List of cultural monuments in Augustusburg

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The list of cultural monuments in Augustusburg contains the cultural monuments in Augustusburg .

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


image designation location Dating description ID
Monument protection area old town Augustusburg (statute 01.06.2001) (Map) Monument protection area old town Augustusburg with castle, castle hill and town church; This area includes the development of the market, Chemnitzer Strasse, Schloßstrasse, Engen Gasse, the church square and Schellsieben. 09240216

Heinzelmännchen house (villa) Albin-Müller-Strasse 1
1900/1902 Erected in the early Heimatstil , part of a villa area developed around 1900, of architectural and urban development value

Client: Director R. Jesse from Chemnitz, built as a country house, the building site belonged to the Schellenberger Baubank, half-timbered elements in the gable area, partially boarded up, protruding roofs, carved balconies , bay windows , partially renovated, built on the property of the Schellenberger Baubank, which presumably houses the Parceled out villa colony and sold to private owners


Totality of the Augustusburg cemetery with the following individual monuments: cemetery chapel, morgue, memorial for those who died in the First World War, four tombs, two tombs and two crypt houses (see individual monument 09240079, same address), the horticultural cemetery design with chestnut and linden avenues (garden monument) and the enclosure (Entity part) At the cemetery
18./19. Century of local importance
  • Buildings : cemetery chapel, morgue and two tomb houses
  • Enclosure : quarry stone wall
  • Access : access gate south of the cemetery chapel with two-winged ornamental lattice gate, sandstone gate pillars crowned with crosses, regular grid of paths with a water-bound ceiling
  • Alleys : Linden alley (Tilia spec.) Along the path north of the chapel from east to west, horse chestnut alley (Aesculus hippocastanum) of the path parallel to the south of the chapel, north of the chapel linden alley (Tilia spec.)

Individual features of the aggregate cemetery Augustusburg: cemetery chapel, morgue, memorial for those who fell in the First World War, four tombs, two graves and two crypt houses (see also aggregate 09301157, same address) At the cemetery
1772 and 1780 (Zeller and Arnold tomb) of local importance
  • Baroque tomb for Arnold Zeller (1772), sandstone
  • Baroque tomb for Zeller (1780), sandstone,
  • neo-Gothic tomb for Friedrich August Weigel, d. 1867
  • Grave slab of the Richter family (at the morgue), inscribed 1885
  • Grave system with electroforming Family Findeisen, in 1900
  • Grave complex with enclosure, without inscription, around 1910
  • Crypt house of the Böhme family, more recently renovated, 2nd half of the 19th century.
  • Grufthaus (on the south side of the cemetery next to the Fischer and Ulbricht tomb), 2nd half of the 19th century.

villa Am Kurplatz 11
1906 Erected as a summer house of the Schulze family in timber construction, part of a villa area that was built around 1900, of architectural and urban development value

Windows renewed and changed, garage installation, solid ground floor, upper floor wooden block construction, bay window, floating gable , carved wooden decorations, built as a summer house for Bernhard Schulze


villa Am Kurplatz 12
1901 Country house in wood block construction, part of a villa area developed around 1900, of architectural, artistic and urban development value

Floating gables, wooden block construction, decorated chalkboards , bay windows, balconies, built as a country house for Eduard Rein from Chemnitz, is one of the first built-up plots in the residential area for country houses near Augustusburg


Annen-Ruh (villa) Am Kurplatz 13
1905 Built as a summer house of the architect Prof. Emil Torge in wood block construction, part of a villa area that was built around 1900, of architectural, architectural and urban development value

Wood block construction, balcony with carved parapet, floating gable, shutters, client and architect: Prof. Emil Torge, Chemnitz, built as a summer house


villa Am Kurplatz 14
around 1905 Picturesque plastered building with rich ornamental framework, part of a villa area developed around 1900, of architectural and urban development value

Half-timbered gable and jambs made of half-timbered, balconies with carved wooden parapets , floating gables, turrets, wooden vestibules


Residential house in closed development with Heiste Narrow Alley 2
1930 (previous building from 1577 burned down 1929) After the fire in 1930, a typical small-town house was rebuilt in a historical style, of urban value

developed roof, two-storey, four axes, original door portals, no original front door


Residential house in closed development with Heiste Narrow Alley 4
1930 (previous building from 1569 burned down 1929) after a fire in the previous building in 1930, it was rebuilt in a historicizing style, of urban value

four axes, door portal, two-storey, extended roof


Residential house in closed development with Heiste Narrow Alley 6
1930 (previous building from 1569 burned down 1929) Rebuilding after the fire of the previous building in historicizing style, of urban value

six axes, two-storey, extended roof, door portal, renovated


Residential house in closed development and Heiste Narrow Alley 10
1609 Half-timbered house from the early 17th century belonging to the historic town center of Augustusburg, of architectural, urban development and urban development value

Solid ground floor, half-timbered upper floor with St. Andrew's crosses in the parapets and above the windows, partly fire rams, half-timbered during restoration work in 1955, three-storey, during restoration work there were indications of ground floor half-timbered, partly renovated


Residential building in closed development Narrow Alley 11
around 1700 Half-timbered house from the end of the 17th century belonging to the historic town center of Augustusburg, of architectural, development and urban value

Half-timbered, on the ground floor some half-timbered, ship throat on threshold, gable roof


villa Hieronymus-Lotter-Strasse 4
1902 Well-preserved example of the country house settlement in Augustusburg, which was built around 1900, is of architectural importance

One-and-a-half-story plastered building on an irregular floor plan, natural stone base, plastered ground floor, different window formats, windows with grooved skylights, house entrance with pent roof , original single-winged house door, decorated panels (sun motif), semicircular bay window, attic with living function, wooden clad gable, bay window with columns, slate roof Inside good original condition, equipment typical of the time (doors, tiles , spiral wooden stairs, lead glass windows in the stairwell), renovated


Fairytale fountain
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Fairytale fountain Rear castle driveway
1908 Small fountain system with a fountain figure based on a design by the Dresden sculptor Hans Hartmann-MacLean , originally in the castle courtyard, in an authentic state of artistic and urban value

Fountain system with plastic in shell limestone and marble


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Hohe Strasse 1
1720 Plastered building built in 1720 in a typical landscape construction, historically important

Previous building abandoned in 1701, rebuilt in 1720 by Johann Carl Otto (owner), dated 1760 on the door portal (probably reconstruction), two-storey plastered building with segment arch portal with keystone, there marked 1760, saddle roof with loft extension


Equipment of a butcher shop Hohe Strasse 6
around 1900 (tiles) with original tiles (around 1900), technically and artistically important 09240111

Residential house in closed development and Heiste Hohe Strasse 20
1829 Typical plastered construction with a gable roof, typical of the time and landscape, of architectural and urban importance

Door portal in the keystone dated, house probably around 1750, upper floor in brick masonry, originally probably half-timbered, ground floor quarry stone masonry


Jägerhof (eastern mansion, southeastern residential building and three farm buildings on the U-shaped floor plan of a former manor and the row of lime trees leading to the Jägerhof (garden monument)) Jägerhofgasse 4
around 1750, southeast building Manor house as a plastered quarry stone building, facade emphasized by a flat central projection with triangular gable, window roofing with segment gables or triangular gables of the middle three windows, south-eastern residential building in earlier times possibly also manor house, broad plastered building with mansard hipped roof , of architectural and local significance

The former Jägerhof was built in 1527, originally as the seat of the electoral game and fish masters. There are different statements about the former manor house: One source says that it burned down in 1824; on old engravings, however, there is a different location, so that it is assumed that the southeastern residential building is the former manor house. Another clue is the mansard roof that emphasizes the facade of today's house. Triangular gables, window roofs with segment gables or triangular gables of the middle three windows, eleven axes, other side buildings more heavily changed; the row of trees made of formerly cut linden trees leading to the Jägerhof is already recorded on the Saxon mile leaves from 1788.


Individual features of the entity Ev.  City church and churchyard: Church with furnishings, churchyard, memorial for those who fell in World War I, memorial for those who died in 1870/71, tomb and memorial stone (see also 09305159, same address)
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Individual features of the entity Ev. City church and churchyard: Church with furnishings, churchyard, memorial for those who fell in World War I, memorial for those who died in 1870/71, tomb and memorial stone (see also 09305159, same address) Kirchplatz 1
1840–1845, later redesigned (church) Hall church in the classicistic style, rebuilt in the neo-baroque style after the fire in 1894–1896 (especially the interior, architects: Schilling & Graebner , Dresden), of importance in terms of building history, the history of the town and the townscape

New interior fittings after fire from 1893 to 1896, at the church a Christ sculpture with wounds


Entity Ev.  City church and churchyard with the following individual monuments: Church with furnishings, churchyard, memorial for those who fell in World War I, memorial for those who died in 1870/71, tomb, memorial stone and so-called Lotter linden tree (see individual monument 09240082, same address)
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Entity Ev. City church and churchyard with the following individual monuments: Church with furnishings, churchyard, memorial for those who fell in World War I, memorial for those who died in 1870/71, tomb, memorial stone and so-called Lotter linden tree (see individual monument 09240082, same address) Kirchplatz 1
18th century Hall church in the classicistic style, rebuilt in the neo-baroque style after the fire in 1894–1896 (especially the interior, architects: Schilling & Graebner, Dresden), of importance in terms of building history, the history of the town and the townscape

Kirchhof: no cemetery use, now green space
development : access through the churchyard south of the church, from Schloßweg the east, and with a goal from the rectory to the west, orthogonal way system with water-bound ceiling, church square with granite paving, surface occupied by the church with large granite slabs
Monuments :

