Anzing with 19 parish parts: The parish village of Anzing; the villages of Frotzhofen , Lindach and Obelfing ; the hamlets Froschkern , Garkofen , Heilig Kreuz , Oberasbach , Unterasbach and Ziegelstadel and the wastelands Auhofen , Boden , Höggerloh , Kaisersberg , Köppelmühle , Mauerstetten , Ranharting , Ried and Staudach .
Aßling with 36 parish parts: The parish village of Aßling; the church villages of Dorfen , Loitersdorf , Lorenzenberg , Niclasreuth and Steinkirchen ; the villages of Längholz , Niederreit , Obereichhofen , Pörsdorf and Untereichhofen ; the hamlets of Aßling , Haar , Hochreit , Holzen , Langkofen , Martermühle , Obstädt , path village and Sonnenreit and the desert areas of Adelpolt , Ametsbichl , Ast , Bichl , Hainza , Osterwald , Pausmühle , Pürzelberg , Rammel , Setzermühle , Siegelmühle , Sixtenreit , Stelzenreit , Tegernau , Thaldorf and Wollwies .
Bavaria with 32 parish parts: The parish village of Antholing ; the Berganger church village; the villages of Gailling , Großrohrsdorf and Netterndorf ; the hamlets Großesterndorf , Jakobsbaiern , Kleinesterndorf , Kleinrohrsdorf , Kreithann , Kulbing , Öd , Weidach , Weiher and Weiterskirchen ; the wastelands Einhaus , Engerling , Feuerreit , Haus , Hochreit , Hub , Köhlbründl , Lindach , Moos , Haust , Schnurr , Stroblberg , Waslmühle , Westerndorf and Witting ; the Piusheim asylum and the pilgrimage church (chapel) Frauenbründl .
Bruck with 18 parish parts: The parish village of Bruck; the church villages of Alxing , Pullenhofen and Taglaching ; the village of Wildenholzen ; the Pienzenau settlement; the hamlets of Bauhof , Eichtling , Einharding , Hamberg , Hüttelkofen , Loch , Nebelberg and Schlipfhausen and the desert areas of Balharding , Doblbach , Feichten and Wildaching .
- City of Ebersberg with 38 parts of the municipality: The main town of Ebersberg; the parish village of Oberndorf ; the Kirchdörfer Englmeng , Haselbach and Traxl ; the villages of Aßlkofen , Egglsee , Hörmannsdorf , Oberlaufing , Pollmoos , Reith , Rinding , Ruhensdorf , Sigersdorf and Vorderegglburg ; the hamlets of Aepfelkam , Altmannsberg , Dieding , Gsprait , Halbing , Hinteregglburg , Kumpfmühle , Langwied , Mailing , Motzenberg , Neuhausen , Pötting , Unterlaufing , Weiding and Westerndorf ; the wastelands Au , Bärmühle , Kalteneck , Kaps , Reitgesing , Riederhof and barriers and the forester's house Sankt Hubertus .
Egmating with 6 parish parts: The parish village Egmating; the church village of Munster ; the villages of Neumünster , Neuorthofen and Orthofen and the hamlet of Lindach .
Emmering with 36 parts of the parish: The parish village of Emmering; the parish village of Kronau ; the villages of Bruckhof , Hinteraschau , Hirschbichl , Schalldorf and Westerberg ; the hamlets of Angelsbruck , Einholz , Furth , Haus , Herrnholz , Hofberg , Mittermühle , Moos , Mühlbichl , Obermühle , Viecht , Wolkerding and Zimmerrain and the desert areas of Anger , Boign , Esterndorf , Froschlack , Garnreith , Garsbichl , Heumoos , Höheneich , Holzen , Mühlberg , Ried , Sanftlreith , hem , shoe polish , car Reith and Wollmannsberg .
Forstinning with 18 parish parts: The parish village of Forstinning; the villages of Aitersteinering , Moos and Schwaberwegen ; the hamlets of Kressirmühle (since October 31, 2012 Kressiermühle ), Niederried , Sempt , Siegstätt , Steffelmühle and Wind ; the Neupullach colonyand the desert areas of Aich , Berg , Köckmühle , Salzburg , Schußmühle , Wagmühle and Wolfmühle .
