Berglern with 4 parts of the community: The parish village of Berglern; the church village Niederlern and the villages Glaslern and Mitterlern .
Bockhorn with 49 parish parts: The parish village of Bockhorn; the Kirchdörfer Grünbach , Hecken , Kirchasch , Papferding and Salmannskirchen ; the villages of Breitasch , Emling , Englpolding , Maierklopfen , Mauggen , Oberstrogn , Polzing , Riedersheim and Unterstrogn ; the hamlets Aurlfing , Bergarn , Eschlbach , Flanning , Gugging , Haselbach , Hörgersberg , Kinzlbach , Kölling , Neukirchen , Neumauggen , Schwarzhölzl , Tankham , Thal , Übermiething and Windham ; the Obermailling estateand the wastelands of Bernau , Deimling , Ferteln , Graß , Hammerthal , Heiderl , Hubberg , Hundshof , Köhl , Kreut , Kreuthäusl , Loh , Oppolding , Reisach , Schwabelsöd , Untermailling and Wiesthof .
Buch a.Buchrain with 15 parish parts: The parish village of Buch a.Buchrain; the villages of Mitterbuch and Oberbuch ; the hamlets of Haidberg , Hammersdorf , Hausmehring , Herweg , Kaltenbach , Loiperding and Oberndorf ; Gut Tannenhof and the desert areas of Fang , Ödenbach , Pitz and Sinsöd .
- City of Dorfen with 204 parish parts: The main town of Dorfen; the parish villages Grüntegernbach , Oberdorfen and Schwindkirchen ; the parish villages Englschalling , Esterndorf , Hampersdorf , Moosen Monastery , Landersdorf , Wasentegernbach , Watzling and Zeilhofen ; the villages of Eibach , Gmain , Großkatzbach , Holz , Kalling , Loh , Norlaching , Oberhausmehring , Unterstollnkirchen , Urtlfing and Wölling ; the hamlets with church Jaibing , Jakobrettenbach and Kirchstetten . The hamlets of Aichmühle , Anning , Anzing , Bachmaiertal , Berg , Bergham , Breitenloh , Dorfen , Dürneibach , Eck bei Dorfen , Eglafing , Elsenbach , Embach , Eppenhöning , Fanten , Fuchsbichl , Furt , Galgenberg , Geierseck , Granting , Graß , Grün , Grünbach , Haidvocking , Hanterstett , Harbach , Haus , Herrnöd , Hienering , Hub near Watzling , Hundsmüthing , Kaidach , Kirnham , Kleinkatzbach , Kraham , Lappach near Dorfen , Lindum , Loiperstätt , Loipfering , Mehlmühle , Mitterschiltern , Neuharting , Niederham , Obergebensbach , Oberlohe , Oberschiltern , upper Toll churches , Orlfing , Oswald Berg , Parschalling , Parschenberg , pause Berg , Pfaffing at Algasing , Pfaffing at Watzling , Polding , Prenning , Puch , Rinning , Rogglfing , Solling , Stetten , Strasbourg , Tiefenbach , sub Gebenbach , sub Hausmehring , Unterschiltern , sub Seebach , Vocking , Voldering , Wampeltsham , Weckerling and Zettl and the wasteland with church Staffing . The Algasing Monastery . The desert areas Adlstraß , Aich , Altweg , Angerhäusl , Bachzelten , Bernöd , Bichl , Birkenhof , Bonesmühle , Brandlhub , Brandstätt , Brodshub , Brunau , Eck bei Hinterberg , Erb , Fischeröd , Forach , Geiersberg , Haagmaier , Haid , Haidach , Hain , Haslwart , Hinterberg , Hinteröd , Hochstraß , Höhenberg , Holzmann , Holzmichl , Homating , Hub bei Grüntegernbach , Hub bei Schwindkirchen , Kalteneck , Kalternbach , Klachlhub , Knotzenberg , Kronsöd , Krottenthal , Kummereck , Länghal , Lerchenhub , Litzlbach , Mainbach , Mannseich , Mirdelsberg , Moos , Mosl , Nelharting , Neudeck , nicking , Nicklhub , Niederhöning , upper Gern , upper basket , the upper Seebach , Oberzeil , Öd , Osendorf , Osterloh , Pemberg , Pöllsmoos , Pürstling , Rosenöd , Rumberg , Rutzmoos , Sankt Colomann , Scheideck , Schergenhub , Schirmading , Schmalhub , Schmiedham , Schrallham , Seemühle , Sinsöd , Sprinzenöd , instead , Steinberg , Taggrub , Tappberg , Taubenthal , Thal b.Grünbach , Thal b.Nehaid , Thal bei Schiltern , Untergern , Unterkorb , Unterreith , Unterzeil , Vilsöd , Waxeneck , Weg , Wegmaier , Weidmühle , Westholz , Wies bei Grüntegernbach , Wies bei Schiltern , Wildenthal , Wilnham , Wimm , Winkl , Wohlsag , Wöhrmühle , Wolfeck , Zieglhaus and Zieglhub .
