- The Abtswind market with 2 parts of the municipality. The main town of Abtswind. The wastelands of Friedrichsberg .
- The Albertshofen community with the parish village of the same name.
- The municipality of Biebelried with 3 parts of the municipality. The parish villages of Biebelried and Westheim . The parish village of Kaltensondheim .
- The municipality of Buchbrunn with the parish village of the same name.
- The municipality of Castell with 7 parts of the municipality. The parish village of Castell. The church village Greuth . The village of Wüstenfelden . The hamlet of Trautberg . The desert forest house , Geiersmühle and Gründleinsmühle .
- The city of Dettelbach with 13 parts of the municipality. The main town of Dettelbach. The parish villages Bibergau , Brück , Effeldorf , Euerfeld , Mainsondheim and Schernau . The church villages of Neuses am Berg , Neusetz and Schnepfenbach . The village of Dettelbach-Bahnhof . The hamlet of Neuhof . The wasteland Sulzhof .
- The Geiselwind market with 24 parts of the municipality. The main town of Geiselwind. The parish village of Rehweiler . The Kirchdörfer Ebersbrunn , Füttersee , Hohnsberg and Ilmenau . The villages of Burggrub , Dürrnbuch , Gräfenneuses , Haag , Holzberndorf , Langenberg and Wasserberndorf . The hamlets of Neugrub , Röhrensee , Seeramsmühle and Sixtenberg . The wastelands Hundsrangen , Hutzelmühle , Schleifmühle , Schnackenmühle , Theuerleinsmühle , Vogelruh and Weingartsmühle .
- The Großlangheim market with 2 parts of the municipality. The main town Großlangheim. The wasteland willow mill .
- The city of Iphofen with 22 parish parts. The main town Iphofen. The parish villages of Dornheim , Hellmitzheim , Mönchsondheim , Nenzenheim and Possenheim . The church village of Birklingen . The hamlets of Bruckhof , Fischhof and Landthurm . The deserted Domherrnmühle , Dorfmühle (upper) , Forsthaus , Gumpertsmühle , Herrgottsmühle , Hohlbrunnermühle , Kidney Mill , Schwarzmühle , Seehof , Untere Mühle , Vogtsmühle and Waldhof .
- The city of Kitzingen with 10 parts of the municipality. The main town of Kitzingen. The districts of Etwashausen , Hoheim , Hohenfeld , Repperndorf , Sickershausen and Siedlung . The desert Eheriedermühle , Eheriedermühle and Hagenmühle .
- The Kleinlangheim market with 5 parts of the municipality. The main town of Kleinlangheim. The church village of Atzhausen . The village of Haidt . The hamlet of Stephansberg . The wasteland of pound mill .
- The city of Mainbernheim with the city of the same name.
- The municipality of Mainstockheim with the parish village of the same name.
- The market market Einersheim with 8 parts of the municipality. The main town of Markt Einersheim. The Neubauhof estate . The hamlet of Am Kühbuck . The wastelands at the water house , donkey mill , black mill , secretary mill and stone mill .
- The town of Marktbreit with 2 parts of the municipality. The main town Marktbreit. The parish village of Gnodstadt .
- The town of Marktsteft with 3 parts of the municipality. The main town of Marktsteft. The church village Michelfeld . The wasteland wasenmeisterei .
- The community Martinsheim with 6 community parts. The parish villages of Enheim , Gnötzheim , Martinsheim and Unterickelsheim . The desert Enheimermühle and Martinsheimermühle .
- The municipality of Nordheim am Main with the parish village of the same name.
- The Obernbreit market with the market of the same name.
- The city of Prichsenstadt with 18 parts of the municipality. The main town Prichsenstadt . The parish villages of Bimbach , Kirchschönbach and Stadelschwarzach . The church villages of Altenschönbach , Brünnau , Järkendorf , Laub and Neuses am Sand . The village of Neudorf . The wastelands of Erhardsmühle , Ilmbach , Lochmühle , Lohmühle , Rüdern , Schnaudersmühle , Stolzenmühle and Wiesenmühle .
- The Rödelsee community with 3 parts of the community. The parish villages of Fröhstockheim and Rödelsee. The wasteland of Schwanberg .
- The Rüdenhausen market with 7 parts of the municipality. The main town Rüdenhausen. The deserted Bodenmühle , Dinkelmühle , Eselsmühle , Fallmeisterei , Kratzermühle and Pulvermühle .
- The Schwarzach am Main market with 6 parts of the municipality. The parish village of Schwarzenau . The Kirchdörfer Düllstadt , Gerlachshausen , Hörblach and Münsterschwarzach . The former Stadtschwarzach market .
- The municipality of Segnitz with the parish village of the same name.
- The Seinsheim market with 15 parts of the municipality. The main town of Seinsheim. The parish villages of Tiefenstockheim and Wässerndorf . The church village of Iffigheim . The hamlet of Winkelhof . The deserted oven mill , Barthsmühle , Beigelsmühle , Dorfmühle , Gehrenmühle , Lungenmühle , Nagelsmühle , Schleifmühle , Stadtmühle and Winkelhofmühle .
- The community of Sommerach with the parish village of the same name.
- The community Sulzfeld am Main with the parish village of the same name.
- The city of Volkach with 19 parts of the municipality. The main town Volkach . The parish villages of Astheim , Eichfeld , Escherndorf , Fahr , Gaibach , Krautheim , Obervolkach and Rimbach . The church villages Dimbach and Koehler . The hamlet of Öttershausen . The wastelands of Elgersheim , Stettenmühle , Strehlhof , Vogelsburg , Wenzelsmühle and Ziegelhütte . Hallburg Castle .
- The municipality of Wiesenbronn with the parish village of the same name.
- The Wiesentheid market with 10 parts of the municipality. The main town Wiesentheid. The parish village of Reupelsdorf . The church villages Geesdorf and Untersambach . The village of Feuerbach . The wastes Fuchsenmühle , Obere Papiermühle , Obersambach , Untere Papiermühle and Untersambacher Mühle .
- The Willanzheim market with 3 parts of the municipality. The main town Willanzheim . The parish village of Hüttenheim in Bavaria . The former Markt Herrnsheim market .