Frauenneuharting with 42 parish parts: The parish village of Frauenneuharting; the Kirchdörfer Haging , Jakobneuharting , Lauterbach and Tegernau ; the villages of Eschenlohe and Gersdorf ; the hamlets of Aichat , Baumberg , Buch , Eichbichl , Graben , Haus , Heimgarten , Lochen , Moosen and Wimpersing and the deserted Alme , Anger , Biebing , Geisfeld , Großaschau , Hagenberg , Halbeis , Hinteraschau , Hochholz , Höhenberg , Hungerberg , Kleinaschau , Knogl , Lacke , Lettenberg , Lindach , Mayer am Haus , Oed , Raunstädt , Reith , Ried , Schaurach , Spezigraben , Stachet and Zell .
- Market Glonn with 27 parts of the municipality: The main town Glonn; the church villages of Adling , Frauenreuth , Haslach and Schlacht ; the villages of Balkham , Mattenhofen , Steinhausen , Westerndorf and Wetterling ; the hamlets Doblberg , Hafelsberg , Herrmannsdorf , Kastenseeon , Kreuz , Mühlthal , Reinstorf and Ursprung ; the wastelands of Filzen , Georgenberg , Mecking , Ödenhub , Reisenthal , Straß and Überloh ; the Zinneberg Institution and the Sonnenhausen Estate .
- City of Grafing near Munich with 26 parts of the municipality: The main town Grafing near Munich; the parish village of Straussdorf ; the parish village of Oberelkofen ; the villages of Dichau , Eisendorf , Gasteig , Gindlkofen , Grafing , Haidling , Hesselfurt , Nettelkofen , Neudichau , Schammach , Unterelkofen and Wiesham ; the hamlets of Aiterndorf , Bachhäusl , Bergfeld , Filzhof , Katzenreuth and Voglherd and the wastelands Baumgartenmühle , Henneleiten , Loch , Pierstling and Schauerach .
Hohenlinden with 15 parish parts: The parish village Hohenlinden; the parish village of Kronacker ; the villages of Altstockach , Birkach , Kreith , Neumühlhausen , Neupullach and Neustockach ; the hamlets of Altmühlhausen , Berg , Karlsdorf , Niederkaging and Oberkaging ; the wilderness Au and the forester's house Sauschütt .
- Kirchseeon market with 9 parts of the municipality: The main town of Kirchseeon; the Kirchdörfer Buch and Eglharting ; the villages of Forstseeon , Osterseeon and Riedering ; the hamlet of Ilching ; the solitude of Neukirchen and the forester's house Diana .
- Markt Markt Schwaben with 7 parts of the municipality: The main town Markt Schwaben; the hamlet Feichten and the wastelands Hanslmühle , Haus , Paulimühle , Sägmühle and Staudham .
Moosach with 12 parish parts: The parish village Moosach; the villages of Falkenberg , Fürmoosen and Niederseeon ; the hamlets of Baumhau , Berghofen , Gutterstätt , Oberseeon and Schattenhofen ; the pilgrimage church (chapel) Altenburg and the desert areas of Deinhofen and Reit .
Oberpframmern with 7 parish parts: The parish village of Oberpframmern; the parish villages of Esterndorf and Niederpframmern ; the village valley ; the hamlets of Schlag and Wolfersberg and the desert of Aich .
Pliening with 10 parish parts: the parish village of Gelting ; the parish villages of Landsham and Pliening; the village of Ottersberg ; the hamlet of Unterspann and the desert areas of Erlmühle , Gerharding , Gigging , Schmalzmaier and Ziegler .
Poing with 3 parish parts: The parish village Poing and the villages Angelbrechting and Grub .
Steinhöring with 50 parish parts: The parish village Steinhöring; the parish villages of Sankt Christoph and Tulling ; the villages of Abersdorf , Berg , Endorf , Hintsberg , Schützen and Sensau ; the hamlets of Aschau , Au , Dichtlmühle , Dietmering , Elchering , Etzenberg , Graben , Höhenberg , Holzhäusln , Kraiß , Niederaltmannsberg , Oberseifsieden , Ötzmann , Rupertsdorf , Schechen , Sprinzenöd , Unterseifsieden , Wall , Welling , Winkl and Zaißing and the wastelands of Blöckl , Buchschechen , Helletsgaden , Hofstett , Hub , Lehen , Lieging , Mayrhof , Meiletskirchen , Neuhardsberg , Oed , Oelmühle , Ranhartsberg , Salzburg , Schätzl , Schweig , Stinau , Thailing , Untermeierhof and Winkl b.Sankt Christoph .
Vaterstetten with 7 parish parts: The parish villages Baldham , Neufarn and Vaterstetten; the church villages of Parsdorf , Purfing and Weißenfeld and the village of Hergolding .
Zorneding with 4 parish parts: The parish village of Zorneding; the village of Pöring and the villages of Ingelsberg and Wolfesing .