes, acanthus etc. .


Mechanical cord, braid and border bobbin lace and twisting mill Emil Hempel (factory owner's house, factory building and enclosure) Lerchenstrasse 25
1906 (Emil Hempel factory) simple, traditionalist house of remarkable design conciseness, factory building remarkable clinker brick building with decorative gable, of architectural, local and technological history of importance.

Two-storey residential building with a high hipped roof, plaster (pilaster strips), original windows and loft, two-storey bay-like porch on the left, two-storey brick-clad factory building with decorative Gothic motifs and decorative gable.


GEG Frankenberg cigar factory (factory building in semi-open development) Lerchenstrasse 29
1913 Formerly the cigar factory of the Großeinkaufsgesellschaft Deutscher Konsumvereine mbH Hamburg, later barracks, architecturally remarkable, representative structured commercial building in a good state of preservation, architects: Zapp & Basarke in Chemnitz, of importance in terms of building history, local history and technology history.

A two-storey building parallel to the street with a mansard roof is followed by an elongated connecting structure that ends in a transverse rear building. Sophisticated street facade, central projection with pilaster structure, above an attic storey, a segmented arched gable crowns the frontispiece, originally a cigar factory for the large purchasing company Deutscher Konsumvereine mbH in Frankenberg, later military use.


Four-sided courtyard with stable house, two side buildings, barn, enclosure and remains of old paving Lichtenwalder Strasse 1
18th century In its closedness and state of preservation, an outstanding courtyard, unique in Frankenberg, of architectural and economic importance.

Residential stable house: Ground floor quarry stone, plastered, upper floor sturdy half-timbered construction, tight, sturdy stands, numerous struts, small windows, high pitched roof, porphyry walls in the stable, right side building: ground floor quarry stone and porphyry walls, upper floor half-timbered, further spacing between columns, small windows, gable roof, inside old stables, left side building: upper floor clad in wood, possibly with an upper arbor, behind it half-timbered, filled in with clay, barn: very elongated building with a mighty gable roof, half-timbered construction, roof trusses that are not obstructed along the entire length, part of the barn with a cellar, whole courtyard in excellent state of preservation All four corners still have wooden enclosures, numerous original details (sliding and cross-frame windows).


Northern barn and southern side building of a three-sided courtyard Lichtenwalder Strasse 6
1st half of the 19th century two remarkable half-timbered buildings of a farm from the early 19th century, of architectural and economic importance.

Barn: flank walls made of quarry stone, courtyard side half-timbered with clay infill, jamb floor, gable roof with double-sided crooked hips, threshing floor in the middle (wooden floor), further entrance on the right side, side building: stone-faced quarry stone plinth, entrances to the stables with porphyry walls, upper floor timber-framed half-timbered construction, steep saddle roof Slate-clad gable, residential building: late 19th century, in precarious condition.


Luther monument
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Luther monument Lutherplatz
1904 (Luther Memorial) near St. Aegidien, standing on a pedestal, made of artificial stone, originally placed in a niche between the two entrances to the school, historically significant. 09244012

Frankenberg high school;  Citizen School (former) (School)
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Frankenberg high school; Citizen School (former) (School) Lutherplatz 1
1870 Free-standing, three-storey three-wing complex with monumental aspirations, high urban development importance as a square closure, city-historical value as a community school.

Central projection with pilaster structure spanning storeys, overformed facade, original plaster with architectural ornamentation on the right side wing, inside functional division into boys and girls school with double, well-preserved staircase, entrance hall with original, richly designed wall structure in wood.


Post mileage
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Post mileage Market
re. 1725, copy Copy of a distance column, important in terms of traffic history.

Monument text: Saxon distance column made of Rochlitz porphyry tuff with coat of arms, part of the inscription, the year 1725 and post horn mark. The slender Porphyrobelisk was originally placed on the market on a rectangular base and adorned with a coat of arms in relief. The column was moved several times in the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, the column underwent several repairs. On November 8, 1966 the heavily weathered original column was dismantled and in 1969 a copy of the Frankenberg original was made and placed at the current location. In 1722, the Electorate of Saxony began to erect the Saxon post-mile pillars. Elector Friedrich August I wanted to build a modern traffic and transport control system in the electorate in order to promote trade and economy. He entrusted Magister Adam Friedrich Zürner (1679 - 1742) with the implementation. The system of post mile pillars comprised distance pillars, quarter milestones, half and full mile pillars. The distance columns should be set up in the cities in front of the city gates, later only on the marketplaces. Quarter milestones, half and full mile pillars were set up along the Poststrasse. They received a consecutive numbering (row number), starting from the beginning of the measurement. The all-mile columns were set up outside the cities on the post roads at a distance of 1 mile (= 9.062 km). The distance pillars were marked with the monogram "AR" for "Augustus Rex", the Electoral Saxon and Polish-Lithuanian double coat of arms and the Polish royal crown. The full mile, half mile columns and quarter milestones were all similarly labeled, none of them had a coat of arms, but the monogram "AR". The distances were given in hours (1 hour = ½ post mile = 4.531 km). This mile system was the first European traffic management system. The pillar considered here is of great importance in the history of traffic as part of the nationally significant postal system. (LfD / 2013).

Below the coat of arms on all four sides the postal distances to the places of Saxony are indicated, address Humboldtstrasse 13 (opposite) has changed: it has been at the original location since 2000 at Markt / confluence with Rathausgasse.


Market fountain
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Market fountain Market
1921 Octagonal, stone water basin, raised on a three-tier pedestal, towering round column, capital with animal heads that spew water, on the column there is a naked, male figure, artistically and artistically significant. 09244013

Residential building in closed development
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Residential building in closed development Market 1
around 1790 with shop, high-quality, richly designed facade, historically important, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Three-story residential building, eaves, richly structured facade, cross-vaulted entrance, baroque door.


Residential house in closed development as well as side and rear buildings
Residential house in closed development as well as side and rear buildings Market 2
around 1790 Residential house with shop, essentially a baroque building, legible courtyard structure, of architectural significance, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Three-storey building, eaves, raised, overformed, cross vaults in the entrance.


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Market 3
around 1790 with a shop, in the core of a baroque structure, of architectural significance, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Three-storey building, eaves, mansard roof, raised, overformed facade, cross vaults in the shop and entrance hall, baroque door, a cross-frame window preserved on the rear facade, porphyry garments.


Residential house in closed development with side and rear buildings
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Residential house in closed development with side and rear buildings Market 4
around 1790 Basically baroque building, historically important, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.
  • Market building, three-storey building, eaves, with courtyard passage, side building: former cigar factory from 1857 (marked), colored windows with motifs for cigar production,
  • Rear building: 1st half of the 19th century, with cross vaults, heavily overformed, mansard roof only built at the beginning of the 20th century.

Facade of a former residential building in closed development Market 6
around 1790 high-quality facade design with shop installation, as part of the market development of importance for the plaza.

Three-storey building, eaves, later heightening, facade overformed.


Facade of a former residential building in closed development
Facade of a former residential building in closed development Market 6
around 1790 Very narrowly laid out building, as part of the market development, of importance for the square.

Three-storey building, 3 axes on the eaves, later heightening, a few cross vaults in the entrance, half-timbered rear building demolished before 2014, thus the former courtyard structure destroyed.


Residential house in closed development with outbuildings in the courtyard
Residential house in closed development with outbuildings in the courtyard Market 7
around 1790 late baroque residential building with shop, half-timbered outbuildings, courtyard structure still partially preserved, of architectural importance, urban value as part of the marketplace development.

Three-storey building, eaves, additional storey from 1935, baroque cross vaults in the entrance, baroque staircase with porphyry pillars, outbuildings in the courtyard: half-timbered on the upper floor.


Buchdruckerei CG Roßberg (Former production building of the book printing company CG Roßberg, originally a residential building and rear extensions in closed development as well as technical and mechanical equipment and anniversary flag)
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Buchdruckerei CG Roßberg (Former production building of the book printing company CG Roßberg, originally a residential building and rear extensions in closed development as well as technical and mechanical equipment and anniversary flag) Market 8
around 1790 with a shop, of urban significance in the market area and of importance in terms of local history and technology history as a book printer.