Eitting with 5 parish parts: The parish village of Eitting; the Kirchdörfer Eittingermoos , Gaden and Reisen and the Gut Grünschwaige .
- Large district town of Erding with 25 parts of the municipality: The main town of Erding; the parish villages of Altenerding , Klettham and Langengeisling ; the church villages of Altham , Eichenkofen , Indorf , Itzling , Pretzen and Sankt Paul ; the villages of Ammersdorf , Aufhausen , Bergham , Kehr and Siglfing ; the hamlets of Graß , Neuhausen , Singlding and Werndlfing ; the wastelands of Kiefing , Schollbach , Straß , Voggenöd and Ziegelstatt and the monastery of Hl. Blut .
Finsing with 7 parts of the community: The church villages Eicherloh and Finsing; the villages of Brennermühle , Hinteres Finsingermoos , Neufinsing and Vorderes Finsingermoos and the hamlet of Finsingerau .
Forstern with 18 parish parts: The parish village of Forstern; the church villages of Preisendorf and Tading ; the village of Karlsdorf ; the hamlets of Brand , Hartbrunn , Kipfing , Kreiling , Neuharting , Siggenberg , Straßham and Wetting and the desert areas of Amplötz , Bocköd , Hub , Oberstaudham , Pullach and Unterstaudham .
Fraunberg with 42 parish parts: The parish villages of Fraunberg, Maria Thalheim , Rappoltskirchen , Reichenkirchen and Riding ; the Kirchdörfer Grafing , Grucking and Lohkirchen ; the villages of Bachham , Bergham , Großhündlbach , Harham , Helling , Kemoding , Kleinthalheim , Pillkofen , Tittenkofen , Unterbierbach and Vorderbaumberg ; the hamlet with church Oberbierbach ; the hamlets of Angelsbruck , Eck , Edersberg , Endham , Forach , Furthmühle , Gigling , Großstürzlham , Hinterbaumberg , Kleinhündlbach and Sandberg and the desert areas of Felben , Frankendorf , Grub , Grün , Hainthal , Hatting , Holz , Kleinstürzlham , Loodermoos , Singlding and Urtl .
Hohenpolding with 57 parish parts: The parish village of Hohenpolding; the parish village of Sulding ; the villages of Dickarting , Erdmannsdorf , Großstockach , Harting , Loiting , Penning and Starzell ; the hamlet with church Amelgering ; the hamlets of Buchöd , Diemating , Helding , Klesham , Krumbach , Ramperting , Reinting , Reitgarten , Sinzing , Voglstädt and Wimm and the wastelands Berghof , Brandstätt , Bürg , Eben , Fuchsöd , Großaign , Gurnhub , Harland , Hilg , Hof , Hofstätt , Holzmann , Holzner , hat , Karbaum , Kleinaign , small barn , Maierhof , Marx Grub , Penk , Pfauhub , Pilstl , Quick , Rechlfing , riding , Resenöd , shafts , Schachtner , Schwarzenberg , Steckenbühl , Teufelsöd , reverse , Walter Berg , Wastlöd , Wimmberg and Zeil .