  • for the fallen of World War I on the northern border in the east of the churchyard
  • for the fallen from 1870/71 south of the church
  • Tomb west of the church
  • Memorial stone east of the church tower

Double row of linden trees west of the church, lime tree avenues along the paths in the eastern churchyard, so-called Lotter-Linde (named after Hieronymus Lotter, the builder of Augustusburg Castle) in the west of the church square,
elevated viewpoint in the north of the churchyard with a wall to Schloßweg 1, view relationship in the landscape to the north, low retaining wall along the southern section of the castle path


Lotterhof (residential house and side building of a homestead and gate to the churchyard)
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Lotterhof (residential house and side building of a homestead and gate to the churchyard) Kirchplatz 2
around 1570 built by Hieronymus Lotter , after renovation in the early 18th century, today baroque appearance, of importance in terms of building history, house history and local history

The community center at Kirchplatz 2, the so-called Lotterhof , can look back on over 400 years of eventful history. Andreas Gutewoch is named in the files as the first owner of the former meadow property. His house stood on the site of the current town church of St. Petri.
In 1567 Hieronymus Lotter bought part of this meadow land and built his house on it, which is now known as Lotterhof . For the construction he used materials (wood and stones) from the old Schellenburg. Lotter finally left his house in 1577 and moved to Geyer , where he had been active in the mining industry since 1561. Lotterhof had two free estates in the church and bailiff David Müller had a beer privilege in 1651 .
In 1709 the lower floor, which was made of wood, was replaced by one made of stone by Carl Christian Junghans.
In 1920 the roof bay was built.
In 1996–1999 a thorough renovation was carried out. On the basis of the results of restoration investigations, historical architectural parts and color versions could be made visible again ...
Construction details such as strongly profiled beams in the stairwell area and wooden stairs from the time of origin, building material from the old Schellenberg Castle used for this, baroque windows, retrofitted gable, saddle roof, seven axes, old Roof construction, wooden parts hewn, wood connections plywood, roof with collar beams, originally also cock beam.
As a building by the famous master builder Hieronymus Lotter and due to its old age and valuable building stock, the Lotterhof gains importance in terms of architectural, local and personal history.
(Quoted from: leaflet 'Der Lotterhof in Augustusburg', published in the series 'Denkmale im Landkreis Freiberg', author: Burkhard Bergmann)


Post office (post office in semi-open development) Marienberger Strasse 1
1904 Elaborate plastered construction with decorative gables and corner bay windows, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning

Corner bay windows , corner cuboids , plaster grooves on the ground floor, gable, central risalit, window skylights with bars


Apartment building in closed development Marienberger Strasse 7
1901 richly structured plastered building with decorative framework on the roof houses, of architectural and urban importance

Plastered facade, half-timbered gable, plastered stucco, ornamental and figural decoration, skylights of the windows partly with bars, original dormer windows


town hall Marienberger Strasse 24
1856 Plastered building with plastering on the ground floor, of importance in terms of building history and local history

with keystone of the previous building on the door, marked 1564, plaster groove on the ground floor, cornice, window and door frames original, plaster facade


Gasthof Landsknecht (residential building)
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Gasthof Landsknecht (residential building) Market 1
1798 Today an inn, upper floor half-timbered, street-side portal marked 1798, still Renaissance portal marked 1564, of importance in terms of building history and local history

two portals, portal street door: 1798, niche portal 1564 on the keystone, half-timbered upper floor from around 1800, solid ground floor, cellar vault, roof structure renewed, only the remainder preserved, saddle roof, important for the townscape, two window frames from around 1564, both gables massive, today Gasthof "Landsknecht"


Residential house in semi-open development in a corner
Residential house in semi-open development in a corner Market 8
around 1800 Typical plastered building with later shop fitting and saddle roof, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning

Door portal and window frames, lavishly decorated front door, shop installation subsequently, gable roof, renovated


Residential house in closed development and corner location Market 10
1719/1720 dendro Upper floor partly plastered half-timbered, of importance in terms of building history and urban development

Door, door and window jambs original, truss floor partially plastered, of added in the courtyard portico , gambrel


Gasthof Lehngericht (inn)
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Gasthof Lehngericht (inn) Market 14
1475, only the basement preserved Broad plastered building with an eastern verandah extension , emphasis of the center of the facade by a large portal, four high rectangular windows of the hall and gable triangle, crooked hip roof , of architectural, urban and local significance

of great importance for urban development, good original stock, partly renovated; Only a barrel-vaulted cellar is preserved from the first building period in 1475, otherwise the house was built in its current form in 1760.


Residential house in open development Market 15
re. 1832 Plastered building with a balanced facade, mansard roof with crooked hips, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning

original door and window, 4 to 7 axes on the upper floor, door portal dated, mansard roof, solid


Residential house in closed development and corner location
Residential house in closed development and corner location Markt 17
re. 1832 Plastered building with later shop installation and central roof house, important in terms of building history and urban planning

Gable, five axes, original front door, door portal and window frames, crooked hip roof, dating according to external appearance, cartouche from 1656


Rectory in closed development
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Rectory in closed development Pfarrgasse 1
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and local significance

Half-timbered upper floor, solid ground floor, original window frames, gable roof, original front door


Cantor's council in half-open development
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Cantor's council in half-open development Pfarrgasse 2
around 1800 Plastered building with a balanced facade, crooked hip roof, of architectural and local significance

partially renovated


Residential house in semi-open development
Residential house in semi-open development Schellsieben 1
re. 1759 Plastered construction with a gable roof and roof pike, of architectural significance

Door portal with dated keystone


The entire palace complex with the following individual monuments: Hunting lodge as a closed four-wing complex with main portal in the north gate wing, south gate wing, east palace chapel and interior fittings, north of the palace complex in front of the palace complex with a castle bridge, south of the palace complex with a farm yard with a well and enclosure and parapet walls and enclosure walls (see Bear Garden) also single monument 09240094, same address), plus the bear garden and the linden tree (garden monument)
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The whole of the palace complex with the following individual monuments: Hunting lodge as a closed four-wing complex with main portal in the north wing, south door wing, east palace chapel and interior fittings, north of the palace complex in front of the palace complex with a palace bridge, south of the palace complex with attached farm yard with fountain house and enclosure and parapet walls and enclosure walls (see Bear Garden) also single monument 09240094, same address), plus the bear garden and the linden tree (garden monument) Castle 1
1568-1572 Castle complex of outstanding architectural, architectural, regional and landscape-defining significance

most important example of a renaissance castle in Saxony, castle chapel based on designs by van der Meer, the castle was simplified in the 19th century; the castle linden tree north of the castle was verifiably planted in 1421; it was used as an arbor, but from the 16th century onwards the branches were bent into a horizontal shape and supported by a substructure. The bear garden was used to keep bears until 1757, the enclosure wall has been preserved in its full height on the east and south sides, the western wall was replaced by a lower wall after the collapse, and the bear trap was located in the northeast corner. Today the bear garden is privately owned and used as a villa garden.


Individual monument in the above-mentioned aggregate: Hunting castle as a closed four-wing complex with main portal in the northern gate wing, southern gate wing, eastern castle chapel and interior fittings, north of the castle complex in front of the castle complex with a castle bridge, south of the castle complex with an annexed farm with a well and enclosure and parapet walls and enclosure walls of the game reserve (bear) (see also entity 09301156, same address)
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Individual monument in the above-mentioned aggregate: Hunting castle as a closed four-wing complex with main portal in the northern gate wing, southern gate wing, eastern castle chapel and interior fittings, north of the castle complex in front of the castle complex with a castle bridge, south of the castle complex with an annexed farm with a well and enclosure and parapet walls and enclosure walls of the game reserve (bear) (see also entity 09301156, same address) Castle 1
1568 to 1572 inside including altar paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder. J. , significant remains of wall paintings; Castle complex of outstanding architectural, architectural, regional and landscape-defining significance

most important example of a renaissance castle in Saxony, castle chapel based on designs by van der Meer, the castle was simplified in the 19th century; the well house was built in its present state in 1851, it contains the only surviving in Saxony Treibe- Göpel work .


Place of execution (pillory)
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Place of execution (pillory) Schlossstrasse
17./18. Century Porphyry cube with neck iron, surrounded by wrought iron fence, of local historical importance

Porphyry, chain with a collar on the front, surrounded by an iron fence, possibly from the time of the palace construction or older


Monument to Julius Mulfinger Schlossstrasse
1911 for Julius Mulfinger (pharmacist, headmaster), natural stone block with bronze portrait medallion, of local history

donated by friends of nature


Augustusburger Schule (school)
Augustusburger Schule (school) Schlossstrasse 1
1878 Distinctive plastered building in the typical construction of the time of urban history, architectural history and urban development value

Plaster ashlar at corners on the ground floor, pilaster strips on the upper floor, five axes


Residential building in closed development
Residential building in closed development Schloßstraße 2
around 1820 Well-proportioned plastered building from the beginning of the 18th century, which significantly shapes the street to Augustusburg, of architectural and urban development value

original door and window frames, mansard roof, original front door with carved sun motif and leaf ornaments, partially renovated


Residential house in almost open development
Residential house in almost open development Schloßstraße 3
re. 1716 Broad plastered building with a strong eaves cornice and high hipped roof , of architectural and local importance

Dated on the keystone of the door portal, built in 1572 according to local history research by senior teacher Jahn, presumably with the help of the basic files, ground floor allegedly made of demolition material from Schellenberg Castle, almost completely built with a cellar, barrel vault , served as an official wash house for the castle, partly also with school rooms, partially renovated


Residential house in open development
Residential house in open development Schloßstraße 4
re. 1777 Upper floor in plastered half-timbering, gable roof, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning

Dated on the keystone of the door portal, half-timbered upper floor plastered, mansard roof, subsequent extension, original house door with decorations, walls made of porphyry tufa


Old pharmacy (residential building with pharmacy in half-open development)
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Old pharmacy (residential building with pharmacy in half-open development) Schloßstraße 6
re. 1841 Upper floor half-timbered, high hipped roof with attic house, of importance in terms of building history and the street scene

Older building structure, half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, door portal 1841 marked above pharmacy, other door portal with subsequent dating 1518 and 1958; the window frames partly point to the construction phase in the first half of the 18th century.


