List of listed objects in Linz-Waldegg

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The cadastral community Waldegg (green) within the city of Linz

The list of listed objects in Linz-Waldegg contains the 32 listed , immovable objects of the Linz cadastral community of Waldegg , which corresponds to the district of the same name that existed until 2013. The objects are now located in the statistical districts of Bindermichl-Keferfeld , Froschberg and Spallerhof as well as in the western part of the Bulgariplatz district (Andreas-Hofer-Platz quarter).


The source for the selection of the objects are the monuments lists of the respective federal state published annually by the BDA. The table contains the following information:

Photo: Photograph of the monument. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. Next to it are one or two symbols:
More pictures available The symbol means that more photos of the property are available. They are displayed by clicking the symbol.
Upload your own photo By clicking the symbol, further photos of the object can be uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons media archive .
Monument: Name of the monument. The designation is given as it is used by the Federal Monuments Office (BDA) . The internal object identification number (ObjectID) is also given.
Location: The address is given. In the case of free-standing objects without an address ( e.g. shrines ), an address is usually given that is close to the object. By calling up the link Location , the location of the monument is displayed in various map projects. The cadastral community (KG) is indicated below this.
Description: Brief information about the monument.

The table is sorted alphabetically according to the location of the monument. The sorting criterion is the cadastral municipality and within this the address.

By clicking on "Map with all coordinates" (top right in the article) the location of all monuments in the selected map object is displayed.

Abbreviations of the BDA : BR… construction law , EZ… deposit number, GB… land register , GstNr. … Property number, KG… cadastral community, 0G … property number address


photo   monument Location description
Catholic parish church hl.  Michael, so-called Bindermichl Church
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Catholic parish church hl. Michael, so-called Bindermichl Church ObjectID
Am Bindermichl 26 KG
: Waldegg
The church was built from 1954 according to plans by Friedrich Reischl and consecrated in 1957. It replaced a barrack church built on the same site in 1945.
Monumental modern building in reinforced concrete with a delicate glass-steel construction.
air-raid shelter
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Air raid shelter ObjectID
Andreas-Hofer-Platz KG
: Waldegg
The air raid shelter was built in 1940, during the Second World War . It is located in the middle of Andreas-Hofer-Platz.
Villa Liebherr Upload file Villa Liebherr ObjectID