Inning a.Holz with 13 parish parts: The parish village of Inning a.Holz; the Kirchdörfer Großwimpasing and Ottering ; the villages of Hain , Heldering , Kleinwimpasing and Sonnendorf ; the hamlets of Adlberg , Gosmehring , Hienraching and Reimering and the desert areas of Hofstätt and Riffenthal .
- Isen market with 78 parts of the municipality: The main town Isen; the parish village of Pemmering ; the church villages of Burgrain , Mittbach and Schnaupping ; the villages of Berging , Daxau , Lichtenweg , Loipfing , Mais , Rosenberg , Strich and Westach ; the hamlet with church pond ; the hamlets of Aich , Angersbach , Aschberg , Bachleiten , Buchschachen , Eck , Eschbaum , Fahrnbach , Fleck , Gaisberg , Ganzenöd , Giesering , Gmain , Hofreit , Höselsthal , Hub , Hube , Kemating , Kuglstadt , Linden , Loiperstett , Öd , Ranischberg , Reit , Scheideck , Schrott , Stocka , Thonbach , Urtlmühle , Willmating and Zieglstadl and the deserted Altweg , Ambach , Feichten , Fickelmühle , Flecksberg , Gallersberg , Gänsbach , Giglberg , Göttner , Hof , Kapfing , Kay , Kitzöd , Kopfsöd , Kothlehen , Kuglmühle , Lohe , Moos , Niederöd , Rabeneck , Söcking , Sollach , Staudigl , Steidelstetten , Steingassen , Steinla , Steinsberg , Steinspoint , Stetten , Straß , Voglwohl , Wildenmoos and Zellershub .
Kirchberg with 24 parish parts: The parish villages Burgharting and Schröding ; the Kirchdorf Kirchberg; the villages of Arndorf , Baustarring and Hammerlbach ; the hamlets Froschbach , Halberstätt , Hölding , Inholzen , Irlach , Itzling , Schelchenvils , Schleibing , Sinnering , Stockach , Thal and Ziegelberg and the desert areas of Adlkirchen , Aschbach , Giglberg , Lehenanger , Neulehen and Perzau .
Langenpreising with 16 parish parts: The parish village Langenpreising; the Kirchdörfer Hinterholzhausen and Zusatzorf ; the village of Pottenau ; the hamlets of Rosenau , Vorderholzhausen and Weipersdorf and the desert areas of Appolding , Deutlmoos , Hof , Myrth , Schachtmühle , Scheideck , Seidl , Steingrub and Wehrbach .
Lengdorf with 56 parish parts: The parish village of Lengdorf; the Kirchdörfer Auserbittlbach , Innerbittlbach , Niedergeislbach , Obergeislbach and Thann ; the villages of Brandlengdorf , Furtarn , Kopfsburg and Liedling ; the hamlets of Badberg , Biberg , Bruck , Daigelspoint , Göttenbach , Graben , Harnisch , Höhenberg , Holz , Hönning , Krinning , Kühberg , Matzbach , Mehnbach , Penzing , Schaftlding , Schröding , Sollach and Wimpasing ; the wastelands Au , Gmaind , Graß , Grub , Hauzenöd , Holnburg , Holzen , Hundsöd , Kohlwies , Lacken , Langprenning , Linding , Mairhof , Mitteröd , Nodering , Nussrain , Obernumberg , Oberöd , Reithal , Schlairdorf , Seeon , Unterstumberg , Waidach , Weg , Weinhackl and Wenshof and Gut Schachtenseeon .