The print shop was founded on February 21, 1842 by Carl Gottlob Roßberg. A wooden printing press from the 18th century that was bought from Brockhaus-Verlag formed the basis of a constantly expanding and largely preserved technical and mechanical printing equipment. Over the following decades, the family business developed into a newspaper printing company with up to 40 employees.

Since February 26, 1842, Roßberg published the "Intelligence and weekly newspaper for Frankenberg with Sachsenburg and the surrounding area", while also doing other printing jobs. The printing company was initially located at today's Baderstraße 10, but due to lack of space it moved to Baderstraße 8 and in 1843 to Kirchgasse 13 in July 1842. On October 11, 1845 - for the first time in the world - he used his newspaper to print some copies Press in the wood pulp paper invented by Friedrich Gottlob Keller in Hainichen in 1843, the start of the mass production of paper and paper products such as daily newspapers. After the press censorship was lifted in 1848, the volume of printed news expanded; two, later three newspapers per week could be published. A more powerful toggle press replaced the old printing press. Another move followed in 1854 to the current Markt 8 building, with the printing shop initially being located on the first floor of the rear building, while the front building initially served as living space for the family and a tenant. The business area of ​​the printing company expanded in the next few years to include the book and paper trade. In 1858, the weekly newspaper initially became the “Official Journal of the Kgl. Court Office and City Council Frankenberg ”and continued since 1861 as the“ Frankenberger Nachrichtensblatt und Bezirksanzeiger ”. Since 1863, newspaper printing has now been done on high-speed printing presses, which replaced the hand presses previously used. In 1871 the sons of the company founder, Carl Friedrich Otto and Ernst Eberhard Roßberg (sole proprietor after the death of his brother in 1884), took over the printing company, to which a publishing house was subsequently affiliated.

In 1916, with the acquisition of the first typesetting machine, machine typesetting finally found its way into the printing plant. With the acquisition of a rotary press in 1918, the printing of the newspaper, which has been published since 1878 as the “Frankenberger Tageblatt mit Bezirksanzeiger”, was significantly improved. In 1921 Ernst Rudolf Wilhelm Roßberg finally took over the company management. After the installation of further typesetting machines, model "Typograph", in 1924 and 1925 the daily newspaper could be produced completely in machine typesetting. In 1928 a new high-speed printing press with automatic belt system and in 1929 a platen printing press were added to the machine park. The circulation of the daily newspaper remained relatively stable even during the economic crisis, many surrounding communities were supplied by newspaper boys on bicycles, from 1928 partly with motorcycles and since 1932 entirely with FRAMO tricycles. During National Socialism, cuts in the advertising business (1934 ban on accepting Jewish advertisements) and falling employee numbers (Wehrmacht service) made printing operations more difficult. In 1943, the "Frankenberger Tageblatt" and the "Hainichener Anzeiger" were merged to form the "Tageblatt für Frankenberg und Hainichen". Printing continued in Frankenberg - until newspapers were generally banned by the Allies in 1945. The rotary press used for newspaper printing had to be scrapped by order of the SMAD.

In 1946 the printing business could be resumed, but due to the state regulations, the newspaper printing company was not. In 1947, Ernst Rudolf Wilhelm Roßberg's trade license for the printing company was withdrawn, and it was not until 1949 that his son Gerhard Johannes Roßberg received another trade license for the family business. This had meanwhile been taken over by tenants, and in 1948 the printing company only narrowly escaped expropriation. In the decades that followed, the printing company mainly produced commercial print products, some of which were over 40% from church clients such as B. the Evangelical Publishing House in Berlin came. The machine park was also expanded again, with the first plate printing machine in 1953, a high-speed cutter in 1958, a "Typograph UB" in 1967 and a "Linotype" in 1968.

With the political turnaround, computer sets found their way into the company, and the machine park that had grown over time slowly and surely became obsolete. In 1992 Christa Frohburg, the daughter of Gerhard Johannes Roßberg, took over the family business. Since 2001 it has been producing in a new building in Frankenberg, the former production building at Markt 8 still houses parts of the old technical and mechanical equipment as well as an exhibition on company history and paper and printing history compiled by Gerhard Johannes Roßberg.

Today's production building, originally a residential building with rear buildings:

Façade lettering around 1908: CG ROSSBERG - book and stone printing company - book and paper shop - expedition of the daily newspaper

Facade lettering since the GDR era: CG Roßberg book printing company since 1842

The production facility of the book printing company CG Roßberg in Frankenberg was expanded several times in the 19th and 20th centuries in line with the expanding printing business. Starting from an eaves-side building on the market square, three-storey since 1870, followed by the construction of a now also three-storey rear building with a flat roof, which is connected to the front building via a building bridge (intermediate wing). An annex from 1920 is attached to the rear building, which was probably initially laid out on two floors and was increased by one floor with a flat gable roof in GDR times. The originally two-story front building initially served as a residential building for the family and a tenant, while the rear building on the upper floor housed the printing shop. A shop was later housed on the ground floor of the front building, while the Roßberg family moved into the building next door (Markt 9). It was not until the GDR era that Johannes Roßberg set up an apartment on the second floor of the printing shop. (LfD / 2012).

Three-storey building, eaves, later heightened storeys from 1870, shop fitting, old roof structure still present, intermediate wing and rear building with extension from 1920, therein metal spiral staircase

Equipment: machine park, tools, furnishings and documents from the book printing company CG Roßberg, including a flag from 1892 produced on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the business, as well as a historical printing press from the 18th century, acquired by CG Roßberg (this was the world's first newspaper to be published Wood pulp paper).


Farm bourgeois house in closed development with ancillary building in the courtyard
Farm bourgeois house in closed development with ancillary building in the courtyard Market 9
around 1790 Residential house plastered construction with gate entrance, of architectural significance, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Three-storey building, eaves, raised, facade overformed, shop fitting 20th century, left: courtyard passage with segmented arch portal, courtyard building: on the upper floor half-timbered, below massive, with passage, baroque door fittings.


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Market 10
around 1790 in the core late baroque residential building with original expansion details, later remodeled, historically important, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Three-storey residential building, eaves, building increased, facade overformed, shop fitting around 1900, severely impaired by recent renovation, still preserved: baroque door frame, stairwell, door post of the shop fitting.


Residential building in closed development
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Residential building in closed development Market 11
around 1790 special importance as the last building on the west side of the market preserved in its original height with valuable equipment details from the time of construction, of architectural significance, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Two-storey with a mansard roof, two attic houses, a haul-out, overformed facade, baroque vaults and wall cupboards in the entrance area, old stairs, courtyard area destroyed, baroque front door.


Residential house in closed development and corner location
Residential house in closed development and corner location Market 11a
around 1790 Striking urban location at the transition from Markt to Schloßstraße, architectural and historical value thanks to preserved vaults in the entrance area and lateral upper arbor in the courtyard.

Two-storey mansard-roofed house, high-quality plaster structure from the late 19th century, dormers.


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Markt 12
around 1790 Finely structured plastered facade, later shop installation, of architectural significance, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Side and rear buildings demolished in 1998, residential building renovated

  • Three-storey building, eaves, overformed facade, profiled arched portal, cross-vaulted entrance
  • Side building: two-storey with a cripple hip
  • Rear building: important as a building that closes off the courtyard, also important in the appearance of the church square

Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Markt 13
around 1790 Residential house with a simple plastered construction with a shop fitting later than the marketplace development of architectural value.

Three-storey building, eaves, shop fitting 19th century, vaulted entrance area, side building: cross-storey window preserved, arched portal with baroque door, raised, metal door, original courtyard structure preserved, courtyard building demolished before 2014.


Residential building in closed development
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Residential building in closed development Market 14
after 1790 Basically a baroque building with cross-vaulted rooms on the ground floor, of architectural significance, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Three-storey building, gable roof, eaves, arched portal with keystone, cross-vaulted room next to the entrance, cross-vaulted hallway, facade badly affected by renovation, rear building demolished before 2014.


Town hall, with side and rear buildings
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Town hall, with side and rear buildings Market 15
around 1790 in the core Gothic-style representative facade with balcony, of architectural value, of architectural, local and urban significance.

Three-storey building with a raised central part as a clock tower, eaves, gothic portal to the cross-vaulted passage, facade several times overformed, balcony with the most recent renovation returned to its condition from 1862.