Residential house in half-open development with a southern archway entrance
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Residential house in half-open development with a southern archway entrance Schlossstrasse 7
1530-1550 Renaissance bourgeois house, historically important

Barrel-vaulted cellar, former Renaissance portal replaced by a copy, arched driveway next to the house, windows renewed, Renaissance portal from around 1550, structure changed, renovated


Residential house in open development
Residential house in open development Schlossstrasse 8
around 1840 Broad plastered building with a crooked hipped roof and numerous roof houses, of architectural significance

original door and window frames, hipped roof, renovated


Bärengartenhaus (residential building in open development) Schlossstrasse 9
1794 Plastered building with a half-hip roof and five bat dormers , of architectural and local significance

Original front door, door and window frames, presumably solidly built, small balcony, bat dormers, half-hip roof, building fabric possibly older, renovated


Residential house in open development
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Residential house in open development Schlossstrasse 10
1840 Upper floor and gable side in half-timbered, mansard roof with crooked hips , of importance in terms of building history and the street scene

Solid ground floor, upper floor half-timbered, one gable slated, mansard hipped roof with crooked hip, slate roofing, roof house


Villa with enclosure and garden Schloßweg 1
before 1885 historicizing plastered building with tower, of architectural and local significance

Former villa of the factory owner Zenker, dominant location, lavishly designed building, plastered facade, mezzanine floor , tower, wrought iron work, window frames, good original
inventory Enclosure : Fence with sandstone posts and ornamental grids, on the eastern and northern property line retaining walls made of porphyry masonry and
garden fence : the terrain is falling Northwards, partly terraced and intercepted with retaining walls, two black pines (Pinus nigra) and rhododendrons, former seating area with a view of the landscape to the north in the west of the garden


Goose thief (fountain sculpture) Untere Schloßstraße
1878 artistically significant

Bronze figure as a trial cast of the fountain figure that the sculptor Robert Diez made for the goose thief fountain in downtown Dresden


White stag: Renaissance portal of the former inn
White stag: Renaissance portal of the former inn Untere Schloßstraße 1
1566 technically and artistically important

Original door portal inserted in the new building from around 1930, porphyrtuff


Residential house in open development
Residential house in open development Untere Schloßstraße 4
1858 Former forge, stately plastered building with shop, mezzanine floor and hipped roof, important in terms of building history and urban planning

Plastered facade, bakery on the ground floor, windows with rounded arches, horizontal roofing on the upper floor, diamond cut under windows, mezzanine floor, tooth cut frieze under the roof


Residential building in closed development Untere Schloßstraße 5
around 1790 Upper floor in plastered half-timbering, of architectural significance

Half-timbered upper floor plastered, gable, ground floor massive, original window and door walls, gable roof, slight changes


Residential house in open development
Residential house in open development Untere Schloßstraße 8
1843 Without a rear extension, plastered building with a strong eaves cornice, crooked hipped roof with three street-side roof houses, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning

Original door portal and front door


Residential house in open development
Residential house in open development Untere Schloßstraße 11
1709 Former Leineweber guild house, stately plastered building with a mansard hipped roof, of architectural and local significance

Masonry made of slate quarry stone, mansard hipped roof, dating according to oral tradition, bought in 1802 from Leineweber's guild as a master's house


Residential house in open development
Residential house in open development Untere Schloßstraße 12
1841 Plastered building with a crooked hip roof, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning

Solid construction , original door and window frames, renovated


Apartment building in half-open development
Apartment building in half-open development Untere Schloßstraße 13
1891 with shop, elaborate historic clinker brick facade, of architectural and urban importance

Clinker brick facade with original front door, decorated, corner blocks, window roofing with triangular gables, bay windows on both upper floors, three-story


Residential house in semi-open development Untere Schloßstraße 15
1819 on the upper floor presumably half-timbered, of architectural and urban significance

Plastered facade, presumably plastered half-timbered upper floor, original decorated front door, gable roof


Residential house in open development
Residential house in open development Untere Schloßstraße 16
Mid 19th century today a bank building, formerly the Ratskeller, facade redesigned in the historicizing style of the 1920s, core older, important in terms of building history and urban planning

Facade structure around 1925, older house, fluted pilaster strips, hipped roof


Residential building in closed development Untere Schloßstraße 17
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor in plastered half-timbering, of importance in terms of building history and urban planning

original door and window frames, saddle roof, probably plastered half-timbered upper floor, partially renovated


Residential house in semi-open development Untere Schloßstraße 19
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and urban development

Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, saddle roof, original door and window as well as door frames, partially renovated


Totality of the French cemetery (totality) (totality without individual features) Waldstrasse
1813 Forest without structures - historical site; About 1000 French soldiers who died of typhus while retreating from Russia in Augustusburg were buried here.

Forest area, marked by a sign, no visible remains


Villa (Waldstrasse 6), Remise (Marienberger Strasse 31) and garden Waldstrasse 6
1901 Villa, representative plastered building with elaborate ornamental framework and tower, garden with old trees, part of a villa area that was created around 1900, of architectural, urban development and gardening value

Villa : simplified, balcony added, half-timbered elements, originally ocher-colored facade, today white, originally with plaster ashlar, today smoothly plastered, window frames preserved, floating gables, lugs , St. Andrew's crosses in half-timbered construction, 1936 conversion to a multi-family house for client Dr. med. Rolfs (Augustusburg) by the builders F. Munzenberger and H. Gensel, stairs change in 1935 by builder Paul Günther Ancillary
building : presumably the servants' house and garage, half-timbered knee floor, massive ground floor, partially changed
villa garden (ancillary facility): Enclosure as wooden picket fence, overgrown path system , Old trees including pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), copper beech (Fagus sylvatica f. Purpurea), Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), yew (Taxus baccata) and rhododendrons


Residential house in open development Waldstrasse 7
1889 Historic plastered building with a gabled central projection, part of a villa area built around 1900, of architectural and urban development value

Plastered facade with plaster cuboid at corners on the ground floor and generally on the ground floor, concrete window frames, pilaster strips, floating gables, on the central projecting window roofing with triangular gables on the upper floor


Villa and enclosure Waldstrasse 8
1899-1900 Villa, picturesque plastered building with rich ornamental framework, part of a villa area developed around 1900, of architectural and urban development value

Half-timbered gable slated, far cantilevered hip roof, vestibule, bay window, stone plinth, plastered facade, shutters, windows with bars in skylights, client: Government building manager Hermann Gensel


villa Waldstrasse 9
1900 Picturesque plastered building with elaborate decorative framework, part of a villa area developed around 1900, of architectural and urban development value

Client and architect: Paul Günther (Augustusburg); Half-timbered elements, plaster


villa Waldstrasse 10
1899/1900 Typical country house of the time, part of a villa area developed around 1900, of architectural and urban development value

Plastered historicist framework construction on irregular ground plan with different extensions, porches, patio, tower, ground floor and lower portions of the tower, first floor and upper portions of the tower with decorative truss, richly varied roofscape, partly Krüppelwalmdächer with beaver tail coverage, tower again today with Vlašský dome and lantern with tapered helmet with copper sheet covering, half-timbered mostly plain, only partially with St. Andrew's cross and struts, veranda extension in 1915 by master builder Otto Stäber (Chemnitz; at that time also owner of the house), extension of the veranda to the upper floor by master builder Paul Günther in 1927, change of the veranda in Ground floor, thorough renovation in 2001 (documentation at the district office)


villa Waldstrasse 11
1900 Historicizing plastered building with two wooden verandas, part of a villa area that was built around 1900, of architectural and urban development value

Plastered facade with ornamental decorations, shutters, wooden balconies, client Kummer (retired cantor from Augustusburg), construction work by Hermann Ziegler


Augustusburg funicular with valley station and mountain station as well as the technical systems and bridge
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Augustusburg funicular with valley station and mountain station as well as the technical systems and bridge To cable car 10
1910-1911 important technical facility that was of great importance for the development of tourism

Construction began on August 31, 1910, opened on June 24, 1911, largely financed by donations from the residents, length of the route 1230 meters, height difference 168.53 meters



image designation location Dating description ID
House of a former farm Alte Dorfstrasse 2
1584 Upper floor half-timbered, rural house typical of the time, essentially from the end of the 16th century, of architectural and domestic importance.

Good original inventory, half-timbered upper floor clad, original door and window frames with dated keystone, water trough in front of the house.


Residential building Alte Dorfstrasse 8
1643 Upper floor half-timbered, possibly Häuslerhaus, one of the oldest residential houses in Erdmannsdorf, subsequently extended on the gable side, of importance in terms of building history and house history.

Dated 1643 according to the land register, with leafed curly headbands, leaf seats and boat throats on the threshold, ground floor changed, extension 1934.


House and retaining wall in front of it Alte Dorfstrasse 10
before 1777 Upper floor half-timbered, presumably a former cottage from the late 18th century, of architectural significance.

probably 2nd half of the 18th century, half-timbered upper floor, solid ground floor, clad gable.


House and retaining wall in front of it Alte Dorfstrasse 12
before 1788 Upper floor half-timbered, presumably a former cottage, historically important.