Moosinning with 11 parish parts: The parish villages Eichenried and Moosinning; the villages of Eching , Kempfing and Zengermoos ; the hamlets of Riexing , Schnabelmoos and Stammham and the wastelands of Burgholz , Eder a.Holz and Sollnberg .
Neuching with 7 parts of the parish: The parish village of Oberneuching ; the parish village of Niederneuching ; the villages of Lüß and Oberneuchingermoos and the hamlets of Harlachen , Holzhausen and Lausbach .
Oberding with 8 parish parts: The parish villages Aufkirchen , Niederding and Schwaig ; the church villages of Notzing and Oberding and the villages of Notzingermoos , Oberdingermoos and Schwaigermoos .
Ottenhofen with 10 parish parts: The parish village of Ottenhofen; the church villages of Siggenhofen and Unterschwillach ; the village of Herdweg ; the hamlets of Grashausen , Grund , Lieberharting and Wimpasing and the wastelands of Steiler and Stocker .
Pastetten with 15 parish parts: The parish village Pastetten; the church villages Harthofen , Poigenberg and Reithofen ; the village of Zeilern ; the hamlets of Dürnberg , Erlbach , Moosstetten , Oberschwillach and Ötz ; the wastelands of Birkeln , Harrain and Katterloh ; the Fendsbach institutionand the pilgrimage church (chapel) Taing .
Sankt Wolfgang with 150 parish parts: The parish villages of Sankt Wolfgang and Schönbrunn ; the church villages of Armstorf , Großschwindau , Lappach and Pyramoos ; the village of Kleinschwindau ; the hamlets Arbasstätt , Burdberg , Eiermühle , Frühmannstett , Gänsberg , Gassen , Gumpenstätt , Herrnberg , Holzen , Hub , Jeßling , Kalkgrub , Klaus , Königswinkl , Mammersreit , Mühlberg , Notzing , Oed , Pürstling a.Parstling , Reit , Saxenberg , Schedenberg , Schmidberg , Schönfleck , Semmelhub , Spirkersberg , Steinbach , Stockham , Straßberg , Thal and Unterthalham ; The wastelands of Aign , Alten , Angerl , Anzenberg , Aschau , Baier , Baumgarten , Bennoberg , Bergham , Berndorf , Bichl , Birnbach , Bramer , Brandstett , Braun , Brenner , Dangl , Deischl am Thon , Deyern , Eberhart , Edenklaus , Eichholz , Eisenberg , Endgassen , Erlach , Erlbach , Freiling , Freundl , Friedenheim , Fürth , Geigersöd , Geltenstett , Giglberg , Grabenstätt , Grub , Grünbach , Grundbichl , Haberstätt , Hackl , Hadersberg , Haman , Hammer a.Berg , Hankl , Haubenstett , Hauderstett , Herrnwies , Hiedl , Hilgen , Hilgen a.Weg , Hochreit , Hodersberg , Hohmannsberg , Hohmannstett , wood , wood a.Berg , wood neighbors , Holzweg , Hundsruck , Hungersberg , Hütter , Irlmaier , Irlwirth , Kaltenbrunn , Kiener , Kirchstätt , Kistlmühle , Kohlmühle , Kothholz , Krähmühle , Lehen , Lehner , Leitmannstätt , Lex , Loh , Mayerhof , Mithilgen , Neuwies , Oberthalham , Pumpernudel , Pürstling , Rabeneck , Reisern , Reitermann , Reschenberg , Rindbach , Rudorfer , Sägmühle , Schachen , Scha chner , Schloifer , Schloßöd , Schnurren , Seebäck , Singer , Sollach , Stadler , Stangl , Streichermühle , Strell , Thalham , Ulrich , Weiding , Weinhub , Weinthal , Weizenbach , Wernhardsberg , Wies , Wohlmannstätt , Zeilhub , Zieglhäusl , Zulehen and Zwickl .