Arable bourgeois house in closed development
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Arable bourgeois house in closed development Markt 16
re. 1789 Baroque building shape largely preserved, historically important, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Two-storey building with a mansard roof, eaves with a wide dwarf house (there dating 1789), facade severely impaired by renovation, rear facade not yet renovated, cross-vaulted passage, later staircase extension, disfiguring flat roof extension in the back yard, rear building worthless due to renovation.


Residential house in closed development with rear building
Residential house in closed development with rear building Markt 17
around 1790 high-quality facade structure from the period around 1900, historically important, as part of the marketplace development of urban value.

Three-storey house with built-in shop from the 19th century, eaves, richly structured facade around 1900, raised, impaired by renovation.


Hotel "Zum Roß" (western and southern facade of a former farmhouse)
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Hotel "Zum Roß" (western and southern facade of a former farmhouse) Markt 18
re. 1788 later post office, inn and hotel, historical value, of urban significance as a corner building on Markt / Freiberger Straße.

Three-storey, mighty building, eaves, shop fitting from the 19th century, arched portal with keystone (dating 1788), passage to the courtyard, hall building on Freiberger Straße with three-storey arched windows, hall extension of no particular artistic value, entire inn 2013, what remains are western and southern parts of the facade to be integrated into a new building.


Residential house in open development Max-Kästner-Strasse 6
1930s Traditionalist residential building from the 1930s, largely preserved in its original form, with a steep hipped roof and cubic structure, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with hipped roof, walled entrance stairs, base in dark rubble stone, highlighting of the recessed entrance area also with dark, small rustication, scratched plaster, cornice between the ground floor and first floor, use of traditionalist motifs, below the slate, steep hipped roof the house is surrounded by a block frieze.


Apartment building in closed development Max-Kästner-Strasse 7
End of the 19th century high-quality Wilhelminian style building with plaster and red clinker brickwork as well as a fine and lavishly designed loggia on the first floor that characterizes the street scene and is of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, two dormer windows with gables, arched windows on the ground floor, artistically designed, original entrance door, two slightly protruding side elevations with pillars and capitals on the first floor, window canopies with ornament, loggia in the right side elevation with protruding parapet and colored glass, finely designed Attic house.


Apartment building in open development Max-Kästner-Strasse 8
1930s Typically traditionalist building on a rusticated base, entrance area with segmented arch, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a steep hipped roof, three window axes and one door axis, except for the rusticated entrance area, a simple facade, original shutters, e.g. Some old windows, below the roof block frieze, similar to Max-Kästner-Straße 6.


Apartment building in closed development Max-Kästner-Strasse 9
End of the 19th century Richly designed Wilhelminian style building in yellow and green clinker brick ornamentation, bay window in the central axis that characterizes the street scene with imaginative decor below the windows, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, wide roof bay window with gable, symmetrical facade structure, four roof houses.


Apartment building in closed development Max-Kästner-Strasse 11
End of the 19th century Extremely rich and imaginatively designed building of high artistic value, high quality Wilhelminian style building in Frankenberg, of architectural and urban importance.

Two-story building with a bay window in the central axis, richly ornamented and with a pyramid roof, left and right roof bay windows with well-designed triangular gables, two loggias on the first floor with balustrades, quarry stone plinth, beautiful entrance area with round arch, two roof houses, keystone with a human face in the bay window and in the entrance area, inside original apartment doors, old tiles.


Apartment building in closed development Max-Kästner-Strasse 12
re. 1904 Richly designed, high-quality building with Art Nouveau ornamentation, of importance in terms of architectural history and urban development.

Two-storey building, the first floor plastered, the first floor clinker brickwork, the facade is accentuated by rich art nouveau ornamentation by a wooden balcony in the middle on the upper floor, saddle roof with three roof houses, the middle roof house highlighted by richly decorated semicircular gables, original windows and front door.


Apartment building in half-open development Max-Kästner-Strasse 13
End of the 19th century Simple, Wilhelminian-style clinker building with rubble stone plinth and finely designed window frames, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey building, yellow clinker brick on the first floor, two roof bay windows with simple, modified gables, finely profiled window frames and with keystone, two roof houses, original door.


Apartment house in open development with fencing Max-Kästner-Strasse 17
End of the 19th century Richly designed, high quality Wilhelminian style building with quarry stone base and structure in plaster, clinker and red stone, of architectural and urban importance.

Two-storey building with a roof bay and elaborately designed gable with beams, round arches, geometric ornament, style conglomerate, red window frames with bars that are convex and concave at the top, red corner blocks, yellow clinker brick with green clinker strips as a cornice.


Education Center Frankenberg;  Teachers' seminar (former) (school building with several building units)
Education Center Frankenberg; Teachers' seminar (former) (school building with several building units) Max-Kästner-Strasse 21
re. 1898-1901 Large, free-standing school complex, very richly decorated buildings in the neo-renaissance style, stepped gables with curved shapes, abundant floral ornamentation, of architectural and local significance.

Three-wing complex with a protruding central projection, which is particularly emphasized by lavish ornamentation and architectural elements, stair tower, first royal teachers' seminar, 1947 conversion into an administration or secondary school, seminar building currently being planned. Painting on the west wall of the auditorium from 1903/04 by the painter Georg Müller-Breslau with the title “How Emperor Karl holds school exams”. Made with pecking holes during the GDR period in order to cover the painting with a new layer of stucco. 1992 / 93–1994 uncovering, 2011 trial axis for planned restoration.


Residential house in semi-open development Max-Kästner-Strasse 39
around 1910 Small, well-proportioned, traditionalist house, interesting entrance design with two round columns and a round arch, largely preserved in its originality, of architectural and local significance.

Two-storey building with a crooked mansard roof, two bat dormers, windows preserved.


Apartment building in closed development Max-Pezold-Strasse 10
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style rental building with a distinctive facade design, uniformly designed with number 11, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Three-storey building, largely preserved, strong facade structure with cornices and window frames in porphyry, rhythmized by pilasters on the ground floor, basket arches on the second floor, attic houses, lateral roof bay windows with volutes.


Apartment building in closed development Max-Pezold-Strasse 11
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style rental building with a distinctive facade design, uniformly designed with number 10, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Three-storey building, largely preserved, strong facade structure with cornices and window frames in porphyry, rhythmized by pilasters on the ground floor, basket arches on the second floor, attic houses, lateral roof bay windows with volutes.


Hydroelectric power plant, consisting of several interconnected structures, as well as operating ditch Mühlenstrasse
End of the 19th century Elongated structure with a diverse, high-quality structure of red bricks (pilaster strips, friezes, window frames) and plaster (end of the 19th century), two further components of simple but well-proportioned shape (around 1910), of architectural and technical significance.
  • Construction from the end of the 19th century: crowned by small brick turrets, large windows with segmental arches
  • Building from around 1910: already impaired by renovation (interior could not be viewed, therefore no information on technical equipment possible).

Administration building of a horsehair weaving mill in half-open development Mühlenstrasse 4
End of the 19th century representative plastered building, architecturally sophisticated facade structure with high-quality ornamentation, of architectural significance.

Two-storey, nine-axis building with a gable roof, eaves, the central five axes are emphasized by pilasters and entablature spanning storeys, historicizing architectural ornamentation in original plaster (1916): garlands, rams' heads, the central part is raised and crowned by an ornamented triangular gable with oculus, door with cast-iron, ornamental grating , Window from 1916.


Calico printing factory Uhlemann & Lantzsch (formerly) (calico printing and technical equipment (pantograph)) Mühlenstrasse 7
2nd quarter of the 19th century Integrated into a commercial complex, elongated, mighty building with a representative porphyry portal, of importance in terms of building history and technology history.

Two-storey building with a hip roof, two roof houses, elongated roof structure, originally probably 14 axes, facing the street with five window axes, portal walls made of porphyry, portal roofing with consoles and garland motif

Information from R. Uhlig, registration of industrial monuments 1994: Parcel: 450, Bl. Frankenberg Location: one of the oldest factory properties in Frankenberg on the Zschopaumühlgraben, downstream to the right Uhlemann & Lantzsch GmbH, textile printing company for knitted and woven goods. Monument: a pantograph for engraving rollers, C. Hummel Berlin 1883 Frankenberg's first factory founded in 1815 by the model printer Gärtner, son-in-law Uhlemann 1828 Uhlemann & Lantzsch, son-in-law Uhlemann was called Rau 7 generations until today 1828 house built 1910 administration building 1961 state participation in 1972 nationalized Repivatized in 1994


Residential house in semi-open development Mühlenstrasse 8
1st half of the 19th century Small residential building, which in its simplicity is typical for the urban expansion of the 1st half of the 19th century, and on which the original facade structure can be read, is of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, protruding into the street space, cornice above the lintel, the original facade structure largely preserved.