since 2012

On the Gugl 7 KG
: Waldegg
The Upper Austrian Construction Company built the three-storey villa from 1906 to 1907 according to plans by the architect Mauriz Balzarek . The building is asymmetrically structured and has a steep, pointed roof. Although the house was damaged in World War II, it still has some noteworthy elements of the original Art Nouveau facade.
Locksmith's villa Upload file Schlosser-Villa ObjektID
On the Gugl 48
KG: Waldegg
The Upper Austrian Construction Company built the manor house according to plans by the architect Karl Lehrmann . The client was the Linz Electricity and Tram Company, which used the building as a mansion and partly as a management building. In the mid-1950s, the architect Karl Rebhahn made some structural changes .
Representative, two-storey villa in a mixed style of Expressionism and New Objectivity .
Thurnermeisterhof Upload file Thurnermeisterhof ObjectID
Bancalariweg 41, 43 KG
: Waldegg
The dating of the courtyard, then known as filling bags , goes back to 1422. From 1625 the farm was owned by the Jesuits and from 1957 by the city of Linz. Renovations were carried out in 1895 and 1961.
Two - story four-sided courtyard with a rectangular floor plan and a two-story outbuilding with an L-shaped floor plan, which is used as a residential and farm building.
Farmer's mountain complex
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Bauernberganlage ObjektID
Bernardisstraße KG
: Waldegg
Extensive public park created between 1911 and 1915 in which several works of art donated by Ludwig Hatschek are displayed (mountain spirit, Aphrodite temple, Neptune fountain). The design of the complex was carried out by the Linz city garden director Karl Schweiger. At the highest point of the park is the so-called Gugl-Rondeau , a viewing terrace with a fountain. Viewing ramps and enclosures are under monument protection. The mountain farms extend over the cadastral communities of Linz city center and, to a lesser extent, Waldegg.
kindergarten Upload file Kindergarten ObjectID
Breitwiesergutstrasse 7 KG
: Waldegg
Built in 1887 as a house by the builder Michael Lettmayr . In 1893 the building was converted into a comb factory with architect Wilhelm Bauer and architect Wilhelm Fabigan . Later increased and adapted as a kindergarten for the city of Linz. Free-standing, late historical building, which has been preserved in its original state with the exception of the renewed windows.
Elementary and secondary school Upload file Elementary and secondary school ObjectID
Brucknerstrasse 4, 6, 8 KG
: Waldegg
In 1896 the small two-story house was built by the school sisters as a children's asylum and in 1899 it was expanded into a girls' school. 1927–1929 another extension was built by Hans Steineder (Brucknerstrasse 8). After severe war damage, it was rebuilt in 1948, with the Brucknerstrasse 8 wing being adapted to Steineder's original extension. In 1966 the extension was built at Pillweinstrasse 11, and in 1985 the facade of the old building was renewed. The wing built by Hans Steineder, in the New Objectivity style with expressive elements, is considered to be one of the most important school buildings of the interwar period .
Fortification Freinberg Upload file Fortification Freinberg ObjectID
KG: Linz
Fortification Freinberg Upload file Fortification Freinberg ObjektID
KG: Waldegg
Jesuit College Aloisianum
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Jesuit College Aloisianum ObjectID
Freinbergstrasse 32 KG
: Waldegg
Maximilian Joseph von Österreich-Este had this school building built between 1851 and 1853. The building, divided by several projections, has 19 axes and three storeys. The windows on the first floor are rectangular, in the middle floor there are arched windows and the windows on the upper floor have pointed arches.
School, outbuilding
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School, outbuilding ObjectID
Freinbergstrasse 32 KG
: Waldegg
Jesuit monastery Upload file Jesuit Monastery ObjectID
Freinbergstrasse 34 KG
: Waldegg
The tower was built in 1828 by Archduke Maximilian d'Este . It served as a test tower for the Linz tower fortification , but was not included in the fortification line, as it was built at a greater distance around the city. In 1837 the Archduke donated the tower to the Jesuits . Round five-storey tower made of unplastered quarry stone masonry, the decorative parts made of exposed brickwork. The two upper floors were added later for the monastery. A pointed arch frieze with a crenellated crown forms the upper end.
Ordenskirche hl.  Maximilian
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Ordenskirche hl. Maximilian
ObjectID:  58931
Freinbergstrasse 34 KG
: Waldegg
In addition to the test tower of the tower fortification , this single-nave church and tower made of quarry stone were built in 1829. The cornices and gables have pointed arch friezes. Narrow, ten-sided towers stand at the corners of the building. The church tower is a roof turret, which, like the corner towers, the portals and friezes, is made of unplastered bricks. The side entrance is crowned by a statue of Maria Immaculata .
Reiss-Villa, formerly Binderdudl Upload file Reiss-Villa, formerly Binderdudl ObjektID
Fritz-Lach-Weg 5 KG
: Waldegg
The former Binderdudl was a country inn and a well-known excursion destination in Vormärz until 1841. Then residential building. Conversion to a villa in 1843 with master builder Johann Metz .
Spallerhof senior center Upload file Senior Center Spallerhof ObjectID
Glimpfingerstraße 10, 12 KG
: Waldegg
The Upper Austrian Construction Company built the former supply house in an elevated position in a park between 92 and 1895 according to plans by the architect Hermann Krackowizer and master builder Ignaz Scheck . A free-standing additional wing was built from 1911 to 1912 by the city building authority. More new buildings followed from 1960. The chapel was restored from 1982 to 1984.
Parish center St. Konrad Upload file Parish center St. Konrad ObjectID
Händelstrasse 28 KG
: Waldegg
The parish church is dedicated to Konrad von Parzham (1818-1894). It has a square floor plan with two beveled corners. The entrance is on the southeast slope, and a rectangular tower is built on the northwest slope. The roof slopes down to the front edge of the building in a steep curve, interrupted only by a slit of light. It was planned by the architects Gottfried Nobl and Othmar Kainz and completed in 1961. The altarpiece is by Franz Nagel , the bronze church portals and the statue of the church saint are by Peter Dimmel . Rudolf Kolbitsch designed the altarpiece for the weekday chapel and the Golgotha glass window above the main entrance. The glass objects altar, ambo and the baptismal font were designed in 2005 by Maria Moser , as is a glass window on the south corner on the subject of the resurrection. In the church there is also a Madonna and Child, which is attributed to Thomas Schwanthaler .
Niche / chapel shrine
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Niche / chapel shrine ObjektID
at Kürnbergerweg 10 KG
: Waldegg
Catholic parish center hl.  Theresia
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Catholic parish center hl. Theresia ObjektID
Losensteinerstraße 6 KG
: Waldegg
Rudolf Schwarz designed the elliptical hall church. Next to the church, connected by a transverse building, is the granite- clad weekday chapel.
Chapel wing of the St. Francis Sisters' retirement home with art on the building Upload file Chapel wing of the nursing home of the Franciscan Sisters with art on the building ObjectID
Losensteinerstraße 8 KG
: Waldegg
Hummelhofbad, cabin pavilions
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Hummelhofbad, cabin pavilions ObjectID

