Alerheim with 7 parish parts: The parish villages Alerheim and Bühl i.Ries ; the Kirchdörfer Rudelstetten and Wörnitzostheim ; the hamlets of Anhauserhöfe and castle ruins and the wasteland of Wennenmühle .
Amerdingen with 4 parts of the parish: The parish villages Amerdingen and Bollstadt and the desert areas of Seelbronn and Sternbach .
Asbach-Bäumenheim with 5 parish parts: The parish village Asbach ; the village of Hamlar ; the place Bäumenheim ; the colony of Meyfried and the wasteland of Königsmühle .
Auhausen with 9 parish parts: The parish village Auhausen; the Kirchdörfer Dornstadt and Hirschbrunn ; the village of Lochenbach ; the hamlets of Wachfeld and Zirndorf ; the desert Heuhof and Pfeifhof and the forester's house Linkersbaindt .
Buchdorf with 2 parish parts: The parish villages of Baierfeld and Buchdorf .
Daiting with 6 parish parts: The parish village Daiting; the Kirchdörfer Hochfeld , Reichertswies , Unterbuch and Natterholz ; the wasteland of Nachermühle .
Deiningen with 4 parish parts: The parish village Deiningen and the deserted Hohhof , Klosterzimmer and Möderhof .
- Large district town of Donauwörth with 34 parts of the municipality: The capital Donauwörth; the parish villages of Auchsesheim , Berg , Nordheim , Riedlingen , Schäfstall , Wörnitzstein , Zirgesheim and Zusum ; the village of Felsheim ; the hamlets of Binsberg , Dittelspoint , Huttenbach , Lederstatt , Neudegg , Osterweiler , Posthof , Schöttle , Spindelhof , Stillberghof and Walbach ; the wastelands Eckhof , Karweiserhof , Kreuzhof , Lehenhof , Maggenhof , Quellhaus , Ramhof , Reichertsweiler , Schiesserhof , Schwadermühle , Schwarzenberg , Schweizerhof and Seibertsweiler ; the wastelands that are not officially named districts: Neffsend and Schellenbergerhof .
Ederheim 10 parts of the municipality: The parish villages of Ederheim and Hürnheim ; the church village Christgarten ; the village of Thalmühle ; the hamlet of Anhausen ; the deserted Betzenmühle , Hoppelmühle , Pulvermühle and Reismühle and the Niederhaus ruins.
Ehingen a.Ries with 7 parish parts: The parish village of Ehingen a.Ries; the church village Belzheim and the desert Beutenmühle , Jägerhaus , Riedmühle , Schaffhausen and Weihermühle .
Forheim with 2 parish parts: The parish villages Aufhausen and Forheim.
Fremdingen with 15 parts of the parish: The parish villages of Fremdingen, Hausen , Hochaltingen and Schopflohe ; the parish villages of Herblingen and Seglohe ; the villages of Bühlingen and Enslingen ; the hamlet with the church of Raustetten ; the hamlets of Eitersberg and Hochstadt and thewastelands Grünhof , Nonnenbergmühle (Jonasmühle), Oppersberg and Uttenstetten .
Fünfstetten with 10 parish parts: The parish village of Fünfstetten; the church villages of Heidmersbrunn and Nussbühl and the deserted Asbacherhof , Biberhof , Ingershof , Mittelwegerhof , Obere Beutmühle , Rothenbergerhof and Untere Beutmühle .
Genderkingen with 8 parts of the municipality: the parish village Genderkingen and the wastelands Hannes , Breitwangerhof , Danube Lenz , Eichmühle , Heicheltoni , Lehenbauer and Urfahrhof .
Hainsfarth with 7 parish parts: The parish village of Hainsfarth; the church village Steinhart ; the hamlet of Wornfeld and the desert areas of Aumühle , Fürfallmühle , Hasenmühle and Ziegelhütte .
- City of Harburg (Swabia) with 25 parts of the municipality: The main town of Harburg (Swabia); the parish villages Ebermergen , Heroldingen , Hoppingen , Mauren and Mündling ; the church village of Großsorheim ; the villages of Brünsee , Möggingen , Ronheim and Schrattenhofen ; the hamlets Katzenstein , Kratzhof , Listhof , Marbach , Obere Reismühle and Spielberg and the deserted areas Brennhof , Bühlhof , Egermühle , Harthof , Olachmühle , Salchhof , Sonderhof and Untere Reismühle .
Hohenaltheim with 8 parish parts: The parish village Hohenaltheim; the village of Niederaltheim and the deserted areas Frohnmühle , Ganzenmühle , Karlshof , Mühlauhof , Schellenhof and Weiherhof .
Holzheim with 8 parish parts: The parish village of Holzheim; the church villages of Pessenburgheim and Stadel ; the villages of Bergendorf and Riedheim and the deserted Bastlmühle , Todtenheim and Wickesmühle .
Huisheim with 16 parish parts: The parish villages of Gosheim and Huisheim; the hamlets of Angermühle , Lommersheim and Pflegeermühle and the deserted spring mill , Haunzenmühle , Herbermühle , Kriegsstatthof , Markhof , Mathesmühle , Mittelmühle , Schwalbmühle , Stadelmühle , Stoffelmühle and Ziegelhof .
- Market Kaisheim with 12 parts of the municipality: The main town Kaisheim; the parish villages of Altisheim and Sulzdorf ; the Kirchdörfer Bergstetten , Gunzenheim , Hafenreut and Leitheim ; the village of Neuhof ; the hamlet of Bertenbreit and the wastelands of Lehenweid , Quellgut and Riedelbergerhof .