Old pavement Mühlenstrasse 9; 10 (forward)
1st half of the 19th century Pavement stretches on the north side of Mühlenstrasse along house numbers 9 and 10, and is important for defining the street scene. 09244491

Residential building in closed development Mühlenstrasse 10
1st half of the 19th century Typical simple house with the original structure of the facade and the saddle roof with bat dormers, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, segment arch portal with keystone, gable roof with well-preserved bat dormers, original facade structure easy to read, later garage installation.


Residential house in semi-open development Mühlenstrasse 11
1st half of the 19th century simple small house with originally preserved structure and facade structure, of architectural significance, of urban value for the street area Badergasse / Mühlenstraße, located directly on the Mühlbach.

Two-storey building, steep gable roof, eaves, simple facade, slated gable, original facade structure towards the street legible, cornice above the lintel.


Residential house in semi-open development Mühlgraben 10
1st half of the 19th century Well-preserved example of a simple typical residential house from the time of the first city expansion in the 1st half of the 19th century, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, simple facade, plastered window and door frames, arched portal with keystone, the original facade structure is still very easy to read.


Old pavement Neugasse
19th century of importance for the townscape. 09244258

House in a corner Neugasse 6
1st half of the 19th century simple typical house from the 1st half of the 19th century with the original facade structure preserved, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey house with a gable roof, facing Mühlenstraße with the gable, very simple facade with preserved facade structure, three original roof houses.


House in a corner, with fencing Parkstrasse 1
End of the 19th century Remarkable Wilhelminian style residential building with restrained, well-preserved plaster decorations, valuable, two-story veranda with colored glass windows, of architectural significance.

Two-storey, corner-encompassing rental building, original plaster facing Parkstrasse still preserved, narrow, pointed central projection, numerous original windows, on August-Bebel-Strasse on the ground floor a massive wooden veranda in very good condition on the upper floor.


Three apartment buildings with three entrances each Pestalozzistrasse 7; 9; 11; 13; 15; 17; 19; 21; 23
1950s valuable as the only larger residential complex of the 1950s in Frankenberg, probably built in a functional connection with the barracks opposite, of architectural and social historical importance.

Simple buildings with porphyry decor typical of the time, lines parallel to the street made of staggered compartments form a courtyard-enclosing system, hipped roofs with attic houses, doors and staircase windows with baroque framing in porphyry, all in good condition.


Residential house in half-open development and corner location Querstraße 5
re. 1826 Well-proportioned residential building with a wide, original portal, which led into a shop, of architectural significance and of urban value, as it is in a prominent corner location.

Two-storey building with a mansard roof, wide porphyry portal (marked 1826) to Töpferstrasse, which originally led into a shop, porphyry walls on the windows, seven-axis facade to Töpferstrasse, four-axis front to the cross street, there also high, slated, windowed gable.


Residential building in closed development Querstraße 9
Mid 19th century A relatively well-preserved example of a residential building from around 1850, with a well-proportioned facade, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, five axes, segmental arches over the window and door on the ground floor, protective device attached to prevent roof tiles from slipping - as a result, damage to the roof area.


Residential house in closed development and corner location Rathausgasse 1
around 1790 Striking corner building from the north-western end of the market, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

three-storey, raised, but the original roof structure of the mansard roof still present, corner building with hipped roof, facade overformed, staircase extension at the end of the 19th century, courtyard area destroyed.


Residential house in closed development with an annex on the courtyard side Rathausgasse 6
1st half of the 19th century Small residential house typical of the urban growth of the first half of the 19th century with a high-quality, well-preserved facade from the end of the 19th century, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey, eaves-standing house with later remodels from the late 19th century such as roof bay windows and shop fittings.


Residential building in closed development Rathausgasse 9
1st half of the 19th century simple, small house, typical of the urban growth of the 1st half of the 19th century, original facade, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey, eaves-standing house with arched portal, simple facade.


Residential building in closed development Rathausgasse 10
re. 1820 simple, small residential house typical of the urban growth of the 1st half of the 19th century with an original facade, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey residential building on the eaves, portal with a straight end and the year 1820, curbstone on the corner of the building, later roof structure and shop fitting.


Factory owner's villa Robert-Nestler-Strasse 9
around 1910 Wilhelminian style building in an elevated position on a slope with an urban development effect due to the high pyramid roof over the corner area, of importance in terms of building history and the appearance of the street.

Two-storey building, tower-like elevation in half-timbered construction, pilasters emphasize the corners, wide console frieze separates the ground floor and first floor, wooden veranda over the entrance, factory made sports shoes.


Detached house (formerly a spinning mill, later a poor house) Robert-Schramm-Strasse 13
1811 Particularly valuable building in terms of architectural history, largely preserved unchanged, remarkable original building details, of importance in terms of building history and local history.

Three-storey building with a half-hip roof, lower, also half-hip roofed porch on the eastern front side, quarry stone masonry on the ground floor, half-timbered construction on both upper floors, partly clay infills, arched portal with keystone, original door, numerous cross-frame windows, precarious state of preservation.


Rental villa with garden and enclosure Sachsenstrasse 7
around 1900 large, representative plastered building of architectural and urban significance.

Wilhelminian style brick (red) and plaster decoration and tower-like ascending corner bay window on an elevated slope, two-storey building with roof bay window and gable, risalit-like central building with coupled windows, base area clad with irregularly broken stone slabs, enclosure: brick pillars with old wrought iron fence panels) with garden (ancillary facilities Trees, disruptive factors: paths with concrete pavement and garage buildings.


Residential building in closed development Sachsenstrasse 8
1920s high-quality, sparingly structured traditionalist residential building, built together with Dr.-Bruno-Kochmann-Straße 2, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building with extended mansard roof, central roof bay, vertical plastered fields oriented towards the older neighboring house (number 9), entrance door from the time of construction, original box windows partially preserved.


Apartment building in closed development Sachsenstrasse 9
around 1910 Facade structure in late Art Nouveau forms of remarkable quality, largely preserved in its original condition, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey rental building with a mansard roof, finely graduated plaster structure through pilaster strips, parapet fields and geometric motifs, original door and window mostly preserved.


Apartment building in closed development Sachsenstrasse 10
re. 1909 valuable facade structure in forms of the late Art Nouveau, largely in its original state, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey rental building with extended mansard roof, laterally arranged roof bay window (symmetrical to number 11), economical plaster structure with pilaster strips, cornices and floral motifs, entrance door and windows mostly original.


Apartment building in closed development Sachsenstrasse 11
around 1910 valuable facade structure in forms of the late Art Nouveau, good state of preservation, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey tenement house with a mansard roof and roof bay on the side (symmetrical to number 10), finely graded plaster structure with geometric motifs, entrance door and numerous windows from the time of construction, monument value was confirmed on July 20, 2006 after an examination in connection with the protected tenement house number 10 .


Residential house and side building of a four-sided courtyard Sachsenstrasse 13
around 1780 Well-preserved residential building in its structural shape with side buildings from the time it was built, significant in terms of urban planning as the remainder of the suburban rural development in the Frankenberg area, of architectural and economic importance.

Two-storey, six-axis residential building with a mansard hipped roof, portal with keystone and protruding roof, facade clearly shaped, cross vaults in the hallway, changes inside, single-storey side building, mansard roof with crooked hip.


Apartment building in closed development Sachsenstrasse 19
1891 according to the building file high-quality facade structure, largely preserved in its original state, typical of the original appearance of the lower Sachsenstrasse, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building with wide roof bay, axially symmetrical facade organization, porphyry walls, quarry stone base, numerous original windows preserved, original entrance door, distinctive crowning with roof bay windows.