since 2015

Maderspergerstrasse 2 KG
: Waldegg
Former  Nursing home of the state insane asylum
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Former Nursing home of the state insane asylum ObjektID
Niedernharter Strasse 4, 6 KG
: Waldegg
Dr.  Ernst Koref School Upload file Dr. Ernst Koref School ObjectID
Ramsauerstraße 61 KG
: Waldegg
The elementary and secondary school named after the mayor Ernst Koref was built according to the plans of the architects Fritz Fanta and Wilhelm Teichtmeister and opened in 1961. Animal reliefs by Walter Ritter . A ceramic fountain by Gudrun Baudisch-Wittke . A bust of Ernst Koref by Franz Strahammer on a plinth by Helmuth Gsöllpointner . A clay mosaic wall by Rudolf Kolbitsch . A quote from the ode to the letters by Josef Weinheber , designed by Friedrich Neugebauer .
Freinberg, aviator memorial
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Freinberg, Fliegerdenkmal ObjectID
at Römerstrasse 83, KG
: Waldegg
In memory of Archduke Ferdinand's balloon rides , there was an aviation memorial erected in 1913 in the form of an Icarus sculpture. The plastic fell victim to the metal collection and the monument was destroyed by bombs during World War II. Since 1953/1954, a bronze sculpture by the sculptor Wilhelm Frass (1886–1968) on a marble column, which shows a male figure with raised arms, has been in its place since 1953/1954 .
Jägermayerhof, Chamber of Labor
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Jägermayrhof, Chamber of Labor ObjectID
Römerstrasse 98 KG
: Waldegg
The Jägermayrhof was initially a forester's house, then an inn, and after 1945 a house for refugees. Today the house serves as a training center for the Chamber of Labor.
Pedagogical Academy of the Diocese of Linz Upload file Pedagogical Academy of the Diocese of Linz ObjectID
Salesianumweg 3
KG: Waldegg
The low, terraced university building and an irregular floor plan with striking shed roofs and skylights and a monumental outside staircase was built from 1970 to 1975 according to the plans of the architects Franz Riepl and Othmar Sackmauer. The painting in the inner chapel roof is by Giselbert Hoke . Jakob Kopp's lecture cross . Alois Riedl painted the mural in the foyer in 1985 .
Salesianum student residence
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Salesianum student residence ObjectID
Salesianumweg 5 KG
: Waldegg
The Salesianum student residence, built in 1900, is a four-storey building. Late historical with neo-renaissance forms and a flat central projection. Behind it a four-storey building from the 1970s with dynamic vertical window strips. Stained glass windows in rectangular honeycomb-like cells in the foyer.
Keferfeld School Upload file Keferfeld School ObjectID
Seeauerweg 1 KG
: Waldegg
The school was built in 1912. It is considered the main work of the Linz master builder Josef Ertl . Two-storey, elongated secessionist building with recessed extensions.
Spallerhof School Upload file Spallerhof School ObjectID
Tungassingerstraße 23 KG
: Waldegg
Wagner-Jauregg Hospital in Upper Austria Upload file Wagner-Jauregg Hospital of the State of Upper Austria ObjectID
Wagner-Jauregg-Weg 15 KG
: Waldegg
The building was built from 1864 to 1867 with the master builders Johann Metz and Franz Weinberger and opened on September 22nd, 1867 as the Niedernhart state insane asylum . Extensions and additions were made in 1887, 1896, 1903 and 1911. In 1927, Matthäus Schlager added a partial floor to the old building. Further additions in the 1960s. From 1994 to 2004 the western extensions from the 1960s were replaced by a spacious new building by Wilhelm Holzbauer. Among other things, the economical and elegant design of the facade of the old building, in the transition from early to strict historicism, by Johann Metz is remarkable.
Otto Glöckel School
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Otto Glöckel School ObjectID
Wiener Straße 42 KG
: Waldegg
The building, originally built in 1902 by Gustav Steinberger and expanded in 1911 based on plans by Julius Schulte , was badly damaged by bombs on October 16, 1944 and almost completely demolished after the war . The current building was erected in four stages (1947, 1951, 1954 and 1968) according to the plans of the design office of the Linz City Building Office.
Froschberg elementary school and day care center Upload file Froschberg elementary school and day-care center ObjectID
Ziegeleistraße 29 KG
: Waldegg
The Froschberg School was opened on September 11, 1950. The two-story building has an elongated hook-shaped floor plan. Above the entrance there is a mural with Pegasus and three figures with school items and a clock with Roman numerals.