Steinkirchen with 26 parish parts: The parish village Steinkirchen; the Kirchdörfer Hofstarring , Kögning and Niederstraubing ; the villages of Eldering , Grabing , Hienraching and Oberstraubing ; the hamlets of Am Holz , Am See , Kienraching , Krottenthal , Pfaffing , Pirka and Sillading and the deserted areas of Baumgarten , Brenning , Deuting , Ebering , Giglhub , Grahbruck , Hainberg , Lindgraß , Nödlreuth , Oed and Riemading .
Taufkirchen (Vils) with 147 parish parts: The parish villages Gebensbach , Hörgersdorf , Moosen (Vils) , Taufkirchen (Vils), Unterhofkirchen and Wambach ; the church villages of Angerskirchen , Geislbach , Jettenstetten and Kienraching ; the villages of Aham , Atting , Flaring , Granting , Hilpolding , Hubenstein , Moos , Perming , Schnaupping , Solching , Straß , Wetzling and Winkl ; the Weiler Aich , Babing , Bach , Bartl mill , Birka , Birken , width Weiher , Emling , Engl school Ding , Frauenvils , Geiering , Geratsberg , Glockshub , Großköchlham , United Schaffhausen , Gröttelsberg , Hainöd , Hepfenau , Hiendlhub , Hochöd , Holzhäusl , Holzheu , Johann Rettenbachferner , Kirchlern , Kleinköchlham , Kleinschaffhausen , Kleinstockach , Kronsöd , Krottenthal , Oberhofkirchen , Osen , Ratzing , Roßmais , Rottberg , Schnappberg , Schrafstetten , Schweinhub , Tegernbach , Vieth , Vötting , Weg , Wicheling , Zeil and Zeilding and the deserts Abholz , Achatsberg , Altbach , Altmannstetten , Bach riding , tree , Baureis , Blainöd , Blainthal , Bogenstorf , Brandhub , Brandstätt , Brügelsöd , Eitelberg , Elsenberg , Fenkenöd , Forach , Mrs. Berg , Prince Bach , Gänsöd , Grub , basic , Haidstetten , Hauseck , Hauslehen , Hienfurth , Hinterwimm , Höch , Hoeck , Hof , Hofstätt , Holreis , Holzlehen , Holzmann , Holzmann behind the wood , Hudlberg , Hungerau , Kalmhub , Kalmhuber , Kammerlehen , Köglreit , Kronberg , Lain , Laushub , Lederstätt , fiefdom , Maierhof , Maiselsberg , Mögling , Moosknappen , Mühlberg , Mühlhof , Neuhub , Numberg , Oberriesbach , Oberwambach , Öd am Holz , Pfaffing , Polzham , Reckenbach , Reichennehaid , Reichvils , Schabel am Moos , Schnircklaich , Schönau , Seilstorf , Seisenberg , Siebmühle , Stadl , Staudhausen , Stiglgrub , Überkam , Unterriesbach , Uttenberg , Valtlstraß , Wanding , Waxenberg , Weinberg , Wies and Zieglhub .
Walpertskirchen with 22 parish parts: The parish village Walpertskirchen; the villages of Hallnberg , Hof a.Hammer , Kolbing and Neufahrn ; the hamlets of Au near Walpertskirchen , Blumthal , Deuting , Graß a.Holz , Kapfing , Niederhof , Oberhof and Ringelsdorf and the desert areas of Graß bei Bartl , Holzstrogn , Kuglern , Operding , Radlding , Schwabersberg , Urtl , Wattendorf and Windshub .
- Market Wartenberg with 5 parts of the municipality: The main town Wartenberg; the church villages of Auerbach and Pesenlern and the villages of Manhartsdorf and Thenn .
Wörth with 15 parish parts: The parish village of Wörth; the Kirchdörfer Hörlkofen , Kirchötting , Sonnendorf and Wifling ; the villages of Breitötting , Hofsingelding , Niederwörth and Teufstetten ; the settlement of Sankt Kolomann ; the hamlet of Berg and the wastelands of Lupperg , Maiszagl , Rottmann and Wolfswinkel .