Apartment building in closed development Sachsenstrasse 22
around 1900 simple Wilhelminian style rental building with a sparsely structured facade, stands in a uniformly designed line with houses number 22-26b, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey, eaves, gable roof with original roof houses, economical facade decoration, slightly protruding corner projections with tympana crowning the windows on the first floor, entrance on the back.


Apartment building in closed development Sachsenstrasse 23
1898 according to the building file Large tenement house with a sparsely structured facade, of urban development importance for Sachsenstrasse in connection with the Wilhelminian style. Buildings number 22 and 24-26b, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey building with a gable roof and five roof houses, eaves, economical facade decoration, console stones under the window sills, slightly profiled window frames, shop fitting from 1902, client: Hermann Pötsch, master coppersmith, rear building painted in 2001.


Apartment building in closed development Sachsenstrasse 25
around 1900 Large apartment building with a sparsely structured facade, forms a single line with houses number 22-26b, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey, eaves, gable roof with original roof houses, simple facade decoration, in the central axis twin windows with overlapping gables.


Apartment building in closed development Sachsenstrasse 26
1902 according to the building file Large apartment building with simple Wilhelminian style decoration and original plastering, of urban value in connection with Sachsenstrasse 22-25 and 26b, which also have Wilhelminian style facades and together form a well-preserved roof landscape with roof houses, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey building with a gable roof and roof house, simple facade decoration with three window roofs and beams over the other windows, console stones under the window sills.


Apartment building in half-open development Sachsenstrasse 26d
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style building in an important urban area as a visual boundary of the Mühlbach valley, tower-like elevation of the corner area with the wooden floating gables is important for the beginning of the row of houses.

Two-storey building with a hipped roof, roof bay with half-timbered gable, little roof house, tower-like elevation of the corner area with floating gables in wood, window canopies, otherwise quite plain facade.


Residential house in semi-open development and corner location as well as Heiste Scheffelstrasse 1
after 1850 Simple residential building with shop, typical of residential building architecture around 1850, with largely the original façade structure, in a prominent urban planning location on the corner of August-Bebel-Strasse, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with hipped roof, circumferential strip of cornice separates the basement from the upper storey, simple window frames in the basement, profiled window frames on the upper floor, roof pike facing Scheffelstrasse, shop fitting with later, disfiguring shop window break-in, building located above a heiste.


Residential house and rear building in semi-open development Scheffelstrasse 2
after 1850 Typical, simple house from around 1850 with preserved facade division, of architectural significance.

Two-storey building with a crooked roof, five-axis facade facing Scheffelstrasse, four-axis structure of the gable side, porphyry walls, entirely made of quarry stone, two later additions to the rear.


Residential house in semi-open development Scheffelstrasse 19
1st half of the 19th century Typical street house with largely original facade structure, of urban value as the first house at the beginning of the lower Scheffelstrasse.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, simple facade structure with four axes, old windows.


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Schlossstrasse 1
around 1790 Largely preserved in its original substance, as a residential building of a former Ausspännergut of architectural and local historical importance.

Two-storey, eaves-standing residential building with a mansard roof, central arched portal, two shop fittings on the ground floor, simple cornice strip, richly profiled Wilhelminian style windows, cross vaults in the gate entrance and in the lower staircase, large parts of the old paving are still there, lower two-storey wing structures enclose the rectangular courtyard in the rear building also passage. Since the end of the 18th century, the complex has served as a soap boiler; the rear building, encompassing a courtyard on all sides, demolished before 2014 (formerly used as a soap boiler), thus destroying the structure of the Anspännergut typical of Frankenberg.


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Schloßstraße 2
around 1790 Historical and urban significance as part of the western development of Schloßstraße that has been preserved at its original height, simple facade design from the late 19th century with a shop.
  • Two-storey, eaves-standing house with mansard roof, plaster structure from the Gründerzeit (according to the owner: 1889) in good condition
  • Side building: Shed with possibly old wooden construction
  • Rear building: old core on the first floor, both rear buildings have been demolished

Residential house and outbuildings in closed development
Residential house and outbuildings in closed development Schloßstraße 3
around 1790 Historical and urban significance as part of the baroque western development on Schloßstraße.

Two-storey, eaves-standing house with mansard roof, arched portal with keystone and original door, original window frames on the ground floor, cross vaults inside partially preserved, valuable inner door with two wings on the upper floor (probably from the time of construction)


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Schloßstraße 4
around 1790 Historical and urban significance as part of the western development of Schloßstraße that has been preserved at its original height.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building with a mansard roof, facade heavily reshaped, old rear building only preserved on the ground floor.


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Schlossstrasse 5
around 1790 Urban significance as part of the western development of Schloßstraße, special value due to the baroque elements preserved inside.

Three-story, eaves-standing building, additional storey, facade heavily shaped, on the ground floor a cross-vaulted room, iron door, baroque staircase, on the first floor a baroque closet.


Residential house in closed development, outbuildings and rear buildings
Residential house in closed development, outbuildings and rear buildings Schloßstraße 6
Door to the courtyard 1733 Of urban development and architectural historical value due to the original courtyard structure preserved in the core, numerous valuable interior details, sensitively attached commercial building.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building with a gable roof, raised, overformed facade, entrance door with cassette structure and decorative grilles, baroque wall cupboard, baroque door to the courtyard, right side building with old, ornate grilles, side and rear buildings with old structures, rear, commercial extension obeys the requirements of homeland security , Commercial: Dry cleaning and dyeing.


Residential house in closed development with rear building
Residential house in closed development with rear building Schlossstrasse 7
Entrance door re. 1833 Well-balanced plastered facade with original portal, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building with a high mansard roof, classicist portal with consoles and garlands, rear building with old structure, but gutted.


Agricultural bourgeois house in closed development with courtyard conversion on four sides
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Agricultural bourgeois house in closed development with courtyard conversion on four sides Schlossstrasse 8
re. 1787 (front building) Of outstanding architectural and urban significance as a fully preserved baroque farmhouse typical of Frankenberg, historical significance as a former calico printing facility.

Three-story, eaves-standing building with a gable roof, storey front building, over-molded facade, later shop fittings, entrance with basket arch and decorated keystone (marked 1787), cross vault, rear building partly three-story with a mansard roof, porphyry walls, on the right side building an arched portal with large skylight (marked 1786). In the second half of the 17th and early 18th centuries the site of the Höpner trading house was located on the site, and in the late 18th century the building served as a calico printing facility.


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Schlossstrasse 9
around 1790 High-quality Wilhelminian-style remodeling of the facade of a late-baroque house, of architectural significance, of urban value as part of the Schloßstraße ensemble.

Three-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, eaves cornice with tooth cut, profiled window walls plastered, partly segmented arched gables over the windows, entrance door from the time of the overmolding.


Calico printing shop (formerly) (residential house in closed development with courtyard and rear building, remains of the original terraced garden available (garden monument))
Calico printing shop (formerly) (residential house in closed development with courtyard and rear building, remains of the original terraced garden available (garden monument)) Schlossstrasse 10
re. 1809 Of particular architectural and urban value due to the intact relationship between the front building, the rear building and the garden, numerous valuable building details, historical significance as a former calico printing plant.
  • Residential building: three-storey, eaves-standing residential building with a gable roof, raised, arched portal with keystone (marked 1809), facade heavily shaped, corridor with groin vaults, door to the courtyard from the construction period, original staircase preserved
  • Side building: one to two-story side building, the right one still has two cross-frame windows
  • Rear building: three-storey rear building with a high mansard roof and arched hallway (several metal doors), semicircular staircase to the garden, in the late 18th century the building served as a calico printing facility, endangered by long-term vacancies in the existing building
  • Garden: Access: via semicircular outside staircase of the rear building, main path from the staircase can still be read in the floor model
  • Floor relief: sloping terrain to the west to the Mühlbach, terracing through quarry stone retaining walls (porphyry) with stairs in a central axis
  • Water basin: brick water basin, plastered, on the lower terrace, badly damaged

Residential house in closed development with rear building and outbuildings
Residential house in closed development with rear building and outbuildings Schlossstrasse 11
around 1800 of urban value for the castle street development, of architectural-historical value due to the baroque structure and interior fittings.

Three-storey building, saddle roof, eaves, later heightening and reshaping of the facade, shop installation on the ground floor around 1920, baroque wall cupboard inside, arched portal to the courtyard, rear building 1st half of the 19th century.