Half-timbered upper floor, ground floor massive with large windows, gable clad.


House and retaining wall in front of it Alte Dorfstrasse 12a
before 1788 Upper floor half-timbered, presumably a former cottage, simple construction in typical landscape architecture, of importance in terms of building history and the street scene.

Half-timbered upper floor, ground floor and a massive gable, gable roof, more modernized.


Pedestrian bridge over the Zschopau Auenweg
1904 Precast reinforced concrete bridge with Visintini girder, is characterized by a special concrete construction, is probably one of the first bridges of this type of construction, of importance in terms of building history and technology.

Next to Arno Moritz Meister's factory, a pedestrian bridge was built in 1904 (completed on November 26, 1904) on behalf of the Erdmannsdorf church council to replace a previous bridge.
The design comes from the construction officer Pietzsch from the Royal Road and Hydraulic Engineering Inspectorate, the construction was carried out by the S. Lohse concrete factory. The bridge is characterized by a special concrete structure and is probably one of the first bridges of this type of construction. The support of the bridge was made up of concrete girders, which are reminiscent of box bridges on the railway. These are two slack reinforced VISINTI girders with parallel chords. The bridge should also be able to carry handcarts of up to 1250 kg.
As the first important precast reinforced concrete bridge in Germany, this structure, which is still in its original form, is of extremely great significance in terms of technology history.


Royal Saxon Milestones (aggregate): Milestone Chemnitzer Strasse
after 1858 Half milestone, revised and repositioned, testimony to traffic history.

The royal Saxon milestones were the successors of the Saxon postal milestones. On September 1, 1858, the road construction engineer Wilke began to re-measure the Saxon roads. This re-measurement formed the basis for the introduction of the new measurement system. This comprised station stones, milestones, half-milestones, branch stones and border crossing stones. The station stones were set up at the beginning and end of mail routes. The names and the distance of the towns along the route were marked on them. The milestones were right on the road. On one side of the stone was the name and distance of the starting point and on the other side the name and distance of the place at the end of the mail route. The half-milestones should mark the route. A crown was attached on either side. labeling was not common. Junction stones stood at junctions from the main route and usually only bore the name of the next post office without any indication of the distance. The name “Kingdom of Saxony” was marked on the border crossing stones. On the other hand, these contained place names and distances. The distance between station stones and whole milestones was 1 mile (this corresponds to 7.5 km). Accordingly, the distance between the station stone and half mile stone and between half mile stone and whole mile stone was ½ mile = 3.75 km.
Since 1875, the meter has been the official measure of length throughout the German Empire (including the Kingdom of Saxony). For this reason, the stones have been changed many times to the new size. All stones were made from sandstone.
Source: Dietze, Gernot: Small monuments, often little noticed gems of our homeland. in: Messages of the Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz e. V. 09/1999, p. 11ff.


Gasthof Kadow (inn and eastern outbuilding)
Gasthof Kadow (inn and eastern outbuilding) Chemnitzer Strasse 2
1844 Street inn typical of the time and landscape of architectural, regional and historical significance. 09240814

Residential building
Residential building Chemnitzer Strasse 4
around 1694 Former school, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and local significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, partially clad, ground floor massive, leafed headbands, crooked hip roof.


Cottage Chemnitzer Strasse 8
1811 Upper floor half-timbered, building typical of the time and the landscape in very good original condition, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, upper floor half-timbered, roof pike.


Residential house with sundial
Residential house with sundial Chemnitzer Strasse 10
1785 Former cottage, upper floor half-timbered, distinctive building that characterizes the townscape in a typical landscape construction, historically important.

Half-timbered upper floor, also partially preserved on the ground floor, gable roof.


Residential building Chemnitzer Strasse 24
1910 villa-like, representative plastered building in the reform style of the time around 1910, of architectural significance.

2-storey plastered building, almost square floor plan, stone plinth, rough plaster (partly plastered), window sashes and belt cornice designed as smooth plaster strips, box windows with lattice-split skylights from the time of construction, skylights partly with blue glazing, front facade with representative gable formation, very pointed, on the 1st floor First floor there row of windows with flanking columns, on the second floor polygonal bay windows, house entrance on the side with roofing and stairs and column, inside good original condition e.g. B. Staircase with original dark brown painted wooden doors, terrazzo floor, wooden banisters, landings with original tiles, the front door with two leaves, room doors and tiles in former bathrooms and kitchen at least partly original, ornamental leaded glass window in the stairwell, monument value: architectural quality, client: Markus Max Uhlig , Merchant.


Cottage Chemnitzer Strasse 28
1780 Probably a very old half-timbered house with a structurally modified ground floor, of importance in terms of building history and house history.

Half-timbered upper floor plastered or disguised, massive ground floor, saddle roof, good state of preservation.


Residential building Chemnitzer Strasse 37
1868 Upper floor half-timbered clad, massive gable, shop fitting, of architectural significance.

Dated 1868 according to the land register, massive gable, window frames around 1810, original door frames, shop fitting later, important road location, gable clad.


Stable house of a farm Chemnitzer Strasse 69
around 1700 Upper floor partly half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Possibly. before 1700, half-timbered upper floor, frame of the first floor leaf seat, profiled filler wood, massive first floor, upper floor slightly cantilevered, massive extension on the eaves, chamfered boat throats on upper floor threshold.


Material entirety of the cemetery chapel and Erdmannsdorf cemetery with the following individual monuments: cemetery chapel, four graves, memorial for the fallen athletes in World War I and arched gate in the east (see individual monument 09240821, same address) as well as cemetery and morgue as a whole Friedhofstrasse
around 1900 Cemetery chapel in the reform style of the time around 1910, of architectural and local significance. 09305006

Individual features of the cemetery chapel and cemetery Erdmannsdorf: cemetery chapel, four graves, memorial for the fallen athletes in World War I and arched gate in the east (see also group 09305006, same address) Friedhofstrasse
1911 Cemetery chapel in the reform style of the time around 1910, of architectural and local significance.

Cemetery chapel : single-storey, compact plastered building with portico on sturdy pillars with the inscription "I am the resurrection and life", mansard hipped roof of the main structure, lead glass windows, dome over crossing, donated by: Arno and Moritz Meister
Grave facilities : 1. Grave site of the Müller, Arnold, Zschocke and with enclosure, natural stone wall with inscription panels, in front of it a life-size blessing figure of Christ, 1921 2. Grave of the Arno and Moritz Meister family, cotton mill manufacturers, simple cross with inscription (1911?) 3. Grave of the Schuffenhauer family, bronze sculpture of a mourner, 1931 4 . Grave complex of the Curt Weißbach family, manufacturer, 1923.


Memorial to the fallen of the First World War Kunnersdorfer Strasse
after 1928 (war memorial) simple, hewn natural stone of local historical value.

Granite shaped like a tombstone with the inscription: "In memory of their dearly fallen soldiers 1914-18 / Dedicated by the Kunnersdorf community".


Cotton mill (former) (administration building (No. 1, 3), factory building, blue house and chimney of a former cotton mill) Kunnersdorfer Strasse 1; 3
1837 (Blauhaus) Last remaining building of the former cotton mill, of architectural, industrial and local significance.

History: 1835/36 new construction of a spinning mill as a branch by the brothers Gottlieb Ferdinand and Anton Friedrich Dietrich, 1837 new construction of a blue house and sale of the factory, from 1865 leasing of the factory by brothers Moritz Anton and Heinrich Arno Meister, 1876 purchase, plant I of the total four factories of the Meister brothers in Erdmannsdorf, 1869 incorporation of a dye works for colored yarns, 1882/83 new construction of a boiler and machine house with transmission system in the old spinning mill, 1898/99 new construction of a spinning mill building, 1900–1905 new construction of a boiler and machine house as well as a spinning mill extension, from 1869 By 1910, increase in the number of spindles from 3,000 to 50,000 twisting and fine spindles for the finest yarn, total employees in 1892 approx. 300, 1939 527
pronounced social commitment: consumer distribution center, creation of allotment gardens, establishment of a community media outlet, welfare service, factory health insurance, training allowances for young people, construction of approx. 45 workers' houses with around 172 apartments in Erdmannsdorf;
1892 Familien-AG, 1897 new factory owner's villa (Uferstrasse 7), 1892/1934/35 extensive technical modernization, company shutdown in the First and Second World War (from 1943 Lackfabrik Kotthoff, Cologne), after 1945 resumption of textile production, from 1953 VEB, 1991 closure, dismantling , Building: 1st administration building (formerly residential building / dining house) (1926): two-storey solid construction, plastered, with hipped roof 2nd factory building including chimney (1898/99): four-storey solid construction with a support structure on cast iron supports (with cap ceilings in between), partly plastered, with tower-like corner structure 3. Blauhaus (1837): four-storey solid building with a crooked roof and towers, wooden support structure, partly supplemented with cast columns, solid staircase.

Sources: Wächter, Claudia, Andre Köhler: cotton spinning mill Erdmannsdorf. Seminar work IWTG Freiberg. Freiberg 2004, building files archive UDSchB Freiberg. Schneider, Werner: Company history : o. O., o. J., Chemnitz calendar: City councilor Moritz Meister, Chemnitzer Tageblatt, Yearbook for Industry and Commerce (publisher), Chemnitz 1919


Farmhouse Kunnersdorfer Strasse 4
1778 Originally probably belonging to a small farm, typical half-timbered house in the landscape and of the time, of architectural and historical value.

Half-timbered upper floor, original door frames and windows, good original inventory, horizontal roof truss.


Calico Bleach (residential building) Kunnersdorfer Strasse 5
around 1769 Upper floor half-timbered, probably a former calico printing plant, of architectural and local significance.