Former monuments

photo   monument Location description
Municipal housing Upload file Municipal Housing ObjectID

until 2017

Unionstrasse 50–70, ger. No.
KG: Linz
Built in 1927 by Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH according to plans by Curt Kühne in the New Objectivity style.


  • Justus Schmidt: Austrian Art Topography, Volume XXXVI “The Linz Churches”. Anton Schroll & Co, Vienna 1964, published by the City of Linz and the Institute for Austrian Art Research of the Federal Monuments Office, DNB 457729465 .
  • Herfried Thaler, Bernhard Prokisch and others: Austrian Art Topography, Volume LV “The profane architectural and art monuments of the city of Linz”, III. Part: outside areas Urfahr – Ebelsberg. Berger & Söhne, Ferdinand, 2001, published by the Federal Monuments Office, Department for Inventory and Monument Research, ISBN 978-3-85028-343-4 .
  • Beate Auer, Brigitta Fragner, Ulrike Knall-Brskovsky, Paul Mahringer: The art monuments of Austria. Dehio Handbook Upper Austria. Volume II, Linz. 1st edition. Berger Verlag, Horn / Vienna 2009, published by the Federal Monuments Office, ISBN 978-3-85028-483-7 .
  • Monuments in Linz. Website of the city of Linz.

Web links

Commons : Listed objects in Linz Waldegg  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. * Ordinance of the Federal Monuments Office regarding the statutory city of Linz, Upper Austria (Linz 1) (pdf; 26 kB)
  2. a b Upper Austria - immovable and archaeological monuments under monument protection. (PDF), ( CSV ). Federal Monuments Office , as of February 18, 2020.
  3. § 2a Monument Protection Act in the legal information system of the Republic of Austria .
  4. Church leader parish church Linz-St.Konrad Froschberg. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on February 3, 2014 ; accessed on January 28, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Martina Gelsinger: Parish Church Linz-St. Konrad. Church interior design by Maria Moser 2005. (No longer available online.) Art Department Diocesan Conservatory of the Diocese of Linz, December 2006, archived from the original on February 3, 2014 ; accessed on January 28, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. ^ Upper Austria - immovable and archaeological monuments under monument protection. ( Memento of December 29, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF), ( CSV ). Federal Monuments Office , as of June 8, 2017.