Residential house in closed development and corner location with rear building
Residential house in closed development and corner location with rear building Schlossstrasse 12
around 1800 Urban development significance as part of the western development of Schloßstraße at the confluence of Dammgasse, inside details from the construction period that are valuable in terms of building history.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building with hipped roof, facade overformed at the end of the 19th century and impaired by windows added during the most recent renovations, groin-vaulted hallway, baroque door to the inner courtyard, gate entrance with old door to Dammgasse, the rear building is part of the surrounding wall of the courtyard.


Apartment building in closed development and corner location and outbuildings
Apartment building in closed development and corner location and outbuildings Schloßstraße 13
essentially around 1800 Scientific value due to preserved vaults of the original building, high-quality shop fittings in a very good state of preservation, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building with a rear extension, facade on the ground floor clad in ceramics, doors with neoclassical decorative motifs, right shop with groined vaults, left shop with tile cladding and glass ceiling, the interior of the house is still as it was when it was built.


Residential house in closed development with two courtyard buildings
Residential house in closed development with two courtyard buildings Schloßstraße 16
around 1790 Urban development value as part of the eastern outskirts of Schloßstraße, artistically valuable, baroque entrance door, cross vaults on the ground floor, of architectural significance.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building with valuable, well-preserved plaster structure, exterior and interior doors also well preserved, baroque iron door in the rear building.


Apartment building in closed development with a rear building
Apartment building in closed development with a rear building Schlossstrasse 17
End of the 19th century valuable Wilhelminian style facade, good condition outside and inside, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Three-storey, eaves-standing building with high-quality facade structure, arched portal and windows on the ground floor, at right angles adjoining rear building from different construction phases with older substance on the ground floor, arrangement typical of the urban estates in Frankenberg.


Residential house in semi-open development
More pictures
Residential house in semi-open development Schloßstraße 18
around 1750 high architectural quality, scientific value thanks to the baroque interior fittings that have been preserved in a closed manner.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building with a gable roof and a bay window, window frames twice profiled and chamfered.


Secret annex of a no longer existing Anspännergut Schloßstraße 19
around 1800 of high architectural and historical value as a remainder of the building form typical of Frankenberg, originally enclosing a courtyard.

Two-storey, elongated building with a gable roof, eaves, in the basement of baroque origin: a cross-vaulted room, a door still available, renovated on the upper floor in the 19th century, good state of preservation, wooden windows.


Apartment building in half-open development Schlossstrasse 20
End of the 19th century For the appearance of the Schloßstraße in its lower area a defining structure, important in terms of building history and urban development.

Three-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, with a roof bay, mighty structure with a horizontal cornice, some of the original stone walls of the windows have been preserved, gabled windows on the first floor, otherwise the facade is very plain and later plastered over. Great urban development value of the building as part of the castle street development.


Apartment house in a corner
Apartment house in a corner Schloßstraße 23
End of the 19th century important for urban planning reasons as the first building on Schloßstraße, valuable, well-preserved Wilhelminian style interior.

Three-storey apartment building with a gable roof, eaves, wide roof bay window in the central axis, simple facade, windows have been changed, original front door, walls made of wood and glass between the stairwell and the apartments.


Apartment building in closed development
Apartment building in closed development Schlossstrasse 27
around 1870 of urban significance as part of the lower area of ​​Schloßstraße, of scientific value as a well-preserved example of a large apartment building from the early founding period.

Four-storey, wide building with a gable roof, eaves, simple facade in plaster, stone door and window frames in a less elaborate design, ornate eaves cornice.


Residential building
Residential building Schlossstrasse 38
after 1712 late baroque house, facade remodeled in the Wilhelminian style, of architectural and urban significance.

Monument text Late baroque house, probably built after the city fire of 1712, three storeys, remodeled and raised in the Wilhelminian style, flat pitched saddle roof with three altered roof houses, inside partly buildings from the time around 1850. Belonging to the historical town center of Frankenberg and standing on an important thoroughfare.

The urban development, architectural and urban significance of the building results from the location and the existing building stock. (LFD / 2011).

Residential house: three-storey, remodeled and raised in the Wilhelminian style, three roof houses, old wooden windows, rear building as part of the ensemble, simple two-storey half-timbered building with a gable roof, demolished before 2009, side building with three-bay upper arbor: higher architectural historical value than one of the last originally preserved upper arbor in Frankenberg, probably Created immediately after the city fire of 1712, side building with upper arbor demolished in 1995.


Front door of a residential building Schloßstraße 39
after 1788 (front door) Original baroque front door of a house of craft historical value that was built after the last big city fire and was later heavily remodeled.

Two-storey residential building with a facade that has been reformed several times, later additions, changes to the roof area, original entrance door, cross vaults in the entrance area, baroque doors inside, rear building demolished before 2011 according to ALK, residential building canceled in 2013.


Residential house in closed development with two courtyard buildings
Residential house in closed development with two courtyard buildings Schlossstrasse 41
around 1790 Late baroque house, later remodeled, of architectural importance, town planning value as part of the eastern outskirts of Schloßstraße.

Three-storey, eaves-standing house, additional storey, later shop installation, cross vaults in the entrance area, at the back a former external portal, marked 1788, closet in the hallway, very well preserved baroque entrance door replaced by a new door leaf.


Residential house in open development Schuhmachergasse 2
re. 1837 Simple house construction, typical of the suburban residential architecture of the early 19th century, largely preserved in the form of the structure and facade layout, significant in terms of building history.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building, gable roof with a crooked hip, entrance with protruding roof on consoles.


Rectory in open development and corner location Schulstrasse 3
End of the 19th century Massive and representative structure in a prominent corner location, two imaginatively designed entrances with neo-Romanesque elements and stair gables that characterize the street scene, important in terms of building history and local history.

Two-storey building with a hipped roof and two façades facing Schulstrasse and Winklerstrasse, two representative entrance situations with massive half-columns, ornamented capitals, pointed arch ends with an imaginative keystone, loggia to the garden with round column, two roof bay windows with stepped gables, corner cuboids, inside original floor tiles and doors.


Apartment house in open development and corner location Schulstrasse 6
End of the 19th century Remarkable Wilhelminian style building with a rich facade structure, of architectural significance, distinctive urban situation.

Two-storey rental building with raised corner projections, facade design in neo-renaissance forms in plaster, yellow and red brick, strong horizontal structure, protruding window roofs, arched windows on the second floor of the corner projections framed by pilasters, reconstruction started in autumn 2004.


Apartment building in open development Schulstrasse 8
End of the 19th century high-quality, richly designed building with elements that are very unusual for Frankenberg, such as an aedicula with a female statue on the upper floor of the central projectile as well as an elaborately designed corner bay, which is important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with a roof bay window and lavishly designed gable with pilasters, medallions, volutes, spheres, the facade is structured in red and yellow brick and plaster elements, a building that is unusually richly decorated for Frankenberg.


Residential house in half-open development and corner location Seegasse 1
Early 19th century Simple house construction, facade layout and structural shape largely unchanged, typical for the development in the expansion areas of Frankenberg, historically important, characterizing the cityscape due to its striking location.

Two-storey, eaves-standing structure with a high mansard roof, arched portal with keystone, door and window renewed, two old towers on the street side.


Residential house in open development Seegasse 5
Early 19th century simple house construction, typical of the residential architecture in the suburbs of Frankenberg, facade layout and structural shape well preserved, of architectural significance.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building with high, slate-covered gable roof, portal with protruding roof, wooden paneled gable, few old windows have survived.


Residential house in closed development and corner location Teichstrasse 5
probably 1830 striking corner building with hipped roof, relatively large building with largely original facade structure and original entrance portal, of architectural and urban importance.

Two-storey building facing Teichstrasse, three-storey facing Töpferstrasse, the building is very deep and has a broad facade facing Töpferstrasse, which is not uniformly designed, porphyry portal to Teichstrasse with cornice, tooth frieze and rosettes, endangered by long-term vacancies.


Two multi-family houses and a twin house in open development (see also Georg-Hager-Straße 12, 16, 17, 19 - Obj. 09244210) Thomas-Rockardt-Strasse 7; 9; 11; 13
around 1930 At the same time, a group of residential buildings of architectural and socio-historical importance.