The monument value of this building results from its technical and regional historical importance as well as its scientific, documentary, urban and landscape design value.
1759–1779 according to the land register, 2nd construction phase, 2nd half of the 19th century, solid ground floor with original window and door frames, door frames changed around 1830, upper floor half-timbered with jamb around 1880
The building located in the Zschopau valley at the southern entrance to Erdmannsdorf was built before 1788, because already in this year there is a documentary mention as calico pale. The construction and design of the older part of the house, e.g. B. the design of the front door, windows, door portal, window frames and the half-timbered construction on the upper floor confirm this statement. However, this also leads to the assumption that this building was not erected much earlier than 1788. The period between 1750 and 1788 comes into question as the time of construction. The comparison with the buildings of the municipality Erdmannsdorf, which are also under monument protection, shows that the old calico is one of the oldest, well-preserved buildings. It is clearly the oldest industrial building in the area. The old calico is thus an important architectural document of local history.
Since 1854 it has been owned by Carl Gottfried Fischer from Chemnitz, who also owned the neighboring spinning mill, which developed into the most important company and the largest employer in the area. The development of the Erdmannsdorf community in the 19th and beginning of the 20th century is closely linked to this industrial development (growth of the place through the construction of new residential houses, construction of a new church and a town hall, railway connection). As in Saxony in general, the advancing industrial development of the 19th and 20th centuries promoted the development of the place.
The calico bleaching and the old spinning mill are important contemporary witnesses of this industrial development, from this their industrial and regional historical importance and thus the public interest in preservation derive.
In 1876 the building was expanded: the house was extended on its west side, the old roof structure was replaced by a jamb floor and a new roof structure. This extension and the jamb floor were adapted in their design to the old structure, so that the house got a uniform appearance. In the course of this construction work, the old room doors were replaced by new ones, of which only a few remained in the attic. The iron staircase between the ground floor and the upper floor and between the upper floor and the attic, which has high-quality historicist decorations, is remarkable. Such iron stairs were mainly used in industrial construction, occasionally also in residential buildings from the turn of the century. From the knowledge of the monument inventory in the administrative district of Chemnitz (as of 1997) it must be determined that iron stairs of the same design quality can only be found sporadically. As a result, the monumental value of this staircase also results from its singularity.
The half-timbered building with a solid, plastered ground floor and gable roof, built on a longitudinally rectangular floor plan, is characterized by its excellent original condition. Mention should be made of the cubature of the building, the roof shape, the arrangement and proportion of the window openings, the window frames, the door portal, the cross-frame windows or pivot windows with skylights as well as the front door, which has remained essentially unchanged since the time of construction or the renovation phase of 1876 stayed. The old calico is therefore not only a monument of industrial history, but also a testimony to the building trade in the 18th and late 19th centuries.
Various modernization measures were carried out inside, but these did not lead to the destruction of essential parts of the cultural monument. Furthermore, the monumental value results from the scientific-documentary significance as a document of the building trade and the way of life in the 18th and 19th centuries. This significance results primarily from the aforementioned good original condition of the building.


Fortified house (cottage) Kunnersdorfer Strasse 10
1824 Half-timbered house typical of the time and landscape, of importance in terms of architectural history and the appearance of the town.

Original window frames, the rest of the door frames, upper floor half-timbered, ground floor solid, gable roof, remodeling in 1893.


villa Plauer Strasse 1
around 1890 Plastered building with a gabled central projectile, richly decorated wooden veranda and balcony above, of architectural significance.

Floating gables, decorated wooden balconies, stone plinth, leaded glass windows.


Trinity Church
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Trinity Church Rathausstrasse
1893 Neo-Gothic hall church, plastered building with sandstone integration, high tower on the east side, of importance in terms of building history, local history and the appearance of the town.

strictly symmetrical floor plan, laying of the foundation stone on June 7, 1892, consecration on October 2, 1893, construction period 1891–1893, square east tower 54 m high, master builder Duderstaedt, Chemnitz, company Heidrich Chemnitz, 2011 external drying.


Memorial to the fallen of the First World War
Memorial to the fallen of the First World War Rathausstrasse
1920 (war memorial) of local importance. 09240828

Sparkasse (former residential and administrative building of the savings bank association) Rathausstrasse 1
1929-1930 Originally preserved administrative building from the beginning of the 20th century, of architectural and local significance.

Built as an administrative building for the Sparkasse Association's management, Zschopau- und Flöhatal community association, seated in Erdmannsdorf.
On the ground floor there were office rooms, a kitchen and a toilet, on the upper floor there was a large four-room apartment, two-story, 3 × 2 axes, first floor gable side ribbon windows, first floor originally shutters, staircase tower with pyramid helmet, full basement.


Town hall with outbuildings Rathausstrasse 3
1908 (town hall) Administration building, with the neighboring, later built savings bank building, forming a uniform ensemble, of architectural, local history and local image value. 09240830

Former castle (No. 9) and northern farm building (No. 7) as well as terracing south of the castle
Former castle (No. 9) and northern farm building (No. 7) as well as terracing south of the castle Rathausstrasse 7; 9
1843 Former castle from the 12th century, when it was converted into a manor, the so-called stone house was preserved as the oldest part on the mountain spur, under Hans Heinrich v. Könneritz 1843 conversion to a castle in the Tudor Gothic style, 1965 removal of the plaster structure in the case of new plastering, today a simple plastered structure

angled floor plan, of importance in terms of building history and local history. Modified in 1893, simple complex on a strictly symmetrical floor plan, area 30 m × 40 m, leveled, old castle built over by the manor and castle, castle on the site of the old manor house, in the basement medieval building fabric, originally a castle in a spur, core: end of the 12th century .


Erdmannsdorfer Schule (school and gym)
Erdmannsdorfer Schule (school and gym) Rathausstrasse 8
1898 School two-storey plastered building with a gabled central projection, the school building defining the townscape, of architectural and local significance.

Cyclops masonry base, concrete window frames, plastered facade, original roof structures and facade structuring, school building built in 1898, gymnasium 1898 on the property of the spinning mill owner Arno Meister and built on behalf of him as a festival and gymnasium for the community, school built immediately afterwards.


Old school; later forester's house (former school and outbuilding, later forestry office) Rathausstrasse 14
1834 Authentically preserved school building from the 1st half of the 19th century of school history, local history and the townscape.

Two-storey with a hipped roof.


Rectory Rathausstrasse 16
1812 Stately half-timbered building in very good original condition of architectural, local and local significance.

Stately house with high hipped mansard roof, upper floor half-timbered, ground floor solid, original door and window frames, beautiful front door, open staircase with railing.


Cottage Seilergasse 3
1793 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, door walls renewed in 1953, window walls probably preserved, half-timbered upper floor plastered, dominant location at the entrance to the village.


Transformer house Steingasse
around 1910 Small truss type construction of technical and local history importance.

One-storey, base of natural stone layered masonry, half-timbered structure, boarded up in the eaves area, single-leaf wooden door with diagonal boards, curved hipped roof with slate covering.


Villa with northeast gate Uferstrasse 7
1898 Villa built for the mill owner Friedrich in 1898, a picturesque plastered building with corner turrets and wooden veranda, of architectural significance.

Original front door and windows, rich interior, e.g. B. wood paneling, rich facade structures, inside according to the construction drawing, central hall with spiral staircase and gallery in the attic, all living rooms and bedrooms, dining room, salon, etc. on the ground floor, guest rooms, girls' room on the upper floor, etc.


Former stable house (without rear extension) and barn of a farm Wiesenstrasse 14a 1722 Dendro Stable house upper floor half-timbered, rural property from the beginning of the 18th century in good original condition, of importance in terms of building history and house history.

More heavily changed and rebuilt around 1810, half-timbered upper floor with pegged struts and original windows, ground floor massive with original door and window walls and front door v. Time around 1810, on the frame of the ground floor leaf seat reference to half-timbering, presumably. Block room with surrounding framework, probably formerly block room with surrounding framework, not preserved today, barn: one storey, quarry stone partially plastered, gable half-timbered, of which the southern gable is staked with clay, the northern gable is boarded up, gable roof, stable window with porphyry tufa.



image designation location Dating description ID
Gasthof Grünberg (Inn) Am Gasthof 1
re. 1820 Upper floor half-timbered clad, half-hipped roof, of architectural and local significance.

Half-timbered upper floor clad, ground floor massive, beautiful door portal with tooth cut and keystone, dated with initial, base area changed, important as a street inn on the busy road to Augustusburg.


Residential building Hauptstrasse 3b
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, gable roof, important for the townscape.


Residential building Hauptstrasse 14
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, gable slated, historically important.

Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, door portal removed, window frames preserved, important for the townscape, gable slated or clad.


Residential building Hauptstrasse 22
1867 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, original door and window walls, saddle roof, gable slated, important for the site, half-timbered upper floor, belongs to a group of well-preserved half-timbered houses that determine the site.


Residential building Hauptstrasse 23
1689 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, oldest part around 1700, subsequently extended by two axes, solid ground floor with dated door portal 1858 with initial: B, window frames around 1858, half-timbered upper storey on the old part leafed headbands, saddle roof.


Residential building Hauptstrasse 24
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, gable roof, gable triangle slated, flower window disfiguring on the ground floor, otherwise good original inventory, belongs to a group of well-preserved half-timbered houses that define the townscape.


Stable house of a farm Hauptstrasse 25
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, gable roof, boarded gable triangle, built-in balcony in the gable, can be dismantled, rear part of the building possibly solid


Old School (Former School) Hauptstrasse 33
re. 1828 Upper floor half-timbered, clad gable, historically important.