Maihingen with 5 parts of the municipality: The parish villages Maihingen and Utzwingen and the deserted areas Klostermühle , Langenmühle and Lochmühle .
Marktoffingen with 5 parts of the parish: The parish villages of Marktoffingen and Minderoffingen ; the hamlet of Wengenhausen and the deserted areas of Ramstein and Schnabelhöfe .
Marxheim with 12 parish parts: The parish villages Lechsend and Marxheim; the Kirchdörfer Burgmannshofen , Gansheim , Neuhausen and Schweinspoint ; the villages of Bruck and Graisbach ; the hamlet of Übersfeld and the desert areas of Berg , Boschenmühle and Erlhöfe .
Megesheim with 3 parts of the municipality: The parish village Megesheim and the hamlets Lerchenbühl and Unterappenberg .
Mertingen with 7 parts of the parish: The parish village of Mertingen; the church villages of Druisheim and Heißesheim ; the hamlet of Überfeldsiedlung ; the station Mertingen Bahnhof ; the Gut Burghöfe and the wasteland Hagenmühle .
Mönchsdeggingen with 7 parish parts: The parish villages Mönchsdeggingen, Schaffhausen and Untermagerbein and the villages Merzingen , Rohrbach , Thurneck and Ziswingen .
- City of Monheim with 13 parts of the municipality: The main town of Monheim; the parish villages of Flotzheim , Weilheim and Wittesheim ; the church villages of Itzing , Kölburg , Rehau , Ried and Warching ; the villages of Kreut , Liederberg and Rothenberg and the hamlet of Hagenbuch .
Möttingen with 8 parish parts: The parish villages Appetshofen , Balgheim , Kleinsorheim and Möttingen; the church village Enkingen ; the village of Lierheim and the wastelands of Betzenmühle and Donismühle .
Munningen with 7 parish parts: The parish village of Laub ; the church villages of Munningen and Schwörsheim ; the village of Haid and the desert Eulenhof , Faulenmühle and Ziegelmühle .
Münster with 3 parish parts: The parish village of Münster and the Hemerten and Sulz estates.
Niederschönenfeld with 4 parts of the municipality: The parish villages Feldheim and Niederschönenfeld; the hamlet of Wörthen and the desert Lechbrücke .
- Large district town Nördlingen with 17 parts of the municipality: The main town Nördlingen; the Pfarr villages Baldingen , Dürrenzimmern , Grosselfingen , Herkheim , Holheim , Kleinerdlingen , Löpsingen , closer Memmingen , Pfäfflingen and Schmäh rings and the wastes Bruckmühle , Grünenbaind , planer mill , blocks mill , Walkmühle and Wiesenmuhle .
Oberndorf a.Lech with 5 parish parts: The parish village Oberndorf a.Lech; the parish village of Eggelstetten ; the village of Flein ; the settlement Moorsiedlung and the wasteland wood mill .
- City of Oettingen i.Bay. with 12 parts of the municipality: the main town of Oettingen i.Bay .; the parish village of Lehmingen ; the church village of Heuberg ; the villages of Erlbach , Niederhofen and Nittingen ; the hamlets of Bettendorf , Breitenlohe , Lohe and Siegenhofen and the wasteland of Mörsbrunn and Seehof .
Otting with 4 parish parts: The parish village Otting; the hamlets Dattenbrunn and Weilheimerbach and the wasteland Henthalhof .
- City of Rain with 24 parish parts: The main town of Rain; the parish villages Bayerdilling , Gempfing and Staudheim ; the church villages Etting , Mittelstetten , Oberpeiching , Sallach , Unterpeiching , Wächtering and Wallerdorf ; the villages of Hagenheim and Überacker ; the hamlets of Neuhof , Nördling and Tödting and the desert areas of Agathenzell , Brunnen , Hausen , Holzmühle , Kopfmühle , Sägmühle , Schlagmühle and Strauppen .
Reimlingen with the parish village of the same name.
Rögling with the parish village of the same name.
Tagmersheim with 2 parish parts: The parish villages of Blossenau and Tagmersheim .
Tapfheim with 19 parish parts: The parish villages Donaumünster , Oppertshofen and Tapfheim; the church villages Brachstadt and Erlingshofen ; the village of Rettingen ; the hamlet of Birkschwaige and the wastelands of Abtsholzerhof , Bauernhansenschwaige , Bergmühle , Bäldleschwaige , Dreiwinkelschwaige , Furtmühle , Hubelschwaige , Hundeschwaige , Kilischwaige , Obere Hoserschwaige , Rothhahnenschwaige and Untere Hoserschwaige .
- Wallerstein market with 6 parts of the municipality: The main town Wallerstein; the parish villages of Birkhausen and Munzingen ; the parish village Ehringen and the desert pheasantry and fish mill .
Wechingen with 7 parts of the parish: the parish villages of Fessenheim , Holzkirchen and Wechingen; the hamlet of Speckbrodi and the wastelands of Muttenauhof , Pfladermühle and Wolfsmühle .
- City of Wemding with 5 parts of the municipality: The main town Wemding; the parish village of Amerbach ; the hamlet of Amerbacherkreut ; the desert Wildbad and the pilgrimage church (chapel) pilgrimage .
Wolferstadt with 10 parish parts: The parish village Wolferstadt; the parish village of Hagau ; the village of Zwerchstrasse ; the hamlets of Rothenberg , Steinbühl and Waldstetten and the deserted Brenneisenmühle , Erlachhöfe , Jackermühle and Spitzmühle .