Two-storey buildings with hipped roofs, eaves describe a curved arch above the staircase windows, base areas made of bricks, emphasis on the central axes through the entrances, the elongated staircase windows and the cornice arches, the facility is largely impaired by renovation.


Silk goods factory Behr & Schubert (formerly) (production building of a former silk goods factory, with quarry stone wall) Töpferstrasse 2; 2a; 2 B; 2c
As one of the first silk weaving mills in Saxony and the oldest weaving mill in Frankenberg of outstanding industrial and urban historical importance, it is also one of the earliest factory buildings in Frankenberg, impressive due to its size.

The former production building - advertised in the album of the Saxon industry from 1856 as "the most handsome and beautiful building in Frankenberg" - is a three-story, elongated building with a hipped roof. Its narrow side faces Töpferstrasse. The building consists predominantly of quarry stone masonry and has porphyry walls on the windows and doors, but otherwise has a simple facade design. Above the main entrance door there is a medallion with the year of construction in 1836 and the initials of the company's founder A [ugust] A [ndreas] B [ehr].

Construction and company history: In 1836 the silk goods dealer and manufacturer August Andreas Behr from Limbach founded a silk goods factory in Frankenberg. The newly built production building on Töpferstrasse also served him as an apartment. After a difficult early period in which Behr tried to train local workers for complex silk weaving, a silk goods dealer from Leipzig, Christian Gottlob Schubert, joined the company, which has since been known as the Behr & Schubert silk goods factory, as a partner in 1841 and took over the distribution of the goods Behr concentrated on silk production. In the period that followed, production could be expanded and the quality of the goods continuously improved, so that the existing factory building was given a side building with a boiler house around 1860. In 1856 Ernst Adolf Behr, the company's founder's son, also became a partner in the factory and finally took it over after his father's death in 1871. It has not yet been established when Christian Gottlob Schubert was no longer a partner, but the company name Behr & Schubert remained the silk weaving still preserved. After Ernst Adolf Behr left the company in 1894, a Chemnitz businessman, Friedrich Wilhelm Richard Strauss, remained the sole owner of the silk goods factory until the company was finally closed in 1904. In this last section of the silk goods production on site, the factory building was expanded in 1899 on the northeast gable by a shed extension and in 1902 on the northwest long side by a shed for the installation of additional jacquard machines. From 1906 to 1921 the production buildings housed the Julius Schnabel weaving mill, after which they served the Chemnitz machine tool factory Hermann Heinrich as a branch for the production of circular knitting machines. In 1930 this company also filed for bankruptcy. After a temporary administration by the trustee Karl Stumpf, 15 apartments were built into the former factory building from 1936 to 1937, the sheds and side buildings were demolished. The current apartment building is currently at risk from being vacant.

Production profile and sales market

Around 1850, around 50 to 60 people were employed in the silk goods factory Behr & Schubert, in addition to the silk weavers who operate the more than 40 jacquard looms, there were also around 20 winders (see Bose 1847). Silk and half-silk furniture, decoration, ready-to-wear and clothing fabrics, as well as trolley and curtain fabrics were manufactured. These brands received awards at Saxon trade shows at an early stage, such as B. at the Dresden trade exhibition in 1837 a decree of praise, in 1840 a large silver medal and in 1845 finally as "the most perfect [...] that has been delivered in this way in Saxony [...]" (report on the exhibition of Saxon trade Produced in Dresden in 1845. Leipzig 1846, p. 42) a large gold medal. In Chemnitz, the company received a silver medal in 1867. It is therefore not surprising that the silk wallpapers from Behr & Schubert were also used in the Dresden Palace, for example. Even if the sales market was initially limited to Leipzig in the early days of the company, it was not able to do so due to the increasing quality of the goods and the increased presence at national and international trade fairs after Schubert took over sales. B. at the first world exhibition in London in 1851 - quickly expanded to Germany, England, Denmark and America.

Power operation: An interesting detail from the history of the silk goods factory Behr & Schubert is the introduction of power for the looms in 1895 (cf. building files, Frankenberg city archive). Instead of putting their own power generation system into operation, wire lines were stretched across various properties and public street space in order to provide the silk goods factory with electricity from the dynamo machine from Frankenberger Neumühle (CG Wiessner & Co.). As a result, the company set up mechanical looms with their own electric motors for the first time in 1896.

Monument value: the production building of the former Behr & Schubert silk goods factory is an important testimony to the early mechanized weaving of silk and semi-silk products in Frankenberg and Saxony. As one of the oldest silk weaving mills in Saxony equipped with jacquard looms - the first Thilo and Röhling founded in Annaberg in 1828 (see Bose 1847, p. 85) - as well as the oldest machine weaving mill in Frankenberg and thus one of the earliest local factory buildings is the former silk goods factory of great industrial and urban historical importance. In addition, contemporaries appreciated it not only for its tasteful structure, but also for the high quality of the products. This underlines the importance of the former silk weaving mill and the preserved production building for Saxon industrial history. The enormous importance of the company for Frankenberg is further emphasized by the fact that the factory owner August Andreas Behr was made an honorary citizen of the city in 1869. Due to the criteria mentioned and the high scientific and documentary value of the system mentioned, there is a public interest in its preservation. (LfD / 2012).

Three-storey building with a hipped roof, elongated building, narrow side facing Töpferstrasse, quarry stone masonry, simple facade, porphyry cladding on windows and doors, above the door a medallion with the year, today used as a tenement house, endangered by vacancy and art theft (historic oven on the upper floor).


Residential building in closed development Töpferstrasse 5
around 1830 Local, smaller residential building with preserved facade division, of architectural and urban significance

Two-storey building with a mansard roof, five-axis facade, simple


Residential house in half-open development and corner location Töpferstrasse 10
around 1830 Street-typical residential building from around 1830 with a well-preserved entrance portal from the time it was built as well as the original facade layout, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves facing Töpferstrasse, original portal with straight lintel, entablature with tooth cut and rosettes made of porphyry, window frames also made of porphyry.


Residential building in closed development Töpferstrasse 12
re. 1832 characteristic residential building from around 1830, largely preserved in its originality, of architectural and urban importance.

Two-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, four-axis facade division, porphyry portal with entablature and serration and rosettes, windows with porphyry walls, four small roof houses.


Residential house in semi-open development Toepferstrasse 17
Early 19th century simple, well-proportioned house, typical of the urban expansion areas of the early 19th century, largely preserved in its original condition, of architectural and urban significance.

Two-story, eaves-standing building with a steep, slate-covered gable roof, arched portal with keystone, porphyry walls, wooden windows.


Residential building in closed development Töpferstrasse 26
re. 1814 simple residential house typical of the urban expansion areas of the early 19th century with a largely original facade design, important in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building with a steep, beaver-tail-covered gable roof, profiled arched portal with keystone, porphyry walls, facade slightly reshaped, the windows are new.


Apartment building, detached Wassergasse 3
End of the 19th century with shop, lavishly and diversely designed facade of architectural and urban value.

Two-storey building in Wassergasse, raised by one storey at the corner of Wassergasse and Chemnitzer Strasse, first and second floors in the corner area made of brick, otherwise plaster, porphyry walls, triangular gables and cornices above the windows, consoles under the cornice, blown gable facing Chemnitzer Strasse .


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 4
around 1900 simple clinker brick building typical of the time of regional urban planning and architectural value.

three-storey, five axes, jagged central projection, front door and windows not original, inside original room and apartment doors, iron railing in the staircase from the construction period, wooden winter gardens on the courtyard side on both upper floors.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 5
1895 according to the building file high-quality, late-historical facade with red brick surfaces and plaster ornaments, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building with a roof bay, some roofs over the windows in the form of triangular gables, filled with leaf ornaments, beams with console stones over the windows, balusters under the middle windows, facade with six window axes, original entrance door, typical wooden verandas on the rear facade.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 6
1908 according to the building file strictly structured, well-proportioned plastered facade, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building, roof bay with triangular gable, square ornamental fields under the windows with cornucopia and plait-like motifs.


Apartment building in semi-open development and corner location Winklerstrasse 8
Early 20th century Late historical plastered building in a prominent position with a raised, tower-like corner area, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building, imaginatively curved window frames, old roller shutter cladding, original plaster skin largely preserved, old windows and door, changes in the roof area.