1828 to 1886 village school, then residential building, half-timbered upper floor, solid ground floor, window frames, rest of the door portal dated and initial: KF, clad gable, half-hipped roof, continuous pike.


Residential building Hauptstrasse 40
2nd half of the 18th century Upper floor half-timbered, clad gable, historically important.

Ground floor partially solid, half-timbered on the courtyard side on the ground floor, half-timbered upper floor, courtyard side slightly overhanging and chamfered on the threshold, clad gable, gable roof, important for the townscape, ground floor area on the street slightly changed.


Residential building Hauptstrasse 42
around 1850 Upper floor half-timbered clad, gable side boarded up, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor boarded up or clad, ground floor massive, half-hipped roof, completely preserved, on the ground floor a window that is too large, little impairing.


Residential building Hauptstrasse 45
1881 historicizing plastered building with gabled central projection, free chevron in the gable, of architectural significance.

One storey, plastered facade, gable roof, floating gable, horizontal window roofing, base made of stone, insignificant attachment on the eaves, good original condition.


Grünberger School (School) Hauptstrasse 47
End of the 19th century Stately plastered building with architectural and local history and, due to its elevated position on the main street, a defining significance for the town.

Two-storey plastered building above the basement with a flat central projectile, above it a neo-renaissance dwarf with a built-in clock, behind the gable bell tower, window and door frames probably made of Rochlitz porphyry tufa, belt and eaves cornice, crooked hip roof with four street-side roof houses.


Memorial to the fallen of the First World War Hauptstraße 47 (in front of)
1921 (war memorial) of local importance. 09240756

Cottage Hauptstrasse 57
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered both on the ground floor and first floor completely preserved, very beautiful front door, saddle roof, important for the townscape, good original condition, eaves side extended, massively replaced on the gable side on the ground floor, boarded up gable.


Residential stable house Hauptstrasse 64
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Residential building: arched portal with keystone, stable part with door walls, basket arches, massive ground floor, original window walls with a groove, half-timbered upper floor, striving, gable roof, important for the townscape, half-timbered upper floor partially massively replaced.


Cottage Hauptstrasse 69
re. 1867 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, door and window frames preserved, door portal dated and initials: CGH, saddle roof, important for the townscape, good structural condition, boarded gable triangle.


Individual monument of the above-mentioned entity: Villa with equipment and enclosure (see also entity 09301909, same address) Hohenfichtener Strasse 1
1895 simple plastered building in Swiss style with high-quality equipment, of architectural significance.

Villa built in 1895 for the manufacturer Eugen Max Hauschild with a spacious garden. Eugen Max Hauschild is the son of Maximilian Hauschild, founder of the internationally important cotton spinning mill in Hohenfichte. In 1905, the factory owner Maximilian Julius Hauschild became the owner of the property. At this point in time, the villa was rebuilt, which has significantly shaped its current appearance. In 1937 the manufacturer Maximilian Oskar Richard Alfred Hauschild took over the villa, which was confiscated after 1945 and expropriated by referendum in 1946. A city rest home of the city of Chemnitz for mothers with children was set up in it. After 1990 it was re-privatized.
The villa and the garden have been preserved in very good original condition. Also noteworthy is the high-quality mobile and fixed equipment from the renovation period, which is itself a listed building. The two-storey plastered building is characterized by elaborate ornamental frameworks on the gables. The window and door frames were made of porphyry tufa. The multi-leaf windows are significant for the appearance. The villa is part of a villa ensemble that the factory owners, the Hauschild family, had built above their factory. The villas are all embedded in spacious gardens.
The monument value arises from the architectural importance due to the demanding architectural training as well as from the great importance in terms of local history and development history as a fully preserved ensemble of factory, workers 'houses, employees' houses and villa colony of the manufacturers, which can only be found sporadically in Saxony in this unity.

Description outside : plastered facade, porphyry tufa window and door frames, original front door and window, window with muntin division of the skylights
Description inside: Equipment and furniture partially preserved, including a master's room with wood paneling, piano, glass cabinets, bookcase, showcase, dining room buffet, foyer with fireplace and cloakroom, on the upper floor wooden balustrade (possibly bedroom or salon), furthermore various stucco ceilings and wooden ceilings, in the attic richly decorated wooden banisters and dividers made of wood

  • around 1905 owner factory owner Maximilian Julius Hauschild
  • from 1937 owned by Maximilian Oskar Richard Alfred Hauschild
  • 1945 confiscation of the property
  • Expropriated in 1946 by a “referendum”, afterwards Chemnitz city rest home for mothers with children

Aggregate of villas with gardens and outbuildings of the Hauschild manufacturers, with the following individual monuments:
  • Villa with equipment and enclosure (see individual monument Hohenfichtener Straße 1 - Obj. 09240761)
  • Former staff house and gate entrance (see individual monument Hohenfichtener Straße 2 - Obj. 09240760)
  • Former official residence of the Hauschild company (see Hohenfichtener Strasse 2a individual monument - obj. 09243394)
  • Former farm building of the factory owner Paul Oskar Hauschild, later a residential building (see Hohenfichtener Strasse 3 individual monument - Obj. 09240759)
  • Former farm building of the Villa Hohenfichtener Str. 5, today residential building (see individual monument Hohenfichtener Strasse 4 - Obj. 09240758)
  • Villa with staff house, music pavilion in the park and fencing (see individual monument Hohenfichtener Straße 5 - Obj. 09240757)
  • the associated park-like villa gardens for No. 1 and No. 5 (garden monuments)
Hohenfichtener Strasse 1; 2; 2a; 3; 4; 5
after 1874 (villa ensemble) The ensemble above Hohenfichte and below the city of Augustusburg is embedded in park-like gardens, with architecturally sophisticated villas and spacious gardens of particular importance in terms of architectural history, local history, garden art and landscape.

The building ensemble consisting of the two villas and five outbuildings is framed by the two villa gardens. The grounds were designed between 1883 and 1892 by the important horticultural artist Max Bertram.

Villengarten Hohenfichtener Straße 1:
Structural assets:

  • Building: villa
  • Enclosure: to the south of the villa remains of an ornamental grid fence,
  • Access: Driveway from Hohenfichtener Straße east of the villa, access gate with a single-leaf ornamental gate south of the villa, the system of paths can hardly be read

Vegetation: valuable old trees, including red beech (Fagus sylvatica), blood beech (Fagus sylvatica f. Purpurea), columnar oak (Quercus robur 'Fastigiata'), pine (Pinus spec.), Weymouth pine (Pinus strobus) Especially in the vicinity of buildings.
Other assets: Ground relief: terrain sloping to the north, terraced area in the southwest corner of the garden.

Villengarten Hohenfichtener Straße 5:
Structural assets:

  • Buildings: villa and outbuildings
  • Enclosure: on the northern, eastern and southern property boundaries, the sandstone posts of the enclosure fence have been preserved, ornamental lattice fence to the former farm buildings
  • Access: Access from Hohenfichtener Straße north of the villa, the path system is still clearly legible
  • Horticultural structures: music pavilion made of half-timbered and clinker brick east of the villa on the eastern border of the property, remains of a small garden bridge over the stream on the northeast border of the garden (access to the adjacent forest)
  • Water elements: small, dry pond and stream in the northeast,

Vegetation: valuable old trees including red beech (Fagus sylvatica), blood beech (Fagus sylvatica f. Purpurea), English oak (Quercus robur), linden (Tilia spec.), Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), fir ( Abies spec.), Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and rhododendrons; Geophytes: snowdrops and wood anemones Other protected assets: Ground relief: terrain sloping to the east, view from the music pavilion to the east over the Flöha into the landscape overgrown.


Individual monument of the above-mentioned aggregate: Former servants' residence and gate entrance (see also aggregate 09301909, same address) Hohenfichtener Strasse 2
1896 Presumably originally belonging to Villa Hohenfichtener Str. 1, later probably a garden villa of the same villa, structurally more strongly remodeled, as part of the villa ensemble of local historical and urban significance.

Plaster facade and clinker mixed construction.


Individual monument of the above-mentioned entity: Former official residence of the Hauschild company (see also entity 09301909, same address) Hohenfichtener Strasse 2a
1896 Today a residential house, originally preserved Gründerzeit building in clinker construction with ornamental framework of architectural and local historical importance. 09243394

Individual monument of the above-mentioned aggregate: Former farm building of the manufacturer Paul Oskar Hauschild, later a residential building (see also aggregate 09301909, same address) Hohenfichtener Strasse 3
1874 largely originally preserved plastered building with decorative framework of architectural and local historical value.

Plaster facade, plaster ashlar, single storey, half-timbered jamb, saddle roof, original windows.


Individual monument in the aforementioned aggregate: Former farm building of the Villa Hohenfichtener Str. 5, today residential building (see also aggregate 09301909, same address) Hohenfichtener Strasse 4
1874 One-storey plastered building typical of the time in good original condition of local and architectural significance.

Origin belonging to Villa Hohenfichtener Str. 5.


Individual monument of the above-mentioned aggregate: Villa with staff residence, music pavilion in the park and fencing (see also aggregate 09301909, same address) Hohenfichtener Strasse 5
1875 Architecturally sophisticated factory owner's villa by the Hauschild company, embedded in a spacious landscaped park, an ensemble of great importance in terms of regional history as well as architectural history and garden art.

two-storey, five axes, horizontal window roofing, plastered facade, cornice, door with arched door, original, very beautiful windows. Architect: Alfred Moritz Hauschild


Cottage Knee brace 1
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, original door and window frames, gable roof, eaves-side, disfiguring, removable extension, massive eaves-side, important for the townscape.


Residential building Wagnergasse 6
1837 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor, beautiful door portal with tooth cut and dated, original window frames, slated gable, half-hip roof.



image designation location Dating description ID
Hausbrücke (covered wooden bridge over the Zschopau)
More pictures
Hausbrücke (covered wooden bridge over the Zschopau) (Map) 1840 of importance in terms of traffic history, building history and architectural art.

Bridge structure erected in 1840 by CF Uhlig, reinforced by a steel structure under the roadway during the restoration in 1971, tensioned suspension structure: two trapezoidal trusses with two suspension columns each, max. Span of 16.5 m, massive central pillar, hipped roof, 37 m long, 4.1 m wide, clear width of about 14.5 m, clear height above mean water of about 5 m, object already in the GDR district monument list of the Flöha district Listed as a monument, another covered wooden bridge: Leubsdorf, OT Hohenfichte (property 09240658).


Brückenschenke (inn with annex) Augustusburger Strasse 9
1886 Broad plastered building with hipped roof, of architectural and local significance.

Modernized, slightly changed


Stable house of a former three-sided courtyard Augustusburger Strasse 12
around 1798 plastered quarry stone building with jamb, saddle roof, of architectural significance.

Ground floor possibly older, dating estimated when it was recorded at the end of the 19th century.


Hennersdorfer School (Former School) Augustusburger Strasse 14
1837 Today a residential building, a striking plastered building with a half-hip roof and a central turret (bell tower), of architectural and local significance.

With a bell tower and weather vane, in the literature the year of construction is also mentioned as 1838.


Residential house with enclosure and gazebo Augustusburger Strasse 17
1837 Upper floor half-timbered house, of architectural significance.

Residential house: Half-timbered upper floor, massive ground floor with original door and window walls, gable slated, gazebo and fence around 1900.


Residential stable house Augustusburger Strasse 23
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, ground floor massive with large windows, gable roof.


Residential building Augustusburger Strasse 27
1869 Typical plastered construction with a gabled central projection and free chevrons in the gables, elaborately crafted verandas, of importance in terms of building history and the history of local development.

Description of the property: Two-storey plastered building above the basement, gabled central projection with two axes, a total of six window axes, window and door walls made of Hilbersdorf porphyry tufa, on the west side an elaborately crafted two-storey wooden veranda, on the east side a stone entrance roof with a wooden balcony above, saddle roof to the Street, open space in the gables, balconies on the northeast side and north side with wooden parapets, eaves facing away with gray plaster, other facades newly plastered after 1990, all windows renewed, front door probably from 1908, side door probably from 1912/13, ground floor originally quarry stone masonry (also lower Areas of the middle risalites made of quarry stones), on the upper floor brick masonry throughout, house front side with window walls with horizontal roofing, rear side walls partly with a hollow (19th century?), Inside middle corridor with two Z always with a separate entrance, tiled flooring in the hallway - probably around 1901 with ornamental decoration in black and white, window reveals on the ground floor with round arches, in the living area on the ground floor there was still a tiled stove with green stove tiles in 2015, probably built around 1913 (the stove was by the owner 2014 sold, 2015 in February still in the house), upper floor structured in the same way as the ground floor, no design features, all room doors newly manufactured after 1990, roof structure probably around 1901 or during construction, house with a cellar, staircase with barrel vault made of bricks on a belt arch, there too Bricked-up arched portal (presumably spoiler from another house), basement brick-built barrel vault with a vertex at floor level.
History: 1869 for Mrs. Johanna Christiana Verw. Felber probably built as an apartment building. On July 28, 1884, the wool merchant Friedrich Ferdinand Löschner bought the property from Adolph Felber (presumably heir to the previous owner). Since November 27, 1900, the mudflux manufacturer Ernst Heinrich Uhlmann was the new owner of the house. In 1908 he had a wooden two-story veranda added to the south gable. From 1910 to probably 1950 the house was owned by Privata Lina Sophie verw. Dessart born Drinking man. In 1912 she had extensive construction work carried out on the house. The separate entrance east of the house entrance as well as various balcony extensions date from this time. The construction measures from 1908 and 1912 have a significant impact on the appearance of the building today, although the original two-storey plastered building with a central projection and largely the spatial structure from 1869 were retained.
From the building plans from 1908 one can see that the house was probably built as a four-family dwelling. On each floor there was an apartment on both sides of the hallway with a living room, room and kitchen. Nothing changed in the room layout in the house in 1912. Only the ground floor apartment in the half of the house to the right of the entrance has been upgraded with a separate covered entrance, a large arched window and a winter garden. The house owner herself may have lived here. Despite subsequent renovations, the spatial structure of the house and the attic with various chambers have remained largely unchanged from the time it was built.
The two-storey plastered building typical of the time is characterized by the central projectile with a roof bay, window roofs on the upper floor as well as dormers with floating gables from the construction period and the south-western veranda extension, the striking front door canopy, the winter garden extension to the north-east with a balcony on the upper floor and other balconies on the north eaves side from 1912 , the veranda was made entirely of wood. The balconies, certainly also characterized by the so-called "Swiss style", form a harmonious addition to the original building. The very good original condition of the house is impressive. In addition to the group of houses Erdmannsdorfer Straße 2, which was built almost at the same time and expanded at around the same time, there are no other authentically preserved buildings from the 2nd half of the 19th century in the village, which were again built at the beginning of the 20th century experienced design enhancement. It can be assumed that the design of the residential building at Augustusburger Str. 27, as well as the house complex on Erdmannsdorfer Strasse, was significantly influenced by the architecture of the Augustusburger country houses, if not even bearing the signature of individual builders. The monument value of the residential building at Augustusburger Str. 27 results, on the one hand, from its architectural value as an example of the already urban building in the villages in the area around Chemnitz, which were increasingly characterized by industrialization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. On the other hand, there is the building also has a historical value.
The increasing industrialization also led to the fact that in the 19th century textile factories were formed from the mills in the villages along the Zschopau. So z. B. the spinning factory of the Chemnitz businessman Friedrich Wilhelm Greding, which had been in Hennersdorf since 1831. In addition to other trades, such as B. Wood grinding shops and sawmills were built in 1885 through the renovation of Ernst Heinrich Uhlmann's floss factory. Associated with this was an increased need for workers and thus the need to create living space. In addition to living space for workers, living space was also required for employees. It can be assumed that the above-mentioned house was probably built for employees or workers in the context of this housing procurement. As an example of the development of the town in connection with industrialization, this building gains importance in the history of town development.


Memorial to the fallen of the First World War Bahnhofstrasse
1925 (war memorial) of local importance.

Initiated: Military and Warrior Association, Hennersdorf Choral Society


Stable house of a farm Bahnhofstrasse 6
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Half-timbered upper floor, ground floor massive and modified, gable roof


Stable house of a former farm Bahnhofstrasse 8
1844 Upper floor timber-framed boarded, historically important.

Half-timbered upper floor clad, first floor and a massive gable, door to the stable clogged, first floor false plaster, roof: crooked hip.


Western stable house and eastern barn of a three-sided courtyard Bahnhofstrasse 12
1830 Stable house upper floor half-timbered boarded up, barn upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and economic importance.

Residential house: saddle roof, both solid gables, timber-framed upper floor boarded, first floor with original door and window walls, windows partly original.


Old spinning mill; Hennersdorf factory and study center (northern (No. 16) and southern (No. 18) factory building of a former spinning mill) Bahnhofstrasse 16; 18
around 1830 Number 16 elongated two-storey plastered building with slightly protruding head structures, flat over-gabled central projectile, belt cornice, number 18 four-storey plastered building with hipped roof, as one of the early cotton mills in Saxony of great industrial historical importance.

The Hennersdorfer cotton spinning mill was built around 1830. Christian Friedrich Uhlig is believed to be the architect. The client was the Greding spinning mill. In 1858 the company Hösel und Co. acquired the Hennersdorfer spinning mill, from 1888 to 1970 it was owned by the company JG Leistner. From 1972 the factory was used as a production facility by several furniture companies. Finally, in 1991, the Gnadenthal work and study community bought the entire property and converted the factory so that the premises could be used for a Christian community and as a spiritual meeting center. The new owner endeavored to renovate the building in accordance with the historic monuments. However, due to sponge infestation, B. not to hold the ceiling construction inside, so that the entire factory building had to be gutted. Several simplifications had already been made over time. A six-storey extension (presumably an elevator shaft or stairwell) was added to the spinning mill building, which was removed during the renovation. The original half-fore gable roof was converted into a hipped roof. The distinctive roof pike had been removed and unfortunately not reconstructed during the renovation carried out in the 1990s.
The spinning mill building is a four-storey plastered building with regularly arranged rectangular windows. As already mentioned, it is completed by a hipped roof. Opposite is the former residential and administrative building, a broad building with a central projection. The house was closed off by a high gable roof with roof pikes arranged in several rows. It was crowned by a small clock tower, which was no longer there when it was declared a monument in 1994. A transverse wing with a high hipped roof is added towards the railway line. The courtyard area between the two buildings obviously originally had a representative appearance with a large fountain and a summer house. Today only the spinning mill and the residential and administrative building remain. Despite certain structural simplifications, both structures are typical industrial purpose-built structures. As examples of industrial buildings from the beginning of the 19th century and probably as buildings that were designed by the prominent architect Christian Friedrich Uhlig, who was also known for numerous church buildings in the 19th century, the above-mentioned buildings gain architectural significance. As the location of one of the early Saxon spinning mills, it is also of great importance in terms of industrial history.


Former stable house Bahnhofstrasse 20 (near)
before 1800 today residential house, upper floor half-timbered, important in terms of building history and character of the townscape.