Apartment building in half-open development Winklerstrasse 10 1904 according to the building file high quality art nouveau facade with rarity value, of architectural and urban importance.

Three-storey building with a roof bay window and curved gable, original plaster with Art Nouveau ornamentation, original window, Art Nouveau door.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 11a
1905 according to the building file Imaginatively designed, late historical facade of artistic value, is an exception in the ensemble of Winklerstrasse due to its motifs, such as B. the coupled triplet windows with pillars, the relief-like pilasters with spherical and rod motifs, the idiosyncratic window frames and the like. a., of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building, two side projections with gable ends, in the middle part a kind of attic storey with half-timbering reminiscent of rural architecture, imaginatively designed pilasters with rod and ball motifs, coupled triplet windows with pillars, rear facade: remains of a wooden veranda.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 12
1904 according to the building file Well-balanced, high-quality facade design in the Wilhelminian style with deeply profiled window frames, artistically designed half-timbered roof bay windows, with a value that characterizes the street scene and is of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building with a roof bay window and two small attic houses with half-timbered design, the ground floor is clad in a very rustic stone, window frames on the first and second floors are richly and deeply profiled, original windows.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 13
1904 according to the building file high-quality, richly designed, Wilhelminian-style facade with plaster ornamentation and yellow tile surfaces, very elaborately designed roof gable with a character that defines the street scene and is of importance in terms of building history and urban development.

Three-storey building with two roof cores, very richly ornamented gable with shell motif, on the first floor window frames with bars, plaster ornaments with Art Nouveau echoes, facade with eight axes, wooden verandas in the rear area.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 14
1876 ​​according to the building archive Wilhelminian style facade with largely preserved original plaster, in the area of ​​the northern edge development of Winklerstrasse a rather simple facade structure, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building with a mansard roof, simple plastered facade with triangular gables above the windows, console stones under the window sills, roof bay window with hipped roof.


Apartment house in a corner Winklerstrasse 26
1898 according to the building file high-quality, Wilhelminian-style building in a prominent corner location, emphasized by the sloping building corner with bay window, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building with a tower-like raised corner area, broken down into brick and plaster, balconies facing Meltzerstraße, original plaster largely preserved, original door and z. Some windows have also been preserved, carefully designed roof houses.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 28
1898 according to the building file Wilhelminian style facade with plaster and red brick, typical building for the upper area of ​​Winklerstraße in connection with house numbers 27 and 29–33, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, wide roof bay, original windows have been preserved, porphyry walls, two window roofs in the form of triangular gables, old shutters are still there, the end of the roof bay has been changed.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 29
1898 according to the building file Wilhelminian style building with a facade structure with plaster and brick elements, an important building for the appearance of the street, to be seen in connection with the house numbers from 27, 28 and 30–33, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey building with a gable roof and wide roof bay, symmetrical facade structure with seven axes, three window roofs in the form of triangular gables, the end of the roof bay changed.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 30
around 1900 Wilhelminian style tenement architecture with rich facade design and largely preserved interior fittings, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building with a gable roof, eaves, historicizing facade structure in plaster and brick, bay window with roof bay window, original entrance door and window on the ground floor and first floor, interior doors, stucco ceilings and ceramic ovens largely preserved in good condition.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 31
1902 according to the building file high-quality, Wilhelminian-style facade division into plaster and bricks like house numbers 27–30, 32 and 33, but more ornate in the design with ornamented plastered surfaces, ornate console stones, toothed frieze, original roof and roof bay window with ornamental gable, important from an architectural and urban point of view.

Three-storey building, gable roof, eaves, symmetrical facade structure with seven axes, old windows.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 32
1902 according to the building file high-quality, Wilhelminian-style building with plaster and brick structure and ornamented porphyry surfaces, typical for the ensemble of house numbers 27–31 and 33, with original dormers and dormer windows with decorative gables, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey building, gable roof, eaves, symmetrical facade division with seven axes, old entrance door and partly original windows.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 33
1903 according to the building file Balanced Wilhelminian style facade with structural elements in plaster and brick such as house numbers 27–32, of architectural and urban significance, characterizing the street with preserved roof gable.

Three-storey, saddle roof, eaves, roof bay with gable, modified dormers, six-axis facade, some old windows, window frames varied, slight changes in the ground floor area.


Apartment building in semi-open development and corner location Winklerstrasse 34
1910 according to the building file Very high quality and richly designed building with pilaster structure spanning storeys in original plaster, moving roof gable with ornament and wavelike moving cornice of value defining the street scene, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building, hipped mansard roof, rounded roof gable with undulating cornice, rosette motif between the pilasters, horns of plenty, original windows and door, apartment building built by Nestler for himself.


villa Winklerstrasse 35
1904 according to the building file Large Wilhelminian style building with two artistically designed historicizing street facades with a roof core with a half-timbered structure that characterizes the street scene, a loggia with a round column, with a single-storey, circular extension along the street with a pilaster structure, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with a hipped mansard roof and two roof cores on the two façades facing the train station and Winklerstrasse, some old windows on the first floor.


Apartment building in semi-open development and corner location Winklerstrasse 37
End of the 19th century Well-proportioned building in a prominent urban corner location with largely preserved plaster structure, profiled window frames and gable-topped windows, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Two-storey building with a tower-like raised corner, cornice structure, original door and window, window canopies in the form of triangular gables with consoles, roof area possibly changed.


Apartment building in half-open development Winklerstrasse 39
End of the 19th century powerfully structured, simple rental building, typical of the simpler development on the south side of Winklerstrasse, largely in its original condition, of historical and urban importance.

Two-storey, eaves-standing building, roof bay window with arch-shaped crown, facade structure in porphyry and plaster (cornices, window frames and roofing, parapet fields), original windows largely preserved.


Apartment building in half-open development Winklerstrasse 40
End of the 19th century powerfully structured, simple rental building, typical of the simpler development on the south side of Winklerstrasse, largely in its original condition, of historical and urban importance. 09244103

Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 46
around 1900 Prestigiously designed rental building, part of the Wilhelminian style line at Winklerstrasse 46–54, facade in good condition, of architectural and urban importance.

Three-storey building, central axis highlighted by a roof bay window with decorative gable, rustic ribbons on the ground floor, brick facing on the upper floor, protruding window canopies, shell motif in the crowning gable.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 47
Early 20th century Balanced Wilhelminian style facade in brick and plaster, relatively strictly structured with square and circular motifs in the ornament fields, gable of importance for the street scene in connection with house numbers 51-46, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey building with a roof bay and triangular gable, strict ornaments, not as varied as the neighboring houses.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 48
Early 20th century High-quality, Wilhelminian-style facade with brick (red) and plaster elements, remarkable, partly Gothic-style gable design of the building with turrets and battlements as well as two quarter rosettes, beams and pilasters, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey with roof bay window and gable, window frames and two triangular roofs, ground floor. changed


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 49
Early 20th century Balanced Wilhelminian style facade with plaster and brick structure, imaginative gable design of the roof bay with a curved substructure and a strictly triangular end is an important part of the gable landscape of this part of Winklerstrasse, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building with a roof bay window and curved gable, crowned by a triangular closure, imaginative window frames, accentuated by more ornament in the middle section of the facade.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 50
Early 20th century Varied, Wilhelminian style facade with plastered and yellow brick structure, triangular gable with curved, relief-like lines and round arches in the gable field is an important part of the gable landscape of this part of Winklerstraße, of architectural and urban significance.

Three-storey building, roof bay window with triangular gables, triangular roofs over the windows, window frames with a kind of framework, four roof houses, etc. a. Gothic motifs in the gable field, the ground floor has been changed.


Apartment building in closed development Winklerstrasse 51
Early 20th century Varied, Wilhelminian style facade with plaster and brick structure, the triangular gable of the roof bay with the house numbers 46–54 forms a lively and imaginative roof landscape, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning.

Three-storey building, seven-axis facade, roof bay window with triangular gable, triangular roofing over the windows, e.g. Partly drilled window frames, pilasters, two male heads with helmets delimit the central part of the facade below the gable.



  1. The list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. This can be viewed by the responsible authorities. Therefore, the presence or absence of a structure or ensemble on this list does not guarantee that it is or is not a registered monument at the present time. The State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony provides binding information .

Web links

Commons : Cultural monuments in Frankenberg / Sa.  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files