Two-storey rectangular building, ground floor massive drive under, house door with wooden edging, half-timbered upper floor with irregularly arranged struts, single-bar, upper floor partially clad, on the rear eaves side two massive annexes without monument value, originally a timber frame house (Blattsassen am Rähm).


Group of houses with barn Erdmannsdorfer Strasse 2
1860 Historicistic group of buildings, consisting of three building parts and a barn to the north, based on the Swiss style with ornamental framework on the rear turret, barn boarded wooden construction, picturesque ensemble of architectural value. 09240922

Cottage Zschopauer Strasse 3
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, clad gable, historically important.

Ground floor and a massive gable, original window and door frames, upper floor half-timbered, gable roof.



image designation location Dating description ID
Northern side building of a three-sided courtyard Am Berg 1
probably 1763 former horse stable, today residential building, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and economic importance.

Half-hip roof, some changes on the ground floor, estimated dating from 1832 when recorded.


Cottage property Am Berg 2
after 1800 Simple, half-timbered building typical of the time, of importance in terms of building history and the appearance of the town.

Two-storey, rectangular floor plan, solid ground floor, plastered and changed (window openings that are too large), upper storey simple half-timbering with corner struts, gable triangle slated, gable roof with slate covering.


Eastern stable house of a farm Am Berg 3
1880 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, too large a window, half-timbered upper floor, solid gable, gable roof, door and window renewed.


Bridge over the Mühlgraben Brückenweg 1 (near)
re. 1863 historically important.

Keystone: inscribed "GAPross Winner 1863".


Residential stable house, side building and barn of a three-sided courtyard and courtyard paving Dittmannsdorfer Strasse 2
around 1800 Stable house upper floor half-timbered, gable half-timbered, saddle roof, side building upper floor half-timbered, saddle roof, barn boarded wood construction, authentically preserved courtyard, of importance in terms of building history, economic history and shaping the townscape.

Half-timbered upper floor, ground floor massive with porphyry walls, one door wall away, gable roof, residential stable house


Residential building Dittmannsdorfer Strasse 7
1927 high-quality wooden house in block construction, possibly by Christoph and Unmack from Niesky, historically important

single storey with jamb, saddle roofs, different window formats with lattice windows, stone base, original doors inside, stairs, room division preserved, garden side covered terrace, prefabricated wooden house.


Residential and office building of the former coarse yarn spinning company Weissbach Dittmannsdorfer Strasse 9a
1906 Typical plastered construction with ornamental framework in the gable area, historically important. 09240842

Cottage Hennersdorfer Strasse 1
around 1820 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Massive ground floor, changed with windows that were too large, upper floor half-timbered, saddle roof, attached shed, forms an ensemble with neighboring houses, therefore preservation important.


Cotton fleece and bandage wadding factory A. Schreiber & Co. (formerly) (residential and administrative building (later a villa, now a residential building) of a former wadding factory and factory building with two machine rooms, including 8 carding machines and associated box feeders) Kleinolbersdorfer Strasse 5; 5a
1905 As the location of one of the oldest wadding factories in Saxony, of industrial history as well as architectural (villa) importance, the now rare textile machines of the late 19th century are also of great importance in terms of technology history.
  • Villa : two-storey building in mixed clinker construction on an irregular floor plan, segmented arched and rectangular windows with lattice-split skylights, irregular roofscape, hip and half-hipped roofs with beaver tail covering, small half-timbered extension and two-storey half-timbered winter garden, in gables Lining framework, 1905 Built according to plans and under the direction of the Chemnitz architect and builder Georg Bergmann. 1914 Remodeling of the former residential and commercial building of the company Schreiber & Co., construction carried out by F. Lindner and son.

Machine equipment:

  • Krempel 1: origin and year of construction unknown, possibly like Krempel 2
  • Krempel 2: Type plate - Sächsische Maschinenfabrik formerly Richard Hartmann AG Chemnitz number 1
  • Krempel 3: nameplate like Krempel 2, but looks like Krempel 6
  • Krempel 4: everything unknown, looks like Krempel 1–3
  • Krempel 5: Krempel Oscar Schimmel & Co. AG Chemnitz 1912 Box feeder: C. Oswald Liebscher Chemnitz
  • Krempel 6: Krempel Oscar Schimmel & Co. AG Chemnitz 1913 Box feeder: C. Oswald Liebscher Chemnitz
  • Krempel 7: Krempel Oscar Schimmel & Co. AG Chemnitz 1912 Box feeder: C. Oswald Liebscher Chemnitz
  • Krempel 8: Krempel: Sächsische Maschinenfabrik formerly Richard Hartmann AG Chemnitz Number 1 box feeder: C. Oswald Liebscher Chemnitz
  • Krempel 9: Krempel Oscar Schimmel & Co. AG Chemnitz 1912 Case feeder: C. Oswald Liebscher Chemnitz
  • Card 10: Card Oscar Schimmel & Co. AG Chemnitz 1912 Box feeder: C. Oswald Liebscher Chemnitz
  • Krempel 11: Krempel: Nameplate Hannoversche Maschinenbau-Actien-Gesellschaft, formerly Georg Egestorff plant in Chemnitz 1910 Box feeder: CE Schwalbe number 2174
  • Card 12: Card: Oscar Schimmel & Co.AG Chemnitz 1899 Case feeder: CE Schwalbe number 1855

(Carding machines number 1-4 were scrapped after a fire in 2013)

  • Factory : three-storey building in mixed clinker construction on an irregular floor plan, segmented arched windows with clinker arches, clinker pilaster strips, console frieze, window with muntin division, semicircular extension on the left side, broken stone base, openings partially clogged, followed by a two-storey clinker brick building with pilaster strips, original building from the end of the 19th century. Century was expanded several times.

Building history : Until 1840, the location of a watermill, which belonged to Ernst Kunze's estate. Findings during the renovation of the villa indicate that it was both a grinding mill and a cutting mill. In 1840 David Zetteritz bought the mill after separating the property from the Kunzegut. In 1849 the manufacturer Wilhelm Prosswimmer bought the property and had a spinning mill built (presumably the predecessor of the old factory building). In 1856 the manufacturer Alwin Schreiber acquired the property and in 1859 founded the cotton fleece and cotton wool factory. In 1882 there was a fire in the factory building, which was obviously completely burned down. In June 1882 the new building was completed in the same place. In 1899 the factory building burned down again and was rebuilt in the same year according to plans by the builder F. Lindner and Son. Only extensions seem to have been preserved, but they are no longer preserved. This factory building, known as an old building, has largely been preserved in its original form. In 1912, according to plans by the Chemnitz architect and master builder Georg Bergmann, an extension is added to the older factory building in a similar design. this extension has also been preserved. Other extensions, such as the boiler house and machine house, were added and have since been demolished. This includes a boiler house in 1893, a wool defeat in 1894, and a warehouse in 1896. The storage building burns down in 1931 and is rebuilt in its current form, possibly including the ground floor masonry (no monument). The warehouse served as a finished goods warehouse.
The former mill building also belonged to the factory complex. The manufacturer Alwin Schreiber lives in this half-timbered building. 1984 demolition of the mill building. In 1912 a horse stable was built. The building is now used as a residential building. In 1921 the wagon shed with an apartment on the upper floor was built. The building remained unchanged. The bleaching plant built in 1933 was added to the factory extension. Later this wing of the building was structurally remodeled (no monument). The office and social building constructed in 1938 was not designated as a cultural monument. In the meantime, the conversion to a residential building has taken place combined with structural changes. The company owned several steam engines - 1884 installation of a 70 HP steam engine, make Oschatz, in 1912 make Sulzberger with 250 HP. The roller cards were installed in 1912, followed by an elevator in 1921.

Company history:

  • 1840–1856 mill operation
  • 1856–59 industrial enterprise (spinning mill)
  • A. Schreiber cotton wool factory since 1859.
  • Privately owned until 1972, then nationalization.
  • After 1990 privatization.

The manufacturer A. Schreiber came from the Mark Brandenburg, where his father ran a cloth factory. Schreiber and his father visited the Leipzig trade fair in good time. After his apprenticeship with his father, he continued his training with his uncle in the Penig cloth factory. After his wedding he moved to Kunnersdorf. He died in Dresden around 1930 at the age of 96. His acquaintance with Dr. Bruns (?) The inventor of the cotton wool has been passed down. Around 1905 A. Schreiber's company went bankrupt. The two brothers Linus and Theodor Schuffenhauer bought the company, the company later operating as A. Schreiber & Co. Linus Schuffenhauer was the general manager, while Theodor Schuffenhauer managed the Chemnitz cotton wool factory in the former Frauenstrasse. After Linus Schuffenhauer's death in 1932, his son Hans took over the company.

Painted objects:

  • Barn: one-storey with a jamb floor, timber-framed, partly massive with garages, flat pitched gable roof, deletion 2010
  • Horse stable: one and a half storey, clinker brick construction, front gable with ornamental framework, garage fittings, gable roof (without extension), deletion 2010
  • Chimney: round cross-section, yellow clinker with ornaments (red clinker). 2010 Demolition requested, dilapidated, deletion 2010.

Residential building over the remains of a lime kiln Talstrasse 4
around 1890 high quarry stone base, above it plastered building with a diaphragm, of architectural significance.

Balconies, floating gables


Northern residential stable of a three-sided courtyard Talstrasse 28
1816 Upper floor and gable half-timbered, half-hipped roof, of importance in terms of building history and character of the townscape.

Original window and door frames, windows on the ground floor partly too wide, disfiguring annex, important for the townscape due to cubature and location.



  1. The list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. This can be viewed by the responsible authorities. Therefore, the presence or absence of a structure or ensemble on this list does not guarantee that it is or is not a registered monument at the present time. The State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony provides binding information .

Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmale in Augustusburg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files